| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-Nspire Lua Files |
 | 2048classic.zip | 5k | 14-08-06 |  | 2048: Classic and X-Tile Your goal is to create 2048 tile! Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one! Based on 2048 by Gabriele Cirulli. |
 | 2048gametinspirecx.zip | 3k | 14-04-20 |  | 2048 - Tile Puzzle Game This is a replica of the internet game, 2048. BEWARE, it is very addicting and fun! :D This entire program, including the graphics was created by myself. If you wish to modify it, you may, but you must give me credit if you wish to distribute it. DO NOT distribute a unmodified version of this. Do not charge money for this, if you have been charged for this then demand a refund. |
 | 9sweeper.zip | 94k | 11-04-20 |  | 9sweeper A very simple minesweeper for TI-Nspire |
 | actionsnake.zip | 88k | 14-03-19 |  | ActionSnake 2.0.1 The most advanced snake game on TI-Nspire, now with multiple difficulty levels and more. ActionSnake is in full color; graphics are also optimized for greyscale models. For OS 3.0.2 and higher. Written in Lua by Karl Noss. |
 | aliens.zip | 4k | 11-07-05 |  | Alien Invaders The famous space invaders in Lua. Destroy all enemies before they reach your planet. |
 | augmelna.zip | 5k | 15-05-11 |  | Aug Melna Grow your oval and burst for a high score in an ever-changing landscape! Includes 4 game modes. |
 | bewarethereddots.zip | 6k | 13-04-26 |  | Beware the Red Dots Guide your Ship to the Green Light as quickly as possible, but beware the Red Dots! |
 | bingo.zip | 563k | 23-02-22 |  | Bingo its a simple bingo game with a 5x5 grid HAVE FUN |
 | blackandwhite.zip | 5k | 21-02-16 |  | Black and White A puzzle for one player. A row of n (n even) squares is given. The first two squares are left empty, the others are filled with black and white counters alternately. A move consists in moving two adjacent counters keeping their order to the two empty squares. New space of two empty squares is thereby created. The user's task is to place all the black counters one besides the other as well as the white ones. |
 | blackjack.zip | 60k | 14-03-13 |  | Blackjack The classic card game Blackjack for the TI-Nspire. The game is full colored and you're able to see your own statistics. The archive includes the game in English and German language. |
 | black.zip | 7k | 17-11-27 |  | Black A game invented by Larry Black. An empty nxn-board is given. Two players alternately place one card out of a choice of three on an empty square, thereby extending a path continuously. The player who makes the path run into the edge of the board loses the game. |
 | blockade.zip | 7k | 15-01-22 |  | Blockade Blockade is a two-person game played on a blue-white 5x5 checker board. The board is filled with blue counters on the blue fields and white counters on the white fields. The calculator removes a blue counter at random. White and blue now take turns moving a counter of their colour horizontally or vertically to the empty square. The first player unable to do this loses the game. |
 | blockdude.zip | 6k | 11-09-16 |  | Block Dude Nspire Block Dude Nspire is a port of the classic TI-83+ game "Block Dude" by Brandon Sterner. This game is commonly found in the "Puzz Pack" App by Detached Solutions that is preloaded on the TI-84 Plus Silver Editon. All 11 levels in the original version of Block Dude are present in this version for the TI-Nspire or TI-Nspire CAS, plus two additional levels found in a flash remake of the game. This version of Block Dude sets itself apart from the original version with 16-level gray scale graphics on the Nspire and full color graphics on the Nspire CX! Note: In order for this game to work, you must use OS 3.0 or higher. Ndless is not required for this program. Before upgrading to OS 3.0, consider using TNOC in order to preserve the ability to downgrade and use Ndless at a future time! |
 | bloxorz.zip | 169k | 14-01-01 |  | Bloxorz Another update! This time it should work on all OS versions that support Lua (>=3). A color screen comes in handy, but is not entirely necessary. This is a port of Damien Clarke's Bloxorz, same levels, same gameplay, only for Nspire |
 | bobby.zip | 45k | 11-07-05 |  | Bobby Carrot In this puzzle game, you have to help Bobby, the rabbit, to eat all the carrots... Be careful, because there are a lot of traps ! |
 | brickbreaker.zip | 488k | 13-12-02 |  | Brick Breaker Here is my newest game, Blackberry's brick breaker ported to nspire. It is not finished (there is no bonus), but the game works perfectly. Enjoy it. |
 | bridgit.zip | 9k | 15-06-25 |  | Bridg-it Bridg-it is a strategic two-person game invented by David Gale. It is played on two intertwined grids of differently-colored dot. Players take turns joining two dots of their color that are horizontally or vertically neighbors. It is forbidden to pass through a connection owned by the oppnonent. One party tries to connect the top and bottom of its grid, the other the left and right side. Brige-it is equivalent to the Shannon switching game. |
 | catchupb.zip | 9k | 24-07-30 |  | Catchup A combinatorial game for two players invented by Nick Bentley. The player with the larger connected set of their color wins the game. |
 | catch.zip | 6k | 23-03-13 |  | Catch-up Two players take turn selecting numbers from a finite set until they reach or exceed their opponent's sum. The game ends when all number have been taken. The player with the higher total wins. |
 | chaos.zip | 61k | 14-11-16 |  | CHAOS CHAOS is a rage game set in a mystical world that is (almost) impossible. Guide your square to the flashing door, but evade the hidden spikes that will split you to pieces! Game includes over 20 challenging levels, multiple game modes, beautiful graphics, as well as an easy to use level editor. All controls are included under the help page in the document. |
 | checkers.zip | 113k | 12-01-15 |  | Uber-Checkers Lua A port of Checkers to Nspire Lua. It features both 2 player mode and 2 difficulties of AI. One can use both mouse and arrow keys to control your pieces. Note: Requires Nspire OS > 3.0. |
 | chesstinspire.zip | 6k | 15-11-28 |  | TI Nspire Chess Update: I fixed a bug in the game where if a pawn takes a piece it gives you a second move. I made a chess game for the nspire. I hope you like it. I tried to make the graphics playable, but they aren't too amazing yet. If anyone wants to, feel free to submit 12 by 18 pixel chess piece art, mainly the queen, bishop, and knight, to me. If you do so, I will mention you in the readme file. Instructions are in the readme file. |
 | chickeninvaders.zip | 52k | 14-04-06 |  | Chicken Invaders for NSpire Chicken Invaders for NSpire is a remake of the famous Chicken Invaders game. The content is similar to the one in Chicken Invaders I. Fly around and stop the evil chickens from space which try to take over the earth. |
 | chomp.zip | 9k | 16-01-18 |  | Chomp Chomp is a strategic game for two players. It is played on a rectangular field (a "chocolate bar") consisting of nxm cells. The players take turns in choosing a cell and removing ("eating") it together with those that are below it and to its right. The player who is left with the top left cell (the "poisoned" one) loses the game. You can play against a human opponent or the calculator. |
 | citycx.zip | 100k | 14-08-06 |  | SimCitx Play the "simcity's" game reference on your calc. Find all the elements of gameplay that made the success of the series directly on your TiNspire. Good Game! |
 | classicalsnake.zip | 107k | 22-05-08 |  | classical snake fully customizable variant of the classic snake game |
 | classic_pong.zip | 2k | 11-12-05 |  | Classic Pong This is the classic Pong game for the TI-Nspire. You can either play against a friend or against an opponent that adjusts its skill according to yours. Controls: 1/0: move left paddle up/down 3/(-): move right paddle up/down 8: toggle game mode (i.e., one or two players) i: invert colors r: reset the game |
 | classicsnake.zip | 25k | 22-03-28 |  | Snake A recreation of the classic arcade game Snake. Created for the TI-Nspire CX CAS (not tested on any other calculator). Check my website: https://matt-destroyer.github.io/TI-Nspire-Programs/ |
 | codcx.zip | 731k | 14-08-26 |  | Call Of CX Using the touchpad, you must deliver the city from a terrorist group - destroy mercenaries, tanks and helicopter that stand before you.Free maximun hostage. Use care items and bomb that will be needed to carry out your mission is.Retrieve badges elites to become the best soldier in the world NSPIRE! DLC: - a terrorist group seeks to retrieve the plans for the future tactile NSPIRE. Free the employees of the American company! - A terrorist group has invested the White House and threatens global security. Free the hostages and become a national hero! |
 | coins.zip | 5k | 18-02-03 |  | Coin Weighing Twelve coins labeled a, b, ..., l are given. One of them possibly differs in weight from the others. Find out which is the false coin (or that all are equal) with the help of a balance scale in a minimum number of weighings. Alternatively, you can have your calc do the guessing. |
 | colortetris.zip | 33k | 14-01-01 |  | ColorTetris Nspire version of the famous tetris game. Fixed some minor stuff, should now work on all OS's that support Lua (>=3). Same features as before: marathon, Time Trial and 40 lines, all including highscores. |
 | completethesquare.zip | 7k | 16-05-17 |  | Complete the Square This game is played on an nxn checkerboard. Two players, red and blue, take turns placing a counter of their color on a empty cell. The player who is first to complete a square by occupying its four vertices wins the game. |
 | connect4.zip | 8k | 17-03-09 |  | Connect Four The well-known game of Connect Four with different board sizes and different levels of AI. |
 | connect_four.zip | 280k | 23-02-22 |  | Connect Four two-player classic strategy game in which the players take turns dropping colored disks into a vertically suspended grid, with the goal of connecting four of their own disks in a row either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally |
 | conwayssoldiers.zip | 7k | 15-11-07 |  | Conway's Soldiers A game invented by John Conway. A checkerboard is divided in half by a horizontal line. In the first phase, put a checker on as many fields below the line as you think appropriate. In the second phase, you can jump with a checker over its neighbor to the left, right or up if the next field in that direction is empty. Remove the checker you jumped over. Continue with possible jumps. The aim is to promote a checker to a row above the red line (numbers 1, 2, 3, 4) as far as possible. |
 | cookieclicker.zip | 633k | 15-12-23 |  | Cookie Clicker This is a remake of the original cookie clicker. I shifted around a few things, but it keeps the general theme. Small update: fixed a small bug that happened after exiting the help screen that I didn't notice before. |
 | cubefield.zip | 4k | 12-06-11 |  | CubeField Also known as CubeRunner. You have to avoid all the cubes. Every 1000 points, the colors change and the speed increases. For OSes>3. 11/27/2011 : Update. Now the speed of the cubes automatically adapts to the framerate, so the speed is the same on CX, clickpad, or computer software. UPDATE : it now works with the OS 3.2 |
 | cubejumping.zip | 31k | 12-07-03 |  | Cube Jumping (second page in document has instructions) you are the white cube and the goal is to stay alive for as long as possible Use the left and right arrow and down keys to move and tab to jump up You start with three lives and every 300 points a life will randomly fall onto the screen (try to catch it) As every 20 platforms pass the level increases the platforms start to move faster and faster if you fall to the bottom you loose a life and if you hit the far back you loose a life escape will restart the game second page in document has controls Works on the nspire cx cas and cx only tested on cas (may work with normal nspire) |
 | dbzcx.zip | 584k | 14-09-20 |  | DBZ cx [HD] The greatest warriors of the Saga are now available on your nspire ! Play with Goku, Gohan, Picolo, Gotenks, Vegeta, Trunks, Mboo, Mvegeta, Cell, Frieza or Broly - HD GRAPHICS - |
 | dinopuzzle.zip | 42k | 14-11-14 |  | Dino Puzzle The classic game of Dino Puzzle now for nspire! Use the up/down keys to move your swapper, and press tab to swap the components of two rows! Similar items dissappear when connected, and 5 points are awarded, 10 points are awarded for every object trapped within an egg, along with an additional 60pts for completing the egg! Press enter to pause during the game. Game speeds up and new items appear as you progress! Good luck! |
 | dino.zip | 35k | 15-05-06 |  | Dino Dino is a port of the little dino game/easteregg inside Google Chrome. Considering that it's a port gameplay *should* be the same. |
 | dodgem.zip | 9k | 15-03-15 |  | Dodgem Dodgem is a strategic two-person game invented by Colin Vout. It is played on an nxn board with n-1 blue and n-1 red cars. Initially, the blue cars are set up on the left edge, the red cars on the bottom edge. The left bottom square remains empty. Blue begins. The players take turn moving their cars one square forward (right for blue, up for red) or sideward (up and down for blue, left and right for red), but only to an empty square.Cars may leave the board by a forward move and are then out of game. Winner is the player who on turn has no legal move because all his cars have left the board or his remaining car are blocked. You can play against the calculator or a human opponent. |
 | domineering.zip | 6k | 18-01-01 |  | Domineering This game is also called Crosscram. An empty nxn-board is given. Two players, Red and Blue, alternately place a domino on two empty neighboring squares, but Red only vertically and Blue only horizontally. The first player who cannot move loses. |
 | dominoes.zip | 9k | 20-11-24 |  | Dominoes A 7x8 checkerboard is randomly filled with the 28 dominoes of a (0,0) - (6,6) set. The number on each half-domino is noted on the underlying square of the board, the dominoes are removed. The user's task is to reconstruct the original distribution of dominoes or to find another one compatible with the pattern of numbers on the board. |
 | doodlejump4nspire.zip | 22k | 12-03-29 |  | DoodleJump4nSpire This is a game based on the popular DoodleJump-game to support all TI-nSpire handhelds. |
 | dotsandboxes.zip | 8k | 16-02-16 |  | Dots and Boxes Two players, Red and Blue, take turns connecting neighboring grid points by horizontal or vertical line segments. The player who closes a 1x1 box by adding its fourth border line gains that box and marks it with his initial. He has to move again. The game finishes when no more lines can be drawn. The player who owns more boxes wins. |
 | doublets.zip | 12k | 15-07-09 |  | Doublets Doublets is also called word-ladder. Two words of the same length are given. The task is to find a chain of words connecting the two, each word differing from the previous by one letter. Example: luck->lock->look->book->boot. The program is equipped with a database of English words of lengths 3, 4 and 5. The user can add new words to this database. |
 | duckhunt_4.zip | 14k | 12-09-30 |  | Duck hunt nspire clone thanks to omnimaga.org, adriweb and others here is my duck hunt version 4 WIP but I work on it a lot |
 | dungeons.zip | 20k | 18-06-21 |  | Dungeons of Dagorath A small but fun rogue-like game. Spend your lessons exploring a limitless amount of procedurally generated dungeons, fighting hordes of monsters and discovering the legendary Amulet of Yandor. |
 | einstein.zip | 8k | 18-11-19 |  | Einstein doesn't play dice A game invented by Ingo Althoefer. Two players take turns rolling a die and moving the matching piece of their color. The player who first reaches his opponent's corner field wins the game. |
 | fifteen.zip | 44k | 15-07-27 |  | Fifteen A handheld version of the famous game of fifteen. Squares neighboring the empty square may change position with it. The task is to order them according to their number from upper left to lower right. The user can choose between different board sizes: 4x4, 3x3 and 2x3. In the case of the 2x3-board, a solution hint is available via keys 'h' or '?'. In the case of the 3x3-board, a hint is only available if the sqare no. 1 is already in the left upper corner. |
 | fivenightsatfreddystinspi.zip | 2362k | 23-07-09 |  | Five Nights at Freddy's Five Nights at Freddy's on the TI-Nspire, I usually don't write in lua and had to learn it because I wanted to see how far I can push the Calculator. Me and some friends had a lot of fun trying it in our school breaks, so i figured i might aswell upload it here. The Original Game is of Course not mine it is just a port. Also it runs quite poorly and may crash so be warned. Also saving takes like 5 minutes :) |
 | flappybird.zip | 4k | 14-02-26 |  | Flappy Bird Flappy Bird is here for nspire! Press tab to fly and avoid the pipes! Game includes day mode, night mode, beautiful horizon graphics, and so much more! Press Ctrl+Del to reset high scores. Enjoy! |
 | flappynspire.zip | 301k | 22-12-22 |  | Flappy Bird - Nspire flappy bird with cooler highscore and better animations |
 | fleshcubflourish.zip | 10k | 16-01-21 |  | Fleshcub Flourish Raise your very own Fleshcub! This creature can't move on it's own and needs your help. Feed it bananas, buy it clothes, and have fun with your new fleshy friend! |
 | flipping.zip | 7k | 20-06-16 |  | Flipping Dominoes An nxm checkerboard, n and m even, is completely and otherwise randomly covered with dominoes. For such a covering, a square of two parallel dominoes always exists. Flipping is the operation of rotating these two dominoes by 90 degrees about the center of the 2x2 square. The user's task is to transform the initial covering by flippings into one of only horizontal pieces. |
 | flow.zip | 68k | 15-11-03 |  | Flow(Connect the dots) Flow for the Nspire. Recently updated with a home screen with settings and a help screen, a level select, and, best of all, 300 different size levels. Huge thanks to jonbush for giving me the levels. |
 | footsteps.zip | 6k | 17-08-05 |  | Footsteps A game of psychology and mental arithmetic. Play against a human partner or your calc. Version 1.1: enhanced AI. |
 | freecell.zip | 23k | 11-10-25 |  | FreeCell The famous solitaire game in Lua. (OS>3) For Clickpad, Touchpad and CX. By Chockosta |
 | gg_inspire.zip | 827k | 24-05-09 |  | Guilty Gear Inspire A 2D fighting game for the TI-Nspire line of calculators. Based on the Guilty Gear franchise. FYI, this is still an early build and doesn't contain all the mechanics or content intended for the full release. (now actually playable on the calculator itself) |
 | gravityguy.zip | 24k | 12-04-19 |  | Gravity Guy A clone of the famous computer/phone game. You have the power to inverse gravity and your goal is to finish 50 challenging levels... (There is also a random mode to play infinite runs) WARNING:This game is only for the Nspire CX (CAS or not). On others models, it would work but it might cause crashes and it would be too blurry to play. |
 | hangman_dx.zip | 15k | 14-04-06 |  | Hangman DX More than just a game of hangman, Hangman DX features 4 game modes including electric chair, guillotine, and russian roulette! Try not to die in this eerie 3rd place winner of the TI Concours 2014 qualifying round! |
 | hangman.zip | 26k | 11-12-29 |  | Hangman Lua It's Hangman for the Nspire. Written in Lua, it currently works only on OS > 3.0 There are over 200 words and a 2 player mode. |
 | hareandhounds.zip | 9k | 18-09-25 |  | Hare and Hounds A strategic game for two persons. The hare (red) wins if it reaches the leftmost cell. The hounds (blue) win if they encircle the hare so that it can't move. |
 | haulincube.zip | 74k | 12-06-17 |  | Haulin' Cube (Oval Shooter) Your a cube and you have to shoot the objects that fly over head. Written in Lua. |
 | hepta.zip | 7k | 22-09-24 |  | Hepta A puzzle for one player invented by Alex Randolph. The task is to fill the squares of a 7x7 checkerboard with straight and right trominos under the condition that one color is left free. |
 | hexapawn.zip | 7k | 16-08-03 |  | Hexapawn Hexapawn is a game invented by Martin Gardner to demonstrate a learning machine. This program is such a machine. The more often you win against it, the better it will play. |
 | hexisola.zip | 8k | 15-12-13 |  | Hex-Isola Play Isola on a board with hexagonal cells! The rules of classical Isola apply: two players, red and blue, take turns moving first the piece of their color to a neighboring cell (but not onto their opponent's cell) and then (on the same turn) dropping a tile on an empty cell, thereby barring it for the rest of the game. The player who, on turn, cannot move his piece loses the game. The board in this program consists of hexagonal cells instead of squares. You can choose (menu item Game) between different topological types for the board: flat (with no trespassing the borders), cylindrical (left and right borders glued, so that you can pass from left to right if the tiles don't block you) and toroidal (left glued to right and lower border glued to upper, so that no borders exist). |
 | hex.zip | 13k | 15-03-03 |  | Game of Hex The game of Hex, invented by Piet Hein and John Nash. It is played on a rhomboidal board with hexagonal cells. Two players, red and blue, take turns placing a counter of their color on an empty cell. The objective of red is to connect the upper and lower border by a continuous path of his/her color, the objective of blue to connect the left and right border. The calculator is provided with AI, it can take the role of red or blue. |
 | intersections.zip | 6k | 22-07-19 |  | Intersections A combinatorial game for two players, red and green. They take turns connecting two so far free points of a given set by straight lines. They get one point for the intersection with a line of the other color, two points for the intersection with a line of the own color. |
 | isola_torus.zip | 7k | 20-03-29 |  | Isola The game of Isola with AI and the choice between three types of board: square, cylinder, torus. |
 | isola.zip | 3k | 14-04-17 |  | Isola A 9x9 version of the classic two player puzzle game featuring full keypad and mouse controls. Also includes multiple graphical themes. |
 | japanesenonogram.zip | 583k | 22-04-25 |  | Japanese Nonogram This game is the TI-Nspire version of the classic Japanese Nonogram. It includes a custumization menu and many more features. |
 | jensbombermanrush.zip | 14k | 13-04-26 |  | Bomberman Rush My first official game: Jens' Bomberman Rush. Try to blow away all brick blocks by dropping bombs as fast as possible. Start with just one weak bomb and improve your capabilities by collecting items dropped by bricks in mode 'Item Rush' or start with maximum capabilities in mode 'Max Capability' to better compare your skill with your friends! OS 3.0+ |
 | journey_through_odessia_v.zip | 1183k | 23-02-22 |  | Journey in Odessia 2.0 This is a turn-based JRPG (Japanese style RPG) similar to breath of fire and pokemon for the Gameboy. Enter a unique world, fighting monsters, gaining exp and gold, rescuing a princess, and collecting rare gems. This has been tested on the TI Nspire CX CAS II model, but should theoretically work on any device with a 320 x 240 resolution screen . It may be slower on non CX CAS II devices, but it should theoretically still work on other devices. NOTE: YOU SHOULD PROBABLY VIEW THE HELP SCREEN BY PRESSING "h" AT THE MAIN MENU |
 | jumpingsquares.zip | 38k | 13-11-07 |  | Jumping Squares v1.3 Play as a square in this fast arcade game. Set a highscore and collect squares to unlock new playable characters. The game speeds up and changes colors every 100pts UPDATE: New Square Added to the game! |
 | karuko.zip | 305k | 23-06-19 |  | Karuko this is the TI-Nspire Version of Karuko. It´s harder than you think and has 3 difficulties. |
 | kites.zip | 242k | 20-07-01 |  | Kites A combinatorial game for two players. They take turns placing a kite-formed piece in one of six colors on a hexonal board. They gain points by completing configurations like triangles, four kites meeting at a corner or wheels. |
 | klondike.zip | 62k | 11-11-17 |  | Klondike Lua Klondike Lua is a solitaire game for the TI-Nspire. It is written in Lua, and also futures colors when used on a CX/CM calculator. |
 | knightspath.zip | 5k | 15-07-10 |  | Knight's Path The user's task is to construct a path of knight's moves on a chess board touching each cell exactly once. Different board sizes are available. |
 | knight.zip | 35k | 21-07-02 |  | Knight Chase A game for two players invented by Alex Randolph. Black and white each have a chess knight of their color in opposite corners of the board. White's goal is to capture the black knight, black wins by avoiding this for 34 moves. Up to move 15, both players block two empty squares after moving their knight by dropping a flower onto them. |
 | labyrun.zip | 83k | 22-04-20 |  | Laby Run This game is a further development of Maze Escape by matt destroyer, but I added new levels, blocks and a skin selection. |
 | learntoflyidletinspire.zip | 25k | 15-09-10 |  | Learn to fly Idle This is a remake of the flash game learn to fly idle. It is still wip, so it isnt done yet. Its graphics are good and I only have 3 enemies right now. The rules/controls are in the download. |
 | lightsout.zip | 5k | 14-04-22 |  | Lights Out: Original and 2000 The classical game of Lights Out, where you toggle the four adjacent lights until all the lights are turn off. Contains the original preloaded puzzles of the 1995 and 2000 version of Lights Out by Tiger Electronics. |
 | limerick.zip | 50k | 14-11-11 |  | Lime Rick Based on the puzzle flash game by KissMaj7, Lime Rick is a snake based puzzle game that will have your attention for hours! Game includes 24 levels, a level editor, high scores, low scores and more! Enjoy! |
 | macmahon.zip | 9k | 23-02-05 |  | MacMahon This program implements a 3-person combinatorial game for the Mac-Mahon squares. |
 | maps.zip | 11k | 18-05-01 |  | Maps This is a game for two players based on the four color theorem. Try to color a map with only 4 colors such that neighboring countries get different colors. |
 | marbles.zip | 380k | 21-10-25 |  | Marbles A connection game for two players. |
 | mastermind.zip | 328k | 23-02-28 |  | Mastermind figure out the 4 digit/ colored code in under 10 tries!!! |
 | mathgame.zip | 41k | 12-10-25 |  | Math Practice Game This game gives you 15 seconds to complete 4 random math problems as fast as possible |
 | mazeescape.zip | 301k | 22-09-11 |  | Maze Escape A simple 'escape the maze' game. Can you escape all the mazes? Want to create your own levels? Use the level editor here https://matt-destroyer.github.io/TI-Nspire-Programs/Maze-Escape-Level-Editor/ to create and publish levels. Published levels will be reviewed and may be added to the game! Check my website: https://matt-destroyer.github.io/TI-Nspire-Programs/ |
 | mazes3d.zip | 4k | 11-08-10 |  | Mazes 3D Find the white gate to go out of the maze ! This game is composed by a maze generator and a raycasting engine inspired by http://ressources.mediabox.fr/tutoriaux/flashplatform/affichage/3d/raycasting |
 | mazes.zip | 7k | 16-03-06 |  | Mazes The program constructs mazes of square or hexagonal shape and various sizes. The user can choose between two kinds of tasks: traverse the maze from entrance to exit or find a treasure hidden somewhere in the maze. |
 | memory_die.zip | 6k | 24-12-16 |  | Memory A variant of Memory with a die. |
 | memory.zip | 302k | 23-06-19 |  | Memory a memory game with 3 diffrent difficulties. You have to find the 9|12|14 pairs |
 | minecraft2d.zip | 99k | 14-04-25 |  | Minecraft 2D v0.13 Jens' Minecraft 2D is a 2D version of the famous sandbox game Minecraft for the TI-Nspire. It features: randomly generated world, caves, ores, lakes, trees, flowers and dungeons; day/night cycle; survival/creative Mode; mobs; water and lava; TNT; fire; bow and arrows; farming; inventory; tools; fishing; furnaces, chests, doors, beds, buckets and stairs; crafting (without crafting grid); 5 savegame slots; 2 graphic modes; world import/export with the included World Container file; modloader and modmanager! The ocdpack mod is included. It is designed for the CX model but it supports grayscale, clickpad and every OS. It is still under development but every uploaded update is stable and I'll try to keep exported worlds compatible! Read the read me.txt! For development updates see: http://www.omnimaga.org/ti-nspire-projects/minecraft-2d-for-ti-nspire |
 | minesweeperv2.zip | 160k | 18-11-07 |  | Minesweeper (Windows 3.1 Style) A simple Minesweeper-Clone made for the TI-Nspire with Lua. With Highscores, difficulty levels and a beautiful interface which looks just like the original minesweeper game for Windows 3.1! |
 | minesweeper.zip | 5k | 11-12-11 |  | Minesweeper The famous minesweeper game, with 3 levels of difficulty. Update : You now can play with the mouse. |
 | minicheckers.zip | 9k | 16-08-23 |  | Mini-Checkers Mini-Checkers is played on the black squares of a 5x5 checkerboard. The rules of English draughts apply. You can play against different levels of AI. |
 | minisol.zip | 45k | 15-01-04 |  | Minisol This is a peg solitaire game played on a graph with 16 vertices. To make a move, take a peg from its field, jump over a neighbouring peg, land on a so far empty field adjacent to the jumped-over peg. Remove the peg you jumped over. The aim is to reach a position with only one peg, placed on the central vertex. |
 | mrspacman.zip | 28k | 18-06-08 |  | MrsPacman Major update; ghosts can be chomped | Levels can be completed (after level 2 the ghost breaks) | Can die to ghosts. |
 | nfighter_2.1.zip | 10k | 11-05-01 |  | nFighter - Space shooter for the nSpire nFighter is an epic space-shooter written for the nSpire in lua. |
 | ngol.zip | 2k | 20-03-23 |  | nGol nGol is a version of Conway's Game of Life written in Lua. |
 | nim.zip | 7k | 15-09-19 |  | Nim The classical game of Nim: Several rows of up to 13 objects are given. Two players move in turn. In each turn, they have to take away one to all objects of a row they choose. They may not pass. The player who takes the last object wins (normal game) or loses (misère) according to the stipulation at the beginning of the game. |
 | nonograms.zip | 6k | 11-07-03 |  | Nonograms A puzzle game where one solves puzzles by filling in a grid based on the numbers by the cells. For more info on how to play, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonogram. More levels coming soon! |
 | nsmm.zip | 2224k | 23-04-19 |  | nSMM 1.0.0b - Super Mario Maker for TI-Nspire NEW UPDATES! Create, play and share Mario levels from your calculator! It's full of features - a menu system with saving capability, level codes, a course world, themes and many different tiles and objects are supported! To keep up with the latest developments, join the discord server (https://discord.gg/yadDQBwMyc) or if it's invalid follow the tiplanet thread (https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=25825). |
 | nsnake.zip | 71k | 16-04-12 |  | NSnake Snake for the nspire! |
 | nspirelovecalculator.zip | 69k | 19-10-17 |  | Love Calculator A Simple Love Calculator (RNG) |
 | nsweeper.zip | 274k | 16-06-15 |  | NSweeper Minesweeper for the nspire! Comes with settings, allowing you to have any board size from 9x9 to 20x20(due to pixel constraints). Note the gif is of an earlier test version of the game, and doesn't come with preset easy, medium, and hard difficulty settings. |
 | ntunnel.zip | 21k | 16-02-13 |  | NTunnel Tunnel for the nspire! |
 | nurikabe.zip | 5k | 11-07-05 |  | Nurikabe Lua A Japanese puzzle game, which can often be very challenging. See Readme for the rules. |
 | pac_attack.zip | 81k | 15-12-04 |  | Pac Attack Pac-man meets Tetris! Fill a row with blocks to clear them, and lign up the ghosts so that pac-man can eat them up! You will unlock new ghosts/backdrops by getting higher scores. Controls included in the readme. |
 | pacattack.zip | 24k | 12-06-17 |  | Pac Attack A game based on pacman. You have 20 seconds to eat as many dots as possible. |
 | pacman.zip | 31k | 11-08-23 |  | Pacman Nspire The classic arcade game is now available for the Nspire in Lua! Requires OS 3.0 or higher. |
 | pegs.zip | 17k | 11-09-16 |  | Pegs for TI-Nspire Pegs for TI-Nspire is a port of the classic TI-84 Puzz Pack game "Pegs" by Fred Coughlin. This game is coded in Lua; thus, Nspire OS 3.0 or greater is required to run this game. Ndless is not required. For more information about the game, please refer to the ReadMe file or the Detached Solutions "Pegs" homepage at http://www.detachedsolutions.com/puzzpack/pegs.php. |
 | pentomino.zip | 8k | 18-10-30 |  | Pentomino A game invented by Solomon Golomb. Two players take turns positioning one of the pieces on the empty squares of a 8x8 checkerboard. The first player unable to do this loses the game. |
 | pixel_escape.zip | 36k | 11-07-17 |  | Pixel Escape Pixel Escape is a beautiful copter-like game for the TI-Nspire. Written by Christoffer Rehn. Ndless in not required, but OS 3.0 and higher is. |
 | pixelsnake.zip | 3k | 11-08-10 |  | PixelSnake This is the TI-Nspire Lua port of my iOS/SFML/SDL/PyGame game called PixelSnake. The controls would have been the arrow keys, but those are cumbersome for a game like this on the Nspire. (Similar to the existing Lua Snake clone. Was done for educational purposes.) |
 | pong_classic.zip | 4k | 13-02-12 |  | Pong A clone of the simple famous 2 player game pong for Ti-nspire |
 | pong.zip | 94k | 14-03-19 |  | Pong 1.2.1 The original Nspire Pong clone for OS 3.0.2 and higher. Now in full color. Written in Lua by Karl Noss. |
 | pursuit.zip | 7k | 24-10-28 |  | Pursuit A game for two players invented by Rufus Isaacs. |
 | puzzle22x13.zip | 5k | 23-08-10 |  | Puzzle22x13 Eight rectangles of different sizes have to be placed without overlap into a 22x13 rectangle. |
 | pvzalphafinal.zip | 40k | 20-03-16 |  | PvZ Nspire Alpha (Plants Vs Zombies) Controls are also in the game itself. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor around. Press enter to place down a plant. Press del to delete a plant. Use + and - to move the select cursor around. Press TAB to use fast mode and ESC to pause the game. |
 | qubic.zip | 7k | 17-09-12 |  | Qubic A three-dimensional version of tic-tac-toe: Two players, red and blue, take turns placing a marble of their color on a 4x4x4 spacial grid. The player who is first to complete a set of four in a straight line (also diagonals are admissible) wins the game. Two levels of AI are available. |
 | racetrack.zip | 10k | 19-05-01 |  | Racetrack A handheld version of the paper and pencil game which is also known as vector race. |
 | reactiongame.zip | 7k | 16-12-27 |  | Reaction Game At the beginning of the program, press [enter] or the click key to start a new game. Wait until the red traffic light switches from green to red (from lower to upper). Press [enter] or [click] to brake. Your reaction time will be shown in s:ms at the top of the screen. The light switches to green again and a new trial begins. You can stop the series of trials any time by pressing [esc] or by pressing [enter] or [click] too early (before the red light has appeared), or by waiting too long to react to the red light. |
 | redyellowblue.zip | 10k | 21-01-24 |  | Red-Yellow-Blue A combinatorial game for two persons. They take turns placing triangles, squares and hexagons on free cells of the board. They gain points by completing an angle of 360 degrees around one corner with three different colors. |
 | retropacman.zip | 24k | 19-02-05 |  | Pacman : Retro Last year, weeks of effort were put recreating a decent rendition of Mrs. Pacman (that went well). I have doven back into this project, and decided to recreate Pacman. Many things from the original have been implemented, and it works well. UPDATED: Speed is no longer an issue, except that the movement looks glitchy, but is completely normal. |
 | reversi.zip | 209k | 12-01-10 |  | Reversi/Othello (2011) Nspire Reversi is a port of the (electronically) classic board game Reversi, also known as Othello, to the TI-Nspire and Nspire CX. It is a complete game with artificial intelligence for either one- or two-player play. The AI comes in two modes (difficulty levels), so you can always challenge yourself! Features include dynamic sizing, color (on CX models), faultless legitimacy and win detection, hints (or cheats), and complete compatibility with TI's Student Software for desktop play. It's even compatible with the online Document player: try Nspire Reversi online at http://education.ti.com/html/nspireplayer/3.0.1/application/?nspirefile=http://clrhome.org/projects/reversi/English/Reversi.tns! (See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOV067RFN_M for a video screenshot in color.) 2nd place winner of both the Omnimaga 2011 programming contest, as well as the TI-Planet 2011 Lua competition. |
 | rushhour.zip | 102k | 12-07-11 |  | Rush Hour Rush Hour, based off the game by ThinkFun, for Nspire Lua. Slide the red car out of the parking lot. It contains 60 levels for you to enjoy. For OS >3.0 [Update] Sprites are now included instead of rectangles. |
 | santorini.zip | 9k | 23-10-10 |  | Santorini This program is an implementation of the 2-person combinatorial game Santorini. |
 | sim.zip | 7k | 17-05-13 |  | Sim Sim is a game invented by Gustavus Simmons. A graph of six vertices with all 15 possible edges between two of them is given. Two players, orange and blue, take turns coloring an edge with their color. The player who is first to complete a triangle with edges of his color loses the game. To color an edge, move the mark (a red circle) to the first vertex and type the name (a letter from a to f) of the second vertex. The program then draws the edge in the color of the player whose turn it is. It is known that if all 15 vertices are colored, there must exist a triangle of one color. So the game always has a winner. It is also known that with optimal play, the second player can force a win. Controls: [a] to [f] Draw the edge from the marked vertex to that vertex left or right arrow Move the mark (a red circle) to the neighbor up or down arrow Move the mark two steps [n] New game [h] Get a hint from the program (two letters are displayed) [Enter] or [click] Color the edge given by the hint [b], [Esc] or [backspace] Take back one move Two-player mode is available, but also AI. The program can take the role of the first or second player. |
 | slime.zip | 5k | 14-04-06 |  | Slime Volleyball Play the classic game of Slime Volleyball on your calculator! Features 2 player mode, and a 1 player with AI! |
 | slither.zip | 7k | 19-10-17 |  | Slither A combinatorial game for two persons. A rectangular grid of dots is given. The players take turns connecting orthogonally neighboring dots. The segments must form a continuous path, but may be added to either end of the preceding path. The player forced to return to an already connected dot loses the game. |
 | slotmachine.zip | 1k | 13-12-07 |  | Simple Slot Machine This app is a simple slot machine. Get two of the same numbers or three of the same numbers and win. Get three 7s and win the jackpot! Set a bet multiplier and get an additional bonus. It can even auto-spin the numbers for you. Instructions for playing are shown onscreen. |
 | snake.zip | 3k | 11-07-05 |  | Snake The famous snake game in Lua. |
 | solitaire.zip | 55k | 16-01-29 |  | Solitaire The classical game of Peg Solitaire. Take a peg, jump over its neighbor to an empty neighbor and remove the jumped-over peg. The goal is to end with just one peg in the central hole. You can take back any number of moves. The program can give you a hint for the next move. |
 | sosgame.zip | 5k | 19-06-04 |  | SOSgame A row of empty squares is given. Two players take turns writing the letter "S" or "O" into one of the empty squares. The player who completes the string "SOS" in three adjacent squares wins the game. |
 | splashedit.zip | 3k | 15-11-28 |  | Splash Editor for Jens' Minecraft 2D Now, you can edit the splash text on your TI-Nspire Minecraft! To download the Minecraft version that works with this, go to: http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/457/45729.html |
 | sprouts.zip | 14k | 20-01-03 |  | Sprouts The famous game of Sprouts, invented by John Conway and Michael Paterson. Two players take turns connecting two of a number of points by a line and placing a new point somewhere on the line. Lines may not intersect and only three lines may start or end at a point. The first player unable to draw such a line loses the game. |
 | squadcar.zip | 7k | 17-10-10 |  | Hamstrung Squad Car A squad car (P) persues a car of criminals (E) on a infinite checkerboard. P moves with velocity of 2 squares per move, but it may only keep its actual direction or turn right. E moves with a velocity of 1 square per move, but may take each of the four orthogonal directions. P wins the game if it comes within a distance of 1 square to E (also diagonally), E wins if it can avoid that for 50 moves. |
 | squares.zip | 8k | 21-08-17 |  | Squares A combinatorial game for two players. They take turns placing cells on a checkerboard trying to complete 2 x 2 squares in 4 different colors. |
 | strategy_steps.zip | 22k | 12-05-09 |  | Strategy Steps This game is based off the amazing mini-game from Wii Party. You raise signs to move your character (car) forward a number of steps. The catch is, if one of the other players decides to raise that same number, neither of you moves! |
 | sudoku.zip | 451k | 22-04-27 |  | Sudoku This game is the TI-Nspire version of the classic Sudoku. It includes 60 levels and a level selection. |
 | tactix.zip | 27k | 17-10-31 |  | TacTix TacTix is a Nim-like Game invented by Piet Hein. Sixteen counters are arranged in a 4 x 4 square. Two players alternately take 1 to 4 counters from a vertical or horizontal row, but only adjoining counters with no gaps between them. The player who takes the last counter loses. |
 | tangram.zip | 8k | 22-04-12 |  | Tangram Tangram consists of seven simple polygonal pieces. The player's task is to form given shapes from them. |
 | tankbattle.zip | 56k | 12-06-24 |  | Tank Battle A two player tank battle game written in Lua for the inspire cx and cx cas. (may work on normal nspire but not tested). Move back and forth with arrow keys and increase speed and angle with up arrow. Shoot with tab. Restart with escape. Each hit subtracts 25% of health. |
 | texasholdempoker.zip | 33k | 15-06-25 |  | Texas Holdem Poker Multiplayer poker game with simple user interface. |
 | theimpossiblequiz.zip | 45k | 13-11-30 |  | The Impossible Quiz A clone of the classic Impossible Quiz flash game, programmed in lua for the NSpire. |
 | thesquaresdonotdie.zip | 166k | 12-11-16 |  | The Squares Do Not Die Winner of the 2012 Omnimaga Summer Programming Contest Nspire Category. This is a space shooter game where it is your mission to eliminate as many squares as possible. But however, they will not die. Before you go, it would be best to eliminate as many as possible so the job may be a bit easier for your successor. We hope you can complete your objective and wipe the squares out. This game is written in Lua and works only for OS > 3.0 |
 | threejugs.zip | 7k | 15-05-19 |  | Three jugs Three jugs with integer capacities C1 |
 | tibasket.zip | 10k | 11-05-01 |  | TI-Basket ( Warning ! The animated gif is only showing some still images, not the actual animations in game !) The game features three play modes : "Normal", "Hardcore", and "Time-Attack" The normal mode is just a basic thing : you have a non-moving target, and you have to change the power and the angle in order to reach the target (the basket) The hardcore mode is more interesting : it's the same, but with wind (in x and y coords), and a moving target ! (believe me, the wind really changes the physics diff eqs ) The Time-Attack is like the Normal mode but you only have 60 seconds to score as much as possible, good luck ! |
 | tictactoe2.0.zip | 139k | 23-01-08 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe 2.0 an improved version of Tic-Tac-Toe, for all OS |
 | tictactoe.zip | 4k | 14-03-19 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe 0.3 A simple game for OS 3.0.2 and higher. Written in Lua by Karl Noss. |
 | tiolympics.zip | 415k | 22-05-29 |  | TI-Olympics So far 100m race and long jump + highscore list |
 | titris.zip | 5k | 19-09-11 |  | TI-Tris Tetris for nSpire, written in Lua. Full SRS and color graphics, next and hold queue. |
 | transversals.zip | 7k | 16-06-06 |  | Transversals The game is played on an nxn checkerboard. Two players, Red and Blue, take turns placing a counter of their color on an empty cell. The player who is first to complete a transversal wins the game. A transversal is a set of n counters of the same color such that each row and each column of the board contains exactly one counter. That is to say: no two counters are placed on the same row or column. The winner may have other counters on the board besides those of the transversal. |
 | tricolor.zip | 261k | 20-05-30 |  | Tricolor A strategic game for two persons. Place lozenges on the board to form hexagons or stars and gain points. Version 1.1: bug removed. |
 | triversi.zip | 8k | 24-05-28 |  | Triversi A variant of Reversi for three players |
 | tttcolor.zip | 3k | 13-07-22 |  | Tic Tac Toe 1.0 A graphical Tic Tac Toe game for the TI Nspire. 2 player mode only. |
 | tunnel.zip | 3k | 11-09-16 |  | Seizure Tunnel A simple tunnel game for the TI-Nspire. Each time the tunnel moves, the screen changes color! Note: In order for this game to work, you must use OS 3.0 or higher. Ndless is not required for this program. Before upgrading to OS 3.0, consider using TNOC in order to preserve the ability to downgrade and use Ndless at a future time! |
 | turnablock.zip | 6k | 18-12-17 |  | Turnablock The game is played on a square board of nxn cells. Two players alternately turn upside down (from blue to red or from red to blue) all the counters of a rectangle. The players are free to choose the size and position of the rectangle under the only condition that the lower right corner is blue. The player who makes the last move wins the game. |
 | unoti.zip | 7k | 22-04-16 |  | UnoTI Ground up port of the UNO to the TI-Nspire. |
 | walriidts.zip | 159k | 16-01-29 |  | Dont Touch the Spikes, Walrii Version This is a remake of dont touch the spike for the nspire with flying walriis. It also has some additions like powerups. |
 | xactica_scorer.zip | 5k | 13-02-11 |  | Xactica Scorer This program will help you keep track of up to 10 players' score for the game Xactica(tm). This is just a fancy score card not the game. The card game can be purchased from Set Enterprises, Inc. This program is not made by Set Enterprises, Inc. Xactica is a trademark of Set Enterprises, Inc. |
 | zeldasouls.zip | 2136k | 15-08-02 |  | ZeldaSouls New HD version ! Find Link armed with his bow and his most powerful powers. Free the people of the late King and get fragments triforce necessary for the reconquest of the kingdom ... |