| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 Assembly Files |
| edit3d | folder | | TI-89 Assembly Graphics (Edit3D) |
 | 3dcube2.zip | 9k | 01-12-15 |  | 3D Cube Animation/Tutorial #2 This is a 3D cube animation and tutorial #2 (teaches a different way to program than the first). Download this if you want to learn how to program a 3D cube to rotate, change size, and change speed. |
 | 3dcube.zip | 11k | 01-01-29 |  | 3D Cube Animation/Tutorial This is a 3D cube animation and tutorial. Download this if you want to learn how to program a 3D cube to rotate, change size, and change speed. |
 | 3dlibdm.zip | 385k | 01-01-14 |  | 3DLib Demo v0.55 Visualize 3D object from 3DS(MAX) exported as ASCII. Rotation through all axes, zoom In/Out, gray level.... |
 | 3ds89.zip | 22k | 02-09-06 |  | 3D Sketchpad 89 Ever wanted to build your dream house? Create your own dream car? Well now's your chance. 3D Sketchpad is a smooth wireframe 3D editor - it has an average framerate higher than you'll find in most movie theatres. Has a viewing mode - where you can see your creation rotate in front of you - and an editing mode - where you can add to your piece and simultaneously see what it will look like, from any angle, and any distance. Want to share your file with a friend? The data is compatible between the TI-89, the TI-92+, and the Voyage 200. Easy to use format and a simple, but complete, options menu. Comes with 6 demo files. |
 | 3dtest.zip | 33k | 02-11-12 |  | 3D Test Beta 2 This is the second test of a 3D modeling engine I'm working on. Right now, it doesn't actually let you load models, just the one built in. You can move the object from side to side, zoom in and out, and turn wireframe/shading on and off. It's still quite buggy, and I *HIGHLY* recommend that you do NOT move the object off of the screen!!! You could get all sorts of nasty errors that way. Also, the shading has a known bug, but I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Comes with a free copy of Dave Coz's 3D tutorial :-p re-written by me to be more... English. |
 | aquarium.zip | 379k | 03-07-28 |  | Aquarium v1.1 A small aquarium program which features: 5 types of fish swimming around, a grayscale background and a cool bubble column. Looks much better on your calculator than in the screenshots. I'm not responsible for any damage this program may cause. Updated version includes minor updates and a preview for the Voyage 400 edition (coming soon) |
 | asmtextpaster.zip | 14k | 07-05-16 |  | ASM Text Paster for BASIC This is an assembly program that allows BASIC programs more powerful graphics, like pasting text anywhere on the screen (even over the toolbar and status line) in 3 different sizes. Also allows for drawing lines and filled rectangles in black, white, or inverted with the same rules. Pass negative coordinates, and it counts from the opposite side of the screen. Tested succesfully on Voyage 200 and TI-89 HW1 and should work on all 68k calcs. :) |
 | aston.zip | 46k | 00-07-12 |  | Aston Martin DB7 This has pictures of the Aston Martin DB7 Sports Carz |
 | avengers.zip | 11k | 00-08-13 |  | Avengers v1.0 A picture of the Avnengers that can be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | ayb.zip | 25k | 03-04-20 |  | AYBABTU Haven't you always wanted All Your Base Are Belong To Us on your TI-89? Well, here is your chance! All 18 famous pictures are here, along with (gasp) readable text! Download now, or forever fear the awesome power of tile grout |
 | barcode.zip | 10k | 11-02-01 |  | Bar code (w/QR code) generator Generate multiple types of popular bar codes including QR codes that are scannable by any device with a bar code scanning app! With the QR code, you can encode text, a website link, a text message, an email address, even a phone contact! TITANIUM COMPATIBLE check out the screenshots and readme. NEW IN THIS VERSION: Support for versions up to 13, minor UI updates |
 | batman.zip | 45k | 00-08-20 |  | Batman Photos A collection of many people from the Batman series to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | bezier.zip | 3k | 03-06-12 |  | Bezier Curve Screensaver Important Bug Fix! Updated version eliminates memory leak in the last version. Behold the simplistic beauty of math! This program uses Bezier Curves to generate amazing patterns on your calculator. Features include adjustable speed and the ability the pause the animation. Made using TIGCC. |
 | bgcrisis.zip | 136k | 99-03-08 |  | Bubblegum Crisis Pictures |
 | bincount.zip | 4k | 02-07-03 |  | Bincount v3.0 Bincount is a program that "counts" in binary. This way, you can see the patterns in a visual representation of binary numbers. A dark pixel represents a one, and a light pixel represents a zero. Because binary is the native base of the calculator, this program can run extremely fast. It has 8 different settings for speed, so that you can both witness the speed of assembly and see the patterns in the numbers. You can also run the program backwards, and pause. As the number increases (or decreases), the screen scrolls down. See the screenshots for a better understanding. The number in the upper left hand corner represents the speed, and the arrow represents the direction. |
 | bmw.zip | 22k | 00-07-12 |  | BMW Great Pics of these great carz |
 | bouncysvr.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Bouncy ScreenSaver Yeah its a cool screensaver. |
 | c3po.zip | 2k | 99-11-19 |  | NASA C3PO 8 level grayscale pic of C3PO reading a NASA newspaper. |
 | calcs.zip | 125k | 00-09-08 |  | Calculator Pics A collection of all of the different TI calculators to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | captinamerica.zip | 3k | 00-08-14 |  | Captin America Photo A picture of Captin America to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | captinm.zip | 5k | 00-08-20 |  | Captin Marvel Pic A picture of Captin Marvel to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | cartman68k.zip | 49k | 03-05-19 |  | !!!Cartman Farts Fire!!! This was just packaged for the TI-89, TI-92+, and V200. It's an animation of Eric Cartman farting fire. |
 | cartoonnetworklogo68k.zip | 7k | 03-05-19 |  | Cartoon Network Logo Wallpaper This was just packaged for the TI-89, TI-92+, and V200. It's wallpapers the screen with the Cartoon Network Logo. |
 | cartoon.zip | 15k | 99-02-08 |  | Icky and Scratchy Cartoon Cartoon |
 | car.zip | 3k | 00-06-27 |  | Lamborghini Countach This is a 3D grayscale image of a Lamborghini Countach. It runs as an ASM file in 7-level grayscale. Very cool! |
 | ccpic2.zip | 46k | 02-04-11 |  | Chrono Cross Pictures II This Zip contains 16 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous PSXgame "CHRONO CROSS".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | ccpic.zip | 32k | 02-04-02 |  | Chrono Cross Pictures This Zip contains 7 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous PSX game "CHRONO CROSS".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | ccurve.zip | 2k | 00-09-08 |  | C Curve Recursive Algorithm Just a simple program that generates a C curve based on a recursive function. Includes a few variations. |
 | cellular.zip | 10k | 00-02-28 |  | cellular demo a graphic demo of the darwin's algorithm (game of life) |
 | cooldog.zip | 11k | 00-04-19 |  | Dog Wearing Underwear Yes!! It's a dog wearing underwear!! |
 | ctpic.zip | 29k | 02-04-02 |  | Chrono Trigger Pictures This Zip contains 6 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous SNES game "CHRONO TRIGGER".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | cube3d.zip | 44k | 06-08-13 |  | Cri3D engine with a 3D cube demo This program includes a 3D engine, that I've called Cri3D: supports wireframe rendering, hidden faces, and textures. The API library was originally written in Assembler, and now was encapsulated in a more understandable (I hope) C API. The Cri3D contains everything that is needed to transform 3d scenes, render scenes, and draw textures (even without the context of a 3D scene). The archive contains a demo of a cube that shows renderings and effects supported by the library. |
 | dance.zip | 6k | 05-10-16 |  | Dance TSR have you ever wondered what the little tab in the top right of your screen was meant for? well then download this and watch a little guy dance while you do your math problems. the little guy even stays on if you turn your calculator off! Update: removed flicker problem and added a bonus |
 | dbz_pic2.zip | 47k | 02-09-27 |  | Cool Dragon Ball Z Picture (II) This Zip contains 15 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous manga "DRAGON BALL Z".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | dbz_pic.zip | 39k | 02-08-03 |  | Cool Dragon Ball Z Pictures (I) This Zip contains 12 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous manga "DRAGON BALL Z".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | dbz.zip | 495k | 03-06-02 |  | 10 DB/Z/GT Animations (TIMM) There are 10 animations for the 89, 92+, an V200. They must be loaded 1 at a time to the TI. Each animation has 2 files of nearly the exact name. |
 | demo.zip | 7k | 98-10-31 |  | Demo v1.0 A simple demo |
 | destrvid.zip | 176k | 99-11-14 |  | Movie Destruction Video Clips Picture Viewer video clips of things blowing up from The Matrix, The World Is Not Enough, and other movies. |
 | diablo.zip | 29k | 00-07-12 |  | Lamborghini Diablo Great Pics of these great carz |
 | doa2pp.zip | 40k | 01-09-09 |  | Dead Or Alive 2 Grayscale Picture Pack v2.1 This program is a pack of high-quality, 2-bit grayscale pictures, for use with the TI-89. The ten pictures are of characters from Dead Or Alive 2, and include Tina, Kasumi, Lei-Fang, and Ayane. |
 | dragon1.zip | 2k | 01-02-19 |  | Dragon Fractal Written in C using a recursive algorithm |
 | dragona.zip | 42k | 03-12-18 |  | Dragon Curve explorer You are able to rotate, zoom in and out, and move a folded dragon curve. All of this is done very quickly (in less then a second). |
 | dragon.zip | 115k | 99-03-09 |  | Dragon Pack Some dragons pictures for Picture Viewer v1.2 |
 | draw68.zip | 33k | 06-09-17 |  | Drawing68 v2.00 final The final second release of D68. |
 | draw89.zip | 30k | 03-06-09 |  | Draw89 This is a Drawing program written in C, move the cursor around and draw a symetrical picture. |
 | edit3d_users_examples.zip | 19k | 04-10-23 |  | Edit3D Users Examples for TI68K Nice 3D Objects created with Edit3D , wich can be found in the 'graphic' section. |
 | edit3d.zip | 109k | 03-10-26 |  | Edit3D v 0.97 for Ti89 Edit3D (the new name of 'SolidWorks') is a powerful editor,yet simple to use,that allows you to create quite sophisticated 3D Objects,from the simple cube up to the Formula One with more 300 triangles (see screenshots).The program is divided in two parts: the Edit Zone,where you draw your object,enter its depth...and the 3D Display Zone when you can see the Object you create in Real Time 3D,you can turn it,make it back and forth... You can display your object in wire-frame (fast),or in a solid form (no hidden surfaces),with the ability of using the Z-BUFFER technic and Textured Mode for a better display ! Note that you can put on each polygon a specific texture,you made with TEXTURE MAKER (avaible at ticalc.org/ti89/asm/graphic)... You can also see your Object in a Subjective view,as in Doom-Like Games! This last version allows you to export your files as Ships for 'Space Dementia' a 3D action game avaible in this site. NOTE , this version fixes the crash that appeared when you left the editor... |
 | endgame.zip | 118k | 01-07-15 |  | Highlander: End Game Clips From the trailer. |
 | evangelion.zip | 276k | 99-03-09 |  | Neon Genisis Evangelion 90 pictures from Evangelion, fargray required. |
 | exile.zip | 77k | 00-11-02 |  | Exile Pics some of exile characters pictures converted to ti89 |
 | f360mod.zip | 40k | 00-05-19 |  | Ferrari 360 Modena Pics This is a Great collection of 10 grayscale pics of the Ferrari 360 Modena |
 | fern.zip | 5k | 05-03-29 |  | Fractal Fern v1.3 This is just a fractal fern that I coded up for fun. However, it taught me how to adapt my programs to the 92+. |
 | ferrari.zip | 85k | 00-07-12 |  | Ferrari Carz This has pictures of all the great ferrari sports cars |
 | ff10_pictures.zip | 39k | 02-05-27 |  | Final Fantasy 10 Pictures This Zip contains 11 nices pictures in 4 grayscale from the famous PS2 game "Final Fantasy 10".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | ff6pic.zip | 34k | 02-04-11 |  | Final Fantasy 6 Pictures This Zip contains 13 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous SNES game "FINAL FANTASY 6".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | ff8pic.zip | 47k | 02-04-11 |  | Final Fantasy 8 Pictures This Zip contains 18 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous PSX game "FINAL FANTASY VIII".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | ff9pic.zip | 36k | 02-05-12 |  | Final Fantasy 9 Pictures This Zip contains 12 nices pictures in 4 grayscale from the famous PSX game "Final Fantasy 9".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | ffpic.zip | 48k | 02-04-02 |  | Final Fantasy 7 Pictures This Zip contains 12 nices pictures in 4 grayscale from the famous PSX game "Final Fantasy 7".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | fftpic1.zip | 30k | 02-04-02 |  | Final Fantasy Pictures Part 1 This Zip contains 10 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous PSX game "FINAL FANTASY TACTICS".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | fftpic2.zip | 30k | 02-04-02 |  | Final Fantasy Tactics Pictures 2 This Zip contains 10 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous PSX game "FINAL FANTASY TACTICS".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | fftpic3.zip | 34k | 02-04-28 |  | Final Fantasy Tactics Pictures 3 This Zip contains 10 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous PSX game "FINAL FANTASY TACTICS".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | fftpic4.zip | 35k | 02-04-23 |  | Final Fantasy Tactic Pictures Part 4 This Zip contains 13 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous PSX game "FINAL FANTASY TACTIC".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | flame4.zip | 6k | 99-11-19 |  | Animated Fire A pic of fire made from an animated GIF. Can be viewed with pv. |
 | fontdrawer.zip | 20k | 12-04-24 |  | FontDrawer Utilities to create and draw fonts. Includes source to integrate functions into your own programs. |
 | full_screen_pics.zip | 114k | 03-03-10 |  | Assembly Graphics These 3 examples reresent the 3 possible qualities on the 68k series. You'll need iStudio to make your own examples and TIGCC to compile them. All examples tested with AMS 2.05. Contact me if any problems exist. |
 | fun.zip | 939k | 05-11-19 |  | Fun Have some fun with bouncy balls (includes mega commented clean code in C) |
 | garfield68k.zip | 26k | 03-05-29 |  | Garfield, made w/ TIMM This is an animation of Garfield waving (in greyscale). It was made with TIMM |
 | gatepicx.zip | 47k | 04-08-12 |  | GatepicX These pictures explain the universe of a famous american serie : Stargate sg1 This pack contains 6 different pictures which show you the stargate. All pictures comes from this french web site : www.stargate-net.ch |
 | gohan92p.zip | 95k | 02-03-15 |  | Gohan Turning Super Saiya-jin in Movie 13 Gohan Turning Super Saiya-jin in Movie 13, made with TIMM by William White |
 | gr7.zip | 4k | 00-08-02 |  | Seven Level Grayscale, v0.1.1 This is an example showing how quality seven level grayscale can be acived on the TI89 with 'Hardware Version 1' by changing the values of the control registers of the LCD. The image is as stable as with standard four level grayscale. |
 | graphdem.zip | 3k | 00-03-06 |  | Bob's Graphics Demo A simple graphics demo that is written in C and uses menus, dialogs, and, of course, graphics functions. |
 | graypack.zip | 64k | 99-01-01 |  | Grayscale Pictures |
 | graytest.zip | 5k | 98-12-06 |  | Grayscale Test Program |
 | graytst.zip | 1k | 98-12-06 |  | Grayscale Test Program |
 | greenl.zip | 6k | 00-08-20 |  | Green Lantern Pics Two pictures of the Green Lantern series to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | grey64.zip | 199k | 03-09-01 |  | 64 Greyscale Example View a pic in 64 greys. This is very flickery, so I'll work on a smaller quality later. Now the 89 is supported. |
 | greypics4doors.zip | 64k | 02-04-02 |  | Awesome graphics stuff (doors) this was made in 5 min. out of boredom...enjoy (William White)..doors needs to be installed |
 | gt_pic.zip | 44k | 03-03-05 |  | Gran Turismo Pictures This Zip contains 16 nices pictures in 4 grayscale from the famous PSX game "Gran Turismo".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel installed).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | gun_pic.zip | 2k | 02-09-27 |  | Future Ray Gun This is a really cool 3d model of a gun. I made the model in Rhino, rendered with Flamingo. Please e-mail your opinion. |
 | id4_68k.zip | 45k | 03-05-19 |  | Independence Day Blast This was just packaged for the TI-89, TI-92+, and V200. It's a hand coded animation of the White House being destroyed from Independence Day. |
 | imagein.zip | 111k | 00-07-13 |  | Image'In v2.0 Images viewer for all rom. |
 | jp3.zip | 659k | 02-03-18 |  | Jurassic Park III Movie Poster Jurassic Park III Movie Poster, converted by William White using TI Gray Image |
 | juggler89.zip | 40k | 04-03-08 |  | Juggler 89 Site Swap simulator. Up to seven balls. ANY PATTERN!!! Just a few bugs left. |
 | juggle.zip | 131k | 02-05-20 |  | Juggle v1.50 A juggling program now on ti89, the same as ti92+'s |
 | julia3.zip | 4k | 03-12-24 |  | Julia set generator Julia set generator with grayscale, very fast integer computation |
 | justicel.zip | 11k | 00-08-20 |  | Justice League of America Photo A picture of the Justice League of America to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | kde.zip | 16k | 03-11-30 |  | KDE GUI now on TI89/92+/V200 !!! Is it necessary to explain what is KDE?? just test it to know what it is |
 | kerpanic.zip | 3k | 10-03-14 |  | Kerpanic The mac kernel panic in grayscale. |
 | land.zip | 25k | 99-02-03 |  | 9 Grayscale Landscape Pictures 9 grayscale landscape pictures using fargray |
 | lara.zip | 36k | 00-08-29 |  | Lara Croft pics A collection of Lara Croft Pictures to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | lcpics.zip | 213k | 00-03-03 |  | Laetitia Casta Picture Pack hi-quality PV greyscale pics of supermodel Laetitia Casta |
 | lines.zip | 4k | 99-12-25 |  | Cool Line Screensaver v2.0 There are two cool screensavers: Linesaver and Triasaver. More bordem-busting fun. |
 | lotus.zip | 17k | 00-07-12 |  | Lotus Great Pics of these great carz |
 | mandelbrot.zip | 5k | 03-12-24 |  | Mandelbrot set generator Mandelbrot set generator with fast integer operations and grayscale |
 | matrix_screen.zip | 9k | 06-08-05 |  | Matrix Animation An animation similar to that of the popular Matrix screen savers. Lines of random characters scroll up the screen. Source is included, as this project is aimed torward people who want to learn some programming concepts. |
 | mclarenf1.zip | 65k | 00-07-12 |  | McLaren F1 Great Pics of these great carz |
 | monoke.zip | 39k | 03-06-02 |  | Monoke Hime Pictures This Zip contains 12 nices pictures in 4 grayscales from the famous anime "Monoke Hime".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | mystify.zip | 1k | 01-01-31 |  | Mystify Your Mind The classic Mystify Your Mind Screensaver |
 | ocr_asm_89_progressbar.zip | 131k | 03-11-29 |  | OCR Scanning Picture Advance v4.19 OCR (optical char recognition) is a program made for Ti-89 for character recognition in Ti-89 pictures. This is the fastest OCR program ever made to a calculator. This code was revised and has no errors or bugs, it was tested to the limit. This version has multiple zones scanning. Last changes include better graphics (Please see ANIME_3X.gif). |
 | paint89.zip | 11k | 03-07-19 |  | Paint89 This is the second release of the Paint89 sprite editing program. Although no new features have been added, many of the bugs in the last release have been fixed. Enjoy. |
 | pentium4.zip | 6k | 01-02-15 |  | Pentium 4 Logo (7-layer grayscale) This is an executable 7-layer grayscale picture image of the new Intel Pentium 4 logo! Works on HW1 calculators and HW2 ones with the proper libraries required for 7-layer grayscale operations. |
 | pics68k.zip | 121k | 03-05-18 |  | Super Grayscale Packets A collective of 15 random greyscale pictures. They're practically flickerless, AND NOSTUB. you'll love showing these to friends of using them in games. |
 | picts.zip | 117k | 99-03-08 |  | Miscellaneous Pictures |
 | planepics.zip | 16k | 03-07-25 |  | Plane Pics 1.01 Cool photos of Various U.S. Air Force planes in grayscale on the ti89. New version removes a bug with the f-22 image and adds a new f117 image. |
 | porsche911.zip | 41k | 00-07-12 |  | Porsche Great Pics of these great carz |
 | progressbar_project.zip | 45k | 03-07-14 |  | Progress Bar (Beta test 0.1) This is a beta test of Progress Bar (includes source code). Anyone can participate this project. |
 | prowler.zip | 1k | 00-08-11 |  | Prowler v1.0 A picture of a prowler to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | ptig.zip | 3k | 99-03-15 |  | Pretty Print Images in Xetal Use pretty print in your Xetal Documents |
 | puma.zip | 10k | 00-07-12 |  | Puma Great Pics of these great carz |
 | rally.zip | 17k | 00-07-12 |  | Rally Carz This has pictures of all cool rally cars |
 | randomdotss.zip | 2k | 03-04-25 |  | Random Dot Generator Screen Saver Random Dot Generator Screen Saver! By Jason Owens A.K.A. cloud867 at Ticalc.org This is a simple C program made with TIGCC. It's a screen saver:) It randomly place dots all over the screen Press [ESC] to exit, press any button after that. Press [Clear] to clear the screen. Press mode to change between 3 different drawing modes (turn on pixel, invert pixel, turn off pixel) default is turn on. Have fun This was my very first C program, thats why it isn't spectacular or anythinglike that. Good to look at for begginers in C though! Aus Veitersehen! |
 | rawto89z.zip | 79k | 03-10-25 |  | 4-color PC RAW to 4-color TI-89/92+ grayscale This windows program inputs 256-color RAW image files and outputs ASM programs for the TI-89 or TI-92+ The 256-color RAW should only have 4 colors. The ASM program will show a 4-color image 160x100 on a ti-89 and 240x128 on a ti-92+ Convienient if you would like to keep pictures of your dog on your calculator. Many thanks to the developers of TIGCC for their ti checksum function. Enjoy. |
 | realspace3d.zip | 22k | 03-11-12 |  | Real Space 3-d Engine V.5 Finaly, a 3-d wire frame rendering engine made for all users and even includes 3 levels of colering. This is a very rough working demo. Work with it a bit, and you will see the potential. |
 | road3d.zip | 10k | 00-05-17 |  | Custom 3D Road A customizable road in the kind of 3D perspective Lotus Turbo Challenge uses. This is the beginning of a TI-89 version of Lotus, which will probably called AUTOmatix. You can put in your own formulas for x and y coordinates of road pieces. The program is written in C. Use the TI-GCC IDE to open it. I would appreciate every contribution to it; what I especially need is a fast routine for scaled pictures and a better function for horizontal lines. The new update features turns. Just download it and run it, or look at the source code with my TI-GCC IDE. |
 | screensaver.zip | 4k | 06-04-12 |  | Screen Saver - v1.1 Screen Saver is a program that flashes the name of the calculator very fast across the screen at random coordinates. It's pretty small, and probably only serves as a novelty. Note: a nasty bug was fixed in this version; please download! |
 | screenx1.zip | 10k | 03-07-04 |  | ScreenX Screen Saver This is first C program. It does not require a shell and was created with TIGCC. It runs until a key other than enter is pressed. Source included. |
 | scrolling_pics.zip | 181k | 03-08-30 |  | Scrolling Pictures This packet of scrolling pictures is only slightly improved. It contains source for the 86, 89, and 92+/V200. Use Cullen Sauls' iStudio when available because the graphics data is easy to generate with it :-) |
 | search.zip | 1k | 03-04-24 |  | Search V1.00 A simple full-screen graphical demo that displays the text "SEARCHING..." with circles pulsing in and out. Source code is included. This is my first assembly-language program - that is why it is so simple. |
 | ships.zip | 22k | 99-11-19 |  | Animated Star Wars Ships A TIE fighter and an X Wing spinning around - 8 level grayscale animations for use with CandyMan's PicView. |
 | sierp.zip | 2k | 01-02-19 |  | Sierpinski's Triangle Fractal written in C |
 | sketcher.zip | 4k | 04-05-08 |  | Sketcher v0.5 This program lets you draw pictures in 2bit grayscale using your TI-89. It's simple interface makes it ideal for simple doodling or sketching. |
 | snes.89z | 5k | 02-09-08 |  | SNES Controller A picture of a model of a Super Nintendot Controller in Rhino. Please tell me what you think. |
 | spiderman.zip | 38k | 00-08-15 |  | Siderman Photo v1.0 A picture of Spiderman to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | sprited.zip | 37k | 20-11-12 |  | GTC Sprite Maker GTC Sprite Maker is a tool that allows you to create four level grayscale sprites on calculator and produces C source code for the gray planes. |
 | starfield.zip | 7k | 04-09-02 |  | Starfield Demo for TI68K This is just a little starfield coded in C for TI68K. You can choose the number of stars displayed, adjust the frame rate and the background can be black or white. The rendering is cool, have a look at the animated gif ! |
 | starfox2.zip | 11k | 00-03-04 |  | StarFox Title Screen Titlepic for upcomming StarFox89 game |
 | starfox.zip | 12k | 99-08-30 |  | StarFox Title Screen |
 | startrek.zip | 109k | 99-02-03 |  | 49 Grayscale Star Trek Pictures 49 grayscale Star Trek pictures using fargray |
 | stormy.zip | 106k | 03-05-31 |  | Lightning Storm 68k This is a very simple lightning emulator :) hope those that understand the souce can use it wisely, perhaps in a game. |
 | superman.zip | 38k | 00-08-20 |  | Superman Photos A collection of many people from the Superman series to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | tetxturemaker.zip | 14k | 03-10-26 |  | Texture Maker for Edit3D v0.1 A tool to generate textures for Edit3D and design complex objects (see screenshots) |
 | threed.zip | 2k | 00-11-07 |  | ThreeD! Sorry. I included the wrong source file. This has the right source code with included commentary. Enjoy. |
 | tri.zip | 7k | 05-04-05 |  | Spinning Triangles Just two triangles spinning on the screen and bouncing off the walls. |
 | tvnoise100.zip | 7k | 10-11-23 |  | TV-Noise (TI-68k edition) 1.00 - 128b demo with sound This 127-byte TI-68k AMS native executable draws mock TV noise and "TICT" on the screen, while outputting garbage sound through the link port. It's one "TV noise" demo among dozens, for various platforms, made in November 2010 - see pouet.net for more information. |
 | tvr.zip | 46k | 00-07-12 |  | TVR Great Pics of these great carz |
 | usflag.zip | 11k | 99-11-10 |  | Waving US Flag Smooth 8-grey animation of a US flag flapping in the breeze. Pleasing aesthetic effect. Can be viewed with PicView. |
 | vagrant_story_pictures.zip | 28k | 02-06-19 |  | Vagrant Story Pictures This Zip contains 9 nices pictures in 4 grayscale from the famous PSX game "Vagrant Story".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | viper.zip | 25k | 00-07-12 |  | Dodge Viper Nothing more to say about this great car |
 | wonder.zip | 5k | 00-08-17 |  | Wonder Woman Photo v1.0 A picture of Wonder Woman to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | xeno_pic.zip | 30k | 02-11-01 |  | Xenogears Pictures This Zip contains 7 nices pictures in 4 grayscale from the famous PSX game "Xenogears".It was written in C using TIGCC and it's a nostub program(need no kernel instaled).Just send the pictures to your calc,I hope you'll enjoy them! |
 | xmen.zip | 9k | 00-08-15 |  | X-Men Photo v1.0 A picture of the X-men to be viewed with Picture Viewer |
 | xwing.zip | 7k | 99-11-19 |  | X-Wing Pic 8 level grayscale pic of an X-Wing. |
 | zcars.zip | 158k | 00-06-15 |  | Nissan 300zx and 280zx Sports Car Pictures This is an awesome collection of the great 300zx and the 280zx sports cars. |