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Last updated Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Total downloads 25,036
Most popular file  Economic Growth Rate with 7,977 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Science Programs
econgthr.89p1k01-12-22File is not ratedEconomic Growth Rate
Figures economic growth rate. Must understand Macroeconomic basics to use.
economia.zip1888k08-03-25File is not ratedIngeniería Económica / Economical Engineering v1.2
ENGLISH: This program is a help in Economy for Engineers or Economical Engineering which speeds calculation process. Equations: Composed Interest, Valuations, Advanced vs. Due, Uniform Series, Arithmetic Gradient, Geometric Gradient, Echeloned Gradient and Combined Fluxes. TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium compatible. ESPAÑOL: Este programa es una ayuda en Economía para Ingenieros o Ingeniería Económica el cual agiliza los procesos de cálculo. Ecuaciones: Interés Compuesto, Tasas, Anticipada vs. Vencida, Serie Uniforme, Gradiente Aritmético, Gradiente Geométrico, Gradiente Escalonado y Flujos Combinados. Compatible con TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 y TI-89 Titanium.
emplpop.zip1k05-09-24File is not ratedEmployment population
This program figures the total percent of people employed in a country. Need basic understanding of macroeconomics to use.
options.zip2k00-07-14File is not ratedOption Pricing
Option Pricing with Black-Scholes
partrte.zip1k05-09-24File is not ratedPercent Labor Force
This program figures the percent of labor force participation. This is beta version.

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