| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 BASIC Games |
 | advancedrps.zip | 1k | 05-09-12 |  | Advanced Rock Paper Scissors This isn't just an ordinary Rock Paper Scissors game. At startup, you can choose between four different types of game play, where you win every game, tie every game, lose every game, or the game is random. This is a great game to trick friends, relatives and un-neutered pets. Check out the screen shots and the ReadMe (please). |
 | bombmine.zip | 18k | 01-06-01 |  | Bombmine Think you can avoid the bomb? Destroy the list of digits without hitting the bomb. Three difficulty levels. Do you feel lucky? The bomb appears behind a different number every game. |
 | dealgame.zip | 9k | 07-01-13 |  | Deal or no Deal? America's most popular decision-making game has arrived for the TI89 family!! The program has great narration and it's loads of fun to play alone or with others! As a bonus, the program contains a high score board. Enjoy! |
 | deal.zip | 10k | 06-01-15 |  | Deal or no Deal Based on the NBC show "Deal or no Deal," where you must choose a suitcase from 26 suitcases, and progress through the game using your luck and wits. Fully graphical gameplay. Some screenshots are included in the file. |
 | findkey.zip | 1k | 10-10-21 |  | Find Key The calculator thinks of a key (without use of modifier keys) for you to guess. Press the key to see if you are correct. |
 | gball.zip | 4k | 00-10-05 |  | Gormball! v1.0 A variation of everyones favorite party game, hot potato! Includes 8 players and scoring. Only one player right now! |
 | generate89.zip | 1k | 00-07-19 |  | Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator v1.00000069 DOOOOOD THIS PROGRAM IS THE GREATEST L@@K MUST DOWNLOAD!!! A-1 SUPER!! YESSSSS! |
 | googol.zip | 2k | 17-09-22 |  | Googol A betting game you can play against your calc. The calc generates n positive random numbers, 3<=n<=10, and discloses them one by one. You say "stop" (press F3) as soon as you think the last number disclosed is the largest of the whole sequence. You win if you are right, otherwise the calc wins. |
 | grps1.zip | 4k | 04-10-12 |  | Graphical Rock Paper Scissors v1.0 This is a rock paper scissors game that displays pictures instead of numbers. Very easy to use and very user friendly. In this game, you choose eiether rock, paper, or scissors, and the computer will choose one of these, also, at random. There are 11 rounds of play, with game status displayed at each round. Read the Readme file readmegrps1 before downloading to your calculator. Supported calculators are the TI-89 and TI-89 Titanium (I have NOT tried Voyage 200 or TI-92 or TI-92 Plus). PLEASE send feed back to my e-mail. |
 | guess01.zip | 1k | 10-10-06 |  | Guess Integer 01 You can play against the calculator or a friend. A range of numbers is specified (up to 99999999999999), and you try to guess the number the calc or your friend thinks. The calc outputs a hint whether the number it is thinking is higher or lower than your guess. At the end, the calc displays the number of turns you took to guess the number. |
 | guess89.zip | 1k | 01-02-23 |  | Guess Random number guessing program |
 | guessing_game_110.zip | 1k | 07-12-30 |  | Guessing Game This is a game where you have to guess a number from 1-10. There is 1 player, 2 player, and against a CPU. Also, you get three tries every round. |
 | guessit.zip | 1k | 99-02-28 |  | GUESSit v1.1 A number guessing game. |
 | guessnum.zip | 3k | 02-10-12 |  | Basic Guess the Number Game Guess the Number Game in BASIC for TI-89's. |
 | guessv1.0.zip | 2k | 03-03-10 |  | Guess v1.0 This is my first game I have ever developed that actually worked. I had a game before that took me about 15 hours to make but it got deleted. Hope youe like it, I will other versions comeing out soon. |
 | guessx.zip | 1k | 07-09-08 |  | Guess X Guess X is a game where you try to guess the value of x. it gives you hints if you are too high or too low and also it is between 0 and 100. |
 | guess.zip | 1k | 98-09-15 |  | Guessing Game Simple guessing game. |
 | higherorlower.zip | 8k | 03-09-01 |  | HOL Basic game...but fun sometimes |
 | lnkguess.zip | 1k | 99-02-28 |  | Link Guess v1.0 Guessing game played over link with another person |
 | ng.zip | 2k | 00-08-15 |  | Number Game v4.5 This is a number guessing game for those who are tired of crashes from ASM programs or just like a simple stable game. It has an anti-cheat system, high scores, and an input or random function to create guessing numbers. This is freeware--meaning that you can give it to anyone. |
 | number2.zip | 1k | 00-07-31 |  | The Game to End All Games Hahahaha... the ultimate number-guessing game! So simplistic and action-packed, it will render you completely devoid of interest for any other program! *snicker* |
 | numberguess.zip | 1k | 03-04-05 |  | numberguess how original, right? i made this while learning 89 syntax. knock yourselves out. |
 | number.zip | 1k | 04-09-18 |  | ADIVINA MI NUMERO NUMBER Este programa es realmente sencillo, es un juego creado en basic donde el jugador adivina el número oculto en la calculadora. Es un buen ejemplo para todo programador newbie en el uso de los condicionantes, ciclos, uso de un programa random, limpieza de variables locales y transformación de numeros reales a naturales. O simplemente juega hasta ganarle a la máquina jajaja! Andrés Valencia Michaud valenceicq@hotmail.com |
 | numbgues.zip | 1k | 00-09-24 |  | Scott's Guess the Number My first program. Hope you like it. |
 | numguess_42.zip | 1k | 21-09-22 |  | NUMGUESS Program where you have to guess the random number generated. |
 | numguess.zip | 1k | 00-03-31 |  | Numguess A number guessing game for the TI-89. Very simple program many people have made. Helped me to learn more about programing |
 | psrbet89.zip | 1k | 04-03-02 |  | Paper, Scissors, ROCK! the betting [TI-89] version This is a paper, scissors, rock (rock, paper, scissors) game for the TI-89. This program is now below 1000 bytes!! |
 | randcard.zip | 1k | 10-10-12 |  | Random Card Generator Generate a random poker card. |
 | rollemout89.zip | 1k | 03-07-17 |  | Roll 'Em Out 89 A Jamaica Bay Program. Roll your ball and get points! New and improved from the 83+ SE version, now with Bonus areas! Difficulty settings, smooth animation, very addictive! |
 | rps2.zip | 1k | 05-07-28 |  | RPS This is a Rock Paper Scissors Game far superior to the one seen above...check it out. |
 | rps.zip | 12k | 01-06-01 |  | RPS Rock, Paper, Scissors Final version by David Poll. This game includes: A random generation of the computer's choice, a feature which allows you to view your stats, A quit button (couldn't figure this one out for a while, but got it to work), and an error-protector, so that if you an invalid choice, you don't get tossed from the game. I hope you all enjoy! Visit my website at http://stay.at/rou |
 | superg.zip | 1k | 98-11-21 |  | Super Guess 89 |
 | treasure.zip | 59k | 04-01-14 |  | Treasure Hunters Treasure Hunters is a two player turn-based game where each player takes turns opening mystery doors to hopefully find treaure, but find the Exit and leave with your money before the Bomb the blows you and your money away! |
 | triaminx.zip | 2k | 00-10-01 |  | Triaminx Similar to Rubik's Cube, but four sides instead of six |