| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games |
 | 3dsnake.zip | 4k | 12-07-31 |  | Snakecaster: A 3D Nibbles Game (2012) You've played Snake. Or Nibbles. Whatever you call it, you probably haven't played it like this. Snakecaster is a raycasted snake game—you can still play the game the usual way, but as you play, a large panel will show you a raycasted 3D scene. Basically, you see the game as the snake sees it (if the snake sees the world in blocks of black and white). It's 3D. In a Nibbles game. It's completely overkill, but hey, why not? Winner of TI-Concours 2012 Axe division. Compiled with Axe Parser v0.5.3b. |
 | 84_chess.zip | 34k | 24-06-16 |  | Chess v1.2 Here it is, the best chess game for the 84+. Featuring the best grayscale seen yet in an 84+ game, a moderately challenging AI, 2-player mode, saving an unlimited number of games, a game clock, custom starting positions, and checkmate/stale mate. This game offers just about everything you could want in a chess game. Sorry, it doesn't work on the 83+BE or the Nspire :(. Updated for 2023 TI-84+ LCDs. |
 | ab4.zip | 16k | 12-07-04 |  | Alien Breed IV: Final Assault v1.1.0 This is the 4th entry in the Alien Breed series, compatible with the TI-83/83+/86 calculators. An 8-way smooth scrolling shoot-'em-up game that comes with a complete levelset, and the ability to play other external levelsets. A levelset editor is available separately for Windows that allows you to build your own levelsets! |
 | ab5.zip | 177k | 13-06-12 |  | Alien Breed 5 v1.1.1 Originally by Team 17 for the Amiga computer system, the Alien Breed series was a cult classic! Alien Breed 5 is a remake of Team 17's Alien Breed Special Edition '92, including all 12 levels, various weapon upgrades, hordes of aliens & bosses, and more, all put together in this top-down 8-way scrolling shoot-em-up. |
 | acelgoyobis.zip | 202k | 04-11-11 |  | Acelgoyobis The first pinball game on a TI calculator written in assembly, available for all models in the 82/83/83+ line. Level editor and full source included. |
 | advr99.zip | 17k | 03-10-01 |  | Adv. Racer 0.99 The latest and prob last release for this series.. added support for storing the fastest times for every course and a time trial mode. Same great game as ever, you race in eight different courses all over the world... |
 | advt2pd.zip | 9k | 03-10-19 |  | Adv. Tennis 2 Player Edition Version 0.1... Finally updated the 'demo' version, major changes are the faster speed which i would like some feedback on.. too fast? still too slow?... PLS READ THE README. Its a fun two player tennis game for the ti-83 plus with good graphics and great gameplay... |
 | afrodancev0.9.zip | 2k | 03-04-27 |  | AFRO Dance v0.9 AFRO Dance is a reflex-based game for TI-83+. You have to press the correct button before the time run out. When you gain level you have to be quicker because the amount of time is decreasing for each level. When you press the correct button AFRO-man does a dance-move in that direction and you get one point. When you press the wrong button you loose a life. |
 | aifig.zip | 24k | 02-06-01 |  | Aifig v0.82 |
 | alienb.zip | 8k | 01-06-21 |  | Alien Breed IV: Final Assault v0.9 (Demo) This is the fantastic finale to the Alien Breed series that all TI-83/TI-83+/TI-86 owners should have a copy. An outstanding 8-way smooth scrolling shoot-'em-up game - this demo shows the brilliance of what's to come :) |
 | alphaleo.zip | 1k | 02-02-19 |  | Alpha leo 83+ A little game with ship and asteroid |
 | alteredphx.zip | 191k | 03-01-30 |  | Altered Phoenix 2.0 Altered Phoenix is a custom version of Phoenix for the Ti-83+. This version includes major image upgrades, enemys, and several internal updates. Since this is my first ASM program I have developed. any comments would be very appreciated. |
 | altrasi1.zip | 2k | 13-11-30 |  | Alstrasi Asteroid Adventure (evil smiley version) This asteroid game is exactly like the original Altrasi but instead of asteroids, it has evil looking smiley faces raining down on you. Includes difficulty levels and the game gets progressively harder as you play. Requires Mirage OS. |
 | annihilation.zip | 24k | 11-01-01 |  | Annihilation Beta v1.01 An incomplete shooter. Look at screenshots. |
 | antigrav.zip | 3k | 14-03-05 |  | Anti- Grav In this game, you try to keep the ball within the screen as platforms fall down and you fall up. Stay alive for as long as you can to get a high score. Includes changeable background (black or white), difficulty settings(easy, normal, hard, and extreme), advanced processing system, and a high tech menu. This game runs smoothly and gets progressively harder the longer you stay alive. Experience the best in calculator graphics and game design. Requires Mirage OS. |
 | antinib.zip | 3k | 00-07-27 |  | AntiNibbles Dodge the poisen apples |
 | armadilo.zip | 4k | 01-06-22 |  | Armadillo Invasion This is an ASSEMBLY game (No, I'm not a pathethic basic programmer who is lying) where you try to shoot Armadillos with AOLame CD-ROMS before they get to the top of the screen. Its pretty stupid, or mabye I'm just in a negative mood because I missed the party because I thought it was the 28th not the 21st:( |
 | asmpong.zip | 199k | 06-12-24 |  | Pong 1.2 What started out as my first assembly game that used text output characters, and had sluggish speed (for ASM) has developed into a toplisted game that made top 10 in "TI 83 plus programs", the most competitive category. Now that I have realized its greatness I've ported it to all z80 calculators 84 and below. It has come a long way. This is one of the greatest pong games for the z80 ever. It lacks only one feature that is soon to be implemented: link play. However, being decked out with an incredible AI, speed control, a teacher key (del), 3 different AI difficulties, SHOOTING, pixel inversion, contrast control(even returns to original contrast at end of game), and portability to many calculators, all for around 3000 bytes, it will soon be the ZTetris of Pong. |
 | asmttt.zip | 4k | 01-03-14 |  | TicTacToe with AI This is my first ASM program worthy of being posted on ticalc.org. It is a graphical version of TicTacToe, with a strong AI. I am a beginner at ASM, so PLEASE!!! send me feedback and comments. For all the other ASM begginers out there, I have included the source, and if anyone has any questions about basic programming, feel free to contact me. |
 | astbelt.zip | 3k | 02-07-29 |  | Asteroid Belt A simple game where you try to avoid the asteroids. |
 | avalanchebasic.zip | 1k | 05-09-17 |  | avalanche you are a little person in a cave with falling icicles at the top of the level and you need to move your person around to avoid getting crushed by them. |
 | avalanch.zip | 3k | 00-08-03 |  | Avalanche v1.2 This is a port from ION. You are a small person at the bottom of the screen and you have to dodge the icicles or else they kill you. |
 | battle2.zip | 17k | 03-03-06 |  | Battleship v2.0 Just like old times with the pegs and the plastic ships, only now there are no small pieces to lose. Three difficulty levels. Two-player mode across link cable as well as AI. |
 | bcsk8r.zip | 4k | 05-11-19 |  | Big City Skater Big City Skater is a fast-paced skateboarding game. Perform tricks jumping from rooftop to rooftop in a randomly generated (constantly changing) environment. Only 8 tricks so far, looking for ideas/suggestions. (NOTE: This is a beta version and contains no known bugs, but is not a fully functional game, i.e., no scoring system as of yet, etc.) PS - I found this on my computer from about 2 years ago, its really fun and thought I would share it with anyone interested in helping finish the project.) Enjoy! |
 | bcskatex.zip | 7k | 10-01-31 |  | Big City Skater IMPROVED Big City Skater is a fast-paced skateboarding game! This is an IMPROVED version with SCORE! You get 5 points per basic trick and 10 points per advanced trick! This is a must-download! To play, just hold 2nd to gain momentum and release to jump. To perform basic tricks, hold an arrow while releasing 2nd, and hold Alpha+arrow to perform an advanced trick. More details in the readme file. |
 | benumberedv2.0.zip | 1032k | 11-04-01 |  | Benumbered v2.0 Benumbered v2.0 is a TI-83+/TI-84+ calculator game based on the popular games Bejeweled and Bejeweled 2 by PopCap Games and features spectacular 4-level grayscale graphics, four different gameplay modes and 2 extra unlockable modes, game saving and loading and much more! |
 | blackjack.zip | 17k | 02-02-20 |  | BLACKJACK v4.1a A blackjack game that supports hit, stand, double-down, split, suits, a saved game, many options.... |
 | blackout.zip | 11k | 04-02-17 |  | Blackout A challenging puzzle game in which you attempt to turn out all of the lights on a board. There are 20 levels in this release. |
 | blakjak.zip | 4k | 01-05-03 |  | Black Jack v1.0 This is a version of Black Jack for MirageOS. The source code is included, and I am a beginner at ASM, so PLEASE send me feedback/comments at sk8a4good@aol.com. |
 | blockd.zip | 12k | 00-09-10 |  | Block Dude v1.2 A puzzle/action game in which you move blocks to navigate to the end of the level. |
 | bomberk.zip | 18k | 00-08-26 |  | Bomberkids v1.0 A multiplayer bomberman. |
 | bounce.zip | 6k | 08-08-24 |  | Bounce ! Guide a bouncing ball across moving platforms (without falling) to earn points |
 | boxworld.zip | 4k | 00-07-27 |  | BoxWorld v1.1 A box elimination puzzle game. |
 | breakout.zip | 12k | 00-07-27 |  | Breakout v2.0 The classic game of breakout with falling bonuses, external levels, and much more. |
 | brkdnc.zip | 9k | 00-10-24 |  | Breakdance So You Want to Break Dance but your a white rich boy who only owns a ti-calculator. Well, heres your chance to reach your dream. Along with your ticalculator, you can perfom such tricks as a head spin, a cartwheel, a flip, and many more. For more information on the gmae, check out the readme, it really does help! |
 | bubble.zip | 259k | 24-06-16 |  | Bubble Breaker The classic game from Windows phones now on the calculator. Pop touching bubbles of the same type and try to get the highest score. Featuring 4 level flickerless grayscale. Only 84+, sorry. Fixed for 2023 TI-84s LCDs |
 | button.zip | 3k | 00-08-20 |  | Mogsoft's Secret Button Trick your friends! Your dog! The mailman! Whoever you feel! The EARTH-SHATTERING Mega Hit for the TI-89 hits it home on the 83+, a 100% total must download!! Includes the 99.9% Bacteria Free MEGA-COMMENTED source code for your programming pleasure! Don't delay, get your copy of Secret Button TODAY!! |
 | bytes.zip | 6k | 00-07-27 |  | Bytes v2.0 A nibbles-like game. |
 | cannyonflyer.zip | 2k | 11-02-27 |  | canyon Flyer Guide you ship through the canyon, and don't hit the sides! Very addicting, challenge your friends to beat your high score! |
 | cars.zip | 2k | 03-03-11 |  | RacerX preview Preview of my upcoming game... hold 2nd to move and del to quit |
 | castlevaniati83p.zip | 57k | 07-09-05 |  | Castlevania, prelude of chaos 'Castlevania, prelude of chaos' is a platform/adventure game inspired by the well-known saga of Castlevania by Konami. If you have played Simon's quest, I think you'll like prelude of chaos. Collect items and weapons to fight against evil in the land of Transilvania, talk to people to find your way trough the four mansions and kill the terrible Dracula. |
 | cave.zip | 1k | 03-05-22 |  | Cave Cool, addictive cave game with real gravity. Much like the old SFCave. |
 | centipdem.zip | 4k | 12-10-10 |  | Centipede v1.2.1 Remake of the old Atari 2600 game of the same name. Take control of your little ship as you strive to destroy all the Centipedes whilst saving yourself from other assorted creatures! |
 | chess.zip | 4k | 03-03-10 |  | Chess v1.1 The TI-83 Plus ASM Chess Program. Features cursor and graphically drawn pieces. Runs really fast! Now includes options menu. |
 | chopperx.zip | 80k | 03-12-08 |  | Chopper - 2 Player expansion Based on the port of the original by Ben Ryves. Chopper - a tunnel game with a twist. Dodge the walls by moving up and down - but you can only move up! (Gravity provides the 'down'). Single-key action! A must have for all tunnel fans! Includes original 1 player version and a two player version. Read the readme for two player details. Compatible with my controller program (link.8xp for 83 plus or linkes.86p for 86). |
 | chronotrigger83.zip | 6k | 04-04-01 |  | Chrono Trigger Chrono Trigger v.0.03 This update is to show that the project has not been dropped, as many of you have been asking so. There are some issues with greyscale sprites. |
 | coast.zip | 11k | 01-01-18 |  | Coaster 83+ Fully 3D! 3D on-calc track editor, plus a 3D first person ride! Amazingly like the old PC version. Load an included coaster or make your own from scratch! Trade tracks with friends, regardless of which kind of '83 they have! |
 | codebreaker1.0.zip | 5k | 03-03-10 |  | CodeBreaker v1.0 This is a great remake of the puzzle CodeBreaker. The pronciple is close to mastermind, except with numbers. It's my first great game released for the 83(+)! |
 | crates.zip | 6k | 05-08-23 |  | Crates v1.0 A game where you must push the crates onto the gray tiles. Very challenging, addicting, and fun. Also feature 3 shade grayscale. |
 | crazytaxi4.zip | 159k | 05-04-02 |  | Crazy Taxi v4.0 This game is based on the Dreamcast game 'Crazy Taxi'. In this game, you need to collect as much money as you can by dropping of several guys at their destination. It runs under MirageOS. Later I will make an optimized Ion version. To play this game, you need some good 'finger-skills'. There is a highscore system en the game contains 5 levels so you can play this game with your friends to get the best highscore! |
 | cuberunner.zip | 6k | 10-12-30 |  | Cuberunner 1.2 The classic game Cuberunner, made popular by the iPod Touch version, comes to your calculator! Staying true to the original, this version has two different 'colors' of cubes, two modes of difficulty, high score/settings saving, and full camera rotation. Written in Axe. Source included. version 1.2 includes some bugfixes and general optimization |
 | desolate.zip | 99k | 04-12-07 |  | Desolate Desolate for the 83(+(SE)). A Top-Down style Adventure/Puzzle game with some RPG elements. It features Flickerless Grayscale GFX (thanks to Durk Kingma's Grayscale Package), lots of Items to collect, crazy Enemies, a complex story-line(for a calc game anyway ;P) and more! Should also work fine on a TI-84+. Be sure to check it out :D. Head over to www.MaxCoderz.com for more cool TI-83(+(SE)) Games! *Note* - If this game runs too slow, try changing the interrupt setting. Details can be found in the README.TXT file. Also, this game should run fine with MirageOS 1.2, therefore i recommend that you only use this version of MirageOS. |
 | diamonds.zip | 12k | 00-08-06 |  | Diamonds Breakout with a twist |
 | dk5mirage.zip | 6k | 04-06-15 |  | Donkey Kong 5.0 Latest release of the arcade classic Donkey Kong for MirageOS. Features Donkey Kong engine rewritten completely from scratch. |
 | dodge2m.zip | 6k | 03-04-17 |  | DodgeBall 2.0 It's back and better than ever for the amazing MirageOS!!! Version 2 now includes two speeds, BOMBS, a much-improved "OR" graphics routine, and more! Check it out! |
 | dodge.zip | 2k | 11-02-27 |  | Dodge Maneuver through an obstacle field, and don't get hit! Saves your high score! |
 | doom83.zip | 50k | 02-06-19 |  | Doom for Ti 83 Doom is the first doom-like in real 3D for ti83(+)!! It include basic monsters, some levels, and a real 3D motor... It also runs verry fast! |
 | dstar.zip | 5k | 00-07-25 |  | DStar v2.6 The object of the game is to move the dark ball around and |
 | euchre.zip | 13k | 04-11-29 |  | Euchre Its finally here: a euchre game for the TI-83+ that is very fast and fully functional. if you like euchre then this is the game you've been waiting for. |
 | falldown1.zip | 8k | 12-07-31 |  | FallDown! (2011) Not just yet another falldown game: This is a partial clone of the popular Falldown! iPhone app, featuring true acceleration and gravity, "rolling" animations, bonuses, and a dark theme like the original. Compiled with Axe Parser v0.5.3b. |
 | fasteddie.zip | 6k | 10-12-19 |  | Fast Eddie 83+ This is a remake of the Atari 2600 platformer, Fast Eddie. It's mostly complete and very playable, but a few things from the original game aren't exactly as they're supposed to be just yet. |
 | fdownm.zip | 8k | 06-08-20 |  | Fall Down w/ Multiplayer This is a special version of Falldown with a multiplayer over link cable mode that really works. The two players can each use their own calculator and watch their own screens, each showing both balls. Your own ball has a cross, while the other player's ball has a dot. And of course, the original single player mode is still available. This version is a little under twice the size of the original non-multiplayer version. |
 | fdownx.zip | 7k | 03-12-02 |  | Fall Down 2 Player Expansion Have you ever played falldown? ever imagined if you could play against someone? Now you can! This is basically falldown with 2 player support. Also includes the original one player game and saves high scores. *** fixed the exit bug from the earlier version *** |
 | fdown.zip | 4k | 01-04-21 |  | Fall Down This is a game where you need to keep on going down the screen without touching the top of the screen. |
 | fifteen.zip | 3k | 07-09-01 |  | Fifteen v1.1 The classic game 15! The objective is to slide all the pieces into numerical order. |
 | firetrack.zip | 198k | 02-09-30 |  | Fire Track The BBC Micro Classic (for ASM and MirageOS) blasts onto the TI-83 Plus. Kill your enemies- but don't crash into them and kill yourself. Smooth-scrolling animation, fast graphics and high-score saving (MOS version only). |
 | flappybirdz80byseppebruyl.zip | 7k | 14-03-29 |  | Flappy Bird sideways updated some new features like exponential gravity and actual flying instead of teleporting. Enjoy |
 | flopbird.zip | 2k | 14-12-27 |  | Flappy Bird This Mirage OS game features spectacular graphics and an easy to use interface. Try to flap and flop your way to victory by flying between the pipes. Turn your boring math classes to fun flappy bird classes with this compact and challenging game. |
 | fltron.zip | 15k | 12-07-18 |  | FL Tron 2.0 FL Tron 2.0 is a port of the classic arcade game Tron. It features grayscale and a dumb AI that gets smarter as the levels progress. To play, press the arrow keys to move your light cycle in that direction, and press 2nd to use a turbo. Axe source code is included. This game is based on the Flash computer version located at http://www.clipdigy.com/classicgames/game.php?play=1 |
 | football.zip | 10k | 04-01-22 |  | Football Football V. 1.3. Fixed many errors and added some minor touches. |
 | fruitninja.zip | 13k | 12-12-16 |  | Fruit Ninja (2012) Featuring a revolutionary control scheme, Fruit Ninja is a clone of that famous iPhone game by Halfbrick Studios, complete with bombs, combos, and beautiful 3D graphics. Swipe, flick, and zig-zag across your calculator's keypad to destroy the fruit. It's like your calculator suddenly grew a touchscreen. Winner of TI-Concours 2012. Compiled with Axe Parser v1.1.2. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhDquSJ2Rr8 for a video of this game in action. |
 | ft2release.zip | 109k | 04-01-09 |  | Fire Track 2 Fire Track gets a much needed makeover and is now a much better game. Featuring two modes of play - Classic or Extended - giving you the feel of the original BBC Micro game or the more exciting Extended version with extra weapons that can be picked up every 100 points, such as the destructive EMP or time-warping 'speed' or 'freeze' powerups. Dysfunction says: "I am awed by FT's graphics. They are the best black and white gfx on the 83+." Randroid says: "This game looks more than Awesome!" SenorPhrog says: "seriously, this game farxing RAWKS" Judge for yourself: fast, smoothscrolling (destructable) tilemaps, parallax scrolling stars, path based enemies, and random level generation as well as the two original levels. This game will run in MirageOS (recommended) and Ion. I want to get an 83 version out too, so I'd appreciate any help in that area. |
 | ftun.zip | 3k | 01-04-21 |  | Fast Tunnel Guide your spaceship as best as possible while trying to avoid hitting the walls. |
 | gemini.zip | 99k | 02-08-17 |  | Gemini The third, and last, of my raycasting series for the TI83-calcs. This time, it's not a demo, it's a fully-fledged real-time 3D-engine! I can't describe this game with words, check out the screenshots and try it out for yourself. |
 | geowars.zip | 1592k | 24-06-16 |  | Geometry Wars The crowd-control shooting game originally for XBox now for Ti-84+. This is a very graphics intensive game where you must shoot all of the enemies flying at you. There are 6 enemy types each with their own personality. The player will also use three different guns over the course of the game. Only for 84+, sorry. Fixed for 2023 TI-84+ LCDs. |
 | gravityguy.zip | 8k | 11-12-13 |  | Gravity Guy 0.9 It's a port/variation of the popular iphone/flash game Gravity Guy. It's one of those endless style games, where your only weapon is the ability to change the direction of gravity. If you fall or touch the edge of the screen, you die. 7 levels included. |
 | greyscaletetris.zip | 9k | 11-01-01 |  | Greyscale Tetris v3.0 An awesome game of Tetris! |
 | hangman2.zip | 68k | 03-01-17 |  | Hangman v2.0 It's Hangman! try to guess the word before the entire stick figure appears. Supports external wordlists, two-player mode. Brand new word list creator (bug fix 13-Jan-03) makes list creation easier than ever. |
 | hangman.zip | 58k | 12-04-19 |  | Hangman v1.0.1 It's... Hangman! Featuring external puzzle libraries, a high score system and an abundance of puzzles to solve! |
 | helicopter2.zip | 4k | 14-11-27 |  | Helicopter 2.0 This is a re-creation of my most popular game, Helicopter. I have added Fuel packs, which you have to collect in order to keep your fuel level up. I actually remade this a long time ago, so the source is a bit sloppy. The file is compiled with NoShell, which can be launched by the Asm( token, and with Ion, which can be used with MirageOS and DoorsCS. |
 | helicopter.zip | 6k | 14-10-12 |  | Helicopter In my first game ever in axe parser, I have re-created the simple helicopter game In MirageOS, DoorsCS, Ion, no shell, and in Flash. Similar to Flappy Bird, it is a game where you fly a helicopter and try to avoid hitting walls. |
 | impossible.zip | 345k | 24-06-16 |  | The Impossible Game v2.1 The highly addictive game originally for xbox and iPhone now for the TI. Jump over the spikes and on the boxes to make it to the end of the game. The entire game only lasts 90 seconds, but it will take 6 hours to beat. Now with v2.0, it includes 2 new crazy levels!!! as well as complete 83+ BE compatibility. Updated for 2023 TI-84+ LCDs |
 | invm.zip | 188k | 12-04-01 |  | Invaded v1.4.1 Aliens are trying to take over (again!). It's up to you in your state-of-the-art® fighter to stop them! This game comes with a Levelset Editor for you to make you own Levelsets complete with your own enemies, end-of-level bosses and even your own Tileset if you want! Get it now! |
 | island.8xg | 6k | 01-12-22 |  | Island A game where you have to get to the island and save the stranded island guy |
 | island.zip | 3k | 02-02-16 |  | Island Island is a game where you save the island guy that is on the strandad island. |
 | jogaloer.zip | 9k | 02-11-23 |  | Jogaloer v1.0 This game is a version of Tic-Tac-Toe for MIRAGE |
 | kirby.zip | 23k | 18-11-16 |  | Kirby Ti Land Port/Remake Kirby Game coming to ti 84 Based on Ti 89 Kirby's ti land. Please read the readme file. 4 level grey Scale! Updated Kirby! :) |
 | knightdx.zip | 3k | 00-08-06 |  | Knight Moves DX A remake of knight moves |
 | koopattack.zip | 3k | 04-07-15 |  | Koopa Attack! v1.0 The object of the game is to score as high as possible by bouncing on enemies without touching the ground. Bounce on koopas and goombas, but bouncing on spineys will kill you and bouncing on koopas will cause thier shell to slide across the screen and kill other enemies. All bugs have been fixed and it is now compatible with mirage and crunchy. |
 | kryptnibbles.zip | 12k | 02-02-20 |  | Nibbles v1.0 A plain, ordinary Nibbles aka Snake aka Bytes aka many other things game that supports (but does not require) external levels, 5 speeds. |
 | labyrnth.zip | 10k | 00-07-25 |  | Labyrinth v1.0 A fun addicting puzzle game where you try to navigate your way through 16 randomly generated levels. Two modes of play, regular, and anti-maze |
 | laser.zip | 78k | 00-07-25 |  | Laser Mayhem v1.1 Laser Mayhem v1.1 and Level Editor |
 | lemm83m.zip | 9k | 01-05-18 |  | Lemmingz 83+ The real deal! Lemmingz on your calculator! Very much like the original PC game. Many level packs available on ticalc.org, beginner level pack included. Make your own levels with the Win98 level editor, also on ticalc.org! |
 | lightout.zip | 3k | 01-12-22 |  | Lights Out! Another Friday Night Production (actually, 1:26 AM saturday morning), this is a remake of the electronic toy from when I was younger. It has random levels (The black and white are always possible), edit mode (which can be toggled on and off) and, my own twist, 3 colors. Choose 3 color or 2 color traditional mode! Batteries not included |
 | lightsout.zip | 5k | 24-06-16 |  | Lights Out The classic game now on the calculator. Very nice quality with a hint feature. |
 | link.zip | 1k | 03-12-03 |  | Controller This is the controller program compatible with all my two player assembly games. Check them out at http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/authors/49/4907.html Although the 83plus still needs to be the main calculator you can now play against your friends on the 86!!! |
 | lite3.zip | 4k | 00-07-27 |  | Lite3 v1.0 Tic Tac Toe with a twist. |
 | lucifer.zip | 5k | 03-09-07 |  | Lucifer In this game you have to try to win(duh!). There are 15 lucifers on a table and you and the calculator must take away lucifers until there are no more. You can win by let take the calculator the last lucifer. You (and the calculator) may take away 1,2 or 3 lucifers(you must play your turn). |
 | lunar1.zip | 3k | 00-07-27 |  | Lunar Lander I Land on the moon! (improvements over the ion version!) |
 | lunar2.zip | 3k | 00-07-27 |  | Lunar Lander II Land on the moon! With 3 difficulty setting and random terrain. (improvements over the ion version!) |
 | mariorunplus.zip | 5k | 02-09-05 |  | Mario-Run Mario-run is a one-pixel-side-scrolling-action-game for ti-83(+) MirageOS, Plasma and ION. New and never shown before on TI-83(+) is the on-the-calc-level-editor. You are be able te create your own levels and design your own textures. This will hopefully result in lots of different level-creations. Features are: Smooth side scrolling, Realistic jumping, Level editor, Tile design, Online highscores, Tilemapping, External levels, Grayscale, Adjustable speed, Direct input and a lot more! |
 | mario.zip | 5k | 01-02-28 |  | Mario 83+ This update contains another level, with a level editer on the way with the next release. |
 | marsptrl.zip | 4k | 14-09-09 |  | Mars Patrol v2.0 Guide your buggy to its destination by shooting aliens and UFO's, dodging their bombs, jumping over craters and mines, and blasting boulders away to clear the path. |
 | matches.zip | 7k | 01-08-04 |  | Matches v1.0 Well... 20 matches, remove 1,2,or 3 at each turn and the one left to remove the last match loses... a classic :) |
 | maze2.zip | 4k | 13-11-29 |  | Maze Runner 2 Maze Runner 2 is a high quality, high graphics game made in Axe Parser. Its smooth and runs without any bugs. The goal of the game is to get through mazes as quickly as you can. Includes: portals, keys, locks, randomizer, and even traps. Uses tile mapping and advanced stream line coding. 4 levels and over 15 tile maps. Probably the best maze game you will ever get to play! Requires Mirage OS. |
 | maze3d.zip | 77k | 06-08-25 |  | Maze 3D II Find your way out of a randomly generated labyrinth, now with better 3D graphics. Also included: full source code, and a version that has been possessed by a demon. |
 | mcgame.zip | 1k | 05-09-08 |  | Missle Command for MIRAGE OS This is a program so you can run Missle Command in MIRAGE OS. Please download MISSLE COMMAND first. Please note that MISSLE COMMAND is not my program. |
 | mc.zip | 16k | 01-03-14 |  | Missile Command 83+ You know that old ATARI 2600 game? Then you know this one. Shoot the downcoming missiles before they hit one of your six towns. 83/85 versions included, too. |
 | megaman.zip | 39k | 01-01-14 |  | MegaMan 83 The classic Nintendo game remade for your calculator |
 | meteorshower.zip | 4k | 12-01-15 |  | >> Meteor Shower 3 << Dodge countless meteorites as you fly your way through the galaxy! Now has 2 modes, Normal and Extreme! Also features some great graphiccs. |
 | minigame.zip | 1k | 02-01-02 |  | Linking Mini Game 1 Yep you guessed it! A 2 player linking game less than 1k. memory. Alternate button pressing to move, race against opponent on other calc. Fun with simple controls and best of all its 2 player only (no one player mode yet). First game in my mini game series. |
 | mirage7g.zip | 6k | 00-07-27 |  | 7G v3.0 This is a program where you are Jet that has to fly through a tunnel and dodge the upper and lower walls as well as mines, and stay alive for as long as you can. |
 | missilerun2.0.zip | 4k | 14-11-27 |  | Missile Run 2.0 Missile run 2.0 is a re-created version of my second game, Missile run. It is a game where you have to dodge missiles heading your way. You can collect money and buy different weapons from the Weapons Shop. Now, in my updated version, I designed a scrolling background with stars. I have added a mini scoreboard at the top left as well, not to mention that that the game now speeds up as you progress. I also have removed several bugs, like the space gun not working, the Lazer using up too much ammo, and the text not displaying right in the highscore section. Another change is that FullSpeed was added, so it will not work on older versions of calculators. The game will run in Ion, MirageOS, DoorsCS, or any other Ion-Compatile shell. |
 | missilerun.zip | 13k | 14-11-05 |  | Missile Run My second Axe Parser game, Missile Run. Missile Run is a fun game where you have to dodge missiles and collect money to buy guns and ammo. The download includes the game in: MirageOS, Ion, DoorsCS, and Asm(noshell) |
 | missile.zip | 419k | 24-06-16 |  | Missile Game 3d This is a 3d game where you must fly your missile through the approaching walls. When playing this game you may develop a group of spectators behind you. Ported from addictinggammes.com. Only for 84, sorry. Updated for 2023 TI-84+ LCDs. |
 | monopoly83p.zip | 6k | 04-05-13 |  | Monopoly83p Monopoly with awesome graphics! For 2-4 human players, no ai. |
 | mosoko.zip | 11k | 02-02-16 |  | MoSoko v1.0 A complete re-code of the TI-86 version of Sokoban |
 | mtsquest.zip | 74k | 02-03-12 |  | MtSQuest Full This one little file contains every version of MtSQuest I've made so far. Each version has something different on it. If you can, play 'em all and see if you can find 'em. I dare ya ;) |
 | ngtetris.zip | 9k | 07-04-26 |  | NGTetris v 1.2 It's tetris, what can I say. It has cool moving backgrounds that change each level. There's 25 different levels, each with increasing speed, and high scores. Enjoy!! |
 | nightblade.zip | 936k | 05-12-24 |  | Nightblade Nightblade is an RPG centered around an assassin that takes missions from people. A spacial turn based battle system. A point allocation level system. Spells, skills weapons, items, and accessories. Some missions have multiple methods of completion. NOTE: There seems to be a problem with some mirage routines that are called after archiving/locking the program on some calcs. If this happens do not perform these actions on the calc. Switched random routine to better one. See changelog for changes. |
 | ninjafight3.51.zip | 6k | 03-04-07 |  | Ninja Fight! 3.51 Ninja Fight! is a reflex-based fighting game for the TI-83+. In it, you control a ninja and...well...fight. Complete with scoring system! 3.51 is a bug fix, in 3.5, if you lost, your score wouldn't show up. |
 | numpuz.zip | 3k | 01-12-22 |  | Number Puzzle V1.01 Ever get one of those little plastic thingies where you slide the numbers around to put them in order? Here it is, for your very own Happycalc. Written in 3 hours on Friday Night because I have no social life. Stay tuned for tommorow's project;) |
 | orbit.zip | 127k | 24-06-16 |  | Orbit The classic game you've played on your computer now on the calculator. Get the little squares while avoiding the circles orbiting you. Only 84, sorry. Updated for 2023 TI-84+ LCDs |
 | pacman.zip | 22k | 09-03-27 |  | Pacman An adaptation of the classic Pacman for the TI-83/84. It's like having an arcade in your pocket! Zoom through 7 exciting levels and try to beat the high score. It also gets very addicting so please play responsibly! |
 | pangea.zip | 10k | 02-10-25 |  | Pangea R.P.G. -Welcome to the wonderful world of pangea- this rpg is still in the works and needs help. for more info read the included documentation. |
 | papijump.zip | 6k | 12-07-31 |  | PapiJump (2010) A clone of the popular iPhone and iPod Touch game released by Sunflat Games in 2009 is now available for the TI-83 and 84 Plus! Featuring all the graphics and menus of the original game, including acceleration (to mimic tilting the iPhone screen), a parallax scrolling background, smooth scrolling, increasing difficulty, and high scores, it's almost exactly like the original. Click on the icon next to the file name to see screenshots! Compiled with Axe Parser v0.4.4. |
 | paulsez.zip | 5k | 01-04-08 |  | Paulsez A fun game where you guess what Paul will say!(graphical) |
 | pearls.zip | 16k | 06-08-13 |  | Pearls 1.0 Pearls is a puzzle game in which you draw one continuous non-intersecting line through all of the pearls while following certain rules. |
 | pentris.zip | 8k | 08-09-15 |  | Pentris This is the game tetris, but with an interesting twist: the pieces are each made up of 5 blocks instead of 4. This makes the game more interesting, and much more challenging. |
 | phoenixz_risingmirage.zip | 84k | 06-12-10 |  | Rogue Squadron :: Phoenix Rising In this Star Wars oriented Phoenix mod, you pilot an XWing starfighter down the canyons of the death star facing off against many different enemies. |
 | phx.zip | 85k | 21-03-01 |  | Phoenix 4.4 Phoenix is an advanced shoot-em-up game for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, TI-85, and TI-86 calculators. This game has very smooth gameplay (over 30 frames per second) with many objects onscreen. Its features include many different types of enemies, many different levels, the ability to buy additional items, five possible weapons for your ship, game saving, a high score table, multiple difficulty levels, and multiple speeds, and external levels. The game only takes about 9K of your memory. It is supplied with full source code, and may be copied or modified without any restrictions. |
 | pj.zip | 15k | 06-12-24 |  | Plain Jump v 1.2 Andreas Ess' 85 game ported to Ion by Sam, now re-ported to MirageOS |
 | pokemonbattlefactory.zip | 358k | 14-08-31 |  | Pokemon Battle Factory Welcome to POKEFACT, a recreation of the Pokemon Emerald Battle Factory experience for the graphing calculator. The objective of the game is to battle your way through the ranks of the Battle Factory, swap for more powerful pokemon, and achieve the highest win streak you can get. The game features 108 types of pokemon, 434 movesets, 179 different moves, 52 unique abilities, and 28 items. I've tried to mimic the original as closely as possible, but I might add more pokemon + movesets if it makes the game more fun. If you don't want to download the >300KB source code, you can get the programs here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/boikjzixopvv1zz/POKEFACT.zip |
 | pong2.zip | 2k | 12-04-25 |  | Pong2 v2 FINAL Well, this is it, the FINAL version of my pong game. Multiplayer: up/down for right, 2nd/math for left Uniplayer: up/down for you (left) I hope you enjoy! |
 | pongrev.zip | 408k | 11-12-11 |  | PongRev This game is a revolutionary pong with 2 modes: best of 5, and a time trial, each with a separate highscore. This is more than just the normal pong, watch/play and learn :) |
 | pong_ultimate.zip | 7k | 14-11-11 |  | Pong Ultimate Multiplayer Pong with multiplayer support and 10 different PowerUps. Now with sound support |
 | pongz80.zip | 12k | 05-01-26 |  | Pong z80 ***Bearing any unforseen bugs this is the final version*** Play a classic game of pong against the ai now with three difficulty levels and three different speed levels. Or better yet grab a friend - choose from two people on one calc or on two calcs using a link and my link.8xp program (read readme for more info). Coming in at less than 2kb this is certainly a must have. |
 | pong.zip | 4k | 01-06-27 |  | EZAsm Pong v1.0 Pong made completely with EZAsm! Great speed and decent graphics and gameplay! |
 | progresn.zip | 3k | 10-05-17 |  | Progression This game is a cross between ftun and zkart. The only difference is, this game gets faster instead of narrower. Only 84, sorry. |
 | puyopuyo83.zip | 1522k | 09-11-11 |  | Puyo Puyo 83 Pop! Pop! Create chain reactions to score points in this addicting puzzle game. Play alone, or against an opponent with the link cable. In order to maximize the screen size, the game is played gamepad style (held sideways) for a unique, and comfortable gaming experience. This is by far my most ambitious project yet, featuring animated sprites, linking, multikey presses, and other advanced features. Have fun! |
 | qballmir.zip | 5k | 00-07-27 |  | QuadroBall v1.0 This is a challenging game of skill where your goal is to get to the other side of the screen and back, while you avoid hitting the 4 Balls that are moving at random speeds. You will receive 3 points for every lap you complete, and you will lose the game if you come in contact with any ball. |
 | qubic.zip | 14k | 04-01-09 |  | Qubic2: 4x4x4 TicTacToe Qubic is tic tac toe, but in three dimensions. You have to make a line of four, so there are 76 different ways to win. Auto-saving has been added. Includes a quasi-3d representation of the board, which now allows rotation. This version is for two players - well, unless you like to play against yourself. AI might come later. |
 | rage.zip | 41k | 05-02-11 |  | Super Saiya-jin Rage Several parts have been recoded for dual compilation on more than 1 platform. You can choose from Goku, SSJ Goku 3, Vegeta, SSJ Goku (GT), SSJ Adult Gohan, Frieza (hiddden), Majin Buu (hidden), Trunks, Eric Cartman (hidden), Raditz and finally, Gotenks. This has many updates for the ports. None of them crash when trying a difficulty level other than 1. Also, plz email me if you have feedback. |
 | redoxx.zip | 2k | 02-10-23 |  | Redoxx Your flying falling fun fix. A side-scrolling tunnel-esque game that accelerates you downwards, you have to accelerate up to stay aloft. |
 | repton.zip | 740k | 03-04-24 |  | Repton REPTON is an infuriatingly difficult rock-rollin' diamond-devourin' earth-eatin' monster-manglin' extravaganza combining logical thinking and arcade excitement into one huge mega-game. This game features fantastic flicker-free 4-level greyscale, external levels, a Windows based editor and much more! |
 | reversi.zip | 22k | 04-06-05 |  | Reversi (aka. Othello) 2.1 This is the board game Reversi (Othello). Includes both a two-player mode and a one-player vs. AI mode, great graphics, a save feature, and is very easy to use. This is one of two Reversi/Othello games for 83+, but the only assembly version and only graphical version. Changes in v2.1 include 1/6 smaller file size (from around 3600 bytes to under 3000!), archiving of saved games is handled by the program, and it comes with version for Ion, MirageOS, and TI-OS. |
 | rps.zip | 3k | 05-11-21 |  | Rock Paper Scissors This is my first ASM game. It is just the game rock-paper-scissors. |
 | rsnake.zip | 4k | 07-06-09 |  | Reverse Snake v1.0 This game is a Snake variant, in which you attempt to avoid dots instead of eat them and each level more dots appear and you must survive for a fixed period of time. There are three difficulty settings, and a top 3 scoreboard. (Getting a highscore in the hardest difficulty setting is denoted on the scoreboard with an asterick, "*") |
 | rubik.zip | 16k | 07-12-15 |  | Rubik's Cube 83+ A virtual Rubik's Cube with superior graphics. |
 | rushhourgreyscale1.3.zip | 12k | 08-08-24 |  | Rush Hour Greyscale Based on the popular Binary Arts game. The goal is to free your car (the one that doesn't look like the others) from the ramble of the grid by moving the other cars and trucks. Featuring 40 maps, 4-level RGP greyscale for the cars and trucks, an 8-way scrolling greyscale cursor, external level support, an on-calc level editor, and much more! |
 | rushhour.zip | 10k | 01-06-27 |  | Rush Hour v1.0 A Puzzle game where you try to get the black car out of the parking lot by repositioning the other cars; Contains 40 fantastic, fun-filled levels. |
 | scprotos01.zip | 153k | 03-05-18 |  | Starcraft :Protos (Very Beta v0.1) This is same of the game to PC but just with Protoss.You can build Sondes. |
 | set.zip | 75k | 18-01-16 |  | Set (card game) The Family Game of Visual Perception. The popular real-time card game "Set" ported to the calculator using perfect greyscale. |
 | sf2_early.zip | 17k | 02-08-02 |  | Street Fighter II Rainbow Edition (early) This great fighting game, now on your Ti-83 Plus! Very faithful to the original game. Early, non-finished version. *fixed 'arrows' bug* |
 | sf2rb.zip | 32k | 03-10-13 |  | Street Fighter 2 Rainbow Edition Updated This is an updated version of Street Fighter 2. I am not the author. I have to warn you, it has some bugs. But other wise it's pretty awesome. |
 | shaksper.zip | 9k | 05-08-31 |  | Shaksperean Insult Generator A program that generates an insult at the push of a button, Shaksperean-style. About a kilobyte smaller than my basic version, and much quicker. |
 | simcity.zip | 37k | 04-01-11 |  | SimCity 83 This is the classic SimCity game but on calculator, if you want more detail take a look on the readme. |
 | simon.zip | 5k | 00-07-25 |  | Simon The classic memorization game |
 | simul2.zip | 15k | 12-07-31 |  | Simul 2 (2011) Pong, Falldown, Avalanche, Jump, Tunnel, Obstacles—they're all classics, but have you ever tried playing four of them at once? Simul 2, first-prize winner of the extended-BASIC division of zContest 3, is a complete remake of my original game Simul, entry and third-place winner in the Omnimaga 2010 programming contest. Like the first version, this is a game of multitasking: try your hand at playing one, then two, then three and four randomized games at the same time, on the same screen. Featuring a completely redesigned interface and game controls, as well as high scores, three speeds, and new graphics, the new version promises to be much more playable and much more fun. Good luck; you'll need it. Compiled with Axe Parser v0.5.3b. |
 | skate.zip | 63k | 02-10-08 |  | Skate - Update A game with little point but can get quite addictive- you, a skater have to jump up stairs, up ramps, over railings and crates and just not stop. Try to do this in the best time! (Mine is 74- the best you can get). Controls are easy- 2nd/Up to jump, and Alpha/Down to crouch before a jump to get 'major air'. Try it! Note- this is an update to fix the problem in TI connect that stopped it from being sent! |
 | skirmish.zip | 18k | 03-05-26 |  | Skirmish v1.01 Skirmish is a two-player, turn-based tactics game for your calculator. It includes four different unit types on a 16*16 board. Moves and attacks have little animations. |
 | slime.zip | 9k | 10-03-29 |  | Slime Soccer Ever play that game on the internet called slime soccer? Well now you can play it on your calculator, either against an human opponent, or an ai. All for under 2000 bytes! |
 | sm_12.zip | 5k | 04-04-06 |  | Submarin 1.2 My first game, it's a sub-marin that you must control with the up arrow. Many options and a highscore. |
 | sm_15.zip | 89k | 04-06-11 |  | Sous-Marin v1.5 (Sound) A small Sub-Marin, it's the update of SM_1.2. With sound and options |
 | sn00d.zip | 22k | 02-02-25 |  | Sn00d v1.3 Sn00d is a clone of Snood for the PC, which similar to Bust A Move. |
 | snake.zip | 33k | 11-02-18 |  | Snake Classik The classic SNAKE. 10 various Speeds with a Highscore from each of them. (sorry for my bad English) |
 | solytare.zip | 16k | 00-07-25 |  | Solytare v2.11 Clone of the classic card game Solitaire. Features one or three card draw and a fast moving arrow which acts as your mouse. |
 | spacedash.zip | 1573k | 10-09-25 |  | Space Dash 1.2 Tis is a sidescrolling platformer. Manage your spaceship speeder through the strange world you find yourself in. Jump over, double jump over, and blow up obstacles in your path. Features streamlined graphics, 3 lvl flickerless grayscale, parallax scrolling, highschore saving, custom fonts, and much more! |
 | sqrxz.zip | 104k | 00-08-29 |  | Sqrxz v1.2 A platform game similar to Mario. |
 | ssrv1.0.zip | 2k | 03-11-30 |  | Sniper Stress Reliever v1.0 A most pointless program where you blow holes in your calculator's screen. |
 | starwarspodracer.zip | 5k | 06-07-17 |  | Star Wars Pod Racer 1.0 Star Wars Pod Racer is a race type game where you try your best to dodge the onslaught of on-coming rocks. The purpose of the game is to survive as long as you can without crashing into any of them. |
 | stigma.zip | 70k | 02-11-20 |  | Stigma Stigma - the insane ball-bearing game - should keep you crazy, trying to beat the infuriating 25 levels. Watch out for slippery blocks, arrow blocks, whirlpools, black holes and falling into space... based on an original game of the Psion 3. |
 | tetrism.zip | 118k | 24-06-16 |  | Tetris Marathon I believe that this is the highest quality tetris for the 84. Featuring: 4 level flickerless grayscale, drop shadow, holding, 5 block queue, 7 bag random, saving games, and 15 levels. Only 84, sorry. Updated for 2023 TI-84+ LCDs. |
 | thisistheonlylevel.zip | 43k | 16-03-21 |  | This is the Only Level The elephant forgot the rest of the levels, but luckily he still has one left! Help him beat it in all his metagaming glory. Use your keen knowledge of gaming and dexterity to manhandle your way through a variety of challenges. Get your mind out of the box for once! Take it outside for a walk, or maybe grab a bite to eat with it. Oh, and beat the level. There's only one. From the world of Armor Games to the portability of your TI calculator! |
 | ticross.zip | 31k | 06-09-24 |  | TIcross TIcross is a version of the classic logic puzzle game picross. Unlike other versions of picross available, this version places emphasis on logical solution rather than timed play. Also unlike other versions which use smaller puzzle sizes, TIcross puzzles are a large 15x15 pixels. |
 | tigt.zip | 6k | 04-01-26 |  | Ti-Rally GT Ti-Rally GT is a very cool racing game on which ive been working on for quite a while. It is a very big step forward from the Adv. Racer series. This is version 0.1 so im looking for lots of feedback, and hopefully will be done with the game soon. |
 | tinycarz.zip | 518k | 06-10-10 |  | Tiny CarZ TiNY carZ is a car game, with a bird-eye view. It has nice graphics, (not just a white track and black grass) using my own tilemapping scrolling routine. It is a fact an evolution of tinycar: but a big evolution: an AI was added, and many options, like a link mode. So now you may challenge 7 other cars driven by the AI, or DUEL your friend with another calc and a link cable. |
 | tower83p.zip | 83k | 01-06-15 |  | Alien Breed: Tower Assault v1.4 An 8-way scrolling shoot-'em-up game :) Take control of your Space Marine and attempt to eradicate the pesky alien breed that has taken control of an entire colony! Includes 20 levels, multiple weapons/enemies and more! |
 | tower_defense.zip | 4k | 10-03-20 |  | Tower Defense A Castle needs defending! Build up your defenses against the enemies! A classic Tower Defense Game with 8 different maps, 9 Different upgradable Towers, and 10 different enemies. |
 | tower.zip | 5k | 00-08-13 |  | The Tower of Hanoi The classic puzzle with a new twist |
 | trogdor.zip | 842k | 03-07-11 |  | Trogdor v.55 I just updated the title screen and it uses vert decompression. That's about it |
 | tron.zip | 4k | 02-03-28 |  | Tron v1.2 A simple single-calc, two-player game where you maneuver two lines around the screen, trying to make your opponent crash before you do. |
 | tvfbeta.zip | 759k | 05-01-01 |  | The Verdante Forest RPG: The Final Tale This version includes a bugfix for chapter 4. If you are currently playing TVF use the new chapter 4,5,6,7 from this version. Don't use the new TVF engine, it will overwrite your savegames! |
 | tvf.zip | 137k | 02-10-12 |  | The Verdante Forest: Arkaine's Arrival The faith of the world will soon be decided. Two decades ago, a great evil came to Verdante, he goes by the name of Lord Arkaine. Everywhere he came, he spread hate, war and betrayal. Now the deminion of evil grows even stronger. Lord Arkaine invaded the last haven in Verdante, The Verdante Forest. His minions slaughter everyone, only the ones who are strong enough survive. A boy Crono, has always lived peacefully between the oak trees, and cranberry bushes of the Verdante Forest. One night the town elder Rigel gets kidnapped by Lord Arkaine's henchmen, they demand the immediate fall of the Verdante Forest, everyone who has survived should give up their resistance, or else Rigel will die a painfull death. Now it's up to you to decide the faith of The Verdante Forest. Arkaine as a powerfull evil, by whom it takes more than pure battle strenght to beat him. |
 | ufoattack.zip | 17k | 03-04-24 |  | UFO Attack! Based on a Java applet somewhere out there on the web, the idea is to fire guided missiles (guided, that is by the left and right arrow keys) at descending Alien craft. If they land, it's GAME OVER time... |
 | veloxchannel.zip | 106k | 07-02-18 |  | Velox Channel 1.0 The name is a synonym for "Fast Tunnel", which is appropriate, because that's what it's based on. This is my first ASM game, so please comment! Controls are self-explanatory. Depending on how you guys like it, there might come more versions. |
 | vpoker.zip | 11k | 01-07-15 |  | Video Poker v1.1 A Video Poker game for MirageOS! The latest version fixes a bug that sometimes caused an overflow error on startup. |
 | wolf.zip | 129k | 03-03-25 |  | Wolfenstein83 No it's not one of those slow and unplayable basic games. This is a real-time 3d-raycaster based on the game by id. Also includes an on-calc mapeditor. |
 | xball.zip | 5k | 00-08-28 |  | XBall v2.0 A twisted and addicting brakeout. |
 | yahtzee.zip | 14k | 01-07-16 |  | Yahtzee v1.3 Yahtzee for MirageOS. Version 1.3 includes several bugfixes and enhancements. |
 | zcasino.zip | 53k | 01-03-02 |  | ZCasino Play some casino game in an virtual casino |
 | zmschronotrigger83.zip | 5k | 04-01-31 |  | Chrono Trigger Chrono Trigger for the 83+ v.0.02 Read the Read Me and EMAIL ME suggestions, the more help the sooner the final product comes. |
 | zrox.zip | 127k | 10-05-18 |  | Z-Rox This is a very challenging game where you must identify the item being scanned one line at a time. If you get addicted to this game, it will consume about 5 hours of your life. This is a port from newgrounds.com. |
 | ztetris.zip | 16k | 00-07-27 |  | ZTetris v1.1 The Best Tetris for the TI-83 Plus. |
 | ztris.zip | 11k | 02-03-04 |  | ZTris v1.3 Simply the best 1 and 2 player Tetris game for your calculator. Runs on both the TI83 Plus and TI83 Plus Silver Edition. Features link play between different types of calculators (both players get the same pieces!), 21 levels, high scores, teacher key, 16 different background patterns, and pausing. (successor of the famous ZTetris) |