| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-92 BASIC Files |
 | accelera.zip | 8k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Acceleration A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to acceleration. |
 | acst.zip | 90k | 00-05-26 |  | Automatic Control Systems Toolbox v1.0 "Mat92lab" become "Automatic Control Systems Toolbox" (ACST). For Electrical engineers and all people interested on systems analysis, ACST offers powerful tools for systems (SISO or MIMO) modeling by transfer function (as definitions from space state (ISO), from specific zeros,poles and gain, from connection (series, parallel, feedback) of Systems etceteras) and powerful tools for the analysis (Bode plot whit semilog grid, Niquist diagrams, Root Locus and time simulation. The program is complete of documentation (help desk in HTML, GNU GPL License). Copyright (C) 2000 Gianluca Troiani |
 | amass.zip | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | Atomic Mass Calculator v1.0 Calculates the atomic masses of chemical formulas. |
 | andyprog.zip | 5k | 98-08-03 |  | Engineering Programs Engineering programs that deal mainly with physics. |
 | atom.zip | 9k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--The Atom A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to atoms. |
 | bodex.zip | 27k | 00-09-17 |  | BodeX v2.0.6 The best program for TI calculators that trace frequency plot of a transfer function W(s) - Bode plots -. BodeX has full semilog grid and use a powered routine to plot the phase plot of a transfer function (don't use simply the angle() function). The BodeX routines ensure the correct phase plot any W(s) it's plotted. What's new in version 2.0.5: now you can plot MAG plot and Phase plot in Split Screen Mode or plot MAG and Phase separately and a bug of BodeX ver.1.3 fixed, and powered routine for semilog grid |
 | bode.zip | 1k | 99-03-16 |  | Bodeplot Bodeplot for Electrical Engineers |
 | boylelaw.zip | 25k | 03-05-27 |  | Boyle's Law Solver This package contains a Boyle's Law solver for every TI model. You simply pick 1 of the 4 variables to solve for and input the other 3 values. The screenshots (made w/ CalcCapture) give perfect examples from the 83 and 92+. Also, the 73 version works perfectly now and all codes were optimized this morning, because seeing what I did (or didn't do) 14 months ago in the originals made me sick. |
 | bytes68k.zip | 3k | 03-05-05 |  | Bytes Helper You use this like a function. Type in 'bytes(', then how many units, a comma, then y from 1024^y for bytes (0), kilo (1), mega (2), giga (3), or tera (4). The answer will be shown in a popup window. Here's an example, for 3 gigabytes: 'bytes(3,3)'. Email me any comments. Made for the TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and Voyage 200. |
 | chemdb.zip | 6k | 97-07-29 |  | Chemistry Database v3.1 The ultimate chemistry program. Includes periodic table information, acids and bases, and more. |
 | chemical.zip | 6k | 98-07-26 |  | Chemical v2.1 A database of chemical elements which features advanced search capabilities and a data browser. |
 | circuito.zip | 5k | 05-10-06 |  | Circuito V3.3 Circuito calculate electric circuits in ad-dc , resistos and other parameters electrics. |
 | circuits.zip | 8k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Circuits A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to circuits. |
 | cirsim.zip | 129k | 99-03-03 |  | Cirsim II Beta |
 | codcoule.zip | 1k | 98-08-05 |  | Code Colors Colors of resistance. French version. |
 | currents.zip | 9k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Electrical Currents A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to currents. |
 | datamanagerfp92.zip | 70k | 06-10-27 |  | Data Manager Fluids Data Pack It's a package of datas relative to the most common fluids: water, ice, dry and wet air, methane and other technical fluids. The package contains also the archive matrix to use it with Data Manager. |
 | datamanagergp92.zip | 69k | 06-10-27 |  | Data Manager Gas Data Pack It's a package of datas relative to the Temperature, Energy, Enthalpy and Entropy of most common gases: Air, CO, CO2, H2, N2, O2. The package contains also the archive matrix to use it with Data Manager. |
 | diffract.zip | 9k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Diffraction A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to diffraction and interferance of light. |
 | disemaqu.zip | 1226k | 07-03-22 |  | Disemaqu, Machine Design -Diseño de Máquinas- [ENGLISH] This program facilitates the design of different machine elements and power transmission, as chains, straps, gears and the bearings. The programs were developed using catalogues and guides of manufacturers like Goodyear, Intermec Colombia, SKF and the academic book Design in Mechanical Engineering 6ª Edition, Joseph E. Shigley. The contents are: 1 Chains of Rollers, 2 Strap, 3 Gears, 4 SKF Bearings. [ESPAÑOL] Este programa le facilita el diseño de diferentes elementos de máquina y transmisión de potencia, tal como lo son las cadenas de rodillos, las correas, los engranajes y los rodamientos. Los programas fueron desarrollados usando catálogos y guías de fabricantes como Goodyear, Intermec Colombia, SKF y el libro académico Diseño en Ingeniería Mecánica 6ª Edición, Joseph E. Shigley. Los contenidos son: 1 Cadenas de Rodillos, 2 Correas, 3 Engranajes, 4 Rodamientos SKF. |
 | diviseur.zip | 3k | 98-08-05 |  | Diviseur Automatic tension divider. French version. |
 | dragcoefficient92.zip | 71k | 06-10-27 |  | Drag Coefficient Calculator This program calculates the hydraulic drag coefficient by Reynolds number and roughness coefficient choosing the correct range (sleek pipe, lumpy pipe or intermediate) and using the most well-known formulas |
 | ecuacion.zip | 786k | 07-03-23 |  | Ecuacion, equations manager Administrador de Ecuaciones- [ENGLISH] ECUACION gathers an important data base of equations (almost 900 in total!) extracted from the Pensum of Mechatronics Engineering form the San Buenaventura University, as well as tools for engineers. Within these is a tool to solve and manage (save as many eqs as you want, organizing them in topics and sub-topics, you can edit, delete, export, import and back-up) equations, systems of equations and a program to solve differential equations of 1st and 2nd order. [ESPAÑOL] ECUACION reúne una importante base de datos de ecuaciones (casi 900 en total!) extraídas del Pensum de la carrera de Ingeniería Mecatrónica de la Universidad de San Buenaventura, así como herramientas generales para ingenieros. Dentro de estas se encuentra un sistema de evaluación, solución y despeje de ecuaciones, sistemas de ecuaciones y un programa para resolver ecuaciones diferenciales de 1er y 2do orden. Puede administrar por temas y grupos todas las ecuaciones que quiera, puede agregar, editar, borrar, exportar, importar y hacer back-up. |
 | elecbasc.zip | 857k | 07-03-22 |  | ElecBasc, Basic Electronics -Electrónica Básica- [ENGLISH] ELECBASC is a compendium of theories, formulas, concepts and tools of Basic calculation of Electronics. With them, the student will be able to strengthen the theory and to make verifications numerical of contents seen in class. Later, ELECBASC will be of utility for the professionals of engineering since they will count on immediate disposition and access to these basic concepts and tools. The contents are: 1 Resistors (Ω), 1,1 Color►Value (4 bands), 1,2 Value►Color (4 bands), 1,3 R in serie, 1,4 R in Parallel, 1,5 Voltage Splitter, 1,6 Current Splitter (I), 2 Inductances (L), 2,1 Color►Value (Molded Inductances), 2,2 Value►Color (Inductancias Molded), 2,3 L in serie, 2,4 L in Parallel, 3 Capacitances (C), 3,1 Code►Value (JIS Code - Standard Industrial Japan), 3,2 Value►Code (JIS Code), 3,3 C in serie, 3,4 C in Parallel. [ESPAÑOL] ELECBASC es un compendio de teorías, fórmulas, conceptos y herramientas de cálculo de Electrónica Básica. Con ellas, el estudiante podrá afianzar la teoría y hacer comprobaciones numéricas de contenidos vistos en clase. Posteriormente, ELECBASC será de utilidad para los profesionales de la ingeniería ya que contarán con inmediata disposición y acceso a dichos conceptos básicos y herramientas. Los contenidos son: 1 Resistencias (Ω), 1.1 Color►Valor (4 bandas), 1.2 Valor►Color (4 bandas), 1.3 R en Serie, 1.4 R en Paralelo, 1.5 Divisor de Voltaje, 1.6 Divisor de Corriente (I), 2 Inductancias (L), 2.1 Color►Valor (Inductancias Moldeadas), 2.2 Valor►Color (Inductancias Moldeadas), 2.3 L en Serie, 2.4 L en Paralelo, 3 Capacitancias (C), 3.1 Código►Valor (Código JIS - Japan Industrial Standard), 3.2 Valor►Código (Código JIS), 3.3 C en Serie, 3.4 C en Paralelo. |
 | electric.zip | 8k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Electric Fields A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to electric fields. |
 | element.zip | 2k | 98-07-23 |  | Element A periodic table of the elements program. French version. |
 | elemnts.zip | 6k | 98-02-03 |  | Periodic Table of the Elements v4.00 Periodic table of the elements. Features searching by symbol, atomic number, and name. |
 | emfields.zip | 8k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Electric & Magnetic Fields A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to electric and magnetic fields. |
 | energy.zip | 9k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Energy A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to electric and magnetic fields. |
 | ephyultimate.zip | 31k | 05-11-26 |  | Ephy Ultimate Edition (English Deal) Periodic Table of Elements : Ultimate EDition INNOVATIONS AND UPDATES: - correction many bugs. - correction of the erroneous data. - new graphic interface. - new algorithm of displacement of the cursor (100% faster than the preceding versions). - new algorithm of posting of character string for the cards of elements. - posting of the symbol and the name of the element on the table. - supressions of the data "isotopes". - addition of my data "tyme" (family). - addition of new cards (the last elements discovered). - correction "To leave the Program": once the left program, the user returns to the screen HOME. |
 | eqso.zip | 2k | 01-02-07 |  | Equinoxes and Solstices Computes times of Equinoxes and Solstices |
 | fluidti_if97_eng.zip | 643k | 03-04-13 |  | FluidTI Software for the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97 for Water and Steam |
 | fluidti_ti_92_water_eng.zip | 160k | 05-03-07 |  | FluidTI TI92 English Software for the Industrial-Formulation IAPWS-IF97 for Water and Steam. |
 | forces.zip | 7k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Forces A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to forces. |
 | frame.zip | 24k | 05-10-06 |  | Rig2 V11 Rig2 calculate structures in 2-D. Diagrams, graphics, ecuations ect. |
 | freqplot.zip | 3k | 99-12-25 |  | Frequency Plot of Transfer Function T(s) |
 | galileo.zip | 2k | 07-01-07 |  | Galileo 1.0 - Jupiter's satellites A program that calculates and draws the galileian moons of Jupiter for any given time (in UT). |
 | gaslaws.zip | 2k | 01-06-01 |  | Gas Laws This is a gas law program that will help you solve gas law equations. It has the five main gas law equations built in. Just input x for the unknown variable. It is really simple to use and does not take up much space. |
 | gastab92.zip | 82k | 06-11-18 |  | Real Gas Manager Temperature, Entropy, Enthalpy, Internal Energy and parameters of most common real gases with linear interpolation from a database. |
 | geometry.zip | 1k | 98-07-26 |  | Chemical Structural Geometries Draws a molecule and gives the molecular geometry based on the total pairs of electrons. |
 | grad.zip | 3k | 98-08-28 |  | Potential to Force v1.1 This program enables you to turn the expression of the potential of a force into the expression of this force. |
 | gravity.zip | 11k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Universal Gravitation A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to universal gravity. |
 | h_oh_buffer_miscconv.zip | 4k | 03-03-04 |  | Acid/Base/Salts/Buffers conversion These are several programs I wrote last year for chemistry. Finaly got around to uploading them. Instructions are in the Readme. |
 | ice.zip | 5k | 03-05-11 |  | Internal Combustion Engines These are a package of ICE programs. I made it in my second year in college. There is no Readme text provided with it. I guess you've to discover it out. |
 | inductio.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Electromagnetic Induction A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to electromagnetic induction. |
 | inercion.zip | 130k | 01-06-12 |  | Inercion v1.0 Inertia's Momentum (Spanish) |
 | jbsim2_92.zip | 91k | 01-05-16 |  | JBSim v2.0 Simultit / pH calculator and plotter / Calculateur de pH et affichage de courbe de dosage |
 | loss_cf.zip | 82k | 06-12-30 |  | Loss of Pressure Coefficient v 1.01 Returns the concentrate loss of pressure coefficient for the most common elements of an hydraulic circuit: valves, elbows, T connections, section increase and reductions, tank input and output, 90° curves and so on. |
 | lsys.zip | 3k | 04-07-24 |  | Lsys Lsys (very slowsly) creates plant-like structures by using Lindenmayer Systems. The program is in German. More information at: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0225885/programmieren7.html |
 | magnetic.zip | 7k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Magnetic Fields A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 2 different equations relating to magnetic fields. |
 | mass.zip | 5k | 04-02-14 |  | Atomic Mass v2.0 This function returns the atomic mass of any of the first 110 elements on the periodic table, or of a compound. To get the mass of gold, for instance, type mass("Au"). To find the molar mass of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), type mass("H2SO4"). You can also use parentheses, if needed, as in Ba(NO3)2. The symbol must have a capital first letter and lowercase second letter. Anything not following this pattern will return odd results. Enjoy! |
 | mat92lab.zip | 90k | 00-05-17 |  | Mat92lab - ACST "Mat92lab" become "Automatic Control Systems Toolbox" (ACST). For Electrical engineers and all people interested on systems analysis, ACST offers powerful tools for systems (SISO or MIMO) modeling by transfer function (as definitions from space state (ISO), from specific zeros,poles and gain, from connection (series, parallel, feedback) of Systems etceteras) and powerful tools for the analysis (Bode plot whit semilog grid, Niquist diagrams, Root Locus and time simulation. The program is complete of documentation (help desk in HTML, GNU GPL License). Copyright (C) 2000 Gianluca Troiani |
 | mattbox92.zip | 16k | 04-07-15 |  | Material Science Toolbox Its a packet of functions for an advanced materials analysis through examining tensions and deformations. |
 | matter.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--States of Matter A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to states of matter. |
 | mirrors.zip | 7k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Mirrors & Lenses A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to mirrors and lenses. |
 | miscelan.zip | 8k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Miscellaneous A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to miscellaneous topics. |
 | mmolair.zip | 1k | 98-04-22 |  | MMolaire A program that calculates molar mass. French version. |
 | mohrcirc92.zip | 78k | 04-04-01 |  | Mohr Allows an advanced analysis of plane tension states with drawings and numeric data. Little bug fixed. |
 | mohr.zip | 1k | 98-03-15 |  | Mohr's Circle Calculates principal stresses for a 2-D element and draws Mohr's Circle. |
 | molecule.zip | 10k | 99-03-03 |  | Molecule Organique v4.3 |
 | momentum.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Momentum A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to momentum. |
 | mom_in92.zip | 39k | 06-10-27 |  | Moments of Inertia A little program that calculates the moment of inertia of the most common beam sections... with a very simple interface! |
 | moonecl.zip | 2k | 97-07-24 |  | Lunar Eclipses v1.0 Compute, for any given year and month, the times of the possible lunar eclipse. |
 | moonfrac.zip | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | Illuminated Fraction of the Moon's Disk Compute, for any given instant, the illuminated fraction of the Moon's disk (in %). |
 | moonph.zip | 2k | 01-02-07 |  | MoonPhases v1.0 Phases of the Moon |
 | motion2d.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Motion 2D A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 7 different equations relating to motion in two dimensions. |
 | motor92.zip | 1k | 03-03-04 |  | Ultimate Motor Helper v2.0 This program is very useful when working with AC induction or DC motors. Ultimate Motor Helper will provide you with the synchronous RPM, breakdown torque, power factor, the value of the starting capacitor required for a capacitor start motor, back EMF, and flux per pole. (Some values only work with specific motors.) All of the information you need for calculations should be on the name plate, except for the number of poles. This number can be determined by a close examination of the stator core. Enjoy! (Note: This program has the distinction of being the first ever to be released on all 12 TI graphing calculator platforms. Yay!) |
 | ohmslaw.zip | 1k | 03-10-05 |  | Ohm' Law This program makes Ohm's Law calculations. Find watts, volts, resistance, or amperage based on any other two known values. |
 | optics.zip | 2k | 98-01-10 |  | Refraction of Light Two interactive figures showing the refraction of a ray of light. |
 | par.zip | 1k | 99-12-25 |  | Parallel Impedance Calculates impedance of resistors, capacitors & inductors in parallel. |
 | period92.zip | 3k | 00-02-18 |  | Periodic Table v92.0 This is a must-have for all Chemistry students! This contains the full Periodic Table of the Elements. Everything from Hydrogen to Dubnium, including electron arrangement, atomic mass, symbol, and oxidation numbers! Chemistry has never been this easy! |
 | phsolver.zip | 229k | 03-09-08 |  | Physics Solver v1.2 Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! This program will let you solve 140 physics equations for **ANY VARIABLE** within each equation. Not only can you solve for whatever you want, but this program is easier to use than than the calculator's own Operating System. It also features the ability to only load certain subject on your calculator when you need them since they are divided up by subjects (24 programs total,) this will save you a lot of space! Finally if you and/or your friends struggle in Physics you need to get these programs, they exist for nearly every programmable TI Graping calculator, so check em out and start getting better grades today! |
 | phyllo.zip | 1k | 04-07-24 |  | phyllo The distribution of seeds in a flowerhead is created. The parameter sets the difference from the Fibbonacci-angle in degrees (i.e. phyllo(0) creates the correct distribution). See also: http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0225885/programmieren2_en.html |
 | physequ.zip | 11k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Equations A listing of all the Physics Equations you will ever need during the course in High School. It has accurate information, and a good layout so that you can find what equation you need. Very helpful! |
 | physics.zip | 3k | 97-09-17 |  | Physics Database v1.0 Program that solves velocity, distance, time, and acceleration. |
 | prpa.zip | 50k | 01-03-14 |  | Cours de Prépa que dire... c'est des cours quoi! |
 | qtest.zip | 1k | 98-01-28 |  | Q-Test v1.0 Performs the q-test on data from an experiment with three trials. |
 | quantum.zip | 10k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Quantum Theory A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 10 different equations relating to quantum theory. |
 | quicklog.zip | 9k | 04-12-01 |  | Karnaugh tables This program is usefull to simplify Karnaugh tables with up to 5 variables. It produces the most simple function having 'no transitions problems'. It includes a 'step by step' mode to learn or to verify minterms step by step. |
 | referenc.zip | 740k | 07-03-22 |  | Referenc, Eng. References Referencias de Ingeniería- [ENGLISH] REFERENC gathers information about the International System Units, physical constants, a general units converter and information of the codes of protection IP (International Protection) and IK. Finally, a series of programs for measures, including a calibrator and errors in measurement. [ESPAÑOL] REFERENC cuenta con información de unidades del Sistema Internacional (SI), constantes físicas fundamentales, un conversor general de unidades e información de los códigos de protección IP (International Protection) e IK. Por último, una serie de programas para medidas, como lo es una rutina educativa sobre el uso del calibrador Pie de Rey y ecuaciones de error en la medida. |
 | reflecti.zip | 7k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Reflection & Refraction A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to reflection and refraction. |
 | sections92.zip | 44k | 03-11-29 |  | Sections A little program that calculates area A, moment of inertia J and section modulus W of the most common sections... with a very simple interface! |
 | tabcool.zip | 5k | 99-03-03 |  | Tab Cool Tableau periodique des El ments |
 | tempconv.zip | 1k | 97-10-30 |  | Temperature Conversion Converts between Celcius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin temperature scales. |
 | termo2.zip | 683k | 07-09-17 |  | Termo, Thermodynamics -Termodinámica- [ENGLISH] This program allows you to calculate the thermodynamic properties of the water making use of the formulations that the IAPWS made, from year 1997 to year 2005, called IF97 and that are published on http://www.iapws.org. The necessary equations for saturated water (liquid-steam balance), over heated water steam and compressed liquid water were programmed; being the most used in engineering. Thanks to these formulations you can find properties from different combinations from inputted data, as well as configure the units in which you wish to enter the information and see the results. There are also ideal, solid and liquid gas information, and equations, classified by subjects, that can you can easily visualize and evaluate. Te contents are: 1 Reference, 1,1 Thermodynamic Properties of the Water, 1.1.1 Saturated Water (balance liquid-steam), 1.1.2 Over heated Water Steam, 1.1.3 Compressed Liquid Water, 1.1.4 Configuration, 1,2 Properties of Diverse ideal, Solid and Liquid Gases at 25ºC, 1.2.1 Ideal Gases, 1.2.2 Solids and Liquids, 1,3 Linear Interpolation (Simple/Doble). [ESPAÑOL] Este programa le permite calcular las propiedades termodinámicas del agua haciendo uso de las formulaciones que la IAPWS realizó, desde el año 1997 hasta el año 2005, llamadas IF97 y que se encuentran disponibles al público en http://www.iapws.org. Se programaron las ecuaciones necesarias para agua saturada (equilibrio líquido-vapor), vapor de agua sobrecalentado y agua líquida comprimida; por ser las más usadas en la ingeniería. Gracias a estas formulaciones puede encontrar propiedades a partir de diferentes combinaciones de datos de entrada, así como configurar las unidades en las que desea ingresar la información y ver los resultados. También se incluye información de diversos gases ideales, sólidos y líquidos, y se facilitan ecuaciones, clasificadas por temas, que puede visualizar y evaluar fácil y rápidamente. Lo contenidos son: 1 Referencia, 1.1 Propiedades Termodinámicas del Agua, 1.1.1 Agua Saturada (equilibrio liquido-vapor), 1.1.2 Vapor de Agua Sobrecalentado, 1.1.3 Agua Líquida Comprimida, 1.1.4 Configuración, 1.2 Propiedades de Diversos Gases ideales, Sólidos y Líquidos a 25ºC, 1.2.1 Gases Ideales, 1.2.2 Sólidos y Líquidos, 1.3 Interpolación Lineal (Simple/Doble). |
 | thermal.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Thermal Energy A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to thermal energy. |
 | totale.zip | 104k | 00-06-10 |  | Dyna Pour problèmes de dynamique style masses+ressorts; calcule les pulsations propres, modes propres, matrices de masse et de raideur en coordonnées nodales ou réduites, fonctions temporelles, décomposition en sous systèmes d'ordre1, Raileygh. |
 | tpe.zip | 24k | 00-09-08 |  | TPE Table Periodique des Elements |
 | ups2.zip | 11k | 00-03-02 |  | OS multitâche v2.1 (French) système d'exploitation multitâche pour TI-92, TI-92 II |
 | upt.zip | 20k | 00-05-09 |  | Universal Periodic Table A periodic table with a research module, multi-language: English, French, German and Spanish; works with PLUG-INs : install only what you need!!! total compatibility between TI89 and TI92: the table is in full screen on both calc! |
 | vector92.zip | 2k | 00-02-23 |  | Vectors-92 v2.2p This program calculates the resultant bearing and magnitude when two forces act on an object simultaneously. This program is a port of the popular TI-89 program by the same name. Thanks to Nick B. for the use of his calculator |
 | vectors.zip | 9k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Vectors A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 9 different equations relating to vectors. |
 | velocity92.zip | 2k | 99-03-03 |  | Velocity v3.0 |
 | velocity.zip | 7k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Velocity A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 3 different equations relating to velocity. |
 | wallfilm.zip | 92k | 01-07-19 |  | WallFilm model of the wall film for port injection system engine control managment power train |
 | waves.zip | 9k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Waves A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to light and sound waves. |
 | wooden.zip | 6k | 01-12-16 |  | wooden Program to calculate the transversal sections of a wooden element under compression, flexion or stress. |
 | work.zip | 9k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Power & Work A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to power and work. |
 | xcsm0822.zip | 48k | 99-06-24 |  | Circuit Simulator (French) Circuit Simulator for Ti-92 (French version) |
 | xstress.zip | 2k | 98-05-02 |  | XStress v1.0 Beta A program that allows you to calculate almost everything essential to plane stress, for a mechanics of materials course. English and Spanish versions. |