| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs |
 | aaphase10.zip | 8k | 05-06-23 |  | Phase 10 Contains the phase 10 levels for people like me who lose parts to a game...enough said... |
 | acvone.zip | 1k | 01-03-14 |  | Alpha Centauri Strategy Guide A semi-complete portable strategy guide for the PC game Alpha Centauri! |
 | adice.zip | 5k | 04-01-24 |  | ADICE This a dice rolling program capable of rolling multipule dice and adding them or averageing them together. This is a good program for a DM in a D&D game |
 | battingaveragecalc.zip | 2k | 08-11-30 |  | Batting Average Calculator Ever wonder how you or your favorite baseball player is performing at the plate? Use this very small and easy program to find out! |
 | beaverlabsbowlingscorer.zip | 1k | 04-03-28 |  | Beaver Labs Bowling Scorer A bowling scoring program that has been tested when I go bowling about 10 times (and has never been off a pin). You may edit it for use such as programs but please state that Beaver Labs and/or Stephen I Beaver was the original author. Thank you for downloading this file and hopefully you will enjoy it and maybe make a nice bowling game with it. |
 | bgen.zip | 1k | 01-03-11 |  | BGen v0.5 Just a Demo of what is to come, expect alot. Need Feed back on it, so E-Mail me about it. Check the site @ www.angelfire.com/nc2/mc2 |
 | blokpass.zip | 1k | 02-10-15 |  | Blokpass Cheat program that gives the passwords to level 11 in the game Blockdude. |
 | bnetcalc.zip | 5k | 01-12-16 |  | Battle.net Ladder Calculator v1.3 Finally a program for all of us who play Blizzard games like WarCraft II BNE, StarCraft, or StarCraft: Brood War on Battle.net. This helpful program is very easy to use and will compute what your ladder rating will be against any opponent whether you win or lose! A very helpful utility for Battle.net users and definately worth a download! |
 | carddealer.zip | 1k | 03-05-12 |  | Card Dealer This program deals a deck of cards into list CARDS. The deck is very customizable - Options include: Aces High, Face Cards=10, Save Suits, Sorting(By suit, Ascending, Descending, or Shuffle). This program is very fast - on my TI-83+ (SE), it will take about 2 seconds to deal and no time at all for all sorting options except Shuffle which would take about 10 seconds. |
 | characterstorer.zip | 1k | 08-02-12 |  | Character Storer Forgot your Character sheet in a D&D game? Don't worry this program will store your valuable character information for you It even makes attack, damage, save and skill check rolls. You can also display you mini character page. |
 | chargenti.zip | 1k | 10-10-12 |  | Char Gen TI This program automatically generates a random name, alignment, gender, class and ability scores for a character using the rules for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5. |
 | chargen.zip | 2k | 07-12-17 |  | Dungeons and Dragons Character Generator Quickly creates D&D PH 3.5 character statistics of any level |
 | cheater.zip | 1k | 03-05-01 |  | Cheater Plus This program tells you how to cheat at many many assembly games, such as ztetris, falldown ,fallup,rtype, and many many more... |
 | chessclk.zip | 1k | 03-03-05 |  | Chess Clock 1.4 The ultimate chess clock. It contains an increment feature, a DELAY feature, you can change time, add time after a certain number of moves (like 40/2 SD1), and change the speed the clock runs (250 recommended). This is a must have for all chess players. |
 | chessclock83plus.zip | 3k | 02-05-12 |  | Chess Clock v5 Chess Clock v3 is a two player, multi-configurable chess clock. |
 | chessnot.zip | 2k | 03-04-17 |  | Chess Notation Translator v1.0 The first and only notation translator for TI calculators. This program translates chess moves written in algebraic notation into plain English and vice versa. Good for beginners and for people who can't read "short algebraic chess notation." |
 | chips.zip | 6k | 05-05-01 |  | Chips v1.31 This is the essential program program for all gamblers. Instead of keeping track of your chips using pen-and-paper, just use this handy program. Up to 9 players supported, basic and open-ended options such as raising, setting up games, folding, antes, and saving your games. You can input the players' names to help you keep track of who's who, and it's VERY fast. There's plenty of options, and lots of ways to use the options, making this perfect for any gambling game. This will become your ultimate resource for any gambling game. |
 | clock.zip | 1k | 04-02-01 |  | Chess Clock v1.1 Updated to include more funtions. Still lite and elegant though: 1156 bytes! Size reductions and more features to come. |
 | coin83p.zip | 1k | 02-03-01 |  | Coin Flipper Flips a coin and tells you if it is heads or tails. |
 | coindice.zip | 1k | 03-10-05 |  | Coin Flipper and Dice Roller + Definetely the best coin flipper/dice roller program there is. Has 6 commands (Flip coin, roll dice, roll 2 dice, flip 2 coins, flip unfair coin, and exit)... A must download if you play games that need dice/coins. It took me over 2 hours to make. |
 | cointoss.zip | 1k | 09-01-12 |  | Coin Toss 1.1 Coin Toss is a very small program that lets you flip a coin as many times as you want! |
 | counters.zip | 1k | 04-03-12 |  | Yugioh and Magic life point trackers A combination of updated versions of my previous programs for those who play both games, it now has a menu selector. |
 | cribscor.zip | 6k | 03-09-16 |  | Cribbage Scorer This program allows you to keep score of a 2, 3, or 4 player cribbage game. |
 | cryptoq.zip | 2k | 05-06-10 |  | Crypto-Quip solver This handy little tool will assist you in solving the Crypto-Quip or Crypto-gram style puzzles found in your newspaper. Documentation included in readme file. |
 | d20dice.zip | 1k | 02-10-14 |  | d20 Dice Roller This program is for use with any game that uses the d20 system, specifically Dungeons and Dragons. It includes a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, and a percentage roller. Each of these can be rolled as many times as you desire. It is especially handy in places where its hard to roll a die, like the car. |
 | d20sys.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | d20 character attribute gen. This program create a unique ability score everytime u need one it also come with a d20 dice roller.(vunguyenkhuong@hootmail.com) |
 | d20.zip | 1k | 03-03-31 |  | D 20 dice It's a set of dice for d20(A.K.A.-Dungeons and Dragons) Please don't eat it ;p |
 | dbgtscouter.zip | 1k | 01-03-16 |  | Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Scouter Owner of Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout for PSX, this program is for you. Ever wondered your builtup character's power level? Well, this program will tell you your character's powerlevel by simply inputting your character's level and Battle Points. |
 | dbingocaller.zip | 3k | 04-11-04 |  | Dynamic Bingo Caller This program was created for calling bingo cards. Just simply run the program and each enter will draw a new bingo ball to call. All called values will be added to a BINGO table for verification later. Simple, easy, and compact use for calling Bingo values. |
 | dd4epack.zip | 4k | 08-09-15 |  | D&D 4E Pack Intro This is a pack of programs that allow your calculator to become an indispensable tool for tabletop RPG players and GMs. I designed it for use with D&D 4E, but all of these programs could be useful for any tabletop RPG. It includes an ability score generator, a dice roller, and a random dungeon generator. All of these programs have been extensively play-tested and streamlined for easy use in-game. These programs are made for the TI-84 Plus SE. Note: Some of the programs have controls that are not immediately obvious. Read the readme! Program Descriptions DD4EABIL is a program for generating ability scores. It allows you to use a point-buy method or a dice rolling method. The point-buy method allows you to specify the number of points you get. Information in the D&D 4E Player's Handbook is used to determine the default number of points, ability score starting values, and ability score increment point costs. The dice rolling method allows you to specify the number of six sided dice to roll per score; each value is the sum of the top three rolls. The number of dice defaults to four. DICE is a program that simulates rolling dice. It has designed to be as intuitive as possible; simply enter a string and the program will give you a result. For example: 4d6+d9+3 would return a number between 8 and 36 and 2*7-4 would return 10. Strings may include the digits 0-9, d, and the operators +-*/. This program includes a reroll last string button, an instant d20 roll button, and a backspace key. The dice program will time out if it is left idle long enough so that the calculator will turn off and save your batteries. RANDDNGN is a program for generating random dungeons on the fly, before or during play. You tell the program how to start the dungeon and generates the dungeon one element at a time, prompting you for how to continue at every junction. Here is an example: You: Start with a corridor Program: Corridor continues straight for 4 squares, with a side corridor on the right You: Continue straight Program : Door, with a corridor beyond it that runs straight 4 squares with stairs on the left You: Take the stairs Program: Stairs go up to a corridor, which continues for two squares and turns left, continues for 4 squares, then goes to a four-way intersection You: Turn right Program: Chamber, 8x10 square rectangle, with 1 door and one other corridor and a pool You: Go through the door etc... Note: the actual program is a lot less verbose than this example. |
 | ddgen.zip | 2k | 03-10-23 |  | Dungeons and Dragons Character Generator This program will create a Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 first level character. All you have to do is say what your character's race and class are. |
 | ddr3rdmx.zip | 1k | 02-10-14 |  | DDR 3rd Mix Scoring System v.2 This update of DDR3RDMX.8XP allows the user to decide which steps occur at what points in the 'song'. After inputting the number of steps (since score is based on the total number of steps), the user decides the outcome of each step. Totals for each outcome, score, combo, and max. combo are also shown on the screen. |
 | ddr4thmx.zip | 1k | 02-10-14 |  | DDR 4th Mix Scoring System This program simulates the scoring system for Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix (also used in Konamix for PSX). Unlike in 3rd Mix, this system is not based on number of steps in a song, but rather "combo". Combo is increased with Perfects and Greats. |
 | dd.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | D&D A D&D program with two nifty dice rollers and a very accurate stat generator that takes four numbers between 1 and 6 and takes away the lowest one, and it lists 6 automatically for easy viewing. |
 | dice1.13.zip | 1k | 04-10-14 |  | Dice Version 1.13 I created this dice program after seeing how crappy how the other out there were, this one is fully graphical and displays up to 48 dice with up to 99 sides all displayed on one screena ll at once. Enjoy!! |
 | dice21.zip | 1k | 10-06-04 |  | RPG Dice 2.1 Dice roller for table-top RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons. It includes a history function. It should also be noted that neither this program nor its author has anything to do with the first program titled RPG Dice on this site. The first version I uploaded was the second version of my program. I was unaware that there was another until after I had uploaded mine. |
 | dice2.zip | 1k | 00-10-24 |  | Dice v1.1 A dice rolling program. You can roll one or two dice at the same time. Great for probability assignments. |
 | dice83p.zip | 1k | 02-03-01 |  | 6 Sided Dice Roller Rolls a 6 sided die, and tells you what came up. |
 | dice.8xp | 1k | 01-12-15 |  | Dice A program that you type in the number of sides of a dice you want to roll and the number of times you want it to roll and it spits out random numbers just like you actually rolled. perfect for rpg's like d&d when you dont' want to have to keep track of dice. |
 | dicedm.zip | 1k | 02-04-27 |  | Dice A program where you can "roll" a die with any consecutive integers and any number of sides. |
 | diceetc.zip | 1k | 02-04-05 |  | Dice, Etc. Roll dice, toss coins and more in this cool program. Good argument ender. |
 | dicein3d.zip | 2k | 02-03-16 |  | Dice in 3d This is a simple dice program. But it's not the traditional :randInt(1,6)->X :Disp "You Rolled a",X This program adds a little more depth with using dice graphics. |
 | diceprog.zip | 1k | 09-07-13 |  | Dice Program 1.5 This program is great for Dungeons and Dragons or card games. Input any number to roll and the calculator will roll it! Now you can roll up to 4 dice! |
 | diceroll6.zip | 1k | 05-04-09 |  | DiceRoll 6 DiceRoll 6 rolls 6 random dice across the screen (graphically...duh) and then gives you options at the next screen. It was created to play "Polar Bears Around an Ice Hole". **Unknown with Mirage OS 1.1, FULLY COMPATIBLE with Mirage OS 1.2 and TI-OS!! |
 | diceroller.zip | 1k | 04-02-04 |  | DiceRollerv1.1--UPDATE D(number) rolling system with 6,10,12,20 already programmed and with an "other" section that will make a die with any number of faces. |
 | diceroll.zip | 1k | 03-11-02 |  | DiceRoller v1.2 FINALLY I finished a new version. Sorry it took so long. You can still roll any dice, roll different numbers of dice, displays every roll, displays sum of dice rolled, also I've added some new features and am reducing the size to make it faster. Great for role-playing games such as Star Wars. |
 | dices.zip | 1k | 03-06-07 |  | Dice Dice you can choose how many sides then roll. |
 | dice.zip | 1k | 00-04-10 |  | Dice It rolls dice, any type, any number. |
 | dnd_60.zip | 4k | 02-09-30 |  | Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition Utilities A dice-roller (all dice) and ability scores generator. |
 | dnddice.zip | 1k | 04-12-16 |  | DnD Dice Roller This is THE Ultimate DND Dice roller If you play Dungeons and Dragons, this is the program for YOU. BASIC, and and excellent user interface. Includes: Custom Dice Roller w sum and Average capabilities, A Regular Dice Roller and a Random Ability Generator. |
 | dnd_game.zip | 12k | 05-09-25 |  | D&D Game w/ Char Generator This is a D&D game that i made with a friend, it is not 100% like the old game, but a good game to play in extra time in class. |
 | dndroller.zip | 1k | 05-05-21 |  | Dungeons and Dragons Dice Roller Pretty much a dice roller for any game that uses dice. The 2nd one is primarly for DND. |
 | dnd.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | DND Stat Roller This program rolls out six stats for Dungeons and Dragons, or any d20 RPG. It is done the same way that you would do it with real dice, but on a calculator! |
 | doppelen.zip | 9k | 05-10-09 |  | Double-Sheep ScoreList With this programm you can finally save your Double-Sheep Scores on your TI-83+. You can manage 2 rounds at once, solo games are supported. Completly in english! Easy installation and usage! A large dokumentation is included in this package. |
 | dps.zip | 1k | 13-11-28 |  | Damage per second Calculates your damage per second for league of legends. Champion specific steroids will come later. |
 | duel_55.zip | 1k | 11-02-21 |  | Duel Life point tracker for your Ti 83/84+. Does coin flips and dice rolls. |
 | duel.zip | 1k | 04-08-03 |  | Duel Monsters Life Point Monitor Sorry for the inconvenience, this version fixes the life point increase problem, and you can now do 0 damage.Still the same number scrolling action, and you can see now who you are attacking, and increaseing life points for. |
 | eracalculator.zip | 1k | 08-02-04 |  | ERA Calculator This is a VERY small program (100 bytes) that can be used to calculate any pitcher's Earned Run Average (ERA). It is quite basic, but it gets the job done quickly and easily. Simply type in the number of innings and the number of EARNED runs given up, and this will do the rest! |
 | euchscor.zip | 6k | 03-09-16 |  | Euchre Scorer This program keeps track of the score, dealer, and trump in a Euchre game. A Master/Slave mode exists but DOES NOT FUNCTION CORRECTLY. |
 | expcalc.zip | 1k | 04-02-27 |  | RuneScape Exp Calculator I actually remade it again! Thought it was in the junk pile but I lied. It is now a little more accurate and better looking, and takes up a few bytes less. A FEW. |
 | experience35.zip | 1k | 17-11-06 |  | D&D 3.5 Experience Calculator For Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 DMs who struggle to calculate experience awarded to the players. Input the number of players, up to five different effective character levels (ECLs), and up to ten challenge ratings or encounter levels (CRs/ELs). |
 | fairplayscoreboard.zip | 6k | 06-03-26 |  | Fair-Play Calc Scoreboard 0.9 Beta This is a scoreboard program for the calc. Note that it is still in the beta version and has no clock support yet. See the readme for more details. |
 | fballscr.zip | 2k | 07-09-17 |  | Football Scoreboard A very powerful scoreboard for football that keeps track of score, quarter, downs, where the ball is on the field, who has the ball, timeouts, penalties, and more. |
 | ffxi.zip | 4k | 05-05-22 |  | Final Fantasy XI Experience Calculator This cool program allows you to input how much EXP you acquire in FF11 and check exactly how much more you need to level up as well as how far you have left to go. Changed your class? No problem! Just change it in the second program and continue on! It's that simple! |
 | football.zip | 1k | 00-11-24 |  | Football Predictor v1.0 This program will predict the final score of the games, just by inputing the home team and the visiting team. Keep in mind that this thing was made on a Friday (Gameday) during study hall. There is only one known bug, but I can fix that easily. |
 | fullduel.zip | 8k | 04-09-01 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh! 2 and 4 player Programs These programs includes Coin Flips and Dice Rolls and you can even enter the name of all of the players. Options menu's Main Menu Command was fixed this time. |
 | gamecheat.zip | 3k | 00-10-05 |  | Gamecheat v1.0 A cheating system that is very simple to use. Just turn on the cheat and patch the game! guide for developing games compatible with gamecheat is included |
 | gameshark.zip | 1k | 01-08-05 |  | gameshark just like it said, it's gameshark for your ti83/83+ this program has the ability to edit any list saved game sililar to the original gameshark |
 | gbplus.zip | 6k | 00-10-09 |  | Game Buster v2.0 Game Buster is a way of acessing cheats in BASIC programs. Now supports Alpha codes! |
 | gcemu.zip | 1k | 04-07-15 |  | GC Emu GCEmu for Ti 83 plus. Needed for some games. |
 | generator.zip | 1k | 01-05-28 |  | Generator (Albo Trader) Generates A Random Character. You Can Trade And Save/Load 6 Albo. This Program Creates Random Stats,Real-Life Ones And Fake. This Is Going To Be Part Of A Currently Unnamed AI Game Nicknamed "Project ALBO" |
 | golfpro2003.zip | 3k | 03-04-04 |  | Golf Score Keeper A very graphical golf scorekeeping program that saves previous games so you can look at them later. Also uses a very cool melt effect at the end. A must download to anyone that golfs, especially at Raspberry Ridge Golf Course. |
 | goodshufflesuit.zip | 1k | 03-05-28 |  | A good shuffling program, now with suits. This is the same as my other one, but now it had suits, read the file, and ask if you need help. |
 | goodshufllesuitsstring.zip | 1k | 03-07-08 |  | God shuffling program with suits, using strings. Same as before, but the strings are in correct order now, sorry for that. |
 | gs.zip | 3k | 02-04-11 |  | Golf Score Keeper Keep you golf scores on the course with this handy program. Up to 18 holes |
 | hanoi.zip | 1k | 08-12-22 |  | Tower of Hanoi solver This program shows how the solve the tower of Hanoi problem, from 1 to 15 blocks.Realy cool! |
 | health.zip | 1k | 03-03-05 |  | Health Calc. a program for keeping track of your health in TCGs!! |
 | heartsscorekeeper.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Hearts Scorekeeper This simple program keeps track of score in the card game of Hearts (for 4 players). It works really well. It can determine the winner and even detect ties. It is very helpful when there is no paper or pencil around. |
 | hiied.zip | 2k | 04-01-24 |  | Heroes II Editor Editor for the, as of right now non-existent Heroes II. There also was never a Heroes I either(haha). Early test. READ THE README! It explains everything |
 | isildur4sbasicprograms322.zip | 3k | 09-03-22 |  | Multiple Basic Utilities RUNESCAPE 2's Combat formula! ;6 sided Dice on your calculator (much better than carrying them around in your pocket [note, for rolling multiple dice, just press enter again and it will roll the dice again]);A sweet program that will teach you how to graph some WICKED AWESOME things on your calculator; a formula thats very useful to those who wanna see how much money they can get with an intrest rate;some infinite loops (unless you want them to end); ;resetting your variables'(the letters) numerical values back to 0 the easy way |
 | ivcalclite.zip | 4k | 07-10-11 |  | IVCALC LITE V. 1.31 An IV calculator for the Pokémon games. Version 1.31 LITE has a smaller file size than 1.26 and is MirageOS compatible. IVCALC 3, a full version, will include the base stats for each Pokémon. Beta 1 will be available soon. |
 | ivcalc.zip | 17k | 09-04-19 |  | IVCALC v. 3.0 A program for calculating Individual Values of Pokémon. Works with every Pokémon. |
 | ivprob.zip | 1k | 08-08-11 |  | Calculating IVs of resetted Diamond / Perl GBA Legends. Program for calculating the odds of Soft Resetting legendary Pokemon, PM me on Smogon, user Earthquake if you need help with the program. |
 | jgships.zip | 2k | 02-05-27 |  | Jumpgate Ships v.1.01 This is a program for people who play the game Jumpgate. It contains information about the diferent ships straight from JOSSH. I thought might help to have a little program to check out ships before you buy them. It might be pointless, but it may come in handy. You can run this program from MirageOS. For those of you who want to check out the game, visit: jumpgate.netdevil.com/terminal_civilian.htm |
 | keepscore83p.zip | 1k | 02-10-08 |  | Score Keeper v1.0 This is a cool program that allows you to keep score for two teams. Neat graphic display allow real-time editing of the scores. Just type 99.99 at any time to quit. |
 | lcpet.zip | 1k | 07-09-05 |  | Last Chaos pet exp and cost calculator Using an equation this program can accurately display the needed exp to the next lv for any given lv and displays the cost of that pet, both horse and dragon. More in the readme file. |
 | life3.zip | 3k | 06-06-01 |  | Magic the Gathering Life Tracker Tracks up to 10 people: Names, Life, Tokens, and Mana. Includes Dice Roll, Coin toss, Random Person (decide who goes first) under the [MATH] key. Runs on Mirage OS. |
 | lifekeeper83p.zip | 4k | 03-03-10 |  | Ti 83 Plus Life Keeper Keeps your score for yu-gi-oh and magic hte gathering |
 | lifekeeper.zip | 2k | 03-03-09 |  | Life Keeper 3D Life Keeper for Yugioh and Magic the gathering the top ccg's out so far. Really Simple and graphical Life Keeper. With custom menu about and battle screen!! |
 | lifemana.zip | 1k | 11-04-15 |  | Life and Mana This is a program that will keep track of two players health and mana. Each number is under a specific variable so they can be used separately. The initial amount the user puts in for any of these cannot be exceeded. EX. If the initial health was 25, the player takes 5 damage, they can only recover up to 5 to match 25. This also has the ability to roll dice and use the outcome to damage either player. |
 | lifemeter2x.zip | 6k | 04-12-01 |  | LIFE METER 2x This is a new and improved version of Dustin M's Life Point Meter. Same great graphics, way updated to make it much faster and a little more practical. I personally use this in my own duels, so try it out!!! |
 | lifepointcounter.zip | 2k | 04-09-11 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh Lifepoint Counter This Is A Must Download This is the most advanced lifepoint counter for the Ti-83 plus ever made with all the features you could want and more with 2 and 4 player modes |
 | lifepoints.zip | 1k | 04-01-17 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh Lifepoints Yet another Yu-Gi-Oh Lifepoint program. This comes with 2 programs; one is just a quickway of keeping track. The other version has options of rolling dice and flipping coins. |
 | life.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 |  | LifeMeter v1.0 Keep track of your life points in any game. Can add as well as subtract points. |
 | lwcalc.8xp.zip | 1k | 09-05-26 |  | Loot Wars Item Stat Calculator An item stat calculator for the iPhone game Loot Wars; even includes support for antique items. |
 | magiclife.zip | 2k | 05-05-23 |  | MTG Life Counter Tired of having to keep track of your life totals in your head? Want to pay attention to your game instead of your life total? This simple program will keep track of you and up to 4 opponents' life totals so you can use your thoughts for more important things, winning! |
 | magic.zip | 4k | 04-03-09 |  | Magic: The Gathering Life Tracker A simple little Life tracker for the Magic the Gathering Card game...use negative sign (not minus) to denote a loss of life, insert regular numbers for an increase. |
 | matad.zip | 1k | 16-06-06 |  | Chess: Material Value Calculator This is a fairly simple program that calculates the value of all of the pieces on a side of the board or the entire board, provided that you tell it how many of each kind there are. It uses a list to store the values, which can be customized and viewed all within the program. The program is 562 bytes and the list is about 60. |
 | max1.zip | 1k | 21-08-10 |  | Max Hamilton's Slugging Pct Calculates a baseball player's batting average, slugging percentage, and probability of a 4 or 5-hit game. |
 | mazed.zip | 1k | 05-03-07 |  | Maze and Mapper This program lets the user easily create, store, and play on mazes. |
 | mazemaker2.zip | 18k | 06-07-27 |  | Maze Generator This program creates a completely random, full screen maze on the calculators graph screen and saves it as pic 3. The creation process is very entertaining, and the mazes are fun to solve as well! |
 | mazoedit.zip | 2k | 04-04-15 |  | Maz-O 0.3B/0.4B Level Editor Standalone The Maz-O level editor. |
 | megamanpassword.zip | 1k | 03-07-01 |  | Megaman 83+ Last level password This program displays the password for the last level of Megaman 83+ by Paul Marks. The game is in the Mirage OS assembly games. By Tony Lu |
 | mlbmagicnumbercalc.zip | 5k | 08-09-23 |  | MLB Magic Number Calculator This is a small, simple, but very easy way to track how close your favorite Major League Baseball team is to clinching a division title! |
 | monopolyguide.zip | 2k | 04-01-27 |  | Monopoly Guidebook NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE MONOPOLY GAME. This program is to be used when you are playing the Australian version of monopoly. You might think that you can't get help for that game because it is based on the roll of the dice but I made a program so you can get help. Includes good deals or bad deals, and which property to buy at your situation. It also keeps a record of your property. Chip productions. |
 | mtgcount.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | MTG Counter Counter program to keep track of two player's life totals in a game of Magic: The Gathering |
 | mtglife1.zip | 2k | 09-07-13 |  | MTG Life 1.7 A life counter for Magic: The Gathering and other card games that use life. This program is for 2 players and has customizable names and starting life. Now has a 1 Player mode and you can use operation keys to change life directly from the game screen. |
 | mtg_life.zip | 1k | 02-08-02 |  | Mtg Life Counter version 3 This is a program for keeping track of life in the Magic The Gathering card game, it includes several life adjustment "hot keys" as well as a dice rolling feature. |
 | nflpassingrate.zip | 1k | 11-11-01 |  | NFL Passing Rate This program will compute the passing rate for QB in the NFL according to their formula. The user enters in the info and the program outputs the passing rate for their QB. Enjoy! |
 | nhl2004sib.zip | 1k | 03-07-01 |  | NHL2004 by Stephen I Beaver Same as NHL2003 and NHL2002, same author. Useful for playoff trees and game simulations. Just send to your calculator. Put in the no. of the home and visiting team and a score is generated. |
 | nswerserch.zip | 1k | 02-04-22 |  | AANSERCH- word search for AAN4 A word finder for all versions of AAN that tells you the number of matches and which lines they are on. |
 | nwcomegadice.zip | 1k | 03-06-02 |  | NWC_Omega's Dice Roller A dice roller. Great for RPG players. |
 | omnitrak.zip | 2k | 06-05-11 |  | Yugioh Omnitrak This is a yugioh life point tracker will a built in leader board function! |
 | phantasycheat.zip | 1k | 01-05-01 |  | Phantasy Star V Cheat Utility A cheat utility made by the author of and for Phantasy Star V. |
 | pig2.zip | 1k | 06-10-03 |  | Game of Pig This is a one-die game simulation. |
 | pogotool.zip | 4k | 16-09-07 |  | Pokemon Go Tool v1.0 This program will compute the Individual Values (IVs) for any first-generation Pokemon in Pokemon Go, as well as the CP and HP range for its evolutions. IVs determine the strength of a Pokemon's attack, defense, and stamina relative to others of the same species and level. |
 | pokedex_07.zip | 3k | 07-12-18 |  | Pokedex Allows you to input either a Pokemon's name or number then tells you the name, number, type, and if the Pokemon has an ability that makes certain moves useless. Contains all of the original 151 Pokemon. |
 | pokedexbasic.zip | 79k | 10-04-23 |  | Pokedex Purple This is a pokedex program that I have created to go along with my project, Pokemon Purple. As it currently stands, it now has the pokedex entry data, along with height and weight for each pokemon stored into the program. I did away with the picture, recreated the original pokedex info screen, and moved the data programs over to application variables. This is designed and intended for the 83+SE. Screenshots below explain why. |
 | pokedextxs.zip | 145k | 09-08-09 |  | Pokedex TXS v1.0.1 Complete graphical Pokedex for the TI83+ series! Includes type, species, description, height, weight, and base stats. Update optimizes for speed, fixed bugs, and enabled Mew, among other things. Please try and review! |
 | pokedex.zip | 11k | 99-12-09 |  | PokéDex v1.3 A Pokédex for the TI-83 calculator, update comeing soon |
 | pokeiv.zip | 2k | 05-10-22 |  | Pokemon IV and Stats at Level Calculator This program will calculate the IV's and stats at any desired level for Pokemon in the Advance generation of games. Inputs required include the Base Stats, the actual stats, level, EV's, and the Nature. |
 | purgepro.zip | 1k | 04-04-09 |  | PurgePro Plus Edition This is a great program if you have a lot of games. PurgePro will clear out your variables, Strings Y equations and reset your settings so you have more RAM to play more games! An Eriopolis program |
 | qbrating2.zip | 5k | 10-07-14 |  | Quarterback Rating This program calculates quarterback ratings for four different leagues: NFL, CFL, NCAA, AFL. |
 | qbrating.zip | 1k | 03-12-30 |  | QB Rating v1.0 This program uses the NFL's official formula to calculator quarterback ratings. Use it whilst watching football to see how your quarterback is really doing. |
 | qzpokepackage.zip | 4k | 06-06-25 |  | Pokémon Utility Programs 8 programs useful for those who take Pokémon seriously. Includes DV calculators and battle mechanics. |
 | randcards.zip | 1k | 14-08-25 |  | Random Cards Random Cards is a simple BASIC program that lets you draw from 1-8 cards at random from the standard deck of 52. See the readme for more info |
 | randsudo.zip | 1k | 07-06-09 |  | Random Sudoku Generator I was tired of seeing perfectly good sudoku programs saying that they can't generate fully random puzzles, so here's a code to use to do just that. Fully random sudoku, way different from the source code's original. |
 | riskit.zip | 1k | 13-05-17 |  | RISKIT Calculates the odds of winning a Risk battle as a percentage. |
 | riskroll.zip | 2k | 09-01-08 |  | Risk Battle Roller This program simulates the battle portion of the classic strategy game, Risk*(see "Other Stuff") and makes those monstrously complex showdown battles at the end of the game go much faster so that the players can finally go to bed. (We all know that a good game of risk never ended at a reasonable hour of the night...) It is programmed to simulate several rolls of the die and to present the players with an easy way to view battle results without wasting the time to do all that rolling by hand. |
 | rockpaperscissorsshootedi.zip | 1k | 05-08-30 |  | RPSS Game Editor This handy program lets you easily edit most of the specs of the Rock Paper Shoot Game, also made by myself. The Rock Paper Shoot Game can be found at http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/374/37467.html |
 | rpgdicedndedition.zip | 5k | 13-04-12 |  | RPG Dice DnD Edition This program will act as a set of polyhedral dice. This program will be of great use to you whether you want to use it for your next D&D get together or simply to score more geek points with your friends |
 | rpgdice.zip | 1k | 00-09-08 |  | RPG Dice Not really a game, but can help if you roll lots of dice at once and can be a very helpful RPG tool. |
 | rpgpack.zip | 11k | 02-04-22 |  | RPG Utilities Pack Gamemaster and Player Utilities for AD&D and WEG's Star Wars RPG 2nd Edition |
 | rpgskill_31.zip | 1k | 05-09-27 |  | RPG SKILL A program that determines your total skill points in base classes in D20 Modern, Dungeons and Dragons, and Star Wars Roleplaying game. This version is an update over my previous RPG SKILL program. |
 | rpgskill.zip | 2k | 05-11-07 |  | RPGSKILL This program is an update over my previous version, fixing bugs and adding Mirage OS 1.2 support. RPGSKILL determines your total skill points for D20 Modern, Star Wars roleplaying game, and Dnd v3.0. |
 | rs2calc.zip | 19k | 04-09-06 |  | RuneScape 2 Calculator v0.2b Hey all you RuneScape (www.runescape.com) fans out there! Have you been wanting a RS2 calculator on-the-go for your 83/84, like I have been? Well, here it is! Currently, this program has calculators for agility, cooking, crafting, firemaking, fishing, fletching, herblore, magic, mining, prayer, runecrafting, smithing, thieving, and woodcutting. At the moment, it does not have combat or ranging calculators simply because there is no monster data table for RS2 yet (if you find one, please send it to me)! Other than that, this is very thorough and will cater to your RS2 leveling up questions. If you find anything wrong/missing in this beta release, please tell me! |
 | rubiks.zip | 5k | 04-11-04 |  | Rubik's Cube Solver This is the first Rubik's cube solver ever made for the calculator. Woohoo. This program allows you to enter your cube, and then it'll tell you how to solve it. I have found instances where it doesn't work, but it's rare, and I don't know why it doesn't work. So yah. I included a full readme to describe what it does and how it interacts with you... so please read that if you download this program. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me. |
 | rummycalc.zip | 1k | 04-06-04 |  | Rummy Calc Here is a little program I whipped up for when my friends and I play 500 Rummy in World Geography class (yes... we are allowed to play). The program is pretty much self-explanatory so I hope you enjoy this Rummy tool. |
 | saveo.zip | 1k | 04-09-11 |  | Omega Score Keeper Hate keeping Score By hand? Now you dont have to thanks to my simple yet ingenius program. Simply press 2nd to raise the left score and the right button to raise the right score. It couldnt be simpler. All this for the low, low, price (memory wise) of 71 bytes! Download today! |
 | scoreboard.zip | 1k | 01-02-20 |  | ScoreBoard v1.0 A very accurate scoreboard for the calculator. It keeps track of time accurately and it is free of bugs! |
 | scorekeeper.zip | 1k | 05-04-02 |  | Universal scorekeeper This is a perfect program if you can never remember your score in a game like ping pong or a humongous tic tac toe competition and you are too lazy to write it down. It even tells you who won at the end if you can't tell from the score. Another nice feature is that scores can go negative. Don't use it for more than a couple hours at a time because it will drain your batteries. It is only 320 bytes. |
 | scorekpr.zip | 1k | 06-05-14 |  | Score Keeper You can name your teams (or don't) and keep score using the left and right arrow keys on your TI-83. |
 | score.zip | 1k | 07-09-08 |  | Universal High-Scores Program You set a couple values in your program and then call this one, and it will input your name if you got a high score (or low score if you want). Then it displays the high (or low) scores. All this is done in a nice looking format (and input GUI). The great thing is that you keep your own custom list(s) with your program(s) so that each program can have it's own high-scores, each with different settings (number of entries, name sizes, and high/low score setting). |
 | shadowrundiceroller.zip | 1k | 09-09-25 |  | Shadowrun Dice Roller - version 2 Now can re-roll non-misses more than once. |
 | sk8redit2.zip | 13k | 03-09-08 |  | Street Sk8r Park Edit 2 (v.1.4) This is an updated version of the origonal park editor. It includes 2 extra save slots. Though I did not copy over the old one becuase some people may prefer the other. |
 | sonic.zip | 8k | 04-12-09 |  | Sonic Adventure 2 - A Rank - Pocket Reference A complete rundown of the scores and/or times needed to achive "A Ranks" in Sonic Adventure 2 for the SEGA Dreamcast. Orginized by character then by level. The file is pretty big. Version 1.1 (Sort of, I fixed a couple of bugs) |
 | spinnerdiceroller.zip | 1k | 09-08-14 |  | A Simple Spinner/Die Roller A spinner/die-roller program for your calculator. Good if you've lost your dice or game spinner. |
 | statgen.zip | 1k | 08-02-08 |  | Stats generator This program will be useful when creating your D&D character. It rolls the 36 d6 rolls which is essantial for character creation for you. It gives you 6 stat points (created by 4 d6, the min result omited) for you to use. It also calculates the sum of these 6 numbers to see if you're lucky then other players |
 | statroll.zip | 1k | 00-04-10 |  | Statroller This program rolls up the basic stats for Palladium RPGs. |
 | stredit.zip | 14k | 09-05-20 |  | String Editor V2 This is an on-calc string editor, for creating RPG maps on the homescreen (8x16). This program was created to assist programmers in making maps for RPG's, and is oriented for the RPG Starter Kit by TI-Freakware (Daniel Thorneycroft). Excellent program, with great documentation! |
 | strktips.zip | 1k | 17-06-15 |  | Stryktipset This is a program for the Swedish Stryktipset, a gambling where you are to guess the outcome of 13 matches of soccer, by guessing either 1, X, or 2 for each match. However you can also guess 1X, 12, X2, and even 1X2 for each match. The three firsts are called half guarded and the latter hole guarded matches. One row of unguarded matches cost 1 Swedish krona, and for every half guarded match the price doubles. For every hole guarded the price triples. So if you were to put in 4 half guarded and two hole guarded you must pay: 2^4*3^2=144 Skr. This program gives you the best options for your money. You simply enter the amount of money you can spend, and the program gives you ( typically ) 2-4 possibilities in various combinations of half- and/or hole guarded options, with the money that is left over. |
 | stryktipset1.zip | 2k | 12-06-24 |  | Stryktipset Stryktipset is a Swedish gambling on European football where you try to predict the outcome of thirteen matches. If you think the hometeam will win you give a 1, if they'll lose a 2, and for a draw a X. Fyra program som tippar enkelrader. Två är helt slumpmässiga och två där du själv får välja att tippa en eller flera matcher. Fördelningen är i genomsnitt två ettor, ett kryss och en tvåa per fyra matcher. Om du tippar med TIPSENK2 eller TIPSENK4 så får du själv tippa minst en match. Resten tippas slumpmässigt. Väljer du då att sätta ut t.e.x. två ettor, ett kryss och en tvåa, så kommer dina rader att i genomsnitt ha lika många ettor som antalet kryss och tvåor sammantaget. Vilket är det ungefärliga genomsnittet. |
 | stryktipset.zip | 6k | 12-06-24 |  | Stryktipset Stryktipset is a Swedish gambling on european football where you try to predict the outcome of 13 matches. If you think the hometeam is winning you give a 1, if they lose a 2, and for a draw a X. This file contains programs with systems for the gambling and textfiles to support them. Stryktipset är fyra program, tre med system och ett testprogram, samt textfiler med instruktioner och textade versioner av resp. program, för dig som inte har någon graph-link. Öppna textfilerna för mera information. |
 | sudokupx.zip | 2k | 09-02-21 |  | A Sudoku Solver Sadly, this program will not keep your teachers from giving you Sudokus. It will, however, do its best to solve them for you. Check out the readme for more information, and have a great day! |
 | sudoku_solver.zip | 1k | 05-12-18 |  | Sudoku Solver 1.1 This program solves sudokus or nuber place games. It can't handle the very difficult ones but the simple ones are solved in no time. |
 | sudokusolver.zip | 7k | 08-06-12 |  | Sudoku Solver This program is a quite larger (takes up all ram on a ti-83+se) but if you have the room open your matrix edditor and input your whole suduko puzzel in to matrix [A]. input 0(zero) where the numbers are unknown and then run program solvem. and it will solve your puzzel.keep in mid that i wrote this so it is not perrfect but it is close. the puzzel will be displayed when you run the progam and will refresh as it solves (takes a while) |
 | tennisxp.zip | 2k | 04-05-09 |  | Tennis Scoring This is an easy to use program that will do basic scoring for tennis. |
 | terrain.zip | 1k | 14-11-03 |  | Terraim Generator Terrain Generator V.1.3 by SirLagsalott. Use this to make worlds for your games! |
 | thetayugioh.zip | 1k | 02-11-23 |  | Yu-gi-oh This is a counter for the yu-gi-oh card game duel monsters. My friend and I put it together. Have fun with it. |
 | ti83rubikscubesolver.zip | 4k | 08-11-30 |  | ti 83+ rubiks cube solver just probably the best Rubiks cube solver for the ti-83+ tho ti84+SE ever created unless by some strange chance one of you have made a better one and have been so occupied in your superiority that you are still baffled that you are evens so smart that you also could make not only a Rubiks cube solver but one better than mine. yea. just download send to calc, ungroup, and run Rubiks either from program menu or mirageos. for help read the readme |
 | tidice.zip | 1k | 10-10-12 |  | Ti Dice Simple program that rolls the standard Dungeons and Dragons dice using a small menu system and the randint() function. Keeps a short history of rolls. |
 | timechange.zip | 2k | 05-08-23 |  | Pokémon G/S Time Reset This program provides a way to reset the time in your Pokémon Gold/Silver games (NOT Crystal), useful for events that only happen at certain times. !NOT A CHEAT CODE! |
 | tips48.zip | 1k | 12-06-24 |  | TIPS48- A Gambling on Stryktipset Stryktipset is a Swedish gambling on European football where you try to predict the outcome of thirteen matches. If you think the hometeam will win you give a 1, if they'll lose a 2, and for a draw a X. This file contains a system of 48 rows to try your luck. Programmet är ett 48-raders system där du får välja att själv tippa en eller flera ( upp till tretton) matcher. Om du tippar mindre än tretton matcher kommer resten av systemet att tippas slumpmässigt. Jag tror att du har bäst vinstchans om du tippar dom tre säkraste ettorna och den säkraste tvåan. Lycka till! |
 | tips96.zip | 1k | 12-06-24 |  | TIPS96-A Gambling on Stryktipset Stryktipset is a Swedish gambling on European football where you try to predict the outcome of thirteen matches. If you think the hometeam will win you give a 1, if they'll lose a 2, and for a draw a X. This file contains a system of 96 rows to try your luck. Programmet är ett 96-raders system där du får välja att själv tippa en eller flera ( upp till tretton) matcher. Om du tippar mindre än tretton matcher kommer resten av systemet att tippas slumpmässigt. Jag tror att du har bäst vinstchans om du tippar dom tre säkraste ettorna och den säkraste tvåan. Lycka till! |
 | tipsh1.zip | 34k | 12-12-17 |  | AATIPS1 This program is for the Swedish " stryktipset ", a guessing game for european football. You are to guess the result for any number 1-13 of 13 matches ( in any order ), giving in each case a 1, 2, or X. With 1 meaning that you think the home team will win, 2 that they'll lose, and X means a draw. If you choose to guess less than 13 matches, the rest will be randomly guessed. Then you are asked: " ANTAL HALVG.?", which means " … HALVGARDERADE" i.e. how many of the matches you want to complement with an extra sign. You can choose 1-13. Each extra sign doubles the number of rows. So if you choose 6 half guarded, that means 2^6=64 rows. For which you pay to Svenska Spel 64 S. Kr. That set of matches is randomly picked by the program. It is also randomly complemented. |
 | tipsh2.zip | 25k | 12-12-17 |  | AATIPS2,3,4&5 AATIPS2: This program is aimed for the Swedish "stryktipset", where you are to guess the result for 13 matches of european football. However this program is strictly random. AATIPS3: This is a system for "stryktipset" which consists of six half guarded, meaning 64 rows. You can guess any number of 1-12 out of 13 matches ( in any order ), but you are restricted to using the system when you guess. If you guess less then 12 matches, the rest of the system will be randomly distributed over the remaining matches. AATIPS4: This program is identical to the one above, except that it has five half guarded, meaning that you pay for 32 rows. AATIPS5: Again a system of six half guarded, but with fewer 1's. There are seven 1's, six X's, and six 2's in this system, as opposed to AATIPS3, which has nine 1's, five X's, and five 2's. |
 | tipsh3.zip | 21k | 13-01-28 |  | AATIPS6 This is a system for "stryktipset" which consists of five half guarded, meaning 32 rows ( 2^5 ). You can guess any number of 1-12 out of 13 matches ( in any order ), but you are restricted to using the system when you guess. If you guess less then 12 matches, the rest of the system will be randomly distributed over the remaining matches. The system consist of 8 ones, 5 two's, and 5 X's. There are X's and two's in 9 places: 1, 1, 1, 1, X, X, 2, 2, 1X, 1X, 12, 12, X2. 1 means that you think the home team will win, 2 that you think they'll lose, and X means a draw. This system has many more combinations than AATIPS4, which means that it is much harder to guess. On the other hand it can give a lot more money. You should try to predict where the unguarded guesses are going to end up, i.e. 1, 1, 1, 1, X, X, 2, 2. |
 | tipsh.zip | 1k | 12-06-29 |  | AATIPS This program is for the Swedish " stryktipset ", a guessing game for european football. You are asked ( in Swedish ), to guess a row of 1,2, or X for each match, in a total of 13 matches. With 1 meaning that you think the home team will win, 2 that they'll lose, and X means a draw. Then the program asks " ANTAL HALVG.? " i.e. " … HALVGARDERADE " , which means how many matches you want to complement. You can choose 1-13. The program then randomly choses a set of matches corresponding to the number you choose. The set is then randomly complemented. |
 | tipstest.zip | 5k | 16-09-16 |  | TIPSTEST This is a program which evaluates the dividend you get from your system of the Swedish Stryktipset, regardless of its properties and the errors you might have made or not. The formulas used are from a website run by Martin Berglund, who obviously has good knowledge of math and statistics. I simply turned them into a program. You enter the correct result in string0, and then the outcome of your system in string3. Begin with quotation mark. Use commas to separate. Then just execute the program. |
 | ultimatemagic.zip | 1k | 05-06-04 |  | Magic the Gathering Counter keeps track of life for 4 people with names and counters for 4 card, also with names. Know more Grapical and esier to use, all at about the same size. |
 | ultradie.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | UltraDie 2k2 Cool die rolling program includes a six sided die, a pair of dice, and an N sided die, which allows you to create an inumerous amount of sides on your die. This program is ideal for probability programs, betting and gambling, or for nerds who play Dungeons & Dragons and those stupid kinds of games. |
 | unoscorekeeper3.zip | 1k | 06-11-14 |  | Uno Score Keeper Almost complete uno scorekeeper. Does not support 10 players, but is otherwise fully functional. |
 | utopia.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | TI-83+ Utopia Helper v.1.01 This is a program similar to Utopia Angel but is still in development so it's just a demo. It just contains raw/mod offence at the moment. For those of you that play Utopia AND have this calculator, it will be a great help once it is done. For those of you who do not know what Utopia is, it is located at games.swirve.com/utopia. Check it out. Email me if there are any bugs/formula errors in my program. |
 | van3pts.zip | 1k | 21-11-16 |  | Van's 3-Point Program Calculates the probability of a player making none, at least one, and all of a given number of 3-point attempts. |
 | wardice.zip | 1k | 05-05-26 |  | Warhammer Battle Dice v1 This is for all you Warhammer/Warhammer 40k players out there. This program allows you to roll a large amount of die, over 100. There is also a save roll feature. This program would work fine for all other games that require a large amount of dice. |
 | warriorxeasystart.zip | 1k | 04-10-14 |  | Warrior Xtreme (Expansion v 1.0) This is an EXPANSION pak for the Warrior Xtreme game. It sets you off to an easier start instead of having to fight at a hard difficulty. |
 | wordsearch.zip | 2k | 01-06-10 |  | Word Searcher v1.0 Word Searcher v1.0. Tired of Word Search puzzles assignments? This program will automatically finds all the words you're looking for! |
 | wowarena.zip | 8k | 07-06-09 |  | WOW Arena Calculates World of Warcraft arena points based on your rating. |
 | wrdsrch_helper.zip | 4k | 05-12-31 |  | Professional Word Search Helper This program will find words in wordsearch puzzles up to 956 letters in total area! It will find words backwards, diagonally, horizontally, and vertically. The only disadvantage is that the puzzles have to be square. A very nice program! |
 | xmapmaker.zip | 1k | 04-05-03 |  | X map maker This was for a game I never finished. All it does it allow the user to draw a map that fits the game world, save it to string one (only couple 100 bytes), and recall it. |
 | yahoobaseball.zip | 1k | 04-03-16 |  | Yahoo Baseball This program calculates either batting or pitching statistics and converts them to the amount of points gained or lost on Yahoo Fantasy baseball. Simple enter the number of each event (single, double, strikeout, etc) and it will calculate the points earned or lost on Yahoo A must if you want to figure out points for a certain player while watching the game (without having to wait for yahoo to update the next day). |
 | yahtzee.zip | 4k | 01-12-16 |  | Yahtzee Scorecard Eliminates the use of paper to keep score while playing Yahtzee. Fully Graphical. |
 | yankeesschedule2004.zip | 23k | 04-01-19 |  | New York Yankees Schedule 2004 This program is the complete 2004 schedule of the New York Yankees. The info that is included is the date of the game, who the Yankees are playing, the game time, and the name of the stadium where the game will be played (see the screenshots). If you find any bugs that I have not found, or if you want to comment, please email me at coolboards2001@aol.com Note: Date of games are subject to change. Go Yanks! |
 | ycounter83p.zip | 1k | 05-03-22 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh Counter v1.0 This is an on-calc version of the Yu-Gi-Oh scoring system, with graphical displays and support for up to 4 distinct players. You can add, subtract, or adjust points using the [+],[-], and [^] keys, and [2nd] to quit. Much better than keeping track on paper! |
 | ygolpm.zip | 1k | 03-12-28 |  | YGOLPM Version 2 of YGOLPM is MUCH smaller than the first version. YGOLPM is a Yugioh lifepoint manager that supports up to 20 people (as of version 2), rolling dice, coin flips, and a save feature. |
 | yugicalc.zip | 1k | 04-06-04 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh Calc Here is a little program I whipped up for my friends that play Yu-Gi-Oh (even though I don't). The program is pretty much self-explanatory so I hope you enjoy this useful Yu-Gi-Oh tool. |
 | yugical.zip | 2k | 04-02-17 |  | Yu-Gi-Cal Yu-Gi-Cal is a life-point counter for the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG, A.K.A. Duel Monsters. It will display both player's LP in a graph and as numbers. It also has the ability to record wins and losses, flip coins, and shake dice. |
 | yugioh2.zip | 4k | 05-06-23 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh Lifepoint Tracker v4.0 A brand new version of the Yu-Gi-Oh Lifepoint Tracker. This is a package contains two (2) of the newest Lp trackers: A home screen version taken up only 1047 bytes (ADUELSIM) and a graph screen, 4 player mode, name changer program takeing up only 1797 bytes (ADUELTOR). This program keeps track of your lifepoints in a Yu-Gi-Oh duel. The program is pretty much self-explanatory. Read the ReadMe file for more info. |
 | yugioh_36.zip | 1k | 05-08-19 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh! Calculate the life points up to 4 players. |
 | yugioh_53.zip | 2k | 02-11-01 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh This is not really a game but it helps you out in a game. This program keeps track of your life points while you are playing. |
 | yugiohdmlp.zip | 45k | 04-01-03 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters LP Keeper v1.0 This program is a Life Point keeper for the popular Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters TCG. So far, this calculation tool supports 2-4 players, which has an advantage over most of the other LP managers. Furthermore, you can select 2000 LP, 4000 LP, 8000 LP, or even a custom # of LP. It also includes a custom coin-flipper and a dice-roller for the card effects that require them. As you can see, this LP keeper is the best one currently available. The next versions might include custom names, a tag-team duel option, and even maybe a matrix database that will store a player's wins, draws, and losses. |
 | yugiohlifedeluxe.zip | 6k | 03-07-04 |  | Yugioh Life Point Console *Deluxe* This is a program that keeps track of life points in a game of Yugioh. You can choose the number of lifepoints and you can name the players. The lifepoints are displayed as a number as well as a large bar that smoothly moves as a player's lifepoints change. This Deluxe version fixes the win detection bug. Also, since some of the newer cards have coin flips and die rolls I've added that feature to the console. I also added a exit key, a ASM teacher key (turs calc off), and a GarbageCollect feature. Check out the screen shots! |
 | yugiohlifepointkeeper.zip | 2k | 03-03-05 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh Life Point Display Keeper This is a Life Point Keeper for the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG. With this, you can name you and who you are dueling, you can set official life points or customize how many you have, and when you finish, it will say who goes first. Wonderful! The readme should explain more. Enjoy. (Now has been updated, check the readme) |
 | yugiohlifepoints.zip | 3k | 04-03-09 |  | YuGiOh Life Points Tracker Keep track of your YuGiOh life points! Use a negative sign, not minus, to subtract points, and just input a number to add points. |
 | yugiohlifepointtracker.zip | 4k | 05-03-19 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh Lifepoint Tracker v3.2 This program keeps track of your lifepoints in a Yu-Gi-Oh duel. You can have 2 to 4 player play at once. The program is pretty much self-explanatory. Read the ReadMe file for more info. |
 | yugiohlife.zip | 4k | 03-04-22 |  | YU-GI-OH Life Point Console This cool program keeps track of life points in a two player Yu-Gi-Oh card game. The console is on the draw screen and each players life is displayed by numbers and by a large bar. When a player is damaged or healed the bar smoothly scrolls. Better than using paper or your head! |
 | yugiohlpbarprog.zip | 13k | 05-07-16 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh! LifePoint Bar Welcome to the Yu-Gi-Oh! LP Bar program by me, Alucard/Robert Lycos. |
 | yugiohlpcalc.zip | 1k | 03-12-01 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh Life Point Calculator This life point calculator is an effective use of space. Custom names, custom lp, cleaning up of variables. 700 bytes. |
 | yugiohlpcounter.zip | 1k | 16-09-16 |  | Yugioh LP Counter Displays two sets of LP that can be added to or subtracted from by pressing the appropriate operator and entering the amount with the number keys. Also allows for LP to be cleared (useful for OTKs) with the clear button. |
 | yugiohscorekeeper.zip | 1k | 03-03-08 |  | Yu-Gi-Oh Basically a lifepoint keeper. Very basic. Just enter how many points player 1 or 2 lost and the calulator does the rest. It will automattilcally tell you when a player has lost a duel. |
 | yu_gi_oh.zip | 1k | 03-11-22 |  | YUGIOH! Lifepoints keeper This program is a YUGIOH program that keeps track of your life points! Great program for saving the trees. If you want to add a number, just type in how much. If you want to subtract, type in a negative (-) sign before the number. |
 | yugioh.zip | 3k | 08-11-30 |  | Yugioh Keeps Track of life points in game of yugioh includes programs for 1 or 2 players |
 | zorgempirecrashingtool.zip | 1k | 12-07-01 |  | Zorg Empire Crashing tool Calculate when to send your attacking fleet to crash an opponents FS in the space strategy game Zorg Empire. Just type in the return time, the speed of your fleet, and the current server time. You can change the speed to suit your needs or finalize it, and then you can just press enter to refresh the time left. |
 | zorgempireraidingassistan.zip | 1k | 12-07-01 |  | Zorg Empire Raiding assistant Tells you how many ECS or LCS to send on a raid in Zorg Empire. |