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Last updated Thursday, 27 July 2017
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Most popular file  Find the Thief Packet with 19,682 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Games
oregontweet.zip4k17-07-27File is not ratedOregon Tweet
Experience the brutal realities of life as a hopeful family of settlers in this condensed adaptation of the popular educational game. Under 140 characters in length, this program could be sent to Oregon via Twitter, though such luxuries are not afforded to those on the trail. Also included are multiple variations that add to the journey while still falling under that platform's character limit.
scatsim89.zip1k02-10-26File is not ratedScatSim89!!
A great game inspired by Ap Statistics. Do not let the offbeat nature of the program fool you, this game is ADDICTIVE! The program generates near-random scatterplots and the user guesses the linearity of the data. But, the program keeps a record of your accuracy and assigns a rank and weighted score to your performance. A high scores table allows for competition in house. A very good game! A built in help file will explain how to play this simple game to those who do not know what a regression coefficient is!
sqr_quiz.zip7k11-06-16File is not ratedSquare and Square Root Quiz
A series of dialog boxes will appear with a number. The program will then prompt for either the square or square root of that number. If you answer correctly, the program moves on to the next question. If you answer incorrectly, the program tells you the correct answer first and then moves on. Good for memorizing square and square root numbers that could appear on any math test; essentially, it can save you time on the clock.
states92p.zip147k03-05-29File is not ratedStates and Capitals
You simple read the .html file included and enjoy the game. The engine I made will be used to make a President's / Vice President's and a Countries / Capitals version. Thomas Fugate was simply a beta tester.
states_lib68k.zip147k03-05-29File is not ratedStates and Capitals (lib68k)
You simple read the .html file included and enjoy the game. The engine I made will be used to make a President's / Vice President's and a Countries / Capitals version. Thomas Fugate was simply a beta tester.
thief.zip11k03-05-27File is not ratedFind the Thief Packet
This game has 10 'levels', in each you must solve an Algebra problem to advance. If the answer is 5, you catch the villian. As long as you keep aswering correctly, you'll eventually catch him. Hope you enjoy.

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