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Number of files 14
Last updated Monday, 11 March 2002
Total downloads 54,602
Most popular file  ZTetris v3.0 with 6,153 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-85 Assembly Games
blkbustr.zip6k99-12-09File is not ratedBlockbuster v4.53
Break as many blocks as you can.
dstar.zip1k97-10-28File is not ratedDStar 1.1
egypt.zip131k04-07-06File rated 8.19Egypt v1.0
Egypt is a puzzle game where you move a ball around a maze, and step on arrow tiles. Stepping on an arrow tile shifts the entire row or column in the direction of the arrow. You goal is to eliminate all the objects by getting at least 2 objects of the same type next to each other.
galaxian.zip13k98-02-22File is not ratedGalaxian 2.01
joltima.zip13k01-02-10File is not ratedJoltima v1.9
A classic RPG that resembles Dragon Warrior and Ultima Exodus.
lo.zip1k98-02-16File is not ratedLights Out 0.2 Beta
Puzzle Game
mc.zip16k01-03-14File is not ratedMissile Command 85
You know that old ATARI 2600 game? Then you know this one. Shoot the downcoming missiles before they hit one of your six towns. 83/83+ versions included, too.
orzunoid.zip13k97-10-27File is not ratedOrzunoid 2.2
pacman98.zip10k97-11-16File is not ratedPac-Man 98 v6.2
rage.zip41k05-02-11File rated 1.95Super Saiya-jin Rage
Several parts have been recoded for dual compilation on more than 1 platform. You can choose from Goku, SSJ Goku 3, Vegeta, SSJ Goku (GT), SSJ Adult Gohan, Frieza (hiddden), Majin Buu (hidden), Trunks, Eric Cartman (hidden), Raditz and finally, Gotenks. This has many updates for the ports. None of them crash when trying a difficulty level other than 1. Also, plz email me if you have feedback.
solytarr.zip15k97-11-11File is not ratedSolytare v2.1
Clone of the classic card game Solitaire. Features one or three card draw and a fast moving arrow which acts as your mouse.
tunnels.zip1k98-06-20File is not ratedTunnels v6.1
tydemo.zip4k98-12-11File is not ratedTyrant Demo Alpha 3
zkart3d.zip4k97-10-27File is not ratedZ-Kart 3D v5.0
ztetris.zip15k98-02-14File is not ratedZTetris v3.0
ztris.zip10k02-03-11File is not ratedZTris v1.3
Simply the best 1 and 2 player Tetris game for your calculator. Features link play between different types of calculators (both players get the same pieces!), 21 levels, high scores, teacher key, 16 different background patterns, and pausing. (successor of the famous ZTetris)

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