Here is a chart that shows which PC ascii characters correspond to which 86 ascii characters. to get the characters you want just highlight the character on the left side of the =s sign that you want to show on the 86 and press (like i needed to tell you that). Then use them in your asm programs: NOTE:for the newbies ld hl,string call _puts ;this would put 3 solid cursors at currow,colrow . . . string: .db "",0 END:newbies zebeedoot( (space)= (space) !=! "=can't use #=# $=$ %=% &=& '=a weird bunch of characters show up after the ' (WEIRD GLITCH:they are taken from other programs on the TI86, etc.) (=( )=) *=* +=+ ,=, -=- .=. /=/ 0=0 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8 9=9 :=: ;=; <=< === >=> ?=? @=@ A-Z=A-Z [=[ \=can't use ]=] ^=^ _=_ `=` a-z=a-z ~=~ =equals sign in reverse print =little zero =little one =little two =little three =little four =little five =little six =little seven =little eight =little nine = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (invisible, not a space)= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =alpha =beta =greek symbol(?) =delta =greek symbol(?) = =` = = =greek E =theta =greek symbol(?)-looks like an upside down y = =pi = =exponent symbol =greek symbol(?)-looks like a little o =greek symbol(?)-looks like a little t =greek symbol(?)-looks like a circle with a line through it =greek symbol(?)-looks like a horseshoe =x with a line over it =y with a line over it =small raised x =... =triangle pointing left =little square(bell) =messed up / symbol(dunno what its called) =negative sign =little 2(square sign) =little empty square =little 3(cube sign) =return(leaves an open line and a :) =fat right arrow =thin line(the one used on the graph screen) =thick line(same as above) =fill above and to the right(same as above) =fill below and to the left(same as above) =little -0 sign =little 0 sign =dots(from graph screen) =solid cursor =2nd cursor =ALPHA cursor =alpha cursor =insert cursor =2nd insert cursor =ALPHA insert cursor =alpha insert cursor =checkered cursor =little low empty square =little plus sign =little multiplication sign =4th power symbol == (same thing over and over to fill up the 256 chars on the 86) =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square =filled square