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Last updated Tuesday, 16 June 2020
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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Board)
3inarow.zip20k11-05-28File is not ratedThree in a Row
This program is about getting three in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally. It is an old board game, for two players, where you have three chips each, which you place in turns on a board with nine squares. If none of you has three in a row then, you must move one chip at a time to block your opponent, and to be the first to the goal. More information in the text file.
4inarow.zip6k08-08-24File is not rated4 In A Row: 3D
Line up 4 pieces in a row on a 4 by 4 by 4 grid. This game features both two-player mode and single-player against a challenging AI.
aconn45.zip21k11-05-28File is not ratedFour in a Row
This game is about getting four in a row, vertically, horizontally or diagonally. It's a two player game where you get four chips each, which you place in turns on a 5*5 grid. If none of you have four in a row then, you must move your chips around to block your opponent, and to be first to the goal. More information in the text file.
batleship.zip1k03-05-08File is not ratedBattleShip
Not quite the classical form of Battleship, but very similar. good game.
batlship.zip1k01-02-16File is not ratedBattle Ship
The classic game of battle ship for your TI
battleship3.zip3k02-06-19File is not ratedBattle Ship
Everyone loves Battle Ship! Why not dl it and play it on your calc? This game had very nice graphics,1-2 players(AI isnt too smart tho), and saving
battleship83plus.zip1k03-08-26File is not ratedBattleship
The classic game Battleship against your calculator.
battleshipai.zip162k11-12-13File is not ratedBattleShipvsAI
This game is totally written in basic, but it does a lot more than you think it does! play now battleship against the AI, with a completely realistic gameplay. The AI searches for the nearest hits when hitting a boat, exactly the way you would do it!
battleshipf3.zip34k04-08-12File is not ratedBattleship Fleet v.1.3
The final version of my Battleship game written in BASIC (the next version will be in ASM). This is possibly the fastest and most advanced BASIC Battleship game for the 83/4+(SE). This version supports both Classic and Salvo modes of play, well-implemented a.i., muliple options, and a grid toggle so you can easily view both your target grid and your ocean grid. I hope you enjoy this Milton Bradley Classic.
battleshipfinder.zip1k06-05-11File is not ratedBattleship Searcher
A fun game where you move the cursor and try and fire and locate all 4 of the enemies in less than 9 shots
battleshipv.beta.zip1k04-02-17File is not ratedBattleship Version Beta
My very first Battleship game. Does not tell you when you win, but that is soon to come. FUN!!!
battleship.zip3k02-05-12File is not ratedBattleship
Battleship for the 83+. Includes AI and two Player Modes.
battle.zip2k04-01-12File is not ratedBattleship with Link Play
This is a game of Battleship with 2AI's, and Linked Play. THIS IS NOT AN UPDATE. I made a mistake, and overwrote this file by accident. I am now putting it back. I, CPPrograms have nothing to do with this game. It belongs to Jon Johnson.
battlship.zip3k20-04-20File is not ratedBattleship
This version of Battleship is the standard 2-player turn-based game. You can place your own ships, or generate them randomly. This game DOES NOT use pictures, but it does use matrices [A] and [B].
battshipcs.zip1k04-12-01File is not ratedBattleShip
A good battleship game with AI. Only for 1 player vs. computer. Good physics, AI is actually very smart.
bs.zip121k06-03-26File is not ratedBattleship v0.85 Beta
This is the classical Battleship for you 83-Plus, 83-Plus SE, 84-Plus or 84-Plus SE. Challenge your friends throught I/O or USB cable.
bttlship.zip2k03-06-27File is not ratedBattleship!
This is one of the only Battleship games out there. Be sure to send both BTTLSHIP and ZENTER to both calcs. More detail is in the Readme. Have fun!
conect4.zip2k06-05-21File is not ratedAnother Connect4
Updated Version of my old connect 4 game. 2 player on single calc remake of classic kids game connect 4. Program displays a graphical board and detects when you are done. Under 1K.
connect43.zip1k00-08-03File is not ratedConnect 4
Basicoderz: Battle the calc AI in this amazing and challenging Connect 4 puzzle game. Can you outsmart the calc?
connect4for8384.zip10k11-01-09File is not ratedConnect 4 (for 83/84)
Connect 4 is a classic game. It is similar to tic-tac-toe, but this has 42 spaces (instead of 9 spaces), must have 4 in a row (instead of 3), and it is filled from top to bottom. I have also included an optional auto win check. With this feature (obviously) it checks for a winner, but unlike most programs this program lets you disable this feature (if you want) and therefore the program will run faster. ***Update***: I used a slightly different programming technique to increase the performance of this program.
connect4pro.zip2k10-02-05File is not ratedConnect Four Pro
This is the most powerful single player Connect 4 program on this entire site! Not only that but it has the best graphics and features as well! Certain variables will need to be created or un-archived in order to run this game. Look at the ReadMe for more important info.
connect4.zip3k03-08-10File is not ratedCONNECT 4
This is a perfect Connect4 clone. The interface resembles the actual connect 4 and the gameplay is superb. It has great graphics and really low memory requirements. Made by Bryan Thomas. Only from OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe. Visit our new site at http://www.olsoft.tk.
connectfour2.zip1k08-08-11File is not ratedConnect Four
This game is written in BASIC and is fully editable for you to play with. It features a standard size connect four board with easily understandable key functions. It is for two players only.
connectfour32.zip31k08-04-14File is not ratedConnect Four v3.2
Connect Four (for Omnicalc) is a great game to play with friends and family! Play this classic board game on the same calculator, or get an I/O link and play with two!
connfour.zip2k05-07-05File is not ratedConnect Four
A basic connect four engine. The only thing its missing is winner detection.
dotsse.zip1k01-05-31File is not ratedDots SE
My first uploaded file, an easy directional game with fast controls and addicting gameplay. It's a small file, so I suggest downloading. Even if you plan on deleting it, I would like you to download it, for my self-esteem.
dots.zip2k03-05-25File is not ratedDots
The classic two-player game of boredom. Features a 10x10 grid and easy-to-use interface.
fial.zip6k20-06-16File is not ratedFour-in-a-line
Classic Four-in-a-line / Connect 4 game.
fleet.zip6k03-03-05File is not ratedFleet
Fleet is either a two-player battleship game or it is a one player battleship type game. What separates it from the others is not only the animation, but it also has a feature letting you know how many bombs you have left. It's a favorite between all my friends. I programmed it and enjoy playing it more than anything else. Give it a try.
go_ti.zip12k11-12-09File is not ratedGo
v1.2 This Go program allows you to play a normal two player game of go with legal moves, auto-take, editing, and scoring functionality included. The program uses matrixies and lists to keep track of the pieces. Program can also save and load up to 5 games as well as edit a game from either a cleared board or a saved board.
knight_03.zip2k12-04-03File is not ratedKnight v1.2
This game is pretty intense so obviously you should download it. Basically you have to test your wit and skill of strategy. Try to beat my personal best (like 54) WITHOUT CHEATING.
knight_21.zip3k11-07-08File is not ratedKNIGHT MOVES 1.1
KNIGHT is a game where you are a knight (hence the name) on a chessboard. The goal is to move to all 64 spaces on the board - or to move to as many as possible. And you cannot move into spaces you have already been. I don't know if it is possible to move to all 64. The highest I've gotten has been 63. You can only move like a knight in chess (L shape). If you don't know what a knight is, don't play it.
knight.zip3k11-05-28File is not ratedKnight Moves
KNIGHT is a game where you are a knight (hence the name) on a chessboard. The goal is to move to all 64 spaces on the board - or to move to as many as possible. And you cannot move into spaces you have already been. I don't know if it is possible to move to all 64. The highest I've gotten has been 63. You can only move like a knight in chess (L shape). If you don't know what a knight is, don't play it.
larkssbatlship.zip2k09-02-09File is not ratedBattleship
Simple battle ship game for the Ti-83/84 made entirely in BASIC. 2ND, ALPHA, and the arrow keys are the only inputs.
mancal2f.zip1k02-11-11File is not rated2Player Mancala
African Mancala for 2 players, Had single player with AI, but ram got cleared:( Coming soon if anyone wants
mancala_17.zip3k09-12-01File is not ratedMancala
This is the ancient game of Mancala for the calculator. Uses Celtic 3 or xLIB for graphics.
mancalanew.zip2k05-09-26File is not ratedMancala
A graphical rendition of the classic game. Basically, two players take turns moving stones around a board in an attempt to capture the opposing player's stones and have the most stones in the end. Also known as beans, Kahala, and Awale. -- By Fisch2
mancala_recipito.zip1k07-12-31File is not ratedRecipito's Mancala
The ancient African game of Mancala with an advanced AI system that is challenging to beat at times.
mancala.zip1k05-03-02File is not ratedMancala
This game is an old (about 3000 years) game. It is unprotected so you can edit out the instructions to make it about 2K. Mave fun playing!
mrisk.zip3k02-02-16File is not ratedMatRisk
Its Risk for the calc, but instead of having continents you are on one big map thats like a matrix.
navale.zip6k10-03-22File is not ratedNavale
Une bataille navale. / A battleship.
othello.zip3k04-03-07File is not ratedOthello v1.0
This is the board game Othello. You try to capture your opponents pieces by placing your pieces on either side of your opponent's.
pacificv1.1.zip8k04-07-24File is not ratedPacific Fleet v1.1a
Version 1.1 of Pacific Fleet. A variation of Battle Ships for the TI83 and TI83+. The main difference is that the ships only take up one square each. The game starts off with the player and the calc placing each of their 6 ships on a 7 by 7 square board. You then take in turns in attacking each other’s squares in an attempt to sink each other’s ships. This version includes a highscore system. Version 1.2 will include multiplayer. I have tested and retested the game, but if you come across any problems or if you have any suggestions please e-mail me.
puiss4.zip1k10-01-18File is not ratedPuissance 4
Connect 4 for two players, no AI.
reversi4.zip4k11-03-04File is not ratedReversi 1.0 Epidemic Productions
Reversi, also known as Othello, is a classic strategy board game. Features: 1-2 players, smart AI, auto flip tiles, save and pause game, miss-placed tile prevention. Requirements: all Reversi programs unachieved, In game memory OTHEL, OTHE2, OTHE3, OTHE5 and variables A-M out of game memory OTHE4 For bug reporting, tips, comments and more please leave a review for this program, and I will be glad to help. Epidemic Productions (2011)
reversi.zip1k20-04-09File is not ratedReversi
Reversi, the classic tile-flipping game. Only 1397 bytes, this game offers both a basic computer and a two player game mode! The object of the game is to have more of your pieces on the board than the other player. The game starts off with two of your and two of the other player's pieces in the middle of the board. Each player then takes turns placing their pieces. You have to place your tile next to one (or more) of their tiles. All of the pieces that are in between your placement and another of your tiles get "flipped," or turned into yours. Once the board is filled, the game ends and whoever had the most pieces wins. Sometimes, there might not be an eligible move that you can make. In that case, you must pass your turn.
risk.zip1k09-10-27File is not rated83pRISK
This is a addictive game that involves risk and strategy. Features: Play against an intelligent AI Three difficulty levels
stratego.zip5k00-06-13File is not ratedStratego v1.2
This is a two-player link version of the classic board game from Milton Bradley. Includes a save/load feature for those long lunchroom games. This update also makes it easier to see which pieces are moved and shortens the wait times.
tcrisk.zip7k01-05-23File is not ratedThe Complete Risk
The entire game of RISK! It has 3 setup varients, including the original version. Supports 2 - 6 players.

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