| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 Assembly Game Levels |
 | aidroid2.zip | 103k | 03-04-10 |  | Droid 2 (sd v0.8) A cousin to the previous["Droid"], of my own design, check it out! . 0232EST; 4/9/03 |
 | aidroid3.zip | 109k | 03-04-10 |  | Droid 3 (Space Dementia) This is the third and maybe final "Droid",for space dementia that I make, it is the the sequal to the two previous ("Droid" & " Droid2")[droids], this one is of my own design as well [as Droid2 is]. Check it out! ;) . 0243EST; 4/9/03 (PS-There should be 2 animated screenshots on this info. page, if there is not then either there may have been some sort of upload error or the upload staff was slacking off again ;) , just kidding.) |
 | aidroid.zip | 107k | 03-04-10 |  | Droid (for Space Dementia v0.8) If you've ever played Tempest X3 for the playstation game console, you probably already know what this is, if you have not it is still worth checking out! Its an AI Droid that assists your 'claw'-ship in the game tempest X3, and is pretty in Space Dementia! ,0223 EST; 4/9/03 |
 | auricomind.zip | 1k | 03-03-16 |  | Auricom IND An anti-gravity race vehicle from the game Wipeout 3 for PS. Enjoy! 3/16/03. |
 | aurora.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Aurora A Government 'Black Project' spy-plane. |
 | awing.zip | 5k | 03-03-17 |  | A-Wing Hey all of you Star-Wars fans out there, here's a real treat, a rebel a-wing! Enjoy!! 3/17/03. |
 | backfire.zip | 1k | 03-04-10 |  | Tu-22M Backfire A model of the Russian Air Force's Tupolev Tu-22M "Backfire" supersonic bomber |
 | battledroidiii.zip | 132k | 03-06-09 |  | Trade Federation: Battle Droid III A Trade Federation Battle Droid from the movie, Star Wars Episode I: The Fantom Menace @ 150%. Enjoy!~Roger,roger! 1857EST; 6~8~03. |
 | battledroidii.zip | 108k | 03-06-09 |  | Trade Federation: Battle Droid II A Trade Federation Battle Droid from the movie, Star Wars Episode I: The Fantom Menace @ 120%. Enjoy! 1850 EST; 6~8~03. |
 | battledroid.zip | 84k | 03-06-09 |  | Trade Federation: Battle Droid A Trade Federation Battle Droid from the movie, Star Wars Episode I: The Fantom Menace. Enjoy! B^D= 1847 EST; 6~8~03. |
 | bigtieadvanced.zip | 136k | 03-06-21 |  | Big Tie Advanced This is the largest version of the 'Tie Advanced( Upgrade)', if you've enjoyed this version, check out "Tie Advanced Upgrade" and "Mini-Tie Advanced". Any questions, either consult the 'Tie Advanced Upgrade' or ME @ q_dmc1-wait, this page already gives my e-mail address, consult me @ the e-mail address below. 0422 EST; 6/21/03. |
 | blackbird.zip | 5k | 03-03-18 |  | SR-71 Blackbird Hey!, its an SR-71 Blackbird. |
 | blackspy.zip | 1k | 03-03-16 |  | Black Spy A spy-plane of my own design. For Space Dementia v0.8. 3/16/03. |
 | black.zip | 127k | 03-10-01 |  | Black Helicopter This is the result of an on going quest of mine to find and make the perfect design of a helicopter for Space Dementia(0.8beta and beyond). I give you, "Black Helicopter". 2134EST;09|27|03. |
 | borg.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | Borg SHIP Its the cubic, Borg Ship from Star Trek. For Space Dementia v0.8. 3/23/03. |
 | bwing.zip | 72k | 03-04-07 |  | B-Wing (for space Dementia 0.8) This is a SHIP (B-Wing) from Star Wars for Space Dementia v0.8. It was made using David Coz's Edit3D v0.95 & 0.96, which converts 3d designs in the format that SD recognizes, or an external SHIP file. I hope you enjoy it! **NOTE**: Upgrade: This is The second version, the previous shot its cannons from the cockpit, this one shoots them from the ends of its wings. I guess you could call it the "Better-Wing". Also, this one has screen shots (animated)! 4/6/03. |
 | cargoshipconvoy.zip | 5k | 03-03-17 |  | Emperial Cargo Ship Hey all of you Star-Wars fans out there, here's a real treat, an emperial cargo transport ship! Enjoy!! 3/17/03. |
 | chop1.zip | 92k | 03-10-01 |  | Chopper This is one of the versions of helicopter that I designed a while ago but never released......TILL NOW!!!!! :D 2139EST;09|27|03. |
 | chop2.zip | 111k | 03-10-01 |  | Chopper II This is one of the versions of helicopter that I designed a while ago but never released......TILL NOW!!!!! :D 2143EST;09|27|03. |
 | columbia.zip | 107k | 03-04-07 |  | Space Shuttle: Columbia (STS-107) Yes, it is the first (& last) space shuttle, Columbia. I know this might seem inappropiate but it is to honor/commemorate the shuttle, to not let it be forgotten, plus... ...don't you think it would be really cool to pilot it yourself!!? Yes!, mow you can pilot the the space shuttle, shoot asteroids, fly through space, -Watch Those Wings!!! :) Bypass NASA security and take take-er for a spin, Let's Light This Candle!! --My condolences to the friends & families of those who were lost[that day]! Enjoy.... 4/6/03. |
 | comanche.zip | 1k | 03-03-14 |  | RAH-66 Comanche This is a ship file for Space Dementia based on the RAH-66 Comanche Attack Helicopter |
 | conehead.zip | 141k | 03-06-24 |  | Cone-Head This is one of the ships from the movie Cone Heads, it is one of there battle ships used in the plan to mount an invasion on the planet Earth and enslave the Blunt-Skulls. Now, after zerls of waiting you can manuever an exact replicaahhh....... Fly you ship through a series of training rings to help train you reflexes and manueverability/piloting skills or take a vacation in a nearby asteroid belt in the mainj portion of the game[Space Dementia v0.8b by Thibaut Chevalier] shoot and destroy asteroids before they shoot and destroy you with their massive bodies[I just corrected a spellingf error, it did say, "bidies"], fail?, and you might as well chance your fate against, ........the-Garthok! 2230 hrs. EST, 6/23/03. |
 | cosdroid.zip | 82k | 03-11-29 |  | Cosdroid This is the cosimic droid cousin to the asdroid, another droid that resembles an asteroid that I am perfecting. Enjoy;2300est,11/25/03. |
 | cosmoid.zip | 151k | 03-11-29 |  | Cosmoid v1.0 This is the cosimic droid cousin to the asdroid, another droid that resembles an asteroid that I am perfecting. Enjoy;2308est,11/25/03. |
 | cozdroid.zip | 116k | 03-11-29 |  | COZdroid This is the cosimic droid cousin to the asdroid, another droid that resembles an asteroid that I am perfecting. Enjoy;2304est,11/25/03. |
 | darkhawk.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | DarkHawk The ultimate warship created for the ultimate conflict ... |
 | droid4.zip | 61k | 03-04-18 |  | AIDroid4 (sd0.8b) Yeesss., its another droid-SHIP (of my own design[that makes 3]), try it out. 1254p EST; 4/18/03. |
 | f117d.zip | 106k | 03-11-29 |  | F-117d Advanced (Night Hawk) A fourth F-117 advanced, hopefully the last. This latest model sports better cannon placements and the exaust vents at the rear. Enjoy;2313EST, 11/25/03. |
 | f117nighthawk.zip | 1k | 03-03-17 |  | F-117 Nighthawk A [RADAR] stealth F-117 Nighthawk. ENJOY!! 3/17/03. |
 | f117.zip | 357k | 03-08-26 |  | F-117 Advanced (Night Hawk) As you all [may] know, I did release a smaller [similar] F117 SHIP file called, F117. This time I decided to design one to [almost] scale, . At first I was just going to go with the F-117a but then realized it needed a lil' variety so I created b and c which ARE the same exept for the cannon positions. So!, this is the F-117 Advanced NightHawk and when I say advanced I mean... [advanced] If you still are scard (how do yah spell that word) from the previous have a gander at the three diff. screen shots of each of the 3 diff. 'models'! 0039 EST;08/23/03. |
 | f15eagle.zip | 5k | 03-03-15 |  | F-15 Eagle An almost to scale 3d wire-frame model of an F-15 Eagle for Space Dementia, made w/ edit3d v0.95. |
 | f35a.zip | 75k | 03-10-01 |  | F-35 Advanced Its the US military's all purpose fighter (AF,Navy,Marines), the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, formally known as the X-35 [the real f-35]-has VTOL capability. ***This is also a upgrade version of the previous(f-35 JSF & Scrap35), it has slightly MORE frames per second (higher frame rate than the previous ver.'s of F-35 JSF-during game-play). AKA-Its Better! | 09~27~03;2158EST. ****PS= the screen shot you see below you is (I think..) really the F-35a's, this file. |
 | f35jsf.zip | 77k | 03-10-01 |  | F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Its the US military's all purpose fighter (AF,Navy,Marines), the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, formally known as the X-35 [the real f-35]-has VTOL capability. 2148EST;09|27|03. |
 | falcon.zip | 1k | 03-04-10 |  | F-16 Falcon A F-16 Falcon model for Space Dementia 0.8. This fighter has been widely exported to many countries all over the world |
 | feisar.zip | 1k | 03-03-16 |  | Feisar An anti-gravity race vehicle from the game Wipeout 3 for PS. Enjoy! 3/16/03. |
 | flystorm.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | Flystorm Here is one of the Asghard's best Ship |
 | geonosianstarfighter.zip | 116k | 03-06-21 |  | Geonosian StarFighter Straight from the movie, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, scene of the asteroid rings of Geonosis, (and from Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (game)) its the Geonosian Starfighter! Yay! : ) Also, if you're one who prefers faster frame-rate game-play, download "Mini-Geo", this is a smaller version of this Geonosian Starfighter. Enjoy! ;) . 0319 EST; 6/21/03. |
 | halebopcomet.zip | 133k | 03-06-21 |  | Hale-Bop Hey remember that occultist group back in ooh, say, 1998'ish during the passing of the halebop comet that claimed that there was a space ship waiting to pick them up if they killed themselves and "released their soles", 'hidding' behind the tail of the comet? Well, ....Its Baaaack!, yes, the Hale-Bop Comet is back and only you have the power to control it, comes complete with its own "hidding" alien space ship behind its tail! 0154EST; 6/21/03. |
 | henrysds.zip | 4k | 03-03-22 |  | Henry's Space Dementia Ships!!! Here is a nice collection of 6 ships that I have made for Space Dementia. Some of them were included in the release of Space Dementia .8. Some of them are just plain wacky:). Try them out, have some fun and enjoy!. They should also work for 92 an V200. |
 | hoth.zip | 121k | 03-04-03 |  | Snowspeeder Hey, Star Wars fans, long time-no-see, here's a treat, a rebel Snowspeeder from the planet Hoth, straight from The Empire Strikes Back! 4/2/03. |
 | icecomet1.zip | 84k | 03-06-21 |  | Comet This is just a design for a comet that I exported to a SHIP file using David Coz's Edit-3D v0.96b the asm versiom not the one with which he won thet app contest a year ago, for use on Thidaut Chevalier's C-programed TI-89 game, Space Dementia v0.8B. 0201EST; 6/21/03. |
 | icecomet2.zip | 90k | 03-06-21 |  | Comet II his is just a design for a bigger comet(which means higher point value(s)) that I exported to a SHIP file using David Coz's Edit-3D v0.96b the asm version not the one with which he won that app contest a year ago, for use on Thidaut Chevalier's C-programed TI-89 game, Space Dementia v0.8B. 0205EST;6/21/03. |
 | imperialfrigate.zip | 87k | 03-06-21 |  | Imperial Frigate Ever play Star Wars: X-Wing? This is the Imperial frigate from that game (PC). 0210 EST; 6/21/03. |
 | imperialtug_1.zip | 65k | 03-12-07 |  | Tug I This is the Imperial tug from the X-Wing & Tie Fighter series. (size: 1x) Enjoy! December 4, 2003; 2307 EST. |
 | imperialtug_2.zip | 112k | 03-12-07 |  | Tug II This is the Imperial tug from the X-Wing & Tie Fighter series. (size: 2x) Enjoy! December 4, 2003; 2303 EST. |
 | imperialtug_3.zip | 85k | 03-12-07 |  | Tug III This is the Imperial tug from the X-Wing & Tie Fighter series. (size:1.5x) Enjoy! December 4,2003; 2259 EST. |
 | intrcptr.zip | 1k | 03-03-14 |  | Taiidani Interceptor This is a ship file for Space Dementia based on the Interceptor-class ship from the Sierra game, Homeworld |
 | invisiblejet.zip | 1k | 03-03-16 |  | An Optically Invisible Jet Hey, Its an ([or]Wonder woman's) Invisible Jet! Teh ultimate stealth craft. ENJOY! 3/16/03 |
 | jetblue0.zip | 1k | 03-11-29 |  | Jet Blue0 A New ship designed for Space dementia 89. This file containts one of the fastest most diverse ships ehre including a rocket launcer, several macine guns, and a sphear cocpit alowing the driver with a full 3-d 360o view. |
 | jumbobattledroid.zip | 144k | 03-06-09 |  | Trade Federation: Battle Droid: Jumbo sized A Trade Federation Battle Droid from the movie, Star Wars Episode I: The Fantom Menace @ a jumbo percentage of 178%. EEEEnnjjooyyyyy!! (more bang for your buck!) 1902EST;6~8~03. ~~Roger,roger! |
 | klingonbirdofprey.zip | 5k | 03-03-18 |  | Klingon Bird of Prey Okay all of you trekies out there, take a byte into this, a Klingon War-Bird of Prey. 3/18/03. |
 | klingonbirdoprey.zip | 773k | 03-06-02 |  | Prey II A refined design of the first klingon bird of prey SHIP for dementia produced on D. Coz's Edit 3D v0.96; For a more detailed description read the Prey2-me read me file[included].1939EST;6/1/03. |
 | militaryhelicopter.zip | 5k | 03-03-18 |  | Military Helicopter WOW! Look at that, a military chopper! 3/18/03. |
 | minigeonosianstarfighter.zip | 115k | 03-06-21 |  | Mini-Geo Straight from the movie, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, scene of the asteroid rings of Geonosis, (and from Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (game)) its the Geonosian Starfighter! Yay! : ) Also, if you're one who prefers slower frame-rate game-play, download "Geonosian Starfighter", this is the normal version of this Geonosian Starfighter. Enjoy! ;) . 0405EST; 6/21/03. |
 | minisput.zip | 95k | 03-06-21 |  | Mini-Sputnik Hey remember the first 'artificial' satelite put in Earths orbit? I thought not, well can you name it? Of course it was Sputnik! Yes!, the Russian space craft is back!, and it has a new look!.....well,...not really, its just pixelated,......and its also minimized. 0215 EST; 6/21/03. |
 | minitieadvanced.zip | 131k | 03-06-21 |  | Mini-Tie Advanced This is the smaller version of the Tie Advanced Upgrade. If you enjoyed this one alot check-out The "Tie Advanced Upgrade" and "Big Tie Advanced". If you have any questions, refer to the Tie Afvanced Upgrade. Enjoy! :) . 0413 EST; 6/21/03. |
 | nimb2000.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | Nimbus2000 This is Harry Potter's Nimbus2000, the faster ship of the world |
 | novafrig.zip | 1k | 03-04-10 |  | Nova-class Frigate This ship is better known as the medical frigate from the end of The Empire Strikes Back, which is the ship that Luke gets his prosthetic hand on... |
 | omniship.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | Omniship A prototype of lightyearspeed security drone , use carefully ... |
 | phoenixsd.zip | 162k | 03-04-07 |  | Phoenix (for Space Dementia)3-D Heyyy, you all know the game Phoenix by. Patrick Davidson. Weelll, here is the classic Phoenix from the favorite TI game, Phoenix, now in a 3-Dimensional form for Space Dementia 0.8B. Enjoy....................................... ..0216 EST; 4/7/03. |
 | pirahanaa.zip | 1k | 03-03-21 |  | Pirahana-a An anti-gravity racing vehicle from wipeout3 on the playstation console, now for Space Dementia v0.8b 3/20/03. |
 | podracer.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Pod-Racer A Pod-Racer from Episode I |
 | protype_five.zip | 136k | 03-11-20 |  | Prototype-05 The best prototype model yet, enjoy. 2338EST; 11/19/03. |
 | protype_four.zip | 120k | 03-11-20 |  | prototype-04 This just one of a series of ship designs that I made about a month (or two) ago. This is actually the same as prototype-03 except for the positions of the cannons. Enjoy.| 2335EST;11/19/03. |
 | protype_one.zip | 143k | 03-11-20 |  | Prototype-01 This just one of a series of ship designs that I made about a month (or two) ago. Enjoy.| 2324EST;11/19/03. |
 | protype_three.zip | 95k | 03-11-20 |  | prototype-03 This just one of a series of ship designs that I made about a month (or two) ago. Enjoy.| 2331EST;11/19/03. |
 | protype_two.zip | 97k | 03-11-20 |  | Prototype-02 This just one of a series of ship designs that I made about a month (or two) ago. Enjoy.| 2328EST;11/19/03. |
 | prymack.zip | 172k | 03-06-24 |  | Prymack This is one of the ships from the movie Cone Heads, it is one of there battle ships used in the plan to mount an invasion on the planet Earth and enslave the Blunt-Skulls. Also, this is a slight enlargement of 'conehead', about 100% larger to be exact[when enlaging{zoom all func.} one must input %'age + 100, so this was input as 200 % Zoom All], but is still the same file size and suprisingly, the larger the 'conehead' ship you have, the faster the game-play is, hhuummmmm.... Now, after zerls of waiting you can manuever an exact replicaahhh....... Fly you ship through a series of training rings to help train you reflexes and manueverability/piloting skills or take a vacation in a nearby asteroid belt in the main portion of the game[Space Dementia v0.8b by Thibaut Chevalier] shoot and destroy asteroids before they shoot[shooting their massive selves towards you] and destroy you with their massive bodies, fail?, and you might as well chance your fate against, ........the-Garthok! 2254 hundred hours Eastern Standard Time, June 23rd, 2003. |
 | qoteki45.zip | 1k | 03-03-16 |  | Goteki 45 An anti-gravity race vehicle from the game Wipeout 3 for PS. Enjoy! 3/16/03. |
 | qslostships.zip | 960k | 07-05-05 |  | Q's Lost Ship (Pack) This is a compilation of previously unreleased ships made from December 2003 to the present for Thibaut "moitib" Chevalier's TI-89 asteroid shooter Space Dementia 0.8b. |
 | raptor.zip | 1k | 03-03-14 |  | F-22 Raptor Ship This is a ship for Space Dementia based on the F-22 Raptor |
 | remulark.zip | 161k | 03-06-24 |  | Rem-U-lark This is one of the ships from the movie Cone Heads, it is one of there battle ships used in the plan to mount an invasion on the planet Earth and enslave the Blunt-Skulls. Also, this is a slight enlargement of 'conehead', about 33% larger to exact[when enlaging{zoom all func.} one must input %'age + 100, so this was input as 133 % Zoom All], but is still the same file size and suprisingly, the larger the 'conehead' ship you have,the faster the game-play is, hhuummmmm.... Now, after zerls of waiting you can manuever an exact replicaahhh....... Fly you ship through a series of training rings to help train you reflexes and manueverability/piloting skills or take a vacation in a nearby asteroid belt in the mainj portion of the game[Space Dementia v0.8b by Thibaut Chevalier] shoot and destroy asteroids before they shoot[shooting their massive selves towards you] and destroy you with their massive bodies, fail?, and you might as well chance your fate against, ........the-Garthok! 2245 hours, EST, 6/23/03. |
 | s37.zip | 6k | 03-03-21 |  | S-37a "Unique forward-swept wings & canards provide unmatched turning ability. It also has some stealth [RADAR] ability." A fighter-plane from the PS-2 game, Ace Combat 4: SHATTERED SKIES, now for Space Dementia v0.8B. 3/20/03. |
 | sabolba.zip | 66k | 03-04-18 |  | Sabolba's Podracer (S.D. 0.8b) Hey star wars fans, its Sabolba's podracer from 'The phantom Menace', Episode I. Check it out! 0100 EST; 4/18/03. |
 | ships.zip | 3k | 03-04-03 |  | More ships for space dementia fly around and destroy asteroids with a ti89, a borg cube, an arrow, a ufo, a blimp, and a single grain. I took my time, and these look pretty nice. Give them a spin! |
 | slavei.zip | 69k | 03-04-18 |  | Jango Fett's Slave I [for space dementia 0.8beta] Hey star wars fans, look @ this, jango Fett's Slave I SHIP from a numberous amount of sw games and Episode II. ! Check it out, try it out, & the tell me what you think/thought! 0107 EST; 4/18/03. ENJOY!!!!!!............. |
 | sputnik.zip | 271k | 03-06-21 |  | Sputnik Hey remember the first 'artificial' satelite put in Earths orbit? I thought not, well can you name it? Of course it was Sputnik! Yes!, the Russian space craft is back!, and it has a new look!.....well,...not really, its just pixelated. 0219 EST; 6/21/03. |
 | stank.zip | 137k | 03-04-03 |  | Sherman Tank Hey, WOW!, A Sherman Tank......, ....And better screen shots than ever before! 4/2/03. |
 | starwarsstarfighter.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | Star Wars: Starfighter v1.0 This is a starfighter From Episode I, this was made for a request I received, it is the first model version of I hope no more than 5. Since it is 1.0, this means that I took no chances in making it in Edit3d v0.96, using the least amount of ellipces as possible( Ellipces cause errors), so, here it is the Star Wars: Starfighter(v1.0) for Space Dementia v0.8. ENJOY! 3/23/03. |
 | sucksd.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | SUCK To understand the name read SUCK-Me text file. (Space Dementia v0.8; craft) |
 | superman1.zip | 208k | 03-07-04 |  | Superman I Its a bird, its a plane, no, its Superman! Yes, superman is back and he is for the ti-89 game, Space Dementia by thibuat chevalier, fly through space destroy asteroids with your x-ray vision, maintain intergalactive peace for truth, justice, and the American way!-Duh-ta-duh, duh-dut-tah-duh-dut-duh-duh, tad-dut-dat-duh, dut-tad-duh..... 1328 EST; 7/4/03 |
 | superman2.zip | 212k | 03-07-04 |  | Superman II Its a bird, its a plane, no, its Superman! Yes, superman is back and he is for the ti-89 game, Space Dementia by thibuat chevalier, fly through space, destroy asteroids with your x-ray vision, maintain intergalactive peace for truth, justice, and the American way!-Duh-ta-duh, duh-dut-tah-duh-dut-duh-duh, tad-dut-dat-duh, dut-tad-duh..... 1334 EST; 7/4/03 |
 | tempest.zip | 172k | 03-04-07 |  | Tempest 3D for SD0.8B Hey there avid gamers, remember the old arcade Atari game, Tempest, where you are presented w/ a tunnel-like shape and you have to protect your tube in this obect in space from enemies that look like 'x'es, and your 'secret weapon' was the 'super zapper'? Anyway, now it has a whole new look that its on the 89 for Space Dementia v0.8B (by. Thibaut Chevalier), of course I mean its 3-Dimentional. Anyone ever play 'Tempest X3' for the playstation console?... Enjoy!......... . 4/7/03. |
 | tieadvancedupgrade.zip | 107k | 03-06-21 |  | Tie Advanced Upgrade FINALLY!, I've finally successfully created the Tie Advanced almost exactly to scale as a SHIP file. You may all remember the last attempt to make the tie advanced ship, a total failure-I thought, but supprisingly many of ypu did not,(I believe it was called "tieadv") anyway!,this is the best that I can give you @ the present time as w/ the flas version of edit3d w/ the export as ship function not yet released - this is it! If you enjoy this one more than the original (seeing as it was the first tie avdanced I designed, I'm calling the original) then perhaps you should also try "Big" and "mini" adv. They are all the same size - each file, its just that when you're playing SD(v0.8b) the ship size bonus will either increase or decraese depending on which ship size-version you have. Enjoy! :) . 0334 EST; 6/21/03. |
 | tieadvanced.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Tie Advanced The Tie Advanced (star wars) |
 | tiebomber.zip | 6k | 03-03-17 |  | Tie Bomber Hey all of you Star-Wars fans out there, here's a real treat, an emperial tie bomber! Enjoy!! 3/17/03. |
 | tornado3.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | Tornado 3 The last ship of the Space international defense line ... For professionnal use only ! |
 | twing.zip | 5k | 03-03-17 |  | Rebel T-Wing Hey all of you Star-Wars fans out there, here's a real treat, a rebel twing! ENJOY!! 3/17/03. |
 | u2spy.zip | 9k | 03-03-22 |  | U-2 Spy Plane Its a U2 Spy Plane straight from the 'Cold War'-it even looks like it too, check it out! 3/21/03. (For Space Dementia v0.8b) |
 | ussenterprise.zip | 5k | 03-03-17 |  | USS Enterprise[next gen.] Hey all you Trekies out there, 'have I got a treat for you, YES!, its the NCC1701D for space dementia, make w/ edit3d v0.96. Enjoy!! 3/17/03. |
 | usseo.zip | 92k | 03-04-17 |  | USS Enterprise[original] Hey Look!, (face lit up w/ 'Glee') The USS Enterprise from the original star trek TV series(not to be confused with the one from Star Trek IV, V, & VI-that's the ncc1701A, which I'll probably make when the flash ver. of Edit 3D offers the export to SHIP function.), the NCC1701. Now you can 'really' kick romulan-ass! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (3 stills, 1 animated) 4/16/03;2200 EST. Check it out! |
 | wrightbros.zip | 149k | 03-08-26 |  | Wright Bros. First Flight I just completed (and started) this ship today. It is an [almost] exact replica {spelling?} of the craft used at the wright bros.' first flight @ Kitty Hawk, NC. Enjoy! 0003 EST;08/24/03. |
 | z95headhunter.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Z-95 Headhunter Heyyy, Its the Star Wars Z-95 Headhunter(craft) Now for Space Dementia Version 0.8B 3/14/03. |