| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-92 Assembly Misc. Programs |
 | allphps.zip | 5k | 99-03-01 |  | Test All RC5 Codes with the IR Link v2.2 a new version of all phps |
 | allsony.zip | 5k | 99-04-20 |  | Test All Sony Codes with the IR Link A new program similar to Allphps but with Sony devices. |
 | apd2.zip | 1k | 98-02-13 |  | Auto Power Down Changer 2.0 Changes the time a TI 92 takes to Auto Power Down |
 | apd.zip | 1k | 98-01-23 |  | Change APD 2.1 |
 | argent.zip | 15k | 99-12-30 |  | Argent v2.0 Administer your current account from your Ti - Gerer votre compte en banque sur votre Ti |
 | baseconv.zip | 8k | 99-03-02 |  | Base Conversion v1.0 Beta Decimal hexa... conversion |
 | bcircle.zip | 4k | 98-03-03 |  | Bresenham's Circle Algorithm |
 | bigjoke.zip | 5k | 98-03-10 |  | Real MultiTasking Kernel |
 | bline.zip | 2k | 98-03-01 |  | Bresenham's Line Algorithm |
 | bmfnctns.zip | 3k | 98-02-07 |  | Bit Manipulation Functions 1.0 Bit Manipulation FUNCTIONS pass parameters, return value |
 | compress.zip | 8k | 98-09-16 |  | Compress v1.0 Compress and extract files on the TI-92. Required libraries: flib, complib. |
 | contrast.zip | 1k | 98-04-06 |  | Contrast 1.0 CONTRAST 1.0 by Ryszard Szklany |
 | db92.zip | 30k | 98-04-27 |  | db92 v0.7.2 Debugger |
 | doorspic.zip | 1k | 98-05-27 |  | Doors Picture Viewer v1.0 |
 | e2bin92.zip | 11k | 99-07-17 |  | Expander2 TI-92 Driver v2.00 |
 | error.zip | 2k | 98-03-04 |  | Error Tester |
 | exec.zip | 7k | 01-04-07 |  | Exec The exec() function for ti-92 |
 | fbrowser.zip | 2k | 98-04-10 |  | FBrowser 0.3.1 |
 | findit.zip | 2k | 99-04-19 |  | Find it ! v1.0 Enter a word, it will search through all the TEXT files, and return you the folder's name and file's name. |
 | forth92.zip | 144k | 23-04-11 |  | Forth92 An ANS-Forth for the TI-92, including word-sets for floating-point, file-access and graphics. |
 | fpl2.zip | 71k | 23-03-16 |  | FPL II Fargo Program Launcher II, supporting strong program compression |
 | fpl.zip | 16k | 23-03-16 |  | The Fargo Program Launcher |
 | fprotec.zip | 5k | 98-02-15 |  | FProtec 2.3e update english and french version |
 | fsrout4b.zip | 7k | 23-03-16 |  | FSRout4B Assembly File System Routines to be used by TI Basic programs |
 | fterm.zip | 2k | 98-04-10 |  | FTerm 1.0.9 |
 | ftext.zip | 2k | 98-02-04 |  | Fargo-Text 1.3 Write Fargo Style Text on the Graph Screen |
 | hexdump.zip | 1k | 98-04-10 |  | Hexadecimal Memory Viewer |
 | hexview.zip | 4k | 98-04-08 |  | HexView v2.5 |
 | hex.zip | 4k | 98-01-17 |  | Hex Editor 1.3 |
 | hide.zip | 1k | 98-08-07 |  | Hide v1.0 Utility that lets you hide/unhide variables so they don't appear in the var-link menu. |
 | iog.zip | 1k | 98-04-05 |  | IOGraph (prgmIO screen to graph screen) |
 | irchat92.zip | 5k | 99-03-01 |  | InfraRed Chat v0.1 I have ported irchat on the 89 to the 92 with permission |
 | irremote.zip | 6k | 99-03-01 |  | IR Remote a new program which already exist for the 89 and 92 |
 | keycode.zip | 4k | 98-04-04 |  | Keycode 3.0 Return the hexadecimal code of a key |
 | key.zip | 1k | 98-04-09 |  | Keyboard Remapper 1.0 |
 | langston.zip | 1k | 98-04-10 |  | Langston's Ant |
 | life.zip | 3k | 99-05-14 |  | Life Game v1.0 A small life universe where 'cells' (pixels) evolve depending on their neighbors. |
 | linkport.zip | 2k | 98-07-12 |  | LinkPort Dump Displays everything received from the linkport on the screen. Everything you type on the keyboard is sent out the linkport. |
 | lok.zip | 1k | 98-04-19 |  | LOK v1.0 (password protection) password protection |
 | mandel.zip | 12k | 98-03-15 |  | Mandelbrot Set A fractal generator |
 | ontic.zip | 311k | 99-12-29 |  | Ontic v0.1 Beta An on-calc C compiler. |
 | password.zip | 3k | 98-03-28 |  | MXM Password Protection 1.4 |
 | pct98.zip | 41k | 99-03-20 |  | PCTOOLS98 v0.73 Beta A powerful file manager with plugin support |
 | port.zip | 2k | 98-04-11 |  | I/O Test 1.00 |
 | protec.zip | 2k | 99-03-02 |  | Protection v1.0 Beta A protect system for the TI92 |
 | qv.zip | 4k | 98-03-24 |  | QuickView 1.91 Text viewer |
 | romdump1.zip | 1k | 98-04-10 |  | Dump ROM to Link Port (raw) |
 | romdump2.zip | 1k | 98-04-10 |  | Dump ROM to Link Port (ASCII) |
 | safe02.zip | 1k | 98-01-24 |  | Safe-T-Calc 2.0 Password calulator protection program |
 | sfx92.zip | 78k | 23-03-16 |  | SFX92 1.01 Compresses Fargo .92p programs to self extracting Fargo program archives. |
 | sierpin.zip | 1k | 98-04-10 |  | Sierpinski Triangle |
 | sine.zip | 1k | 98-02-10 |  | 3-D Effects with Sine Waves |
 | sndfargo.zip | 2k | 00-09-08 |  | TI-92II Send Fargo v0.2 Alpha This program sends the entire memory (a backup...) to another TI-92II. In v0.2 Alpha : Major Bug Fixed ! |
 | sprite.zip | 2k | 98-04-10 |  | Sprite Test |
 | stablizr.zip | 2k | 98-03-04 |  | System Stabilizer 0.7 |
 | sublink.zip | 231k | 03-11-08 |  | SUBLINK V1.01 (Connect TI92 and CControl-1-Computer, german Sublink is a program for the TI92(II)(OS2.1) based on FargoII enables the TI to act like a CControl-1 micro computer board. Thus you can download compiled CCBASIC/CCPLUS programs and SYS code from your PC to the TI92 and from there to the CC1. Also you can upload the EEPROM dumps from CC1 to the TI and back to PC. Therefore no laptop is required to change the programm of your CControl-1 in field. (german description) |
 | sview.zip | 9k | 99-09-20 |  | SView v1.0 A text viewer. |
 | tester.zip | 2k | 98-02-05 |  | Code Tester 1.0 |
 | testfunc.zip | 1k | 98-04-10 |  | Test Function |
 | test.zip | 8k | 98-06-05 |  | Example TI-BASIC and Fargo Factorial Functions |
 | textes.zip | 11k | 98-11-02 |  | Text Tester v2.0 Allows to move know the position of a phrase. |
 | textview.zip | 2k | 98-05-30 |  | TextView v1.01 View any TI92 s text quickly, easily and with pictures incorporated |
 | ti92dump.zip | 754k | 98-06-10 |  | TI-92 Dump v1.1 ROM dumper program for the Graph Link cable |
 | tidos.zip | 20k | 98-04-29 |  | TiDOS v0.9.1 |
 | torus.zip | 9k | 98-03-28 |  | Torus Demo 1.1 |
 | tsrpass.zip | 5k | 98-04-17 |  | TSR Password 1.0 |
 | tv.zip | 3k | 98-09-09 |  | TV v0.1 Files viewer |
 | txtsurf.zip | 3k | 98-02-13 |  | TextSurfer 1.2 Lite Textsurfer Lite update |
 | txtsurfz.zip | 23k | 98-02-13 |  | TextSurfer 2.2 with Compression Textsurfer with compression update |
 | ugpbrwse.zip | 57k | 16-05-17 |  | UGPBrwse v1.00 |
 | whizz.zip | 43k | 99-03-02 |  | Whizz! Alpha 5 Pseudo operating system for TI 92I and TI 92II, fully rewrote : |
 | xedit.zip | 1k | 98-04-12 |  | Xedit (little text editor) |
 | xetal.zip | 42k | 99-01-03 |  | XeTaL v1.15 Formatted text viewer |
 | xinu92.zip | 581k | 98-05-22 |  | Xinu OS Multiprocessing Kernel Full OS runs alongside TI OS, multiprocessing |
 | yprotec.zip | 18k | 00-03-02 |  | Yprotec A password protection with a very nice graphical presentation. |