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Last updated Saturday, 9 June 2007
Total downloads 66,570
Most popular file  Memory Information v1.0 with 4,926 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities)
afterbug.zip14k00-03-18File is not ratedAfterbug v2.0a
Afterbug is an utility that creates archived backups of the Doors files (Doors, doorsos, uninstall... and some libs) and restores them in case of a crash. You can add your own backups. For ti 89 with rom 2.03
backman2.zip81k07-03-01File is not ratedBackup Manager v3.01
Backup Manager offers an easy and reliable way to save backups (in the Flash archive) of files on the calculator, and to update them afterwards (useful for files that change too frequently to make simply archiving them convenient). Backup Manager 3 has been completely redesigned, and features the ability to be expanded by separate add-ons. It also has an enhanced, improved Advanced Shell.
backman.zip11k01-02-08File is not ratedBackup Manager v1.40
This project allows the user to quickly and easily make and manage backups of files that are being edited. For example, I like to keep my agenda on my calculator. I don't want to lose it in a crash, but I have to be able to edit it, so I use Backup Manager for this. See the readme.txt file for more info. By the way, this program traps just about every conceivable error in a nice way so that the user does not see an ugly uniformative message from TIOS.
backup892.zip8k00-06-16File is not ratedBackup/Restore v1.0
Backup/Restore v1.0 - Backs up your files on your TI-89 (AMS 2.03+) and lets you restore them when your calc crashes.
backup89.zip7k99-11-10File is not ratedBackup 89
Memory backup between two TI-89
backupmanager.zip18k05-02-11File is not ratedBackup Manager 1.02 for TI-89 & TI-89 TE
A file backup managing program. Uses a very efficient GUI and some ASM functions to produce a very complexly written yet simple layout. It is by far the most powerful AND efficient Backup program that there is in the archives. I can say this because I have tested each one of them and continue to, and have had people test mine among various other programs, anonymously, and mine was voted the best. You should check this out if you are a calculator gamer, or anyone who uses TSR's. It can be set to back up any variable, compress it, and archive it. It uses lists of vars so you do not have to back up files individually. It has the ability to backup files and safely restart your OS. This version has a small update that merely assists restoring vars after a restart. It also has the ability to Garbage Collect. There are many other features, and it is a relatively small program. It remains compressed when not in use to save memory. It decompresses and loads in 3-4 seconds. Please check this out if it is something you need. It is TI-89 and 89 TE compatible. Screenshots are included.
backupmaster89.zip5k02-11-20File is not ratedBackupMaster89
The most revolutionary (only) backup program for the TI-89. It keeps multiple backup sets, automatically restores missing files with the most recent version, keeps itself in archive so it doesn't get erased, allows "one-time" backups or restoring only of files through an easy Manager interface, and allows you to roll back to any older version of a file from any backup using the Rollback system.
backupram.zip8k03-03-07File is not ratedbackup
Program to restore your ram after you erase it (ie after a crash with an asm game, after you take out the batteries while the calc is on...)
chkmemry.zip1k03-03-07File is not ratedMemory Checker v1.0
Allows you to check how much RAM and ARCHIVE space left on your calculator. The results are depicted visually instead of with numbers. If you have a hard time understanding what 127K means, or you just like to download stuff, download this and try it out!
clearprogram.zip1k01-12-15File is not ratedClearAll
What clearpro() does, is that it clears the table, graph, home, program screen, all 1 letter variables, and assorted other things. It decreases the program size by having only to type clearpro() instead of putting ClrIO and/or NewProb.
extchang.zip12k03-04-29File is not ratedExtension changer
Small program, written in basic but using asm library which allow you to change easily the extension of a variable.
fileexplorer.zip3k07-06-09File is not ratedFile Explorer 1.0
A quick way to launch frequently used programs on your calculator. Simple setup and crash protection allows this program to keep on working. Uses quick launch + 1 to launch, but can be changed with no adverse effects.
folderinfo.zip2k00-05-29File is not ratedFolder Info
An ASM function that returns either a list of all folders or a list of all variables in a specific folder. It is very easy to use, and extends the range of programs possible in BASIC by a lot. A must-have for every programmer who still prefers BASIC over C (for whatever reason).
freemem.zip1k01-04-04File is not ratedFreeMem v1.0 First Public Release
This program uses getConfg() to display your calc's free memory in 3 bar graphs
freespac.zip9k03-03-10File is not ratedFree Space
Permet de savoir combien de place libre il vous reste (en RAM et en ROM)
getsize.zip5k04-11-04File is not ratedGetsize v1.0
This basic library returns the EXACT size of any variable on your 89/89TI/92+/V200 any AMS and Hardware version. It can be integrated as a subprogram in any basic program. Programmed by Hadrien Bonomi, 30/10/2004
meminfo.zip1k99-07-15File is not ratedMemory Information v1.0
Shows inforamtion about the RAM and archive that is not shown by pressing [2nd] + [ 6 ].
mes_unites.zip1k01-08-06File is not ratedMes unités
There are two progs to restore units that have been lost when the calc crash
open.zip10k05-03-02File is not ratedOpen
A menu with all files and folders using Flib.
recall.zip2k05-10-05File is not ratedRecall
A well made (hopefully) backup program. I tried to make it better than the others. This version of recall is better than the one found in prgmpack
recover.zip1k01-05-01File is not ratedRecover (Beta Version)
Don't you hate a crash. Will this program will pull you out in a sec after a crash after you install it you can delete the install file!
restore.zip1k00-04-07File is not ratedCalcRestore v1.0
A program to restore your memory after a crash.
sysinfo.zip1k01-03-14File is not ratedSystem Info.
Use to view the status of your calc. View amount of RAM, RAM remaining, amount of Archive ROM, Archive ROM remaining, etc.
utils.zip9k00-11-02File is not ratedSamer's Utilities
The best utilities ever!
xplorer.zip24k04-08-24File is not ratedXplorer BETA
A file browser made in basic (with the help of flib)

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