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Last updated Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Total downloads 612,731
Most popular file  TxtRider v1.0 Beta 96 with 63,871 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
3dlibdem.zip603k00-12-30File is not rated3DLib Demo v0.5
Visualize 3D object from 3DS(MAX) exported as ASCII. Rotation through all axes, zoom In/Out, gray level....
aclock.zip87k05-04-03File is not ratedAClock 1.00
Displays a little clock on the screen :)
aesop92p.zip18k04-03-03File is not ratedAesop's Fables
This is nostub. It shows 10 of Aesop's Fables with cool transition effects.
all_phps.zip7k98-11-16File is not ratedTest All RC5 Codes with the IR Link v2.0
ansview.zip4k00-09-05File is not ratedAnswer Viewer
This is a kbd program which will allow the user to devote the entire screen to the display of the most recent answer in the history
apd2.zip8k01-05-01File is not ratedAPD
it is a program to help beginners to learn asm (automatic power down)
apd.zip5k99-03-15File is not ratedAPD
To change APD timer
artifice.zip7k00-07-17File is not ratedArtifice v1.1
It's a fireworks simulator
as92.zip54k00-04-02File is not ratedAS92
An on-calc ASM compiler
asmhelper.zip3k00-03-26File is not ratedASM Helper for Beginners
Simple, VERY well commented group of ASM programs designed to help beginners learn the ropes. A very suggested download if you are starting or having trouble learning ASM.
au.zip62k99-11-19File is not ratedArchive Utility v3.00
This utility allows you to manage your archives. The most interesting use is that you can recover ALL your archives after a CRASH or a RESET !! You know, sometimes it happens :) AU3 was *entirely* rewritten since AU2. It's more complete, more stable and it is interface in a better way with the TIOS.
bounce.zip2k00-01-29File is not ratedBounce
Text You Enter Bounces Around The Screen. No Big Deal Here.
bsmiley.zip1k00-04-22File is not ratedBouncing Smiley
Just been learning 68k and made this. it should definitly help anyone out there trying to learn... source included.
calendar.zip4k99-07-05File is not ratedSuper Calendar
A calendar for any month and year.
chartabl_2.zip283k05-04-03File is not ratedCharTabl 2.00
Changes the [2nd][CHAR] option for a char table with an easier access to all characters
c_helper.zip3k00-04-06File is not ratedC_helper
This is a program for those trying to learn C for Tigcc. It is alsmost the same as the ASMhelper except mine has 1 more feature, is smaller, and written in C. This program is very very well commented.
clock.zip3k99-11-10File is not ratedClock
Real Time Clock
compil.zip3k00-08-17File is not ratedDoors v2.02 As92 Launcher
This small program allows you to compil your files with as92 under doors just pressing [ENTER]. It returns errors that might happen.
crypt.zip43k00-09-02File is not ratedCrypt
A program to Code/Uncode file of all sot. (Work very well !)
cube18.zip23k99-08-13File is not ratedCube 3D v0.18
3-D Cube Demo
cube.zip20k00-03-02File is not ratedDemo Cube 3D (French)
Version amelioree; 3 rendus possibles et gestion des touches.
dante89t.zip708k00-04-04File is not ratedDante's Divine Comedy
The Full etext of Dante's Divine Comedy (without notes and header, they were to big to fit on calculator but I have included the original etexts unmodified).
demo.zip5k00-07-17File is not ratedDemo v1.1
It's a little demo
diag89.zip4k99-02-03File is not ratedDIAG89 Self Diagnostic Tool
This implements the 89 s internal self diagnostic routine.
dllchat.zip4k01-04-29File is not ratedDLL Chat v1.00
Using DLL Chat you can now chat in full duplex with another calculator.
dolmsgpw.zip9k99-05-13File is not ratedDolmsgpw v0.1 Alpha
Displays your own title and ask for a password (when you open the calc).
dolpass.zip7k99-05-13File is not ratedDolpass v0.2 Alpha
A password protection program.
doorspic.zip1k98-12-06File is not ratedDoors Picture Viewer v1.0
doorsp.zip36k00-07-13File is not ratedDoors Explorer v2.02
dterm.zip3k00-03-18File is not ratedDoors Terminal v1.20
Chat Terminal for TI89 & TI92+
eexec.zip63k09-10-20File is not ratedExtended Exec
This program is designed to execute hexadecimal code under PedroM, like the exec() command of AMS. It supports several options: it can add/archive a file to the VAT before running it, or deleting it at the end. Hexa argument can be an immediate value, a string or a text file. EExec also supports "dry runs".
fastkbd4.zip88k05-04-03File is not ratedFastKbd 4
A small TSR which allows to choose the speed of you keyboard (for arrows and backspace keys)
fileedit_ams_2.0x.zip7k02-01-01File is not rated[AMS 2.0x] Fileedit v1.0
Fileedit v1.0 for AMS 2.0x
fileedit.zip16k99-01-01File is not ratedFileEdit v1.0
View and Edit files in the TI
filfol.zip6k99-04-01File is not ratedFilFol (Routines for BASIC)
GetFolds()& GetFiles(str)for 89 and 92+
findit.zip9k00-03-02File is not ratedFind It!+ v1.0
Enter a word, it will search through all the TEXT files, and return you the folder's name and file's name.
flashsavior.zip45k01-04-25File is not ratedFlash Savior
This program in assembler intended for TI-89 and TI-92+, allowing the recovery of erased files of Flash ROM
ftext.zip1k99-03-01File is not ratedFargo-Text v0.91
Write a passed string in a passed color and font on the graph screen
graphtst.zip1k98-12-06File is not ratedGraphLib Test Program
hack.zip10k00-04-26File is not ratedGuy Playing with a Hackysack
Grayscale animation of a guy playing with a hackysack. Watch in awe as he does the clipper and other fancy moves!
hreader.zip36k01-02-04File is not ratedHreader
v0.70b Hreader is a H-- documents viewer. H-- is a hypertexte language based on HTML and C++ syntaxes. The documentation is actually in french, but there will be an english one as soon as possible. Many new features in this version: you can now use pictures or smilleys in your files, you can display a message in the status bar and much more...
hxview.zip4k00-04-18File is not ratedHxView89 v1.5
Hexadecimal Viewer of the memory
irchat.zip3k98-11-16File is not ratedInfraRed Chat v0.12
irremote.zip4k99-03-01File is not ratedIR Remote v2.0
jptest1.zip1k99-04-16File is not ratedJpTest #1
Test program for Hiragana characters
jptest2.zip1k99-04-16File is not ratedJpTest #2
Shows the Japanese Katakana alphabet
jpwrite.zip18k99-08-29File is not ratedJPWrite v3.0
Program that lets you write in Japanese.
lcd.zip1k99-04-19File is not ratedLCD 98
Copy lcdscreen to graphscreen.
lilcc.zip84k01-05-08File is not ratedLilcc - Little C-like Compiler
A small C-subset language compiler for Ti89 and Ti92p
lua89.zip175k04-12-03File is not ratedLua89
Experimental port of the Lua programming language (http://www.lua.org) to the TI89. This port is unofficial and not supported by the Lua team. See homepage http://yoshiyo.ath.cx/seb for details.
matos.zip22k99-10-19File is not ratedMatOS v0.02 Alpha
MatOS is a GUI for the 89, which is easier and more pretty than TIOS. It's like windows, but with no bugs.
moremem.zip1k98-12-06File is not ratedMore Memory
mulder.zip26k99-06-26File is not ratedMulder v1.0
A multi-text viewer with fonts
multclip.zip382k05-04-03File is not ratedMultClip
MultClip is a small TSR which extends the copy&paste of your TI, with the possibility of having more than one text in the paste buffer
newprogreleasev0.1.zip549k09-06-08File is not ratedNewProg : New programmation language (very fast)
NewProg is a new programmation language based on the Tibasic. The Tibasic syntax is sometimes allowed in NewProg (for example the if then else endif block, While endwhile, → (sto), {} list, « string », ( ), [] for list, label, goto) to help the programmer to make the transition from a simple programmation langage to a more closer to machine langage. You will need to understand Tibasic before using NewProg. NewProg performs some significants ameliorations (in comparaison with Tibasic, vertel, flib) in terms of speed, possibility (next to C and assembly) and program size (2 times smaller). Powerfuls and usefuls functions are implemented for this purposes. You can run assembly programm directly in Newprog Programs. You are allowed to file acessing, gray printing, screen scrolling, Interruption and timers, keys... The execution speed is very fast. NewProg allowed to program also in Tibasic directly in a NewProg program (only the Local function is not supported). You make the transition between Tibasic ans NewProg instructions by simply adding a start and end block for programming in NewProg. Each program containing Newprog instruction shall contains the init() instruction at the very beginning of the program (for compilation purposes). This program is very more powerful than flib or vertel.
onticd.zip86k00-04-02File is not ratedOntic v0.99 (Developer Version)
ontic.zip37k00-04-02File is not ratedOntic v0.99 (User Version)
paint.zip9k00-08-07File is not ratedPainter 89 v2.0
New version of painter, with file saving and compression
pause1.zip1k00-09-05File is not ratedPause
this is a ti89 port of a ti86 program I made a while back
picview.zip13k01-04-29File is not ratedPicview v1.00
You can see pics on ti89/ti92+
plusview.zip11k99-06-10File is not ratedPlusview v0.10
The PlusView text viewer v0.10
prodchange.zip1k00-07-17File is not ratedProd v1.0
Product Code Name Changer
pv.zip213k99-04-11File rated 7.96Picture Viewer v1.3 and Picture Maker v1.3
New version, includes animation reader.
pwprotect.zip2k99-01-01File is not ratedPwprotect v1.0
Password Protection for PlusShell 0.99 and 1.00
quickcal.zip2k00-03-29File is not ratedQuick Calendar
Fast, Simple Assembly calendar
redirect.zip30k00-09-02File is not ratedRedirect
This is a program to make possible to delete som archived file with a size error. All users of AU or integreted archive restore of AMS 2.0x MUST DOWNLOAD IT.
runc.zip87k01-06-01File is not ratedRunc v1.30
Compress your program (Nostub or Kernel) -Very stable - Need Shrnklib v1.00.p2
scr.zip14k00-03-03File is not ratedScreen Saver using Texture Map
This Demo shows how to make a texture map work.
sharpcalc.zip4k99-10-25File is not ratedSharpCalc 89 v0.41
An organizer program for TI 89 assembly.
shell.zip6k98-12-06File is not ratedPlusShell Browser
sierpins.zip1k07-02-18File is not ratedSierpinski Triangle Drawer
This is a short assembly language program that draws the Sierpinski triangle.
smqedit89_ams_2.0x.zip75k02-01-01File is not rated[AMS 2.0x] SMQ Editor v0.9
SMQ Editor Version 0.9 Beta for AMS 2.0x
smqedit.zip15k99-09-21File is not ratedSMQ Editor v0.9 Beta
Level editor for Super Mario Quest
spritedr.zip2k01-04-07File is not ratedSprite Drawer v1.0
A sprite drawing program that exports the assembly code in the clipboard
sview.zip9k99-09-20File is not ratedSView v1.0
A text viewer.
system.zip1k00-04-15File is not ratedSystem
Speed up a slow keypad! This program speeds up the keypad's Auto-repeat while in TI-OS.
textview.zip6k99-02-26File is not ratedTextView v1.1
A very fast Text Viewer
tgv.zip186k01-01-06File is not ratedTGV Text Viewer
A formated texts viewer with multi-fonts support
tibench.zip4k00-07-27File is not ratedTibench v1.5
A small Benchmark program for TI89 / TI92
time.zip1k99-03-06File is not ratedA Simple Timer
torus.zip61k99-09-06File is not ratedTorus
Torus demo for Prosit v0.70.1
ttools.zip404k05-04-03File is not ratedTtools 0.2beta
It's a universal uninstaller for my own convention of TSRs :) It can also give some informations about the installed TSRs
txtrider.zip33k00-03-19File is not ratedTxtRider v1.0 Beta 96
This program is a text viewer.The browser remembers last open file slow down when displaying pictures (which were displayed too fastly) . A few bugs correction. compatible with ROM v2.XX. RELEASE ON TI-FR
txtview.zip15k01-04-29File is not ratedTextview
You can see texts on ti89/ti92+
varlink2.zip7k00-07-31File is not ratedVar-Link Dialog r2
This program demonstrates how to open and use Var-Link in your programs. Written in C, includes source code.
varlink.zip4k99-08-20File is not ratedVarlink v1.0 Beta
viewers.zip22k99-03-24File is not ratedViewText, ViewMem and ViewFile
3 viewers & ASCII->89T convertor
wave.zip4k00-07-17File is not ratedWave Effect v1.1
It's a wave effect of the current screen
whizz89.zip9k98-10-14File is not ratedWhizz! Alpha 4
An OS for the TI-89 that features folders and is meant to replace the one by Texas Instruments.
windos.zip182k00-12-26File is not ratedWINDOS v1.1
A kind of program handler, which includes many programs (ok ! "many" is very large), such as an explorer, a paint ... It works on all calculators. I admit that I want to achieve a difficult challenge, but I like undertaking these kind of projects, and actually users's asks, needs, supports, thanks, ... , change this dangerous adventure in a very exciting challenge !!! So ... just have a look !
xview.zip8k99-06-26File is not ratedeXtrem Viewer 89 v0.91 Beta
Powerful, advanced text viewer.
ziper.zip11k99-02-26File is not ratedZiper v1.1
Compressor Decompressor
zipper.zip115k03-11-19File is not ratedZipper
A little program to zip and unzip in format ZIPLIB. Requires preOS. It has been programmed in C language with TIGCC. It adapts automatically to the TI-89/92 PLus/V200. Try it !

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