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Last updated Tuesday, 11 October 2011
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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs
basos.zip3k00-02-29File is not ratedBasOS v1.5
A shell in BASIC that uses Doors II. Runs both Asm and BASIC games.
blitzk.zip6k99-10-14File is not ratedBlitZ K* Operating System
An operating system designed to look and feel like a file manager.
bureau.zip35k01-06-01File is not ratedNew version of Bureau2000 with missing files
Sorry for the missing files of the last version, this should be the complete version of Bureau 2000 with grayscale, but I've still no time to correct all the bugs, but nevertheless it should work. There will be soon more documentation about advanced functions, because there are quite powerful one.
chooser.zip27k01-03-25File is not ratedChooser v1.01
This is an updated v 1.01 which includes some minor bug fixes by running the included patch. Chooser itself is a program that is designed with the running of programs (BASIC and ASM) in mind. It has many features and is actually quite handy.
chpackagev2.3.zip43k01-06-01File is not ratedCHpackage
This is a program package consisting of chooser V 2.3 and chdraw V 1.0. Chooser is designed to make running any program you want as easy as the push of a button. This is the best chooser ever and has been thourghly tested to rid of all errors. With the intregration of flib2 everything is much easier allowing you access to all of your folders and the programs that are found in it. The ease of this programs is the shortcuts. You can have up to 100 shortcuts to any programs you wish in 10 desktops. You can also store and run as many programs you wish only restricted by your free memory. Chdraw is a handy drawing tool, please check it out in the BASIC graphics folder.
cmd.zip1k11-01-30File is not ratedCmd
A version of command prompt for the TI-89.
deityos.zip2k99-04-08File is not ratedDEITY OS v1.00.89
An operating shell that supports folders and 9801 shortcuts! Enhanced with BasicLib!
dos89.zip2k00-11-09File is not ratedDOS-89
Basically this is a DOS (Disk Operating System) program for the TI-89. It helps you manage your files without having press buttons etc. everything is run from commands that you type in for it to do. It is mainly for people who work on the Virtual TI, because it is very inconvenient to keep having to click the buttons and type at the same time in Virtual TI. You run dos and you can do everything with commands to manage files, run programs, etc. Now runs Assembly programs!
dos.zip1k00-04-30File is not ratedDOS
DISK OPERATING SYSTEM FOR the TI-89! U can run doors and change folders!!!
easeos.zip2k00-01-02File is not ratedEaseOS
An operating system for the TI-89 that has the feel of the HOME screen, but autocompletes things that you type, similar to what Netscape Communicator does.
emby2os.75beta.zip33k03-03-22File is not ratedEMBY^2 OS Beta .75 Demo
EMBY^2 OS is the most challenging project I've ever done. I started working on this Windows like emulator after seeing Ginny OS, EINSTEIN, and a few other Windows Explorer kind of things. Don't get me wrong- they did a great job-- greyscale and all. I just noticed they were real limited, prone to bugs, and sometimes "choppy". Enter EMBY^2 OS. Another distinguishing part of the Project is that it is all in TI Basic-- not assembly. Okay, I lied. I use libraries to get some assembly routines. But I didn't make them. FLIB, FLIB2, and a little EXTFUNC are used. Other than that, it's pure Basic. Check it out; it has a start menu index of all programs on your calculator, a text and image viewer, as well as a calculator and a system resources box. Search the calculator for a file. Run programs from the Project. In all, be amazed, and have fun.
emu82.zip2k04-12-16File is not ratedCompuease Emu82 PreRelease
A Pseudo-TI-82 Emulator For Faraday Anywhere 68K. Put these files in your folder 'main' and run setupe82(). THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES AT LEAST FARADAY ANYWHERE 68K 2.9.5 to run.
explorer.zip6k06-01-27File is not ratedExplorer
Explorer is a basic shell that will work with both basic and assembly! It uses very little space and no variables. Just run explorer and follow the cues. Now it can hold up to 25 prgms!
ezos.zip2k00-03-22File is not ratedEZOS v2.0
Another update?! Yes, another update on EZOS! This version has a unique Error Recovery system, more laid out System Information window, and some more blocks on what you cannot do! Try it out, and see if you like it!
fa04010068k.zip31k07-03-01File is not ratedCompuease Faraday Anywhere 68K 4.1
After the long wait, it is finally released: Faraday Anywhere 86K 4.1. With many major improvements over previous versions, this application suite hopes to be the easiest Faraday Anywhere yet.
fa368k.zip53k05-09-24File is not ratedCompuease Faraday Anywhere Live Public Beta
I finally have made this program stable [and pretty] enough for the end user. It is imperative that you read the README.PDF file included since so much has changed. This is version 3.9.5 Build 240.
fast_game_launcher.zip98k02-01-01File is not ratedFast Game Launcher
This program pretends to be the fastest game launcher which supports basic, ASM, PPG and RUNC games. There are two version: one using Flib and the other in Full Basic. It's really a very useful program that you must have!!
flaunch.zip4k00-05-19File is not ratedFast launch v2.0
Fast launch allows you to launch your programs faster than with var-link. It uses flib v1.6 so it's fast... There is no bugs.
flibhome.zip12k02-08-02File is not ratedFlibHome HomeScreen Clone For Programs
A calculator clone for calling from other programs, or as an alternative to TIOS. Runs programs, functions,change modes with one key, turn off with one key, ClrHome with one key, included help and about. Cool, just try me...
fshell.zip4k00-05-04File is not ratedFast Shell
Fast Shell is a very useful shell (no crashs). It uses 'flib', so it's really fast...
getjtios.zip6k04-11-20File is not ratedgetjtios
Este programa Contiene muchas aplicaciones como ocultar folders,ocultar variables, comprimir y descomprimir archivos, agenda telefónica, reloj...
gpshelllite.zip17k07-03-01File is not ratedGPShell Lite v0.00.00
GPShell Lite is a lightweight version of GPShell. It is more limited than the original GPShell but is a lot smaller. The Edit Mode menu system is also a bit less confusing and cumbersome.
gpshell.zip18k07-02-24File is not ratedGPShell (General-Purpose Shell) v0.00.01
GPShell is a popup-menu-based shell that provides a convenient means of organizing and accessing programs or commands. You can add commands to the menu, and sort them into sub-menus, which can be any number of levels deep. GPShell can be quite useful for running programs that are scattered around in a bunch of different folders, without having to fish through the VAR-LINK menu or type them out on the Home Screen.
groupos.zip12k02-04-15File is not ratedGroupOS
A new concept of mine. This is a very basic operating system in which files are grouped together based upon their purpose, not simply on the type of file they are or what program they belong to. Files are not actually moved around, simply linked to by different groups. You can create an infinite (memory-limited) number of groups, add or remove files from groups, rename groups, and 'run' basically any file. Some files however (like TICT Expression Viewer files or eBooks) require you to have the program provided for them. Note: The 'run' program was accidentally left out of the group file. Don't forget to transfer it as well, or GroupOS won't work right.
icons.zip16k99-08-30File is not ratedIcons Program Management System v2.3
A fully graphical icon driven shell for the TI-89. Supports screensavers, backrounds, auto addition of icons to the interface, home screen emulation and much more.
japps.zip112k00-08-18File is not ratedJ-APPS v0.2a
Advanced Program Launcher (Featuring Flib)
kbdshell.zip2k99-02-28File is not ratedKeyboard Shell v2.0
a simple shell for use with a long list of assembly programs
ksos.zip8k03-10-05File is not ratedKSOS Version .5
V.5 of my previously un-released OS, KSOS. It has: Icon desktop Start menu A file explorer Password-protection Please download FLIB 1&2, or the file explorer won't work right. Put them in the main folder. Put all included files in a folder named ksos.
linux900.zip26k02-11-23File is not ratedLinux 900
Linux 900 is a new shell for the TI-89 that was written entirely in basic. Linux 900 utilizes FLIB v3.1, which allows Linux 900 to have the graphical user interface that it has. E-mail us all you comments and suggestions, and even criticism please.
menu1.zip2k98-12-01File is not ratedMenu Program
A simple, customizable menu for loading games easily. Use this until a good ASM shell comes out.
minios89.zip13k01-06-06File is not ratedMini OS v1.0
Probably the tiniest working 'operating system' available for the TI-89: 2020 bytes, excluding Flib and Flib2. Allows you to run programs (ASM and BASIC), and view expressions, strings, lists, and pictures. A note about the screen shot 'VIEWPIC': It only looks bad because I used Graph-Link to get a shot of a grayscale image, which causes about half the rows to vanish.
miniwindows.zip7k00-03-02File is not ratedMini Windows
Just a replica of a windows 95 screen, with choosable backgrounds and compex math solving equations. You can even upgrade it yourself if you want!!!
nlos.zip2k00-04-11File is not ratedNL OS v1
NL is a new TI-89 operating system. It offers wallpapers, shortcuts, and more useful options.
nm040700en68k.zip30k09-09-29File is not ratedNightHawk Mobile 4.7
NightHawk Mobile is a TI-BASIC operating environment developed with the purpose of managing your calculator's files and programs in a somewhat familiar environment, while providing a simple and unique method of operation, "The NightHawk Way"
pgl.zip3k98-11-21File is not ratedPGL Program List v2.3.2
pgos.zip7k98-11-21File is not ratedP.G.O.S. v1.07
This is a great, easy program manager for the TI 89 featuring 32 slots for custom programs
prgmman89.zip53k04-12-14File is not ratedProgram Manager v 1.02
It's a very useful program that allows you to manage your programs and to run them from every folder. Now with chronological history.
progman1.zip2k98-10-16File is not ratedProgMan v1.0
An easy-to-use program manager.
progman2.zip6k00-01-20File is not ratedProgram Manager v3.0
This is an update on version 2, the password protection is MUCH better and I have made the Keyboard Program Editor better with a different interface that allows more flexibility. Also, progman now has a preferences control panel that makes it easier to quit, logon, and change your background.
progman.zip2k98-09-30File is not ratedProgram Manager v1.0
Program and shortcut manager with a user-friendly toolbar interface.
progmenu.zip1k00-12-04File is not ratedProgram Menu v1.0
This program creates a custom menu with all your files in it.
prog_organizer.zip9k07-04-26File is not ratedProgram Organizer
This is for those people like me who have a gazillion files on their calc and hate sifting through them to run programs. Don't be fooled that it's in BASIC, it runs very fast and is very user-friendly. It includes a handy toolbar and category sorting; the name "kbdprgm1" allows it to be accessed from the homescreen by simply pressing "diamond+1". Tested successfully on TI-89 HW1 and Voyage 200; should work on all 68k calcs. :)
quicklaunch.zip1k07-12-17File is not ratedQuick Launch
Have you ever wanted to be able to easily launch a program without having to mess with 'var-link'? In this program, you can select any prgm or asm file on your calculator and run it! This program also holds a history of up to ten different items, any of which you can choose from a drop-down menu. If you set this as a kbdprgm, you can also launch it, and any other programs, without leaving any residue! Enjoy!
runner89.zip1k03-03-28File is not ratedRunner89
runs any runnable program (that does not have any arguments)
runner.zip49k03-11-29File is not ratedProgram Runner
Runner is the faster way to run all your programs with a single key: rename it to 'kbdprgm1-9' and you'll be able to run every program pressing only 3 keys!
shelled89.zip1k03-04-20File is not ratedShelled 1
Shelled is a program launcher/manager made using TI-BASIC.
shell.zip10k00-11-07File is not ratedAAShell v1.03
This is an update to AAShell 1.03. 1.02 had a bug in it and i've dubbed this the ASM fix. BTW, this is the Shell for people who KNOW basic. It's meant to be tinkered with. And i would love to recieve example of how it could be made better and i will even post them on my website. www.geocities.com/aaware2000 Send 'em in! And if you come across an error and you can fix it... send it to me so that i can post it over again, or you can post it with my name and yours too....
tinix.zip72k01-05-14File is not ratedTinix OS v5.41
Tinix is a graphic shell with a user interface, including a group and program manager, an icon manager, file managers, some applications, a graphic control panel, and a specific window manager..., now with flib 3.0!
tiscmngr.zip2k02-04-06File is not ratedTISC Manager v1.01
An Update to the previous. Fixed a couple minor bugs, and hopefuuly the next version will have sub-menus. This hasn't been done yet in TI-BASIC, but it would be cool.
tishell.zip24k02-04-15File is not ratedTI Shell v2.01B
TI-92+ version of the 2.01 beta of my shell. Look for this in the TI-89 directories.
ultimate.zip3k00-03-29File is not ratedUltimate Shell Version v1.0.2
This version fixes most freezing bugs and others. Quick Launch 1.5 is expected to come out soon.
viperos.zip20k03-06-20File is not ratedViperOs
A fully working shell with icons and extension associations. This new version includes all files. Written in basic but using asm library. See screenshots.
virtuala.zip1k00-10-01File is not ratedVirtual Area v1.0
Permet de gerer vos programmes et de les lancer a partir de l'interface au lieu de parcourir tout le Var-link
visualos.zip25k99-09-03File is not ratedVisual OS v1.01
Windows on your TI-89.
win89.zip2k00-09-02File is not ratedWIN 89 v1.1
Win 89 update! Sorry... I forgot to include the mouse pointer file in the first release :) I also finished the Control Panel and will add backgrounds around Mon.(I'm gone all weekend)
win95.zip8k99-11-11File is not ratedWin 95
It is the same as the ti92+ one but a little better,
winbasic.zip116k03-04-02File is not ratedWinBasic
This is a Windows like program for Ti89, with a desktop, it allows you to do several things like launching compressed programs, ASM, Basic, ppg. There is an explorer, and tools for memory. The program is in French now but there will be an english version soon
wincalc.zip3k99-03-08File is not ratedWinCalc v1.1
A sophisticated program to organize and run your programs.
windfalltitanium.zip17k09-04-01File is not rated Windfall Titanium
This is an another milestone release preview of Windfall Titanium, a windows type GUI. The readme file tells you how to operate it. I would enjoy some feedback or help. Thanks to all.
windows89.zip2k11-10-11File is not ratedWindows 89 BETA
Windows 89 Beta, still in development. Supports program launching, shutdown with integrated ASM power-off, real-time clock on clock devices.
windows9.zip25k00-04-17File is not ratedWindows99
This is a windows program with background chooser, a chat program, a program editor, and even a few games. All of this can help you on your calculator and maybe even get upgraded to a higer performance one.
winosv3.zip3k00-02-19File is not ratedWinOS v3
WinOS v3 is just like Windows on the Home PC. There are changable backrounds, cursors, and taskbars. This is a must have for all lazy TI-89 users that don't like the home screen! Works with ASM and Basic too!
winscape.zip3k99-02-28File is not ratedWinSCAPE II
GUI for TI 89, keep up to 20 programs and includes Error Recovery System

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