| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Science Programs |
 | diffract.zip | 9k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Diffraction A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to diffraction and interferance of light. |
 | dioptre.zip | 6k | 00-03-01 |  | Dioptre Calc (French) Optical tool |
 | lens2.zip | 4k | 02-06-01 |  | Thin Lenses This program solves for image position and size for either a single thin lens or a combination of 2 thin lenses. It also draws ray diagrams to illustrate image position, size, and nature. The program can handle real and virtual images, real and virtual objects, and any lens spacing. |
 | lens.zip | 8k | 01-03-14 |  | Lens Programme d'optique de spé physique résolvant les système à 1 ou 2 lentilles et qui trace le schéma |
 | mirrors.zip | 7k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Mirrors & Lenses A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to mirrors and lenses. |
 | n_slits.zip | 1k | 02-07-15 |  | Multiple Slit Interference Patterns This program graphs light intensity versus angular position in interference patterns from multiple slit arrangements. The patterns include both interference and diffraction effects. The number of slits, slit width, slit spacing, wavelength, and the number of interference orders displayed can all be varied. |
 | reflecti.zip | 7k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Reflection & Refraction A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to reflection and refraction. |
 | telept.zip | 4k | 00-10-01 |  | Telescope Pointer Calculates altazimuth telescope alignments for any day of the year, any time. Just enter the right ascension and declination. |