| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-85 BASIC Files |
| levels | folder | | TI-85 BASIC Game Levels |
 | ace1.0.zip | 1k | 04-12-01 |  | ACE 1.0 This is the only full arcade style game on the TI-85 that's under 700 bytes. Game incudestracking of high score. |
 | advins.zip | 3k | 01-06-17 |  | Adventure Insanity You wake up in a strange and bizarre variation of whatever existence you once knew. Take on the compelling yet pointless challenge of exploring this newfound wonder. Great time waster. |
 | aim.zip | 3k | 03-04-27 |  | Aim 85 (Classic) Aim for the other tanks and be the last one remaining. This is an old version of the game I've written for the TI-89. It doesn't have as many features, but it still has a lot of features. |
 | alessdbz.zip | 2k | 00-08-28 |  | Dragon Ball Z Beta Dragon Ball Z fighting game that plays like an RPG. |
 | alessigm.zip | 6k | 00-08-20 |  | Star Rocks Collection v2.0 This is the Star Rocks Collection with a few changes. First of all the text has been proofread and documentation has been added. Second some unnecessary files have been removed and now the whole package is a group file not a backup file. Finally Star Rocks 2 now has a black background with white objects and stores the name of the person with the high score, like the first game. |
 | aliendet.zip | 1k | 97-08-30 |  | Alien Detector Expert v1.0 Ever wondered if you're alone in your room? Try this and find out. |
 | alienvsn.zip | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | Alien Invasion (v1.0) |
 | amaze.zip | 2k | 01-02-07 |  | Amaze Run around the maze collecting the bombs before the time runs out |
 | aok.zip | 1k | 00-05-16 |  | Age of Kings Demo It is a medievil Game. You will be a celt and fight the English for Freedom. the full version will be out asap |
 | ar85pack.zip | 49k | 99-12-24 |  | AR 85 Pack A pack of about 17 games |
 | archery.zip | 7k | 97-10-16 |  | Archery An Archery Shooting Game with Moving Targets |
 | arenaz.zip | 8k | 99-03-04 |  | Tower of Arenaz v1.2 |
 | artill.zip | 5k | 97-05-01 |  | Artillery Revenge Artillery is a game where you control the use of a Big Bertha gun. Destroy enemy cities in an attempt to expand and maintain your empire. Face revolts and purchase territory |
 | asteriodb.zip | 1k | 00-05-24 |  | Astroid Belt v1.0 |
 | asteroids.zip | 1k | 03-03-07 |  | Asteroids 1.0 It's Asteroids. You dodge the asteroids. |
 | awari20.zip | 2k | 97-07-24 |  | Awari (v2.0) |
 | babes.zip | 1k | 00-07-19 |  | Babes - The Complete Hey More Babes |
 | band.zip | 14k | 00-04-22 |  | Garage Band A game in which you become the head of a garage band. Write songs, practice, and play a gig on day three. If you're good, you could even start a riot! |
 | basketb.zip | 1k | 97-11-10 |  | Basketball |
 | bassheads.zip | 3k | 98-10-13 |  | Bass Headz Build a big speaker system and win contests and money. |
 | batons.zip | 1k | 98-03-22 |  | Batons - A Greek Game |
 | battle1.zip | 23k | 01-03-14 |  | Ultimate Battle RPG Read the README for a complete description. This game is absolutely mind-blowing. |
 | battle85.zip | 3k | 00-03-07 |  | BattleShip 85 Battleship 85 with AI and Link play |
 | bball.zip | 5k | 98-06-16 |  | Basketball v1.0 Real one on one BBall You vs. CPU |
 | benttt.zip | 2k | 97-09-17 |  | Tic Tac Toe 1.8 |
 | benzar.zip | 2k | 99-11-19 |  | BenZar v1.0 BanZar v1.0 with external levels, & kinda like mario, really fast |
 | bible.zip | 1k | 00-07-02 |  | Bible This game helps you on your daily life problems |
 | biking_m.zip | 3k | 97-10-25 |  | BikingMoron v1.97 |
 | bjackii.zip | 10k | 99-02-26 |  | BJack-II v1.45 |
 | bjack.zip | 2k | 00-05-15 |  | BlackJackPro v0.95 A simple blackjack game |
 | bjcasino.zip | 3k | 98-07-09 |  | Casino Blackjack v1.1 Deluxe blackjack simulator |
 | bjc.zip | 2k | 00-05-15 |  | Black Jack Casino Black jack, with a casino twist |
 | bjlite.zip | 3k | 98-01-19 |  | BJack-Lite 1.4 Reduced version of BJack II |
 | bj.zip | 3k | 97-12-10 |  | BlackJack 1.0 The BEST Black Jack game EVER Fat Intro, Casino rules and more |
 | blackbox.zip | 2k | 97-08-04 |  | Black Box Find the atoms by throwing stuff at them |
 | blackjack.zip | 1k | 99-05-10 |  | Blackjack A very good blackjack game |
 | blackjak.zip | 1k | 97-08-27 |  | BlackJack+ v3.4 |
 | blaide.zip | 7k | 98-06-18 |  | The Journey of Blaide v1.0 A fantasy RPG for the TI 85 with multiple quests and characters |
 | blaze.zip | 1k | 00-09-28 |  | BLAzE 85 BLAzE is another "racing" game. This one happens to be a port of the famous 83+ version. |
 | blkout10.zip | 1k | 97-09-13 |  | Binary Blackout v1.0 Turn all the 1's into 0's. Looks easy but it's not. |
 | bombs.zip | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | Missile Command-type game |
 | bomb.zip | 1k | 98-05-22 |  | Bomb v4.1 Destroy towns without being caught. |
 | bopthis2001.zip | 1k | 01-05-09 |  | Bop This! 2001 You can choose to bop all the keys on the calculator...if you can. |
 | bopthis.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 |  | Bop This! v2.0 This version lets you master all the keys on the Calc, and gives a running score as you play. |
 | bowling.zip | 5k | 98-06-17 |  | Bowling v1.5 Update to v1.0 Adds save game more |
 | bpoker.zip | 13k | 99-02-26 |  | Blakeleysoft Video Poker v1.10 Video poker game |
 | bship2pl.zip | 2k | 00-05-16 |  | Battle Ship 2 players it's a battle ship game and you can play with a friend. |
 | bski2.zip | 2k | 97-04-29 |  | BSki2 The fastest skiing game around Very cool. |
 | bugs.zip | 8k | 00-04-22 |  | A Bug's Life You are a small bug who one day discovers an enemy army approaching your home. Hurry home and warn the troops! |
 | calcultn.zip | 4k | 97-07-06 |  | Card Game Calculation 1.1 |
 | camel.zip | 3k | 97-08-30 |  | Camel: The Saharan Race Race for survival on a sarcastic camel. |
 | casino2.zip | 3k | 98-06-19 |  | Casino Games |
 | casino85.zip | 1k | 98-01-14 |  | TI-85 Casino A great game with Black Jack, Slots, War and Hiscore function First run Install |
 | casino.zip | 3k | 97-10-14 |  | Casino: Blackjack, Poker, Slots Casino Game suite, corrected version |
 | cave.zip | 2k | 97-08-30 |  | Caves: Through the Darkness Escape the monster. Includes weapons : |
 | cball85.zip | 5k | 02-03-28 |  | Crystal Ball CBall is a fun little crystal ball program. It uses random numbers to generate answers, but can be surprisingly accurate. |
 | cc85v091.zip | 20k | 97-11-14 |  | Command & Conquer 85 v0.91 |
 | chase.zip | 1k | 99-03-09 |  | Chase, a Simple Arcade Game Pick up the dots before the enemy gets you. |
 | checkers.zip | 2k | 97-07-24 |  | Checkers |
 | col.zip | 4k | 97-11-01 |  | Circle of Light |
 | connect4.zip | 1k | 97-08-04 |  | Connect Four Connect Four for 1 or 2 players |
 | conquest.zip | 8k | 99-02-26 |  | Conquest Based on the game Bandit Kings of Ancient China . Your Ultimate goal is to take out the surrounding 4 kingdoms before you die off from old age. |
 | cooldude85.zip | 3k | 01-02-04 |  | Cooldude - The RPG Adventure |
 | count.zip | 1k | 00-10-10 |  | Count This program counts until you press a key. |
 | cq2.zip | 7k | 98-02-21 |  | Cradle Quest 2 1.00 Graphical adventure game for the TI 85 |
 | cribsol.zip | 3k | 00-09-14 |  | Cribbage Solitaire A one player version of cribbage |
 | dbcreator.zip | 1k | 98-07-31 |  | Dirt Bike v1.0 Course Set Creator |
 | dboot85i.zip | 4k | 00-02-08 |  | Das Boot 85i Text based Das Boot/submarine game. Sink ships and stuff. With some pics. |
 | dboot85.zip | 3k | 00-02-08 |  | Das Boot 85 Text based Das Boot/submarine game. Sink ships and stuff. |
 | dbz2.zip | 11k | 00-10-01 |  | Dragon Ball Z The long awaited full version of the turn based RPG/fighting game. New to the game are animations, a save game feature, 2-player battle mode, a full story including 9 battles, and the ability to learn new moves as your fighting power increases. |
 | dbzgtrpg.zip | 51k | 04-03-03 |  | Dragonball-Z-GT RPG In this wonderful game you get to play as yourself, Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Tien, Trunks, Yamucha, Chaozu, Goten, Pan, Ubuu, Krillin, Vegeta, Puar, Bardock, Yajirobe, Master Roshi, Oolong, Chi-Chi, Gogeta, Gotenks, Vegetto, Goku Jr., Vegeta Jr., Videl, Hercule, Tapion, Marron, Bra, Ox King, Dende, Nail, Mr. Popo, and Minosha. With those characters you can fight Emperor Pilaf, Metallic, Gasuteru, Red Ribbon Army, Tao Pai Pai, Buyon, Drum, Piccolo Daimou, Raditz, Saiba-Men, Nappa, Dodoria, Zarbon, Guldo, Recoome, Burter, Jaice, Captain Ginyu, Frieza, Cashew, Ginger, Nikki, Sansho, Vinegar, Garlic Jr, King Cold, Doore, Neizu, Sauzaa, Coola, Android 14, Android 15, Android 13, Dr Raichii, Android 19, Android 20, Android 17, Android 18, Cell Jr's, Cell, Bujin, Gokua, Zangya, Bido, Bojack, Brolli, Yam, Supopo Bihchi, Babidee, Pui Pui, Yakon, Dabura, Majin Buu, Hiredugarn, Janemba, Ledgic, Lude, Bebi, Super 17, and the 7 evil Shenrons, Chii, Ryuu, Uu, Suu, San, Ryan, & Li. Against those evil villians you can use moves like Blast, Power Up, Ka Me Ha Me Ha, Solar Flare, Final Flash, Spirit Bomb, Kaio Ken, Special Beam Cannon, Punch, Ryu Ken, Donut Attack, Gallic Gun, Zanzo, Ki Ai, Zari, Missile, Kienze, Saise, Bunshi, 100 Ghosts, Kizou, Tsuru, Akesh, Ai Hou, Instant Transmission, and Taiyo. If you can find them, there are 4 cheats: Instant Win, Senzu Bean, Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and Make a Wish. Good luck, enjoy the cheater programs, and the many save-game-slots :-) |
 | dbz.zip | 2k | 00-05-04 |  | Dragonball Z This is a fast action fighting game based on the japanese anime. It features multple enemies, great AI, real-time fighting, and unique powerfull attacks! |
 | demineur.zip | 1k | 98-03-22 |  | Demineur (minesweeper clone) |
 | dgame10.zip | 2k | 98-01-19 |  | JoZh's Dice Game 1.0 A simple but addictive dice game |
 | dirtbike.zip | 2k | 98-07-31 |  | Dirt Bike v1.0 |
 | dkhnt85.zip | 1k | 98-10-11 |  | DuckHunt 85 v1.0 A somewhat compact game for BASIC, based on the Windows shareware version. |
 | dnd85.zip | 7k | 97-09-13 |  | The AD&D Companion 1.41 |
 | dodge.zip | 1k | 97-05-08 |  | Jims Dodge |
 | doom485.zip | 8k | 05-08-30 |  | DOOM486 beta 2 (85 port) Doom486 beta 2, of course, if you happen to find a bug, e-mail me! |
 | doom85.zip | 4k | 11-12-16 |  | DOOM85 I was happy to find my Doom "port" on a 1999 hard drive. You can move around and shoot bullets using four differents weapons, or your fist. Unfortunatly, there are no monsters... Yet ? |
 | doombeta.zip | 3k | 98-04-08 |  | Doom: Virtual Reality v0.82 |
 | dots.zip | 2k | 97-11-05 |  | Dots |
 | downkart.zip | 1k | 00-02-28 |  | Downkart |
 | dragon21.zip | 10k | 97-07-24 |  | Dragons Quest (v2.1) |
 | drgnfire.zip | 7k | 00-10-26 |  | Dragon Fire A text-based RPG with 8 weapons, 8 armour, and 12 spells! A great game with limitless possibilities! |
 | duelsui.zip | 4k | 00-05-26 |  | The Duelist v1.5 New version (1.5), same heart :) |
 | dune.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Dune v1.0 A little text-adventure based on Dune 1 for PC. |
 | dungeonengine2.zip | 98k | 07-10-27 |  | 3D Dungeon Engine 2.0 This is a simple graphical engine allowing mazes to be shown three dimensionally for the TI-85. Innovative feature: The mini-map! Included is a manual describing the process of creating custom mazes. Feel free to use this engine in RPG creation, just give me credit! Thanks! Andy Smith |
 | dungeon.zip | 6k | 97-10-22 |  | The Dungeon graphic mazes, monsters, spells, gold... |
 | eaglewng.zip | 6k | 97-07-06 |  | Card Game Eagles Wing |
 | eleven.zip | 1k | 03-06-22 |  | Elevens This is an amusing game which involves you matching up pairs of numbers to make 11. It takes a little while to get used to, so read the instructions first! (And don't be stupid and do something like put in pi for the row number -_-.) |
 | f15.zip | 1k | 97-09-13 |  | F-15 Strike Eagle v0.2 |
 | facc1.zip | 5k | 00-03-29 |  | Slots 85 Slot machine with 5 high scores. |
 | facc3.zip | 3k | 00-05-15 |  | BlackJack A Blackjack game for the TI-85. |
 | facc4.zip | 8k | 01-05-09 |  | Yahtzee The complete Yahtzee game with high scores, QuickSave, and a great interface. (Unlocked) |
 | fetz.zip | 1k | 97-10-18 |  | Fingerfetz Chase the doohickey and see how fast your fingers are |
 | fight3.zip | 1k | 98-03-11 |  | Fight 3! 1.7 A cool, but slow, fighting game..Think Mortal Kombat... |
 | finalf.zip | 21k | 99-12-24 |  | Final Fantasy 85 Beta Word based version of Final Fantasy 1 for the NES, just |
 | flip8510.zip | 3k | 97-04-22 |  | Fliptile 1.0 An addicting puzzle game where you must clear the game field in as few moves as possible. |
 | foam.zip | 5k | 00-08-03 |  | Foam This program is a telnet style RPG game in which you have to kill baddies to get strong enough to battle the main boss all the while getting money for bigger weapons and restoring your health. |
 | football.zip | 4k | 98-12-05 |  | Football v1.0 A text based football game |
 | fruit.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Fruit 85 A slots game, which was originally made to TI-86 is now made to TI-85. |
 | fudd.zip | 3k | 98-04-08 |  | Fudd v2.41 Beta |
 | gamble85.zip | 4k | 97-07-24 |  | BlackJack, Video Poker, and Slot Machine |
 | gambler85.zip | 2k | 01-02-08 |  | Gambler 85 Slot machine game |
 | game185.zip | 11k | 97-05-01 |  | Game1 Pak Version 1.0v Game Pak Includes Internal Calcbat BlackJack |
 | generate85.zip | 1k | 13-03-22 |  | Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator v1.00000069 DOOOOOD THIS PROGRAM IS THE GREATEST L@@K MUST DOWNLOAD!!! A-1 SUPER!! YESSSSS! |
 | ghearts.zip | 3k | 98-08-10 |  | Graphical Hearts v1.0 A full featured Hearts Game with advanced AI and graphical interface |
 | glegends.zip | 4k | 00-05-03 |  | Gauntlet Legends The arcade hit is here in its first version. It is no way related to the makers of the Gauntlet legends arcade game, but a Great RPG! |
 | gma10.zip | 3k | 97-07-24 |  | GM's Assistant v1.0 GMs Assistant |
 | go4.zip | 1k | 98-09-05 |  | Go4 v1.0 Hit gophers as they come out of their holes. |
 | gofigure.zip | 2k | 99-11-25 |  | GoFigure A math game where you must figure out the number and operator sequence to obtain a goal. |
 | golf.zip | 4k | 98-08-14 |  | Golf v2.1 9 holes of golf |
 | gone.zip | 3k | 98-01-03 |  | Gone? 1.01 A cheap little game I made in Math class |
 | gorila85.zip | 1k | 98-09-27 |  | Gorillas v5.0 Clone of the classic QBasic game. |
 | gork.zip | 7k | 98-03-25 |  | Gork 1.0 Cool text RPG |
 | gta.zip | 2k | 98-05-22 |  | Grand Theft Auto v2.2 A game where you cause trouble in a city.also i fixed the error in gta v2.2 |
 | guess1.zip | 1k | 02-07-26 |  | Guess1 Guess1 is a game that you play when you're bored. |
 | guess2.zip | 1k | 97-10-04 |  | Guess a Number -=2=- |
 | guess3.zip | 1k | 99-04-19 |  | Guess v2.3 Contains a guess-the-number game with both 1 and 2 player support. |
 | guess4.zip | 1k | 02-04-23 |  | Guess (v 6.01) A simple guessing game made in TI Basic. This game has 2 levels of difficulty that you can try and will let you edit the difficulty (if you want to!) for the second level of difficulty. Look at the screenshots to see how this looks like! |
 | guess85j.zip | 2k | 00-04-21 |  | Guess Guess is a typical number guessing game with a couple of added features such as a tabulated display of the amount of games that have been played. |
 | guesser.zip | 4k | 99-04-15 |  | Guesser v1.3 Fun number guessing game with nice features. |
 | guessthenumber.zip | 1k | 02-02-16 |  | Guess the number V1.2 Very entertaining small game, where you have to guess a number in a span you gave before. |
 | gundam78.zip | 7k | 02-01-01 |  | Gundam78: V-Project v.2 Based on the original Gundam series and the earlier release of this game. I have added a few modifications to the original. |
 | guy.zip | 1k | 98-05-31 |  | Dancing Guy A guy dancing around on the screen |
 | hackquest.zip | 2k | 99-12-06 |  | Hack Quest v1.0 Hack, steal money, drink Jolt. What could be better? |
 | hades2.zip | 8k | 98-05-09 |  | Hades II |
 | hangman85.zip | 1k | 98-05-31 |  | Hangman Hangman. What else is there to say |
 | hangman.zip | 2k | 97-11-05 |  | Hangman Hangman |
 | happylnd.zip | 8k | 98-04-08 |  | HappyLand! |
 | havoc.zip | 7k | 98-04-08 |  | Havoc 1.0 Beta (scorched earth clone) |
 | hexpwn85.zip | 3k | 03-03-04 |  | Hexapawn 1.0 A simple chess like game with only pawns. It has 1P and 2P modes and will learn as it plays. So if you play it enough you WON'T be able to beat it (until you reset the AI :) |
 | hockey.zip | 3k | 98-06-18 |  | Hockey Games: Goalie & Shootout v0.1 |
 | igolf.zip | 4k | 98-07-26 |  | i-Golf v2.0 Minature golf game. |
 | invade85.zip | 2k | 04-11-20 |  | INVADE85 3.6 An arcade style game complete with 3 levels of difficulty, ship damage and high score.Updated with new open screen and new look to ship damage. |
 | jack85.zip | 1k | 03-05-08 |  | Jack v1.04 Good Black Jack game. I spent a lot of time making sure that there were no bugs or errors in the 85 release (which needed a lot of programing changes from my 83+ version) |
 | jet85.zip | 1k | 98-04-08 |  | Jet |
 | jetfighter.zip | 4k | 02-01-01 |  | JetFighter X This game is full of senseless destruction. Enjoy! |
 | joobo.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 |  | Joobo Eat or DIE |
 | karate.zip | 2k | 00-04-26 |  | Karate Fighter This is an easy-to-play fighting game that is fast and has many options. It is very good for a BASIC game and has good replay value. Karate Fighter has features other fighting games don't. |
 | lastsol.85p | 13k | 01-12-16 |  | Last Soldier You are the last soldier on earth and you must kill several aliens before they can destroy the earth. Includes over 10 weapons and special cheats. Text |
 | legends2.zip | 11k | 00-05-26 |  | Gauntlet Legends 2 The arcade hit is now version 1.4! It is no way related to the makers of the Gauntlet legends arcade game, but a Great RPG! Now includes more characters, items, and even a quest mode! |
 | lghtning.zip | 1k | 97-07-12 |  | Lightning 2.0 Save stickman from the cloud of doom |
 | lightou1.zip | 1k | 97-08-08 |  | LightsOut - text based Fun puzzle game |
 | lightout.zip | 1k | 97-08-08 |  | LightsOut - puzzle game Fun puzzle game |
 | lineblaster.zip | 2k | 00-07-08 |  | Line Blaster A pong game with a twist!,made in ti BASIC for the TI-83 |
 | lock.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Lock The Lock - Puzzle Game |
 | mankala.zip | 2k | 98-05-31 |  | Mankala An African Stone game. |
 | mastermd.zip | 1k | 98-04-08 |  | MasterMind |
 | mastrmnd.zip | 1k | 97-08-04 |  | MasterMind Deduce the code |
 | maze3d.zip | 3k | 98-05-19 |  | Maze 3D v0.99 Beta A robust 3D engine made in Basic |
 | memory2.zip | 1k | 97-09-24 |  | Memory 2 |
 | mepants.zip | 1k | 99-12-05 |  | Mepants 85 Simple Fighting Game |
 | millionaire.zip | 1k | 01-02-03 |  | Who Wants to be a Millionaire Just like the real TV game show. You are even asked, "Is this your final answer?" |
 | million.zip | 3k | 00-12-10 |  | Who wants to be a Millionaire! (Demo) This is pretty much like the show but different money stage and it is also a demo :-( |
 | mind.zip | 1k | 99-07-29 |  | Mind Reader v1.0 This program can guess a number you pick magically after you answer a few yes or no questions! (Well, not really magically, but its cool) |
 | mines2.zip | 4k | 99-10-09 |  | Mines2 v1.0 A basic mine sweeper game with some nice extras. Strongly sugest a turbo charged calc to play up to speed. See documentation. |
 | mineswp.zip | 2k | 02-03-21 |  | Mineswp v1.0 ( minesweeper clone ) * Fast * Small * Good * |
 | mines.zip | 1k | 98-04-08 |  | Minesweeper 4.3 |
 | missile.zip | 1k | 99-02-26 |  | Missile Command v0.5 Beta Missile Command is my newest game release. However, there is a minor bug which causes it to sometimes run out of RAM. I ve left the source unlocked in hopes of someone fixing this. |
 | mm85.zip | 8k | 97-10-25 |  | Mega Man 85 |
 | monopoly.zip | 7k | 97-09-27 |  | Monopoly-85 v0.5b |
 | monstran.zip | 7k | 99-12-27 |  | Monster Rancher v0.73 Beta Game based on Monster Rancher for the Playstation. |
 | moodv2.zip | 8k | 97-07-24 |  | Mood (v2.0) |
 | msweeper.zip | 3k | 98-04-08 |  | Minesweeper 5.3 |
 | narzhul.zip | 10k | 98-08-31 |  | Forbidden Lands: The Throne of Narzhul A text based RPG. Focuses on plot. No exploration, little level building |
 | nbajam.zip | 1k | 98-02-19 |  | NBA Jam 1.1 Similar to the arcade game |
 | neohype.zip | 12k | 97-07-24 |  | NeoHype |
 | nerdwars85.zip | 3k | 02-03-21 |  | NerdWars v1.0 This is a Drugwars clone in which you go to different nerd hangouts and buy and sell nerd items, such as pocket protectors and bow ties. Written by an admitted nerd, for nerds everywhere. |
 | nim.zip | 2k | 00-02-19 |  | Nim The game consists of 4 rows of sticks. The object of nim is to not take the last stick. On your turn, you pick 1 row (only 1) and then take as many sticks as you want from that row (but you must take at least one). The video game allows you to play against another person or against the program's AI, which has 6 levels of difficulty. |
 | numbers.zip | 1k | 97-07-12 |  | Numbers 5.0 guess the number with a 2 player head to head mode |
 | numgame.zip | 1k | 99-05-05 |  | Number Game v1.0 A master-mind game played with numbers. |
 | numguess.zip | 1k | 00-07-23 |  | Number Guessing v2.2 This is a simple number guessing game in which every time you get closer a range closes at the top |
 | onefoundation.zip | 1k | 01-02-08 |  | One Foundation A patience game |
 | oq1.zip | 4k | 97-12-03 |  | Outquest 1 A funny parody of Space Quest |
 | oq2.zip | 4k | 97-12-03 |  | Outquest 2 Sequel to OQ1 |
 | oracle85.zip | 9k | 98-02-02 |  | Oracle 8.70 Oracle v8.70 for the TI 85 |
 | othello.zip | 1k | 98-03-11 |  | Othello The game |
 | partypoker.zip | 3k | 04-05-08 |  | Party Poker 85 A 2-4 player Texas Hold 'em poker tournament game |
 | pinball.zip | 1k | 97-08-08 |  | Pinball v1.01 |
 | pitfall.zip | 1k | 97-06-28 |  | PitfAll v2.0 Steer your way through a never ending pit |
 | pkmn85.zip | 6k | 99-02-01 |  | Pokemon Battle Simulator |
 | pkmnbat.zip | 2k | 00-03-03 |  | Pokemon Battle v.02 Beta A pokemon battler game |
 | pokeleag.zip | 12k | 00-04-09 |  | Pokémon Coliseum II: Pokémon League Challenge Behold the sequel to the Pokémon game that took the TI-85 world by storm! This time, take on the entire Elite Four to prove that you are the ultimate Pokémon Master! But beware, it is not as easy as it looks! New features include a customizable team (see inclpkmn.txt) and saved games. |
 | poker10.zip | 2k | 97-07-20 |  | Poker 1.0 One person Poker for the TI 85 |
 | poker.zip | 4k | 98-01-04 |  | Poker - 5 Card Stud GRAPHICAL 5 card stud |
 | poke.zip | 20k | 00-02-11 |  | Pokémon Coliseum v2.1 Behold a new age in TI pokémon gaming! Pokémon Coliseum sacrifices graphics to provide superior game play and hours of entertainment. In this premiere version of Pokemon Coliseum to appear on the internet, battle Brock, holder of the Boulderbadge, in a legendary three-on-three battle. May the best pokémon trainer win! |
 | pong.zip | 1k | 97-10-22 |  | 85Pong a simple pong breakout type game |
 | pontoon.zip | 2k | 01-02-07 |  | Pontoon Another version of the ever popular blackjack |
 | ppgolf.zip | 5k | 98-08-02 |  | Putt-Putt Golf v1.0 |
 | psr.zip | 1k | 00-10-24 |  | Paper, Scissors, Rock just a simple menu based game to play Paper, Scissors, Rock with. |
 | puiss4.zip | 1k | 98-03-22 |  | Puissance 4 (connect 4 clone) |
 | punchout.zip | 18k | 00-04-22 |  | Mike Tyson Punchout! A really cool boxing game in which you take on Tyson. |
 | punisher.zip | 6k | 97-07-12 |  | KCHS Punisher IV help The KCHS punisher destroy teacher clones and save the world |
 | puzzle2.zip | 2k | 98-06-18 |  | Puzzle v1.0.4 Simulates a 3x3 piece slide puzzle |
 | puzzles.zip | 1k | 97-07-24 |  | Puzzles for TI-85 |
 | puzzle.zip | 1k | 98-03-22 |  | Puzzle |
 | pyramid.zip | 4k | 97-07-06 |  | Card Game Pyramid 1.1 |
 | qdraw.zip | 2k | 99-02-04 |  | Quick Draw! v2.25 Very cool gun duel game. Play the 85 or a friend |
 | quest2.zip | 13k | 98-11-09 |  | Magic Quest II: Act I v1.1 Sequal to Magic Quest. The 1st in a 2 part act |
 | questd.zip | 6k | 97-12-07 |  | Quest for Dragon Eye v1.9s |
 | quest.zip | 14k | 98-11-09 |  | Magic Quest v1.0 An RPG for the TI 85 |
 | race1-6.zip | 11k | 98-08-26 |  | Race 6 Fast Racing Games Changing Width,Potholes, Prerandomized Tracks |
 | race24.zip | 2k | 97-11-05 |  | Race! v2.4 |
 | racer.zip | 1k | 98-04-21 |  | Racer another one |
 | racing2.zip | 1k | 99-11-18 |  | Racing v1.4 Now less memory needed and you can see several other features! Download the best racing game NOW!!! |
 | racing.zip | 1k | 97-07-12 |  | Racing 5.0 stay on the track. Multiple views and speeds. |
 | resevil.zip | 19k | 99-04-02 |  | Resident Evil v1.0 Resident Evil role playing game |
 | revolt.zip | 6k | 97-10-22 |  | Revolution The card game. |
 | rfk.zip | 3k | 19-03-22 |  | RFK An unofficial port of Robot Finds Kitten for the TI-85 written in BASIC. I'd like to rewrite it in ASM to make it more faithful to the original. |
 | rigger.zip | 5k | 99-03-09 |  | Rigger: The Beginning & Rigger: Revenge |
 | rome.zip | 2k | 98-05-22 |  | Rome v1.1 You are the leader of the barbarians. You are trying to take over Rome. |
 | rpgbattle.zip | 3k | 01-06-16 |  | RPG Battle 1.0 The typical battle sequence present in many RPGs such as the Final Fantasy series by Squaresoft. Includes a program to rename the characters, and saves the number of wins/losses. Read Readme.txt before attempting to play, as there are special setup instructions. |
 | rpg.zip | 1k | 97-08-08 |  | RPG A simple RPG I made |
 | schach.zip | 16k | 98-03-15 |  | Chess 1.1/1.2g Make your TI85 a chess computer |
 | scowboy.zip | 2k | 97-09-30 |  | Space Cowboy v1 Shoot it up space game |
 | scrambler.zip | 4k | 97-10-05 |  | WoRd ScRaMbLeR 1.3 |
 | scroll.zip | 1k | 03-11-19 |  | Scroll this is a basic layout for a ZELDA type game. The screen only refreshes when something moves. I am rewriting this, so expect an update soon. |
 | sc.zip | 1k | 98-07-24 |  | Star Catcher v1.6 |
 | seawars2.zip | 3k | 00-02-11 |  | Sea Wars II Battleship AI for the TI-85. Best battleship game out there =) |
 | sgame.zip | 1k | 97-11-13 |  | Speed Game After playing the Z Shell version 100 times I made my own. E Mail if you have any suggestions |
 | shellgame.zip | 1k | 98-03-22 |  | Shells Game 2.0 This is a stupid little shells game in which you get to bet your cash on which shell you think the dot is in and if you re right you win. Congratulations. |
 | shiftrix.zip | 2k | 97-07-24 |  | Shiftrix - puzzle game |
 | shots.zip | 1k | 00-08-14 |  | Shots paper rocks scisors vs computer |
 | shuffle.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Shuffle A short puzzle game - rearange the tiles into the correct order |
 | sidekick.zip | 1k | 00-12-26 |  | Sidekicks The best Calculator Game EVER! And that includes all TI's. This is no lie. Download it NOW! |
 | simatm86.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | simATM Ever wanted to invest in an ATM? Ever wanted a simulated ATM on your calc? simATM is the answer! simATM allows you to get your balance, add to your account, or withdraw from your account! simATM even allows you to change your access code, and EVEN get a randomized code! |
 | ski85.zip | 1k | 98-04-08 |  | Ski |
 | slots.zip | 1k | 97-10-22 |  | Slots 3 wheeled slot machine. |
 | smile.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Smile Little game where you are a ":)" -symbol |
 | sol.zip | 6k | 97-10-12 |  | Card Game Solitaire (Klondike) v1.6 |
 | spaceadventure85release.zip | 1383k | 19-04-30 |  | Space Adventure 85 This was my entry for CC22. I hope you enjoy it. This is a little text-based adventure game for the TI-85 written in BASIC. It is fully customizable (see documentation). Feel free to PM me with comments or suggestions or if you find any bugs. Happy playing! :) |
 | spacedefend.zip | 1k | 00-02-28 |  | Space Defender v3.0 A great game somewhat like missile command. Has HIGH SCORE too! All bugs have been fixed. |
 | spaceinv.zip | 1k | 98-08-29 |  | Space Invaders v3.0 Shoot down the invaders for points. |
 | spacewar2.zip | 2k | 98-11-09 |  | Space War M1.098.85 A shoot em up type game with only 1 level so far will be upgraded If I receive even Just 1 e mail about it. |
 | spacewar.zip | 5k | 97-05-18 |  | Space War |
 | space.zip | 3k | 97-07-24 |  | Space Station Defender (v2.3a) |
 | spar.zip | 1k | 01-06-07 |  | SPace wAR (invaders like) A space invaders game for the TI 85 |
 | speed.zip | 2k | 00-04-22 |  | Speed Kills A simple game of speed that I came up with so that my friends and I could play during English class. |
 | sports.zip | 1k | 98-03-16 |  | Sports: Basketball and Soccer |
 | spyquest.zip | 4k | 98-03-12 |  | Spy Quest 0.25 A very unique RPG under development |
 | sracer.zip | 3k | 98-08-28 |  | Speed Racer v1.01 Best TI85 Racing Game Ever |
 | starchaser.zip | 1k | 98-07-24 |  | Star Chaser v1.0 |
 | starwarstiefighter.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 |  | Star Wars TIE fighter This is a really old program I wrote while in Math class a few years ago. I've just recently gotten back into programming in assembly, and I thought i'd just throw this online for anyone who wants an example of a BASIC program. The game is a text-based fighter. You can choose at each turn to attack or change your speed. The closer you are to the speed of the enemy ships, the easier it is to hit them, but it's also easier for them to hit you. The TIE fighters can be taken down in one hit. The battleship takes quite a few. Have fun! |
 | starwars.zip | 5k | 97-04-21 |  | Starwars RPG |
 | starwing.zip | 2k | 98-04-08 |  | StarWing 1.1 |
 | sthpark.zip | 2k | 98-02-13 |  | South Park Oh my god, you kill Kenny |
 | stock.zip | 7k | 00-12-04 |  | TI Stock Market v1.8 ****All Glitches Fixed!! Now More Challenging!**** TI Stock Market is a stock market simulation. There are 6 levels each with a goal of reaching $150,000 in 10 days. You can visit bank, research, buy/sell/view stocks. Each level starts you out with less money. |
 | sw85.zip | 2k | 98-02-13 |  | Star Wars It starts off as X wing vs. Tie Fighter and then you get to beat up Darth Vader. |
 | swclone.zip | 5k | 97-08-28 |  | Star Warz Clone v3.2B A game where you fly through space, and shoot Tie Fighters. Runs best on turbo calc |
 | sycopath.zip | 5k | 00-03-02 |  | Sycopath v3.1 3d Game; Guns & Monsters. Find your way out before getting killed. CooL GraphiX. |
 | t6thdegre.zip | 12k | 98-11-09 |  | The 6th Degree A role playing game. Updated version of RPG with better documentation |
 | tapper.zip | 1k | 97-09-01 |  | Tapper 1.0 |
 | target.zip | 1k | 98-07-16 |  | Target Shoot v1.5 Shoot at the ai from across the screen |
 | tbl_war.zip | 1k | 09-04-24 |  | tbl war [Text format] This just makes a table then you compare the #'s and decide who wins. |
 | tennis.zip | 2k | 97-08-27 |  | Tennis 1.5 TI-85 Tennis with speed slection and 1 or 2 players all under 1K |
 | tetris85.zip | 2k | 04-11-11 |  | Tetris 85 Clone of Classic Tetris and revampted from Ed Fry's original tetris 5.0. New design and graphics with fast game play. |
 | tetris.zip | 1k | 97-07-12 |  | Tetris 5.0 A fast Tetris clone with multiple score keeping |
 | thief.zip | 11k | 03-05-27 |  | Find the Thief Packet This game has 10 'levels', in each you must solve an Algebra problem to advance. If the answer is 5, you catch the villian. As long as you keep aswering correctly, you'll eventually catch him. Hope you enjoy. |
 | tibjack.zip | 2k | 01-01-04 |  | TI BlackJack v1.1 Do you love the thrill of BlackJack? With this version of Blackjack (by Adam Coomes) you start out with $200 and can bet by 5 or 10 dollars ($100 max). As of now, there is only a 1 player version of this game, where you play against the dealer. You can hit or stay and high scores are saved! |
 | tictactoexo.zip | 1k | 16-07-09 |  | ~Tic Tac Toe~ This is a version of tic tac toe where it shows the title of the game, who won, who needs to make a turn, and the end of the game. |
 | tictactoe.zip | 1k | 98-07-24 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe v1.0 |
 | tictacto.zip | 1k | 00-04-04 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe Err... Tic-Tac-Toe?? :) |
 | tictac.zip | 1k | 98-05-22 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe v1.0 |
 | tiefight.zip | 2k | 98-09-29 |  | Tie Fighter v3.81 Tie Fighter |
 | tiles85.zip | 7k | 97-05-29 |  | Tiles-85 v1.3 Three by three grid with one empty space, arrange the eight numbered tiles in order. |
 | tiquake.zip | 9k | 01-12-16 |  | TIQuake TIQuake Final Release |
 | titank.zip | 1k | 98-04-08 |  | TITank 1.0 (scorched earth clone) |
 | trio.zip | 1k | 04-07-24 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe This version of Tic-Tac-Toe recognizes when a player has won and crosses it out!!!! |
 | tttgp.zip | 2k | 01-03-14 |  | TTT Gamepack this is almost the same as for the 86 but it cant have horizontal lines as a command so i wrote out the line other that that there's not much difference between them i hope you enjoy these games although they are rather large considering they are 2plyr only sorry but its my best work yet (i think) |
 | ttt.zip | 1k | 97-09-27 |  | Tic-Tac-Toe-85 v1.0 [2~ |
 | tzen.zip | 16k | 98-09-09 |  | Forbidden Lands: The Lost Empire of Tzen v1.1 a full calc RPG that s actually fun |
 | uno.zip | 8k | 02-08-09 |  | UNO It's UNO! A kids' card game, but fun and addicting. Enjoy! |
 | upt.zip | 1k | 98-03-11 |  | Ultimate Tournament Pong The Thinking Man s Pong |
 | war85.zip | 3k | 98-01-22 |  | War85 v2.2 two player two calculator tank game |
 | war.zip | 1k | 98-07-16 |  | War! v1.11 Shoot at one another from across the screen |
 | wizard.zip | 12k | 98-08-13 |  | The Wizard's Castle v0.23 Beta A fun RPG. |
 | wof.zip | 4k | 97-12-23 |  | Wheel of Fortune 4.0 |
 | worm.zip | 1k | 01-06-06 |  | Worm for TI85 A basic worm game |
 | wwfa.zip | 4k | 01-03-03 |  | WWF Arm-Wrestling You are the leader of a fierce arm-wrestling faction....the WWF. You use real fighters like "The Rock" and "The Big Show" to pummel your opponents. It's fast paced action with fast paced fun!! |
 | xmas_wordpack.zip | 1k | 97-12-23 |  | Christmas Wordpack for Wheel of Fortune |
 | xwing.zip | 4k | 98-01-22 |  | X-Wing |