| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs |
 | 83zos.zip | 44k | 04-09-02 |  | Z OS v1.0b Tired of the TI-OS? Try Z OS! Z OS is a very useful and nifty program similar to those "Windows" programs out there, except less buggy and more friendly to the user. Z OS has two modes: GUI and Command Prompt. GUI mode is a more user-friendly, but Command Prompt is faster. It includes a shell(Program Manager), calculator, variable clear(clears variables, y-variables, lists 1-6, matrices, etc.), defragmenter, contrast changer, and more! It also shows whether your calc is Silver or not, the amount of free RAM, and your battery status. It is also password-protected! This is only a Beta version, so bugs may occur. Omnicalc Version 1.2x (1.23 recommended) must be installed to run. READ THE ENTIRE README BEFORE SENDING THE PROGRAM TO YOUR CALC! |
 | aegisoperatingsystem.zip | 14k | 12-09-27 |  | Aegis Operating System An optional operating system programmed in BASIC, the current version is 3.0.0. There are 36 parts to the OS, pictures, matricies, and programs. Note- on the 83+ this series of programs will take up a lot of memory, so only download it if you have enough space. |
 | afileqrk.zip | 19k | 03-10-06 |  | FileQuarK Shell v1.0 FileQuarK is a shell written in BASIC that can run BASIC or Asm programs, unarchived or not; it uses Asm subroutines. Very graphical interface. (includes a teacher key). Read the readme for more info, or see the screenshots! |
 | akernel.zip | 1k | 00-04-22 |  | Akernel This is a program written in BASIC that allows you to run ION, and the TSE kernel through a menu. This allows you to delete the A program. Its good for when you have ION and TSE. |
 | anova03.zip | 23k | 09-04-04 |  | Anova v0.3 This is an alpha build of our upcoming Anova shell. Features include GUI with mouse cursor, auto detection of programs, and icons. |
 | anova.zip | 17k | 09-03-20 |  | Anova v0.2 This is a pre-release build of an upcoming shell we are working on. |
 | aperate.zip | 14k | 08-01-10 |  | Aperate A nice operating system emulator, complete with resizable windows, its own command language, built in program manager, and multitasking capabilities. The download includes a screenshot and a LOT of information. |
 | aplpro2.zip | 4k | 00-05-24 |  | Apple Pro 2 Read the txt file. |
 | asminterface.zip | 203k | 07-06-06 |  | ASM Interface This is the new and extremely improved version that allows you to run archived programs without the risk of losing any RAM. No bugs/ no problems!!! It is is a sleek interface for Codex, by Justin Wales, and Xlib, by Triplea productions. I thank them for their helpful programs. This interface that I have created uses a triple tile page down/page up menu, much like the program menu on the TI OS. Under the "Func" tile, you can toggle inverted text, turn alpha lock on, turn lowercase letters on, use a superfast graph screen clear, instantly turn graph buffer black, increase the contrast, decrease the contrast, see how much free ram or archive you have, turn the run indicator on/off. Under the "Tools" tile, you can Archive, Unarchive, Delete, Lock, or Unlock any program you have. Under the "Prgm" tile, you can run or repeat any archived program that you have. |
 | asmstu.8xp | 1k | 00-05-23 |  | Asm Start-up This is a program that is used if you have both Ion and TSE. |
 | aticos.zip | 237k | 06-06-25 |  | ATICOS 17 v4.3.1 [10 jaar ticalc.org Editie] (Shell) ATICOS 17 is a Dutch BASIC-shell for the TI-83/84 Plus. Read for more info Extra v4.3.1.TXT. This release is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of ticalc.org. ATICOS 17 is een Nederlandse BASIC-shell voor de TI-83/84 Plus. Lees voor meer info Extra v4.3.1.TXT. Deze uitgave is gewijd aan het 10-jarig bestaan van ticalc.org. |
 | aunix.zip | 1k | 02-06-01 |  | AUnix beta A shell program that uses commands like dos and linux. |
 | awin.zip | 6k | 04-06-15 |  | TI-Windows 2004 TI-Windows is a BASIC shell. It is pretty good, is very graphical, and allows archiving, unarchiving, locking, unlocking, and running of programs. Also has a customizable start menu and a text editor. There is also a really good password protector. Enjoy! |
 | axx.zip | 1k | 03-10-05 |  | AXX AXX or A-double-X is meant to be a replacement for the standard TI-OS homescreen. It can do almost everything that the normal homescreen can with some extra features. It has a breakthrough "syntax error" handling system. And it's all in BASIC. |
 | bash.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Bash A fully working and amazing DOS like prompt. (Bash is the Linux equivelent of DOS) Enjoy |
 | basicallyion.zip | 3k | 01-12-22 |  | Basically Ion v1.0 this is just like Ion but for BASIC programs, no editing required, can run programs strait from Flash, very small, definetly worth the download |
 | basicos_plus.zip | 896k | 22-03-28 |  | BasicOS+ BasicOS is an improved shell written in TI-Basic for your graphing calculator. This version of BasicOS attempts to mimic an operating system file manager, similar to File Explorer in Windows. |
 | basicos.zip | 2k | 17-01-21 |  | Basic OS Basic OS is a TI EOS Extender. The shell is 100% free to use. |
 | besguis.zip | 63k | 05-01-18 |  | Black Eagle Shell GUIs Includes 4 GUIs for Black Eagle Shell, documentation on how to use them, and documentation on how to make them. These will work with any version of Black Eagle Shell, however, the latest version is recommended. See the screenshots. |
 | bestos.zip | 8k | 99-11-11 |  | B.E.S.T. OS v1.0 An OS that just uses a bunch of menus, see the readme for more info. Games and other progs included. |
 | brainos.zip | 15k | 05-02-03 |  | Brain OS This program is an alternative to the TI-OS that centers around the manipulation of what are essentially lists and has a MS-DOS-like interface. I like it, and find it useful. (But then, I am a super geek... :-) Plus, it's all in BASIC. |
 | calcbot2.zip | 1k | 02-08-09 |  | calculator bot 2.0 this is the first public release by itself it is featured in my other program algebra 101 & algebra 101 LE i thought it was so good i decided to make it a stand alone program |
 | calcbox.zip | 2k | 08-08-11 |  | Calcbox 1.0 Inspired by Fluxbox for UNIX, this is a simple shell with a pointer and a menu with five slots. |
 | calcos.zip | 4k | 03-08-26 |  | CalcOS CalcOS is a BASIC shell for the calculator, and because of that, you have to select your own programs. |
 | calcsoft.zip | 3k | 04-08-24 |  | CalcSoft OS v. 1.1 Release This is yet another shell for the TI-83 plus I made when I wasn't fully satisfied with the other shells out there. this is the first full release (if you can ca it full) which includes 2 interfaces, one using all menus and the other using a graphical interface like all of the windows shells out there. If you are a game Programmer you can contribute by emailing me (cybur netiks) details at my site, www.hackdaplanet.150m.com |
 | calc.zip | 4k | 04-05-09 |  | Calc 1999 Well its probably the best OS ive seen out there I wrote it along time ago when i had no internet and was grounded for several weeks... I havent worked on it in years and its not completely flash shell... but I wanted to put a release out because I want a few peeps to pitch in and help finish it. Its has virtual hard drive, dedicated memory space to allow any application to grab more memory then the standard variables. It has basic funtion calls I built back in the day but since I was the only person I thought to ever use it i never finished them on a wide scale and truly is the closes thing to windows.. ive seen. WARNING runs abit slow not loaded as an app but I don't feel like setting all that up tonight. ***NOTE*** my version of snake is awesome... if you run it as an app kinda slow otherwise |
 | chadvanced.zip | 37k | 05-09-23 |  | ChaOS 2005 Advanced Looking for a good shell for the calc? ChaOS provides the functionality you need in a fast, compact package. Run your games and bookmark common programs, and manipulate advanced system settings and set a password. |
 | cliadd.zip | 1k | 01-06-12 |  | CLI Advance Plugins Security, More commands, and More help for CLI Advance |
 | cli.zip | 1k | 01-06-12 |  | CLI Advance A very nice CLI for the 83+ |
 | command_console.zip | 5k | 04-03-12 |  | Command Console v1.1 If you like to do everything in one program, then this is for you! There is program manipulation commands, like protecting, archiving, and deleting, program listing, inverse screen so you can type white on black, and much more! If you are a programmer or like command prompts like MS-DOS, give this a try! |
 | commandl.zip | 5k | 06-04-22 |  | Command 1.0 This is a command-line interface for people who are power users. Documentation included. |
 | commandprompt.zip | 5k | 09-03-22 |  | Command Prompt Command Prompt (CmdPrmt for short) is a tool that allows you to do a multitude of things, all from the home screen. It works by showing you a ">" on startup, checks what you typed, and responds. There are over 30 diferent commands to choose from. |
 | cooliros3.zip | 4k | 10-04-11 |  | Cooliros Os 3 Includes a new option called adv. funct that allows user to securely lock their calc with a password of their choice. Also includes everything in os 2 |
 | coolos.zip | 4k | 03-12-08 |  | CoolOS A new cool OS (LOL) with plenty of games and programs!! Also includes Garbage Collect!! |
 | core.zip | 5k | 08-08-11 |  | Core 1.0 Core is a shell written in BASIC for the TI 83 plus. It includes limited file transfer capabilities, a program called Reminder (displays reminder at startup when active), a basic calculator program, and an easy-to-use command line for configuration. It of course comes with two user editable files, from which you can launch your programs. |
 | cosst.zip | 4k | 99-09-27 |  | Cos 1 Standard v1.2 This is the most you can get out of a OS. A calendar, password protection, program menus, GUI, and a lot more. |
 | ctdos2.zip | 2k | 01-12-22 |  | CTDOS 2.0 by Create and aA |
 | cygnus.zip | 7k | 00-02-09 |  | Cygnus A and B An operating system written entirely in TI-BASIC, so you don't have to worry about damaging your calculater. Cygnus A is a DOS like shell, and Cygnus B is like windows. |
 | deltaos.zip | 12k | 08-09-06 |  | Delta OS v1.0.0 Alpha 5.1 Delta OS is a shell coded in TI-Basic (with assembly subprograms). It includes a full program manager, contrast manager, calculator info, program jumper, about screen, toggle inverse text, change circle drawing speed, toggle lowercase, power manager, and for TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition calculators, you can crash your calculator (not available with alpha 2.5). Delta OS was created mainly to defeat the purpose of Black Eagle Shell, from Suicidal Psycho Software. It isn't quite there yet, but you can already see it in the performance! Black Eagle Shell can't scroll nearly as fast as Delta OS, and it takes about 2 seconds for Black Eagle Shell to recognize that you even pressed a key! Last Update: September 1, 2008 |
 | dos2000.zip | 1k | 00-08-11 |  | Dos 2000 Demo Dos-operating system |
 | dos2.zip | 1k | 02-07-07 |  | DOS 83+ This is DOS for your TI-83+. You can change the source code to fit your calculator. Thanks to David L. for the use of his ZZprgm. |
 | dos3.zip | 5k | 08-08-11 |  | DOS for TI-84+ A very basic(And mostly unfinished) MS DOS for TI-84+, I don't know how well this will work with other ones. Version 2(DOS2) is much better than this one even though the next version isn't finished yet. |
 | dsos.zip | 2k | 01-04-26 |  | DreamSoft O.S. v1.0 This is a very communitive operatingf system which can be used for many things. It has a buit-in instant- messanger, a buit-in wordprocesser, and much more. Its even easyer to use than Mirage O.S. |
 | dterm.zip | 56k | 06-12-19 |  | D-Term D-Term is a fully scriptable Basic CLI interface designed for use with DoorsCS6 (although it can be used noshell). Thanks to Benjamin Moody for the error handler. |
 | dwcoptios.zip | 3k | 03-12-08 |  | DWCOPTi OS DWCOPTi OS is a pretty good OS I made. It is good for a lot of diffrent things including taking notes. It word wraps notes making them easier to read (screenshot). Has many features, such as in-program calculator and linking capabilites. It has OS games, and more. CHECK IT OUT!!!!**Updated** Check the ReadMe for details! |
 | erasystemsfinal.zip | 25k | 13-11-23 |  | Era-Systems V 2.21 FINAL Era-Systems is an operating systems shell which has many many features. It´s not just a shell it is your "all-in-one-system". First of all you can have fun with it. In the appstore of Era-Systems you will find some (I hope there will be more soon) apps. They have almost all a multiplayer over cable and on the device so you can also play with friends! With the built in game Era-Key-Destroyer you can find out who can push most of the keys in 20 seconds. But this isn't all. Era-Systems is also very usefull. You can write texts with it with an own file-system. This can be helpfull for some notices or something else. It also looks very graphical and it is secured by a password. In the Linking mode you can chat with your friends over the cable. It took much time to develope this so I hope you enjoy it. THIS IS THE FINAL VERSION OF ERASYSTEMS! THERE WILL BE NO FURTHER UPDATES! IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE ON DEVELOPING CONTACT ME HERE: eracompgts250@gmail.com |
 | erasystems.zip | 61k | 11-05-24 |  | Era-Systems V 1.21 OS This is an OS for the TI 82/83. It contains the German and the English Version, it has a working desktop and comes with many programs that you can choose. There is a support by me and many updates will come.More information (in German ) at www.erahome.co.de . Much Fun wishes Erasmus Hoffmann ( Era-Comp.)!!! |
 | ew.zip | 4k | 05-04-01 |  | EW Commander This is not what you think it is. It sounds like a BASIC windows-like 'nothing'-program, but is really the base of a FileSystem. At this time you can't do a thing with it, but maybe someone can use it. It is a big collection of programs witch use very much memory. The Idea is to rewrite the JOSFS2, JOSFS2R and JOSFS3 programs, and write some ASM programs, so you don't have to use a LIST (lFS), but a flash page. I'm only beginning in ASM so I need peoples help. This is why I do the 'stupid' thing to reread the LIST entry for each byte (see the source) If anyone has any idea, or wants to know something about this program, please contact me. I would like to co-program with someone else!!! |
 | explorer.zip | 1k | 00-04-15 |  | Explorer v1.0 A shell that can hold 35 programs. Also is fully Customizable. |
 | fa130csf.zip | 10k | 03-03-27 |  | Faraday Anywhere Compound Server(CSE) 13.0.0 This is the super-user version of Compuease Faraday Anywhere. It has extensive networking features, password protection, and a Windows(R) NT(R) Like saver feature. Windows, NT, and Windows NT are Reg. Tdmks. of Microsoft Corp. (c)1996 - 2003 Compuease Corporation |
 | fa130nsf.zip | 9k | 03-03-27 |  | Faraday Anywhere Network Server 13.0.0 This is the 'Swiss Army Chainsaw' of Portable OSes. With FANS 13 you can set up a server for calculator network games [2 or 3 users only], manage multiple users [wireless network ], and run regular and Legacy Faraday Anywhere and CV apps [FCV 11 not supported]. (c)1996 - 2003 Compuease Corporation. |
 | fa130nwf.zip | 9k | 03-03-27 |  | Faraday Anywhere Network Workstation 13.0.0 Faraday Anywhere with Minimal Networking capabilities. ... (C)1996 - 2003 Compuease Corporation |
 | fa130od1.zip | 6k | 03-03-10 |  | Compuease Faraday Anywhere OS v13.0.0 Development It's finally online. A hit in its hometown, Faraday OS is probably the best calculator OS around. It is the winner of the 2002 and 2003 Razors Edge Award in Green Hill, NC. Features Include, BAckground Picture, The GIMP, FaraText Anywhwere 12.8.5, CoolSync 5.0 [for linking to PC(coming in complete version)], and networking capabilities. FA13 supports the new TI-Keyboard[in TI-OS 1.15]. (c)1996 - 2003 COmpuease Corporation |
 | fa130od2.zip | 9k | 03-03-10 |  | Compuease Faraday Anywhere 13.0.0 Development 2 Same As Dev-1 but with blue screensaver 'prgmBLUEW', updated CONSOLE [now uses Program Tools to run non embedded apps]. Better Networking support. ...Expect at least 5 more Development packs before the end of the week. (c)1996 - 2003 Compuease Corporation |
 | fa130od3deluxe.zip | 8k | 03-03-16 |  | Compuease Faraday Anywhere v12.9.8 betatest version - [4] Faraday Anywhere 12.9.8beta. A betatesting version of FA for your comments. Send any comments of requests or additional files to fadevelop@hotmail.com. (c)1996 - 2002 Compuease Corporation |
 | fa130od3.zip | 9k | 03-03-13 |  | Compuease Faraday Anywhere OS 13 Development 3 Same as devpac 2 but with more console apps and readme file. (c)1996 - 2003 Compuease Corporation |
 | fa130os_final.zip | 10k | 03-03-20 |  | Compuease Faraday Anywhere 13.0.0 OS Original Software Rele The finished version of Faraday Anywhere |
 | fa130osf.zip | 9k | 03-03-27 |  | Compuease Faraday Anywhere 13.0.5 OSR+U This version fixes some bugs that were in the 13.0.0 distro pack. Contains prgmAPPSTER [filesharing community] - if you want to finish it, you are welcome.. just e-mail the package to compuease_faraday@hotmail.com. (c)1996 - 2003 Compuease Corporation |
 | fa150000z80.zip | 19k | 03-12-01 |  | Compuease Faraday Anywhere XV Final Faraday Anywhere FA150000Z80 is an Operating System [NOT A SHELL] for the TI-83 Plus/TI-83 Plus SE Series Calculators. This Version of Faraday contains the finished Device Manager and functioning Begin menu [what used to be MiniBrowser] |
 | fa150900z80.zip | 17k | 04-05-30 |  | Compuease Faraday Anywhere 15.9.0 Faraday Anywhere FA150900Z80 is an Operating System for the TI-83 Plus/TI-83 Plus SE Series Calculators. This Version of Faraday contains a myriad of new features and improvements upon Faraday Anywhere XV 15.0.0 |
 | faraday_anywhere_xserver_.zip | 2k | 03-06-25 |  | Faraday Anywhere 14.5.0 X Server Addon Package This is an X server for the Faraday Anywhere 14.5.0 Operating System. It contains vital libraries and files for use of graphical programs on FA14.5 Series OSs. This package does NOT contain FXWM the WM implementation of previous Faraday versions, but rather a simple WM known as prgmWM or WM. This is used to run some programs and is very basic. |
 | galaxianshl.zip | 1k | 00-07-24 |  | Galaxian Shell its Galaxian! this shell work on both galaxian. can't save high score but it won't crash |
 | gemos.zip | 3k | 00-04-29 |  | GEM OS v1.1 Has many new things. Much better than 1.0. Instead of stopping when a bad command is entered, it just says bad command. This OS holds 3 prgms, includes a built in mini-calculator, has a programming language. And it is upgradable! |
 | greatoperate.zip | 6k | 00-05-29 |  | The Great Operate v1.1 A windows- based operating system which contain an assignment notebook, a formulas program, and three games I wrote. The OS will shutdown your calculator, and it doesnt have annoying password protection. |
 | guiburninator.zip | 11k | 07-02-18 |  | BURNiNATOR v1.2, A calc GUI A new, improved, completely BASIC, fast GUI. Seeing as it is BASIC it cannot really compete with ASM but its pretty good. Features three menus, a prank program, basic algebra tools, a base converter and more. Excellent for lower level math, stylish and efficient. Only one picture used. Run "prgmRUNTHIS" before use. |
 | hashdata.zip | 2k | 04-01-17 |  | A Linux Based OS - HashData 0.0.1 Finally an operating system with modules for expanding and upgrading. I'm not a pathetic basic operating system coder, just this is the beta versions and it has no need for assembly as this is only the planning version with assembly calls. This is system 0.0.1 which only understands 2 commands and demostrates the power of modules! |
 | hvposxp83se.zip | 29k | 03-11-14 |  | HVP OSXPLUS This Operation system is for TI83 PLUS and Silver Edition. It contains tons of useful information, trignometry, logs, sector calculation, snake games,and note board. It has a look like the real windows system on a computer ; for registration please contact programmers Hanliweb@yahoo.com.tw |
 | hxxxh.zip | 5k | 02-10-14 |  | HxXxH OS !NEW! Operating system with various math tools, games, and translators. Be on the lookout for more programs by Hacker xXx Hacker. |
 | illinios.zip | 68k | 09-12-14 |  | IlliniOS v1.1 IlliniOS is a fast, efficient, and useful cursor-based BASIC shell. IlliniOS allows you to run BASIC programs, view calculator information, and manage your BASIC programs by archiving/unarchiving them, hiding/unhiding them, and locking/unlocking them. Most unique about IlliniOS, however, is the option to use a USB mouse to control the cursor. I guarantee that you will not find another BASIC shell that implements all these abilities as efficiently and cleanly as IlliniOS. |
 | image83.zip | 4k | 02-02-27 |  | ImageOS This is a program I made for the TI83+ and it was intended to just be a test for the getkey funtion, but as I worked on it, it turned into something bigger and better. Currently Image only has one game available(included) but I expect more to be released. Plus! The instructions for making your own Image games are included! Enjoy! |
 | imagesub2update.zip | 1k | 02-03-03 |  | Image Sub2 Upddate! Image Users! Downloaded the new Mattinc Image game(Insta-Chat) and can't play it through Image? Well now you can with the release of updated Sub2! Download the new Sub2, send it to your calculator, overwrite the old Sub2, and your ready to play the new Mattinc game! |
 | installos.zip | 2k | 03-06-21 |  | Install OS This installer is going to be part of an OS I am working on. I will update it to look better. |
 | ionshell.zip | 2k | 00-09-28 |  | Ion Shell v1.0 This program was designed to activate ion thru MirageOS. Have you ever downloaded some ion games onto your calculator and tried to run it thru MirageOS? It doesn't always work, does it. This little program should solve that problem. Also, have you ever had Ion clear your RAM? Ion Shell v1.0 should dramatically reduce that problem by performing GarbageCollection both before and after using Ion. It also turns Dignostics on and off. On duing ion, off after ion shutdown. Since this is a BASIC program you will not need MirageOS to run it, but it is helpful. I recommend that you archive this file after dowloading it. You will need Ion for this program to work, and you still have to install ion. I recommend that if you don't already have ion you download version 6.5 or later. |
 | irridium.zip | 1k | 99-12-29 |  | Irridium v1.1 An update from Irridium 1.0. Fixed bugs, better graphics, more functions. |
 | ksosv3.0beta.zip | 2k | 03-03-10 |  | KingSoftOS v3.0 Beta KingSOftOS v3.0 beta the newm OS from KingSoft, Includes 1 builtin game ANTISNAKE by Ben Grunwald, A cool Windows XP like shell and a TIMED & SETTABLE screensaver. A must Download. If you download be sure to go to our site and fill out the beta tester form so you can get your name in the final version! |
 | linuxosx.zip | 3k | 02-02-10 |  | Linux OS X This is an Linux upgrade form th old Ver. 6.3 adding a GNOME and a mouse. |
 | linuxos.zip | 3k | 00-03-01 |  | LiNUX v6.3 It is an operating system for the Ti-83+. It is like the xfree86 GUI |
 | lsdos.zip | 2k | 11-02-13 |  | LSDOS LSDOS is a BASIC program that shows off a few of my assembly programs. It provides a neat little way to search through your variables, see how large they are, check there archive status, preview them (even if they are in archive), execute them (even if they are appvars with BASIC data), delete them, or even copy them to other variables! The best part? It is not even close to finished! I plan to add more including library support for BASIC and Assembly programs! |
 | macosx.zip | 13k | 06-07-07 |  | Mac OS X Have you ever wanted to have Mac OS X 10.4.7 on your calculator? Well here it is. A really nice version. It includes Microsoft Word and some games. It is a good program! |
 | mathgsci.zip | 4k | 00-05-09 |  | Math, Game, Science Menu A menu containing math and science formulas and one game. Now updated to version 2.01 |
 | menusy2k.zip | 3k | 00-02-18 |  | Menus 2000 This is a program which has a graphical user interface and 3 built in programs (organizer, pic 40, and school chat) |
 | menuv2.zip | 11k | 06-03-18 |  | Menu v2 I made this program to organize my formulas for school. It now supports external pages. It also has support for unlimited pages and also changeable character limits. Read the readme.txt to find out about external pages. |
 | merrpix3.zip | 5k | 07-12-17 |  | Jsoft Merrpix 3 This is a fully featured basic shell that can even execute other basic programs. P.S. I'm Rick James!!!! |
 | minios.zip | 5k | 00-08-20 |  | Mini-OS A "os" like windows with a "cursor", controled by the arrows and a "start menu". |
 | mousos.zip | 6k | 00-04-04 |  | Mous OS v1.2 New features to the already great OS I made |
 | msdos2k1.zip | 2k | 00-12-30 |  | MS DOS 2001 A basic program that looks alot like ms dos prompt on windows 95, 98, and 2000 |
 | mwin99.zip | 7k | 00-03-20 |  | Mwin99 OSR2 v1.2 A TI-83+ windows pack that contains a helpful math solver, chat program, blackjack, and you can create a pic under pic1 or pic2 and use them as your wallpaper. |
 | ncalc33.zip | 1k | 03-07-23 |  | NCalc 2 "XP3" (3.3) This adds several features to the previous releases. |
 | neos.zip | 1k | 02-09-05 |  | NEOS 2 a decent but not all that OS still fixing it but soon it will be very good |
 | newton_os.zip | 20k | 14-05-20 |  | Newton OS Newton OS was created as a memory conservation program, but then I decided to add it to ticalc for everyone else to use, too. It has a clock, battery checker, fancy loading screens, can change settings within the calc, can garbage collect, and of course allows for more usage of the limited RAM! Be sure to read the readme for important Newton OS information, otherwise it will be difficult to understand. (Once again, I created for myself, so the world didn't need to understand) ;) Make sure you have plenty of RAM before downloading, as this comes with many programs and Newton OS itself actually uses lots of RAM, but you can write virtually infinitely many more programs with it. (It saves programs to archive, so you can write whatever fits in the archive.) |
 | os2005addon.zip | 7k | 05-07-23 |  | OS 2005 addon This is all the programs that go with the OS2005 program. |
 | os2005.zip | 2k | 05-10-12 |  | OS2005 ver 3 This is the updated version of my popluar OS2005 program...the self-contained Operating system w/ complete error-trapping built in. You'll want the OSADDON file also! |
 | os83win.zip | 1k | 02-09-07 |  | OS83 Windows Edition This OS On Its 1st Version Has Some Good Programs And A Handy Screen Saver If U Find Any Bugs My AIM is rokmsokm90 Please Alert Me! |
 | os83.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 |  | OS/83 An operating system for the TI-83+. Can do simple system functions and comes with 2 games! |
 | os.calcbeta1.zip | 7k | 03-06-02 |  | OS.CALC Beta v1.0 Same program as OS.CALC v0.5, but now it only uses PIC0 and finaly has a working desktop... Download and have fun! (THe curso is way to slow though) |
 | os.calcoldandnewprojects.zip | 115k | 03-07-19 |  | OS.CALC old/new projects Basicaly, all the released prodects from OS.CALC series is in here, whith open source code. There is also a few projects in this file that have never been released. So go and enjoy your selves! |
 | osgames.zip | 2k | 03-08-26 |  | OS Games This group is only to be used with My program OS 2005 the games inserted will not work with out the Program. So if you don't already have the program then download it in my zip file called ALLfiles82103.zip |
 | osultimashell.zip | 10k | 05-03-09 |  | OS ULTIMA Shell This is by far the best (ULTIMATE) BASIC Shell out there! With extreme graphics and graphscreen input searches, from running archived prgrams to password protection, changing contrast with +,- keys (I forgot that in my readme) to teaher keys! Trust me, the only probrlem with this shell is that it's not as fast as it could be. |
 | osuranium.zip | 6k | 05-01-28 |  | OS Uranium: the Shrek II Lyric Finder OS Uranium, a currently unfinished but large program that has a search engine to find some songs like "Livin' la Vida Loca". |
 | panda.zip | 5k | 08-02-12 |  | Panda 1.2 Panda is a 100% BASIC operating system for the TI-83. From the Panda menu, you can write/view/delete text, track finances, use a calculator, create to-do's, check "calculator mail", reinstall, etc...ALL from ONE menu! Also, Panda 1.2 is the first version to use Bamboo Feeds, which "feeds" Panda outside applications/games. CandyWars is included with the download, though Panda is designed to install and run without downloaded ANY other lists, programs, or pictures. Panda archives all files and information when it shuts down, so you never have to worry about losing things to a RAM CLEAR. Also, Panda is completely password protected and the password is hidden and extremely difficult to access from outside the program itself. It is recommended that you add Panda to your StartUp prgm. ENJOY! |
 | panelsos.zip | 9k | 06-08-20 |  | Panels OS 7.02 Most updated version of my BASIC OS. It is still in BETA (no bugs, but I'm not finished completely [constantly updating] but I don't have an official support file included yet). Let me know what you think, email me at the included address. Official web site soon to come, hopefully. Shortly, the OS is fully functional with ION, includes a earlier version of my encryption program, has alot of options to optimize it, smart error support (still being worked on as well, but it works), custom background support, password support (with lockout function), backup/restore, RAM and Battery check, status bar where you can display RAM/Battery status constantly, built in calculator (you don't have to exit to TI-OS), power management, contrast, lowercase, and screen saver. All people who built programs that this OS uses are not credited yet, but will be when I release the support documents. Just note that all ASM programs included were not made by me, and (C) their respectful programmers. |
 | paulosii.zip | 6k | 01-02-07 |  | PaulOS II A graphical Operating Somewhat like Linux, but not quite |
 | pickshl.zip | 1k | 00-06-16 |  | PickShell v1.0 This is a simple program which displays a menu and runs the appropriate Asm( program for TSE or ION. Very small (about 30bytes). Expandable - just edit the program to include another shell on the menu! If you need help, send me an e-mail. |
 | piosquantum.zip | 12k | 08-08-11 |  | Pi-OS Quantum Pi-OS Quantum is a unique shell which features several programs that blend computer functions with calculator functions. It has a Settings Menu to allow customization and a command line interface called PiCli. Easy to understand and use. For the TI-84+ and Silver Edition only due to clock feature (though a user who knows BASIC could remove that pesky thing). |
 | pqr2.zip | 3k | 04-03-09 |  | PQR2 GUI GUI for TI-83+ Requires some sort of Lowercase. custimizable, screensavers, fairly accurate clock, background, program folders. and more includes a clock that randomly appears on the screen and mystify your mind screensaver. ---also completely disregard the name, i randomly type stuff in when naming programs! also, the copyright isn't real it makes it look good... |
 | prgmmanager1.zip | 1k | 04-01-19 |  | Program Manager 1.0 This is a program manager that can be used in any basic OS or alone. Just make sure you have some picture stored to Pic8. There are a few other requirements. They are included in the readme. |
 | prgmmanager.zip | 11k | 02-11-11 |  | Program Manager This is a Program Manager not an OS (It's to good to be an OS). This is actually version 5. I released version 3 only to find it had three bugs in it that were pretty serious. So I overhauled the program to fix the bugs and while I was at it, I improved the GUI. It'll run asm programs and archived programs as well as let you (Un)Archive, (Un)Lock, and delete files. Looks really good, Runs well, and want clear your RAM! Enjoy |
 | q.zip | 7k | 02-07-26 |  | Q Operating System QOS written in basic includes an encryptor/decryptor message program, a paint program, and a number game. Its primary purpose is to allow other programs to use Qmenu and Qmouse as documented in Qdev.txt to increase its performance/appeal. |
 | recovery.zip | 1k | 99-10-09 |  | Cos Personal Emergency Recovery System v1.0 This program is for COS Personal 1.0. This recovers the setup/registry code to reinstall COS Personal. |
 | serveros.zip | 1k | 00-10-11 |  | Server OS An operating system with three different user names! |
 | shell32.zip | 5k | 04-10-31 |  | Shell32 OS Shell32 is a Basic (!) OS for the 83 plus that uses ASM subroutines. Features include password protect, mem manage and more! Check out the readme for details! |
 | shellpack.zip | 18k | 07-09-17 |  | Shellpack V2 This is version 2 of my shellpack i realised that my early version was a bit nooby but i hope this one will be better please look at the readmy for further info |
 | shllswtch.zip | 1k | 00-06-02 |  | Shell Switcher v1.2 Made it a whole lot smaller (60 bytes). Otherwise it is still the same. It is a program where you can pick what shell you want to do, either ION or TSE. A must download for any person who has ION and TSE. |
 | sigmaos.zip | 19k | 07-03-30 |  | Sigma.OS v0.1 Sigma.OS is a fully BASIC program for the TI-83 Plus and 84 Plus series, that allows users to run programs in a graphical environment. It features 16x16 icons and a fully graphical (skinable) interface, plus password protection and reasonable speed |
 | sp1winti2004v1.zip | 1k | 04-03-13 |  | SP-1 for WinTI 2004 Here is a service pack for WinTI 2004. It is a faster version of the mouse. Now you can scroll around quickly. There is also a new startup screen. Enjoy! |
 | sss.zip | 23k | 07-03-30 |  | S!S0S SuperShell v3.0.0 (Multilingual: EN, DE, NL and more) S!S0S SuperShell (SSS) is a compact but powerful BASIC-shell for the TI-83/84 Plus. The shell is very easy to use, but requires xLIB has been installed. The great advantage of SSS is that it can be adjusted to your own language. The language packs Dutch, English and German are included by default. From this version on it's possible to make extensions for SSS, inspired by the Firefox extension feature. Now only a dummy extension file has been included. Instructions about this new feature will follow later. The program SSSCleaner v2.0.1 has also been included in the package. Please read the ReadMes (EN/DE/NL) for more info. |
 | starcalc.zip | 7k | 07-05-16 |  | StarCalc v1.1 Though not written in ASM (I couldn't find any other place for it) this BASIC shell combines the power of ASM libraries and he ease of BASIC to create a powerful calc maintinance tool. The core contains dozens of functions waiting for you to use them. Download StarCalc today; your calc will thank you. |
 | startup.zip | 19k | 04-03-12 |  | Startup Shell 1.2 My third release of Startup Shell is here. Meant to be used with the Startup APP, this program will give everything you need to know about your calculator! And contrary to its brother, Command Console, this features a user-friendly GUI, so a complete newbie could actually learn to use this. It has a program manager, to archive, delete, etc, and a virtual homescreen, as you can see in the screenshots. You can also download these .zip files to furthur enhance this shell: vclear.zip; passstartup.zip. This is not my final version, for I plan to add more stuff to this! |
 | steveos.zip | 16k | 04-05-16 |  | Steve's Advanced Math Steve's Advanced Math, running off of Steve OS automatically runs, unarchives and archives subprograms and takes up only 4300 bytes. It always fits easily into your available ram unlike some programs (cough... ALLMATH cough...) It is the only small BASIC program I have ever seen that does this. It is designed for courses such as Advanced Math, pre-calculus or trigonometry, with a few physics programs and games thrown in. |
 | storm.zip | 7k | 04-10-07 |  | Storm The ultimate program to manage your program. It runs, (un)archive or (un)lock programs and allows you to look at the settings of yout TI. Look at the screenshots and have fun. |
 | sublimityxl.zip | 7k | 07-03-31 |  | Sublimity XL v2.5 A really awesome BASIC GUI, a follow up to my previous "BURNiNATOR". Check it out! |
 | system0.0.3.zip | 4k | 04-01-19 |  | A Linux Based OS - HashData 0.0.3 The new version has arrived and nearly all prompt commands are complete including contrast, users, mem, archive, off, version, exit, and a preview of the graphical shell startx! |
 | theta5v2.zip | 57k | 05-03-24 |  | Theta-5 Shell v2 A Basic Shell that has a GUI and a terminal interface uses ASM subroutines so it's fast. Takes up a lot of space :-(, but stay tuned for a an APP version in the next few days. |
 | ti2004.zip | 2k | 04-05-17 |  | WinTI 2004 v3.0 WinTI just got better. There are newer and better options than ever before. Don't forget to visit geocities.com/wintihome for more information and to download updates and upgrades. |
 | ti84windosxp.zip | 5k | 05-05-06 |  | Windows XP 84/83 this is the best windows xp program made just look at the highly graphical screen shot. |
 | ti89.zip | 13k | 05-12-31 |  | 89 OS This is a basic program that uses codex and runbasic. It runs fast and has pictures. It looks similar to the TI-89 OS. The graph screen has bugs but I'm working on them. |
 | ticommander.zip | 3k | 06-02-17 |  | TI Commander 1.0 TI Commander is a shell for the TI-83 plus. It has a semi graphical desktop, control panel and networking folder. It has two built in programs you might find useful. I've worked out all the bugs so it should work on any 83 plus but if you find a problem please contact me at kc0rkg@lycos.com. |
 | tidos.zip | 29k | 06-06-15 |  | TI-DOS v0.97 This is where TI-DOS really breaks away from being just a neat little program. In version 0.97 three main software updates have been made. First off the integrated library adds so much to your calculator by letting you use TI-DOS from a program without going to the command prompt screen. Secondly there is now a Basic Image Editor, which allows you to draw easily on your calc with 10 different brush sizes, diagonal scrolling, and many more options. Thirdly TI-DOS has been installed with Expression Mode. This special mode allows you to type in expressions as you would normally do on your calc, but with some extra options. Now TI-DOS is all you need. It can run programs right out of the archive, store and create over 255 pictures, and enter expressions all in one program. Use any of its 44 different functions to get the job done. |
 | timshell.zip | 2k | 00-04-22 |  | Timmons Shell GUI for the TI 83 plus. Includes three modules. Customizable to suit your module needs. No special info need to program modules. |
 | tiosx152.zip | 8k | 04-08-26 |  | TI-OS/X Version 15.2 Excalibur Newest update of TI-OS/X, including a customizable greeting, redirection to most recently viewed directory on startup, and a multitude of games and programs. Read ReadMe first, and run INSTALL before running TIOSX |
 | tiosx15.zip | 12k | 04-04-09 |  | TI-OS/X version 15.0 This is the latest TI-OS/X shell for the TI-83+. The latest features include automatic redirection to the last viewed directory at start up, along with the introduction of local variables to conserve memory after completion of the program. THIS PROGRAM IS 12K. Please run INSTALL before using TI-OS/X version 15.0; INSTALL runs the setup program and creates a user profile. If space permits, future versions MAY include multiple user accounts. |
 | tiwindowsv3.zip | 9k | 09-01-05 |  | TI Windows 84+ Version 3.5 my last update in a while, i hope! 3.5 is the almost finalized program in the Ti Windows series. the Programs menu has been made, alot of other things are internalized, and i overall think that this is going to be a good place to take a brek. Phew! |
 | tiwxp.zip | 6k | 05-02-03 |  | TI Windows XP Very cool program of Windows XP to be used on a TI-83 Plus. Make sure that you read the Readme!!!! Questions, comments, suggestions? E-mail me! |
 | tixp.zip | 19k | 03-06-04 |  | Windows TI XP Its finally out! TI XP is out. Nothing special until you check it out. Have fun! |
 | tseshell.zip | 2k | 01-01-22 |  | TSEShell (With Ion support) This program integrates MirageOS and TSE or ION. If Mirage wont let you play your favorite games this lets you execute TSE or ION through MirageOS. Also, this program reduces the risk of assembly code crashes by performing garbage collection. You must have either or both shells installed in order for this to work. You may also now delete "prgmA". And this allows you to have both TSE and Ion installed at the same time. Plus I think its only about 315 bytes, so it is worth the download. |
 | turtle.zip | 4k | 03-03-11 |  | Turtle OS This is a Basic shell that uses assembly routines. Allows users to start programs and has background customization etc. DOWNLOAD TODAY |
 | w2000ticalc.zip | 23k | 05-05-09 |  | Windows 2000 for your TI This Windows program I created after seeing how many Windows 2000 shells didn't look like Windows 2000. I took it a little bit to far, and gave the program to a few friends, and they seemed to like it, so here it is. The TI-83(+) version will not tell the time, but the TI-84(+) will. You will need to set the clock on your calculator for it to work (I am hopeing to fix that and make it so you can set the clock inside the program.) Other than that, read the Readme, and you will know all you need to know to operate this. If you change the program, send me a copy and tell me what you changed, I might put it in the next released version. I will credit you if I use it. UPDATE!!! This one includes TI-Messenger 2 by alex10819 |
 | wandos.zip | 1k | 02-03-21 |  | Wand OS This was going to be another operating system but I could never get it to do what I wanted. I fixed all known bugs but can't get it any farther. So i'm releasing it to whoever wants to work on it. Maybe someone can figure it out. |
 | waves163s.zip | 8k | 03-10-06 |  | Waves OS Silver Edition (v1.63S) This is Waves OS optimized for the TI-83+ SE. If you downloaded previous versions of Waves OS and you own an 83+ S, then this is the program for you. See documentation for more Info. |
 | waves2004.zip | 21k | 04-06-15 |  | Waves OS 2004 Professional v2.7 Waves OS 2004 Professional is a highly capable shell for the TI-83 Plus series graphing calculator. This version is completely bug-free, and supports semi-multitasking between Waves OS and any compatible program. It is the fastest, most efficient shell written in TI-Basic available, easily outperforming any of those Windows clones out there. There isnt a shell written in BASIC out there that combines the speed, power, efficiency, features and ease-of-use Waves OS has. It is perfect for playing games, managing and running programs, listening to sound clips, jotting down notes, sending data over a link cable, drawing pictures, and much, much more. |
 | wavesoperatingsystem.zip | 9k | 05-06-17 |  | Waves OS The Waves OS programs that you see in the zip are nothing related to Waves OS that you are used to downloading. comments or questions can be answered but i might not respond instantly. Enjoy as it may be a fun thing on your calc (that's just my opinion) :) |
 | wavesosv1.62m.zip | 7k | 03-10-19 |  | Waves OS v1.62M SP1 Waves OS is a shell written in BASIC that takes advantage of multiple ASM programs in order to execute some of its more advanced features. Through extensive testing, Waves OS is a lot faster, more stable and more efficient than any other shell written in BASIC out there. Definetley one of if not the best BASIC shell currently available for download. Features a fully graphical, easy to use GUI, 3 different text editors, an accurate chronograph timer, Dual Program Managers, Semi-Multitasking within supported programs, password protection, Accurate RAM and Battery indicators, Linking Capabilities, advanced picture editing/management, a powerful engine that extends your user memory limits beyond RAM and much, much more! The Service Pack includes a major update on EHT Text, since I finally discovered that there was a large bug in the program for loading files. |
 | win03.zip | 6k | 02-03-19 |  | Win 2003 v1.0 The greatest BASIC windows program around, try it for yourself! |
 | win200183p.zip | 4k | 01-05-25 |  | Windows 2001 The latest version of Windows for the TI-83+ |
 | win2001.zip | 3k | 01-01-18 |  | Windows 2001 After a while I'm back and i added asm attributes to this program check it out!! |
 | win2k.zip | 4k | 00-09-17 |  | Windows 2000 (83+) A Windows-like shell. Has password, text editor, calculator, program menu, system information, user options, APD, powerdown, Flash - the works. |
 | win_2.zip | 2k | 00-04-11 |  | Windows II New super-graphical edition! Desktop and menus just like PC Windows! Comes equipped with NotePad, Calc, and Y= Editor applications; Password and Archive Protection features. Lowrcase required to run. |
 | win_3.zip | 2k | 00-04-21 |  | Windows 2000 Third Edition Windows 2000 Third Edition - The best of the popular Windows 2000 family! Has all the features of Windows 2000 and much more. Includes graphical interface (uses no picstures), custom program menu, built-in text editor, calculator, and chat program. Two new external Windows 3 add-ons, Windows Networking v1.0 and Windows Explorer v.91, are also included. Later updates of these add-ons can be found at ticalc.org 83+ Basic files. |
 | win83p.zip | 9k | 02-07-22 |  | Windows 83 Plus BETA Version 1.0 A good calc version of Windows. Features preloadded math programs, notepad, password protection, chat, transfer, APD, and more! Next version to come soon. |
 | win83.zip | 2k | 00-11-13 |  | Windows 83 Plus v1.3 Windows on your 83+! Looks just like Windows! Has many features. DOWNLOAD NOW. |
 | win95_83p.zip | 3k | 00-07-14 |  | 83plus Windows 95 83p Windows 95 |
 | win98.zip | 19k | 00-12-19 |  | Windows 98 Itz windows 98 from turning on the calculator to turning it off. |
 | wince.zip | 5k | 00-08-17 |  | Windows CE v1.0 An upgrade to Windows CE/LT. More graphical interface, more options, and uses no pics. Has a 250ms count-clock for screen-saver. Games, programs, and RAM Manager included. |
 | windblows.zip | 2k | 00-05-07 |  | Windblows 2000 This is an OS in Basic that has a Maintinance manager, Heartbeat Prog, A Quiz, and ION support |
 | windos1b.zip | 5k | 09-06-15 |  | Wind os linux Beta 1 Release 1 this is my first os i relese on the web i will release 2.4.8 soon and a manual soon! |
 | windowcrtocalc.zip | 11k | 03-12-03 |  | CRTOcalc, windows CRTOcalc Windows is finally updated to its fullest potential! There is a truck load of new features for this version of CRTOcalc windows, including a pop-up start menu, a more windows-like gui, microsoft word and a new chat program capable of sending 8 lines of message at a time to another calc via link cable! There is also 3 screensavers, 3 built-in games, MS-DOS, which lets you archive, unarchive, lock, and unlock programs, there is a standby feature, turning off the calc in mid-prgram, you can have your own user name, desktop text, change the mouse sensitivity, and set the amount of time before the screensaver starts. (CRTOcalc Windows now has password protection!) |
 | windows3000.zip | 1k | 03-06-24 |  | Windows 3000 for 83+! windows 3000 for the 83+!!! this is not really a windows program, but it is fun to trick your friends with this little program. it looks like it is installing something, but it really is doing absolutly nothing! fun to mess around with. |
 | windows_83xp.zip | 17k | 05-03-25 |  | Windows 83 XP This is a much improved program from before. It now has a screensaver (hit any key to return). It is also the fastest BASIC OS I have tested! Hope you like it! |
 | windows83.zip | 2k | 04-01-07 |  | Windows 83+ v2.3 An awsome clone of Windows for the TI-83(+)/SE. Features a fully graphical desktop and start menu. Comes with password protection (default password is 1) a text editor, APD, battery, memory and contrast checks. The new version also has Standby (temporarily turns off the calc.)as well as MANY other things I can't mention. Windows 83+ v2.3 uses NO PICS which is better than v2.2 because 2.2 uses 2 pics. Also, MANY bug fixes. This program runs very clean and is a must download for anyone! |
 | windows_84xp.zip | 15k | 05-03-25 |  | Windows 84 XP !!!ONLY FOR THE TI-84+/SE!!! This is a much improved program from before. It now has a screensaver (hit any key to return). It is also the fastest BASIC OS I have tested! Hope you like it! |
 | windows8os.zip | 4k | 13-11-02 |  | Windows 8 Os Some Features will need 84+ or better. This is a simulation of windows 8. This will not replace your old Os, thus you will not be losing any of your data/PRGM/APPS/ect. Comes with Password protection, a clock, DOS, and more! ||| Updated!!! : Added moer stuff see readme. |
 | windowsh.zip | 7k | 04-11-20 |  | Windows Home Edition When you go, start prgmWINDOWSH . Enter any name you want and the password is 01210015. Don't forget that! |
 | windowsplus.zip | 42k | 09-07-17 |  | Wind OS Plus Linux(4) NEW VERSION NOW AVALIBLE FOR TI-84+ now with WINDOWS+ SERVER EDTION INCLUDED NOT READY TO DOWNLOAD? WATCH THE VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO8D-reYXSE -Time-Date-Widgets-Boot menu-Compressible at boot and exit-Time in task bar(PM=DOt AM=no Dot only on home)-Battery in task bar-Apps Menu-Games Menu-Settings-All system info-Set time-Set date-Set auto log in-Set screen saver-Set contrast-Boot memory warning-low battery warning-Update OS-User name-Password-Calculator/Terminal-Work Checker-Word Pad-Tasks-Full GUI File Manager-Address Book (optional)-Big Battery(Like when your ipod is charging)-Media Player-Firefox beta (only goes to Google)-Piano-USB Chat aka URC (USB Relay chat)-AND MOST OF ALL IT HAS FULL AUDIO/SOUND :) THIS WILL BE THE MOST DOWNLOADED SOMEDAY!! -----------New In Windos Plus--------------- -now works on ti-84+ -Piano Gui -All apps in one program -less memory -COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DO NOT EDIT AND MAKE AVALIBE FOR DOWNLOAD -Apps Key shortcut to apps -clear key shortcut to systum menu -USB CHAT YOU CAN NOW CHAT VIA USB -Preview video include -new boot -Memory test bypass(if you shutdown wrong) -new boot sound -new longer sond -Remote boot(You will need a another calculater with windos for a server) -Windos+ Server Edtion included(for username,password,task and wordpad Server) |
 | windowsrxp.zip | 2k | 03-08-10 |  | Windows RXP This is a windows like program for the 83 calcs. It has working desktop icons that opens ion 'made by Joe Wingbermuehle; (if installed), the other icon opens up a built in equation sovler so that you don't have to exit the program to solve an equation. RXP also includes a working start menu that disapears if not in use and when clicked on opens up a menu that includes utilities, games, and system options. The utilities include powerpoint 83 and a chat program with no known errors. This is version 1.0 and version 1.2 will be coming out shortly ;). It is advised that you have os version 1.15 or higher. ~Vortex Productions~ |
 | windowsti2.zip | 20k | 03-05-29 |  | Windows TI (Utility v2.0) For those who loved my first program, you can get the second version. The documentation will help you get used to it. |
 | windowsti.zip | 5k | 03-03-06 |  | Windows TI v0.5 beta Windows for your calc! Graphics are incredible, and the GUI style is exactly that of Windows! See readme for more info |
 | windows_vista_8x.zip | 15k | 05-08-23 |  | Windows Vista The first shell made to emulate Windows Vista. Has tons of new features built off my acclaimed Windows 83 XP shell. |
 | windowsvistabasic.zip | 12k | 06-09-08 |  | Windows Vista This program is like the OS for the PC, but of course, with limitaions. But it does the full commands. It includes an Assembly and Basic Program runner. It also has a calculator built in. You can logoff, Restart, and Shutdown your calculator. You can change settings on your calculator, enable lowercase, check the battery, and many other options. |
 | windowsxp2.zip | 28k | 03-04-03 |  | Windows XP 0.54 re-release Updated manual for Windows XP. Also included some new screenshots for the final version. Expect great things from Windows XP, the final version when it comes out. Release date? Unknown |
 | windowsxponti84.zip | 5k | 08-11-30 |  | Windows XP on TI 84 + This is a program with a windows XP like interface. It includes password protection, calculator cleaner, Virus attacker, fake home, program manager, memory checker, word, Outlook and more! Check it out! |
 | windowsxpv1.2.zip | 6k | 03-10-06 |  | WINDOWS XP v1.2 This amazing program is actually 100% bug free. In this version of windows you can chat to another calculator via the link. it also has MS-DOS where you can archive unarchive lock unlock run programs check your batteries and your free ram all from inside dos. you can choose between 3 really cool screensavers and the time that YOU want to wait before it starts. Plus you can turn it off completly. you can choose the backround banner. and even if your not satified well get eady for this... IT HAS ITS OWN MOUSE. but do think that thats all NO. THERE IS ALSO AN EXPRESS SHUTDOWN AND A RESTART STANDBY AND NORMAL SHUTDOWN. if you have any questions please refer to the readme it explains everything in detail. other wise email me |
 | windows_xp.zip | 4k | 03-06-30 |  | Windows XP Pro. 1.4 Now includes notepad, scanner, copy machine, and a skecth book. No default password and other than new releases virtually the same, but much better than version 1.3. |
 | windowsxp.zip | 5k | 01-08-05 |  | Windows XP FINALLY!!! A windows program that is 100% Graphical. It took me months of programming. Although fairly large, this program actually useful. With only 2 programs and one list makes windows one of the best programs out there. |
 | windowsx.zip | 39k | 04-07-03 |  | Windows X This is a windows-like shell for the TI-83+. It can do many things, including running Ion and up to five other Basic programs. Also included are six built-in apps: VARS Master, which can clear variables and perform garbage collects, PicView, which allows you to view any picture on your calculator, Prob Test, which will choose a random number between any two integers you want, String Saver, a program that can save, edit, and delete up to four strings, TI-Timer, that can either count or countdown from any number you choose, and GuessGame, a game where you must find a random number between 1 and 10, 1 and 100, 1 and 1000, or 1 and 1 million. Other features include changeable password protection, your choice of up to 10 different background images, screensavers (17 are already included, plus image previews), and a customizable text phrase that appears on the menu bar. Version 1.1 takes up less space than 1.0. All in all, this program takes up less than 4k! |
 | windows.zip | 3k | 01-08-05 |  | Windows Millennium 83+ v9.x final release Fastest and easiest to use windows for 83+ |
 | windowz83.zip | 4k | 04-01-28 |  | Windowz 83+ This is just a little OS that I wrote in my spare time that I thought I would publish. Nothin great but it was a good project to work on. |
 | windoze.zip | 2k | 05-09-28 |  | Windoze This program simulates the Microsoft Windows operating system. Fun to convince your friends that you have Windows 83+. |
 | winexpert.zip | 6k | 01-12-22 |  | Winexpert An amasing OS with great features and programs. The best OS for TI-83 plus ever seen!!! |
 | win_exp.zip | 1k | 00-09-17 |  | Windows Explorer v1.1 Updated version for Explorer for 83+ Windows 2000 |
 | winlt.zip | 1k | 00-03-31 |  | Windows LT 2000 Updated! New ReadMe file. This is the Lite edition of my Windows 2000. Includes NotePad, Y= Editor, Calculator, and Program Menu. Requires LOWRCASE Ion program to run. Download LOWRCASE at ticalc.org (ti-83+ asm programs) |
 | winme.zip | 24k | 01-05-31 |  | TI window ME SE UPGRADE OF TI WINDOW ME (The best out of all!) |
 | win_net.zip | 1k | 00-04-21 |  | Windows Networking v1.0 External add-on for Windows 2000 Third Edition |
 | winnt.zip | 1k | 00-04-11 |  | Windows NT v1.2 Updated version. Just like Windows 2000 - has NotePad, Y= Editor, Calculator, and Password - Now equipped with new 2-user networking functions! |
 | winti01.zip | 7k | 01-05-31 |  | Windows TI-01 The best and most graphical version of calculator Windows is here! It uses only one picture for the intro. Has no known bugs. Includes many applications and a built in game. It takes only one program file. See the Read-Me file for further information.Download now and look for better and more optimized versions in the future. |
 | winti2004.zip | 4k | 04-04-09 |  | WinTI 2004 v2.0 This fixes some bugs from v1.0. It is better than v1.0. A must download! Don't forget to visit WinTI's website at geocities.com/phxgamer38 for more updates! |
 | winxp.zip | 18k | 03-07-23 |  | Windows XP 0.75 A Long awaited arrival for a next overhaul in the TI-BASIC OS. This one beats its predecessor and has a Windows XP-like GUI |
 | wti40.zip | 6k | 04-07-07 |  | WinTI 2004 v4.0 Finally WinTI 2004 v4.0 has been released! Its been a while since this was updated. This is probably one of the last few releases of WinTI 2004, since I have no more ideas. This has a few new features, and some bugfixes. Thanks to MaxReviewer14 for informing me that WinTI 2004 v3.0 didn't have prgmZRUN. I have made sure it is included in this version. There is now a wallpaper activator/disactivator! Please register your version of WinTI, and you will recieve updates and many other features that will not be available at Ticalc.org or WinTI Home. |
 | xionosv.4.0beta.zip | 9k | 08-04-14 |  | Xion OS v.4.0 Beta Shell This is an early beta of Xion OS Shell for ti-83 plus/ti-84/ti-84 plus silver edition Installation Instructions- __________________________ 1. Copy all of the files in the "Copy to Calc" folder to your calculator in the RAM. 2. Click the pgrm button on your calculator 3. to start it click the program called "xionos" 4. Enjoy! UPDATES from version 3.0: -Removed worthless loading program -Added support for solving quadratic equations (Most advanced version of its kind, can solve for unreal solutions) -Added full support for solving for all variables in pythagorean theorem -Added support for solving logarithms for any base (located in the more math section of the main screen) -Added the game BlackJack coded completely by me (located in the programs menu) -Added a simple number guessing game (located in the programs menu) -Added support for figuring out intrest problems (Normal, Reverse intrest and continualy compounded intrest) -Added extras menu that contains a really old version of xion os before it was called xion os, just for the fun of it. -Cleaned up some code to optimize program -Updated version number to 4.0 NOTES: 1. The Systems section of the math solver will not do anything because it is still not done. 2. That's it every thing else works perfectly as far as I know :) (C) The Xion Team 2008 ALL CODE IS UNPROTECTED SO YOU CAN EDIT IT AS YOU WISH. THE ONLY THING WE DON'T WANT IS PEOPLE USING IT AND NOT GIVING US CREDIT. WE ALSO DO NOT WANT PEOPLE TO SELL OUR CODE. |
 | xodus60.zip | 13k | 03-07-01 |  | Xodus Xp ver 1.57 build 6.0 Well it is finally here the 6th grand edition of Xodus Xp, this new version contains and updated cursor, a file linker for transmitting internal Xodus Xp files , and a full featured text editor with a cursor movable with the arrows, also the text files are saveable and recallable, and transmitable A must download , thanx |
 | xodusxpv3.zip | 17k | 05-05-01 |  | Xodus Xp v3.1.35 Optimized Xodus Xp is a basic demo for a upcomming graphical shell for the ti-83plus, if enough intrest is shown, i might just complete the assembly version, this program features a cursor, icons, a desktop, built in functions, and even 3 applications specifically for the program ENJOY!!!!!1 |
 | xp.zip | 1k | 02-10-15 |  | Ti-Xp give your calculator that windows look and edit nearly anything on it. |
 | zydosnt.zip | 2k | 02-07-15 |  | ZYdoSNT This is an excellent operating system that I made with its own program format, menu interface, and capability for hundreds of individual users and profiles. Very soon programs will start to be uploaded that will ONLY run in ZYdoS, so you will need this to run them. Also, the file information here will not change when I upload a new version, but a new file will be added to the .ZIP file, so to check for updates, you have to download it again. It only takes 10 seconds, check for a new version! |