| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Science Programs |
 | 2dcollisions.zip | 187k | 11-04-15 |  | Two-Dimensional Collisions This program solves two-dimensional collision problems involving 2 smooth, non-rotating objects. Elastic, inelastic, and completely inelastic collisions are treated. The required input varies depending on collision type, but may include masses, initial or final velocities, r (coefficient of restitution), KE (final kinetic energy), ΔKE (change in kinetic energy), or β (percent change in kinetic energy). Depending on input, results may include initial or final velocities or masses. Momentum and energy equations can be displayed as computed, if desired. Changes in the masses of the objects are permitted so that some two body nuclear reactions can be handled. Several examples are included. |
 | absphys.zip | 2k | 00-09-28 |  | Absolute Physics This is the most versatile physics program I've seen for the 89. With this program, you select the best equation for your problem and specify the variable to solve for. You're able to solve equations is seconds. The accuracy of the program is amazing! Because this program is easy to use, it helps a lot with home work, tests, etc. |
 | acceler8.zip | 6k | 05-04-20 |  | Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion This program solves uniformly accelerated linear motion problems. This is a consderably revised version of linmot(). The values of any 5 of the 7 quantities { xo, x, vo, v, a, to, t } must be entered, then the program solves for the remaining 2 quantities. Only solutions with td to are given. Entered values and results are saved (temporarily) and can be edited for use in the next calculation by cutting and pasting in the dialog box. All solutions are copied to the home screen. |
 | accelera.zip | 8k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Acceleration A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 5 different equations relating to acceleration. |
 | apphysics.zip | 5k | 03-05-18 |  | AP Physics This program displays every single equation I have been taught in the 2002-2003 school year by my AP Physics teacher. The equations are categorized by a menu so you don't have to scroll through every equation for the one you want. |
 | bullet.zip | 1k | 03-03-08 |  | Bullet Trajectory Enter the data and press enter. the program calculates the approximate window size to give you the [almost] exact trajectory of the bullet/projectile/object/teacher |
 | center_of_mass_89.zip | 5k | 07-07-26 |  | Center of Mass Enter the upper function, the lower function, the lower bound, the upper bound, and the density of the region to calculate the center of mass of the region. |
 | centeroglgm.zip | 8k | 02-04-08 |  | Centers of Mass (Gravity) This program calculates the coordinates of the center of mass of a region. The user enters two functions that create a region, the density function, and the interval from a to b. Using this data, the program calculates the coordinates of a point (x,y) that is the center of mass of that region. |
 | ch15kine.zip | 1k | 01-06-12 |  | Chapter15-Kinetics Kinetics, rate equation, etc. |
 | classactphysics.zip | 4k | 06-03-11 |  | ClassAct - Physics 2.0 A library and solver of all basic physics equations. This single program contains all the equations that Physics Solver 1.2 has, while taking a little over a tenth of the space. This is a partial distribution of the physics portion of the ClassAct Suite; package is 11751 bytes. |
 | cof2d.zip | 58k | 06-10-27 |  | Center of Gravity 2D This function calculates the center of gravity of a convex polygon given the matrix of vertexes. |
 | collide.zip | 2k | 02-06-01 |  | Collisions This program determines results (final velocities and information on energy loss or the coefficient of restitution) of head-on collisions between 2 objects. The masses and initial velocities of the objects must be entered. For inelastic collisions, either the coefficient of restitution or the percent energy loss must be entered. All results are copied to the home screen. |
 | collisions.zip | 8k | 05-05-17 |  | One-Dimensional Collisions This program solves head-on (one-dimensional) collision problems. It will also handle explosions in which one object breaks into two pieces. This is a considerably revised version of collide(). The previous program required initial values as input and calculated final values. Collisun() allows entry of either initial or final values, or almost any combination of initial and final values. Although any system of units can be used, all quantities must be expressed in the same system of units. Entered values and results can be edited for use in another calculation. All solutions are copied to the home screen. |
 | collision.zip | 1k | 09-10-15 |  | Collision Velocity Calculator Enter mass and velocity of 2 objects, as well as the coefficient of restitution, and determine the final velocities of the 2 objects. |
 | d1colide.zip | 2k | 00-06-15 |  | One-Dimensional Collision Calculator Calculates results of a one dimensional collision between two objects (UPDATED). (Physics) |
 | dmv.zip | 1k | 99-10-10 |  | Density, Mass and Volume Solver This program solves either Density, Mass or Volume using the basic equation of D=M/V. This is very useful in Chemistry class. |
 | easykin.zip | 1k | 98-10-23 |  | Easy Kinematics Program Solves kinematic problems for each variable. |
 | energy89.zip | 1k | 00-12-17 |  | Energy v1.0 Calculates the kinetic or potential energy given a set of variables |
 | energymomentum.zip | 1k | 09-10-15 |  | Kinetic Energy and Momentum Enter the mass and the velocity, and calculate the kinetic energy and the momentum of the object. |
 | euler.zip | 1k | 06-12-10 |  | Euler Method for Physics This program allows you to use the Euler method for physics calculations...such as air friction with gravity. |
 | forces.zip | 7k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Forces A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 4 different equations relating to forces. |
 | force.zip | 4k | 00-11-09 |  | Force Calculator This is a program that helps you calculate vector forces. It gives you the force and direction that is produced when who forces act on an object. VERY useful for physics class, it does everything for you. |
 | fresnel.zip | 1k | 00-04-18 |  | Fresnel Physics prog for Fresnel's vector |
 | gphysicsch2_1dmotion.zip | 2k | 01-12-22 |  | General Physics: Chapter 2 Summarizes one dimensional motion, with equations and definitions. |
 | gphysicsch3_2dmotion.zip | 3k | 01-12-22 |  | General Physics: Chapter 3 Summarizes two dimensional motion, with equations and definitions. |
 | gphysicsch5_workenergy_txt.zip | 2k | 01-12-22 |  | General Physics: Chapter 5 (txt) a text file of equations for work, potential, kinetic, and mechanical energy |
 | gravity.zip | 11k | 03-08-26 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Universal Gravitation A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to universal gravity. |
 | jectii89.zip | 1k | 03-03-14 |  | Projectile II Enter in data about a projectile such as the initial velocity, initial angle, and initial height and receive two pages of information about the projectile. This program solves for projectiles that either fall to the ground or that collide into a wall. |
 | kinematicequationsv1.2.zip | 3k | 01-12-22 |  | Physics: Kinematic Equations V. 1.2 Solves the four most basic kinematic equations of physics relating to motion, horizontal/or vertical. Version 1.2 fixes the clearpro problem. Thanks to ConcertMaster69 for notifying me of this. |
 | kinematics1.0.zip | 1k | 04-12-11 |  | Kinematics 1.0 Solves kinematics equations for both linear and rotational but you need to think of the rotational variables in terms of linear variables, i.e. w=v |
 | kinmatic.zip | 5k | 01-12-16 |  | kinmatic This program solves kinematic equations, solves basic physics equations, and converts units. |
 | linmot.zip | 2k | 02-06-01 |  | Linear Motion This program solves uniformly accelerated linear motion problems. The values of any 3 of the 5 quantities {x, vo, v, a, t} must be entered, then the program chooses the proper equations and solves for the remaining quantities. All solutions are copied to the home screen. |
 | masscen.zip | 2k | 99-03-29 |  | Center of Mass v1.01 ChaoticSofts Center of Mass v1.01 |
 | mecanica.zip | 1k | 03-07-08 |  | sist. particulas Sistema de particulas |
 | mobile89.zip | 9k | 00-02-13 |  | Mobile89 Calculates the tension and placement of a string that is hanging a mobile. |
 | momentum.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Momentum A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 6 different equations relating to momentum. |
 | motion2d.zip | 9k | 03-09-01 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Motion 2D A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 7 different equations relating to motion in two dimensions. |
 | motion3d.zip | 41k | 08-03-05 |  | 3 Dimensional Motion with Time Dependent Acceleration This program analyzes 1, 2, or 3 dimensional motion with either time dependent or constant acceleration. For a 3d case, the values of any 10 of the 16 quantities { xo, yo, zo, vox, voy, voz, ax, ay, az, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, t } must be entered, then the program solves for the remaining 6 unknown quantities from the list. Either position, velocity, or acceleration can be entered as a function of time for each of the 3 dimensions. In time dependent cases, the values of the unknowns as well as expressions for them as functions of time are given. Several examples are included. |
 | motion89.zip | 2k | 02-11-28 |  | Motion Solver 89 Enter the values you know from the projectile or Linear motion equations, (an 'x' for the values you don't know), and it will solve for the unknown variables...(the equation should be of the form Xf = Xi + Vx * T + 1/2 * Ax * T^2 and/or Yf = Yi + Vy * T + 1/2 * Ay * T^2) (NOTE: SEE SCREENSHOT FOR SAMPLE OF INPUT AND OUTPUT.......THIS IS FOR AMS 2.08....IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 2.08...YOU HAVE TO EDIT A FEW "Request" FUNCTIONS BY TAKING OUT THE ",0" AT THE END) |
 | motion.zip | 1k | 99-10-27 |  | Motion Solver v1.1 Enter 3: vi, vf, t, d, a & it gives you the rest. |
 | newt2nd.zip | 25k | 06-10-27 |  | Newton's 2nd Law of Motion This program solves problems involving any number of forces (in a plane) applied to a particle. It works for either dynamic or static situations. Either numerical or symbolic solutions can be found. Any 2 quantities (other than angles) can be solved for. Connected objects can be treated by applying the program to each object separately to set up a system of simultaneous equations. This update makes it easier to treat connected objects. A worked example is included in the text file. All solutions are copied to the home screen. |
 | newt2sys.zip | 83k | 06-12-19 |  | Newton's 2nd Law Applied to Systems of Objects This update fixes a problem in the editing procedure. This program solves problems involving any number of forces (in a plane) applied to an object or a system of objects and pulleys. Results include the effects of the mass, radius and inertia of pulleys. Either numerical or symbolic solutions can be found. Equations are displayed as the program runs and are also copied to the home screen. When the number of unknowns exceeds the number of equations, you can choose which to solve for: the rest are treated as parameters. All solutions are copied to the home screen. Two worked examples are included. |
 | newtonlaws.zip | 1k | 03-04-25 |  | Newtons Laws Here is a very simple program that tells you each of newtons laws. |
 | newtons.zip | 2k | 03-03-09 |  | Newton's Method Newtmeth is a program that uses Newtons Method to approximate a zero for a polynomial function. |
 | phsolver.zip | 229k | 03-09-08 |  | Physics Solver v1.2 Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! This program will let you solve 140 physics equations for **ANY VARIABLE** within each equation. Not only can you solve for whatever you want, but this program is easier to use than than the calculator's own Operating System. It also features the ability to only load certain subject on your calculator when you need them since they are divided up by subjects (24 programs total,) this will save you a lot of space! Finally if you and/or your friends struggle in Physics you need to get these programs, they exist for nearly every programmable TI Graping calculator, so check em out and start getting better grades today! |
 | physcipck1.zip | 1k | 04-01-28 |  | Physical Science Series - Physical Science Pack 1 A group of 2 functions and a program that are useful for Physical Science and Physics classes. Read the documentation for more. |
 | physequ89.zip | 9k | 10-12-01 |  | Physics Equations 89/92/V200 v1.0 Physics Equations is a program that has physics equations pre- programmed so that all you have to do is select the equation, select the variable to solve for, and plug in your knowns. It is recommended that you run this program in Archive so that if your RAM is cleared, you still keep this program. This is my first TI-89 program, so feedback is welcome! This program has been verified to work on the TI-89/Titanium, TI-92/+, and Voyage 200. There is also a version for TI-83/+ and 84+/SE. |
 | physequ.zip | 11k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Equations A listing of all the Physics Equations you will ever need during the course in High School. It has accurate information, and a good layout so that you can find what equation you need. Very helpful! |
 | physform.zip | 17k | 00-01-12 |  | Physics Formulae 89 A collection of different physics formulas by request. |
 | physics89.zip | 3k | 02-04-12 |  | Physics This is a very usful group of programs. It was put together to help high school kids but it might even be helpful when your in collage |
 | physicsch2_1dmotion.zip | 2k | 01-12-16 |  | Chapter 2: 1 D Motion Summarizes one dimensional motion, with equations and definitions.. |
 | physicsc.zip | 1k | 99-05-19 |  | Physics C: Mechanics Notecard v1.0 Translation of Physics C notecard for TI-85. |
 | physics.physform.zip | 2k | 03-11-19 |  | physform This is a physics solver, suitable for any AP or non physics class. It will be updated as I continue through the course, but as of now is capable of kinematics, f=ma, circular motion, and gravitational attraction. The program has been pretty well tested, but if you find a flaw, let me know about it. My email is swailsey2004@msn.com. I hope this program comes in handy, but a tip is to use it to check your answers rather than become dependant on it as a source of them. (and I take no responsibility for any problems that this may have, although with such simple syntax I don't see that happening, but just to be safe) |
 | physicsset.zip | 9k | 12-03-07 |  | Physics Set v3.0 This is a set of physics formula solvers, with two animators. It is very useful for the average Honors Physics student. Now incorporates a new GUI for two programs, and increases efficiency. |
 | physics.zip | 1k | 98-10-23 |  | Physics-89 Solves for freefall, kinematics, and centripital force. |
 | physic.zip | 1k | 98-11-21 |  | Physic Solver v0.85 |
 | phyzics.zip | 9k | 00-08-28 |  | Phyzics New and improved! This new version of Phyzics can hold up to 150 equations, with the ability to type in an equation to solve only once or to save for later use! Functionality is much improved and the interface is easier. Newest release: includes minor changes to allow for better storing and accessing capabilities for user-defined equations. This version: big bug fix over v1.6 >>AND a smaller changer over v1.7. I apologize for having to rerelease so soon.<< Nothing else changed. Get this version to be able to use any of the newly added equations |
 | planemo.zip | 54k | 08-02-28 |  | Motion in a Plane with Constant Acceleration This is a generalization of my program, Projctle(), to include acceleration due to forces other than gravity. For example, it can be used for a charged particle moving in a uniform electric field. The values of any 7 of the 11 quantities, {components of acceleration, initial position coordinates, initial speed and direction, final position coordinates, final speed and direction, and time} must be entered, then the program solves for the remaining 4 unknown quantities. Several examples are included. |
 | programs.progma.zip | 27k | 04-01-28 |  | Physical Science Series - Mechanical Advantage Solver A program used to solve for the MA of all simple machines. Try it out. |
 | projctle.zip | 8k | 05-04-20 |  | Projectile Motion This update of projctle() allows entry of either initial or final values, or any combination of initial and final values, and also removes the restriction that the projectile start at (0,0). The previous version of projctle() required initial values as input and calculated final values. Projctle() solves most types of projectile motion problems, assuming no resistive forces. Choose from 3 different systems of units. The values of any 5 of the 9 quantities { xo, yo, vo, áo, x, y, v, á, t } must be entered, then the program solves for the remaining 4 unknown quantities from the list. Solutions are copied to the home screen. |
 | projdrag.zip | 9k | 03-12-16 |  | Projectile Motion in a Resistive Medium This program analyzes projectile motion in a resistive medium (R=-bv). The program solves most types of projectile motion problems. Choose from 3 different systems of units. The values of any 3 of the 4 quantities {vo, qo, x, y} must be entered, as well as a resistance parameter, then the program solves for the remaining unknown quantities from the list {vo, qo, x, y, t, v, vx, vy, q} . The solutions are copied to the home screen. The path of the projectile and the path in vacuum are graphed for comparison. After exiting the program, the graphs can be examined and input values can be changed. |
 | protect.zip | 1k | 02-10-27 |  | Protect Finds almost anything about a projectile. Then, it can find where on a building it will hit. Displays a rough graph, too! Check out your graph mode to see the real graph. |
 | pushincline.zip | 1k | 09-10-20 |  | Pushing an Item on Incline I wrote this program after finding myself trying to push a car from rolling down a driveway. Enter the angle of the incline, mass of the object, and the coefficient of friction, and calculate the minimum applied force needed to prevent the object from accelerating down. Enter the values with the parameters of pushincl(angle, mass, coefficient). |
 | range89.zip | 1k | 05-08-02 |  | Range Formula Solver Solves the range formula for range, initial velocity, angle, or gravity. |
 | rpyangle.zip | 1k | 06-06-15 |  | RPY Angle RPYANGLE calculates and displays the two possible sets of alpha, beta, and gamma angles by prompting the user to enter a rotation matrix by columns. |
 | sections.zip | 31k | 03-11-29 |  | Sections v 1.02 A little program that calculates area A, moment of inertia J and section modulus W of the most common sections... with a very simple interface! |
 | shm.zip | 4k | 03-10-13 |  | Simple Harmonic Motion Analyzer Given values for 4 of 10 parameters, this program returns values for all relevant quantities in simple harmonic motion, including energy, amplitude, period, frequency, mass, force constant, initial position and velocity, angular frequency, and phase constant. It also returns equations for position, velocity, and acceleration as functions of time. It evaluates position, velocity, and acceleration at a given time, velocity and acceleration at a given position, or the time at a given position. Results are copied to the home screen. |
 | torque.zip | 42k | 06-12-19 |  | Torque and Angular Acceleration This update fixes a potential problem involving a subroutine. This program solves problems involving rotation caused by any number of forces (in a plane) applied at different points on an object. Either numerical or symbolic solutions can be found. Equations are displayed as the program runs and are also copied to the home screen. When the number of unknowns exceeds the number of equations, you can choose which to solve for: the rest are treated as parameters. All solutions are copied to the home screen. Two worked examples are included. |
 | vectors.zip | 9k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Vectors A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 9 different equations relating to vectors. |
 | vector.zip | 1k | 98-10-03 |  | Vector Addition Adds vectors and displays them graphically. |
 | velocity.zip | 7k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Velocity A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 3 different equations relating to velocity. |
 | wavedis.zip | 1k | 99-11-10 |  | Linear Wave Dispersion v1.0 Computes the length of an ocean wave for a given period and water depth. |
 | workenergyprinciple.zip | 189k | 11-03-17 |  | The Work-Energy Principle This program uses the Work-Energy principle to solve problems involving any number of forces (in a plane) applied to an object or a system of objects, pulleys, and springs. It treats objects as point particles, that is, it will not treat rotation (except pulleys). If a pulley has mass, it is treated as a separate object in the system. The program will handle some cases of motion on a curved path if friction is the only non-constant force which does work on the object. Either numerical or symbolic solutions can be found, although the symbolic solutions are sometimes slow. Equations are displayed as the program runs and are also copied to the home screen. Several worked examples are included. |
 | work.zip | 9k | 03-09-05 |  | Physics Solver v1.2--Power & Work A physics program which will allow you to solve for any variable from 8 different equations relating to power and work. |
 | zyzangle.zip | 1k | 06-06-15 |  | ZYZ Angle ZYZANGLE calculates and displays the two possible sets of alpha, beta, and gamma angles by prompting the user to enter a rotation matrix by columns. |