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Last updated Saturday, 30 May 2015
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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs
advpixls.zip10k00-09-03File is not ratedAdvanced Pixle-list v1.3
Advanced Pixle v1.3 allows you to store pictures into a list, you can make nice graphics while the pixels come one at the time! You can use the list with zplotr (included) to use it in other programs! The program is easy to use. Check it out!!
allsete.zip27k15-05-30File is not ratedALLSETe
Press ENTER and the Program 1. Clears lists L1, L2, L3 and moves their contents to L4, L5, L6, just in case the data needs to be used later, 2. Clears TABLE, 3. Clears DRAW, 4. Removes conflicts between graphs and plots, 5. Resets some default settings that another program, or you, may have changed. Use ALLSET for the above, or anytime something seems wrong with the calculator.
aln_imagecodec.zip10k02-03-12File is not ratedALN Image Codec
On-calc image compressor / decompressor with many features. Store as many images as your calc can hold!
answer.zip3k99-08-07File is not ratedNumber to String Converter
Converts a real number into a string.
automode83.zip1k04-04-11File is not ratedautomode
this small utillity changes your modes and options to optimize your calc for better functioning.
backup.zip1k99-10-09File is not ratedCos Backup v1.0
This is a backup utility program. Sometimes you accidently overwrite your strings that you wanted, so you use COS Backup and it backs it up into a data variable.
batt.zip1k00-10-29File is not ratedBetterie Tester / Battry Tester
Testeur de batterie se servant du contrast de l'écran pour évaluer la durée des batteries. / English version cooming soon! Sorry!
bench83.zip1k11-11-14File is not ratedBenchmark 83
This program runs a series of loops to compare speeds with other devices.
calcgear.zip2k00-12-01File is not ratedCalc Gear
This is a tool that has chat features, garbage empty, and passcode feature.
calc.zip1k97-09-06File is not ratedMini Calculator for Aurora
calshell.zip1k98-01-21File is not ratedCalculator Shell (AShell83 Compatible)
cleaner.zip1k00-02-08File is not ratedCleaner 4.1
This is a program that sets your TI right (degree).
cleanup.zip1k02-08-02File is not ratedCleanup v2.0
Finally It's here, the update of Cleanup v1.0, now It's smaller, faster and better.
clean.zip1k99-05-02File is not ratedClean
Fixes problems that basic games can create with graphs and other things.
cloktest.zip1k98-04-09File is not ratedClock Speed Test
clrzoom.zip1k99-09-17File is not ratedClear Zoom v1.0
Adjusts the current graph window so that tracing produces numbers with less or no decmal places.
converts.zip4k05-07-28File is not ratedConverts v1.21
Three compact conversion programs, the biggest one with 820 conversions in eleven categories, the same as the built in program for the 85 and 86 calcs, with two extra units.
cosst.zip4k99-09-27File is not ratedCos 5 Standard v5.2
This is the most you can get out of a OS. A calendar, password protection, program menus, GUI, and a lot more.
delete.zip1k99-07-29File is not ratedDelete
A program that deletes variables, lists, matrices, GBD's, Strings , etc. (Not pics or programs)
delvar.zip1k99-01-19File is not ratedDelVar v6.9
hackvars.zip69k03-03-07File is not ratedHACKVARS
This program lets you use more than 10 strings! Picture variables supported! Most (if not all types) variable types supported! A must have for all TI-83 Plus BASIC programmers! Download this program NOW!!!
hideapic.zip4k03-08-03File is not ratedHide-A-Pic Image Security
Closet pervert? Security-minded? Worry no more about the safety of your images!
listsave.zip1k01-05-30File is not ratedList Save
Are you tired of you programs charector stats being easily changed? If so download this program and use it as your save and load sequence. It stores all the variables to a list which is then archived. This makes it almost impossible to accidently erase your saved game. It also means you can have other games that require variables to save game. It is also harder to hack because most people don't know how to alter lists.
list.zip1k00-03-22File is not ratedList
A cool program that will make a wierd list on your calculator. It will not screw up your calculator.
listzip.zip1k00-09-24File is not ratedListZip v1.5
Converts a list into a string.
memboost.zip1k00-11-13File is not ratedMemboost 83 v1.0
Free unused memory used by basic programs and users. Has "Garbage Collecting" like the TI-83 plus.
memdel2.zip1k03-03-23File is not ratedMemDel
I have a TI-34 II Explorer Calculator that has 5 memories.There is a function for deleting these, so I thought why not design a number memory deletion program for the TI-83 Plus S.E. So I did It has 3 menu items, Yes, No, Version. Yes deletes all real number memories No, exits. Version shows the version and exits. Simple!
memedit.zip2k00-09-24File is not ratedMemEdit/View v1.0
A nifty little program that lets you view/edit your 82,83,or 83p's memory-in BASIC. Using this program you can change program names and other cool stuff.
memmaker.zip1k00-06-27File is not ratedMemmaker
Clears out variables to make space.
memplus.zip1k04-06-01File is not ratedMemPlus
This program can free up memory even if all your vars are empty!
mstr.zip3k00-08-22File is not ratedMulti-String v1.2
Allows your calc to hold (in a way) all the strings it can. For more info read the readme.
mt.zip1k00-03-02File is not ratedMem-Test v1
Mem-Test for Basic83
nbstring83.zip1k04-06-25File is not ratedNBSTRING
The unique Program wich convert a number into a string!!!
num2str.zip1k07-08-20File is not ratedNumber-to-String (Update)
It's a BASIC number-to-string converter. Fast as ever and now smaller with a bug fix...Special thanks to Anders Tiberg
numuti1.zip1k01-03-08File is not ratedNumber Utility 1
Have you ever been making a math program and needed to know the length of a variable so that you could correctly space some other text? Well, now you can with Number Utility 1. The program does exactly what length( does with strings. It is basically for you to use in your programs. It includes the actual code that finds the length of the number inputted and an example of usage. This is a must have!!
numuti2.zip1k01-03-08File is not ratedNumber Utility 2
Number Utility 2 acts just like sub( does with strings. It'll give display a digit or digits from a number that you input. Just enter the number, the starting digit, and the length you want, and it'll give you the digit(s).
piclist83.zip1k03-04-15File is not ratedPicList v1.0
This handy program lets you store pictures as lists, saving memory and freeing up some of the ten default pictures on the calculator. Simply run the program, select whether to convert a picture to a list or a list back to a picture, and the program will do the rest for you. Useful - check out the screenshots!
picture.zip1k97-06-04File is not ratedPicture Save
Picture Saver
protector83.zip2k03-06-09File is not ratedPROTECTOR
With this program, you can protect and unprotect your programs on your TI-83. A TI-83 Plus version is coming soon! You cant't run it on your 83plus, because there are somthing in ASM. Enjoy it, it's very helpfull!
protect.zip1k00-04-04File is not ratedPassword
A cool program which is able to protect/unprotect any TI-83 program by only entering the program title
qpad.zip2k99-12-05File is not ratedQPad v1.0
QPad is SiCoDe's smallest string editor - under 200 bytes.
rclpic.zip1k99-11-14File is not ratedRclPic
Recall a sequence of pictures.
reboot.zip1k00-10-05File is not ratedReboot/delete vars
Very useful basic function. Delete all vars.
recovery.zip1k99-10-09File is not ratedCos Personal Emergency Recovery System v1.0
This program is for COS Personal 1.0. This recovers the setup/registry code to reinstall COS Personal.
scramble.zip1k00-03-31File is not ratedScramble v1.0
Scrambles a string.
stringutilities.zip2k01-08-04File is not ratedString Utilities
Some utilities to change string to list and back to string again, and 2 different methods of encryption and decryption.
syscheck83.zip1k04-01-08File is not rated[Doors CS v4.0] System Check v1.0
This handy program uses the built-in tools provided by Doors CS v4.0 to give an in-depth analysis of your calculator's system status. It displays available RAM, battery charge level, hardware specs, number of programs, and whether you have a background installed. Great for quick access to this vital information!
systmchk.zip1k00-08-20File is not ratedSystem Checker
This is a little program I made that runs binary code across the screen and tells you that your system is ok!!!
tenchiadefault83.zip1k03-01-01File is not ratedADefault
This simple program was given to me by my math grade teacher. All you have to do is run the program which takes less then 1 secs, and it will reset your calculator back to the normal settings, to prevent any errors. A great program to help you during test to clear you calculator quickly.
tierra_su.zip8k04-05-21File is not ratedTierra SU
A very useful utilities program that features lock/unlock programs, lowercase letters, games, programs, passwords, and much more.
ti_wordsort.zip19k03-05-07File is not ratedTI Word Sorters
This package contains the wordsort program for the TI-83, TI-83+, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and V200.
tpad.zip2k99-09-25File is not ratedTPad v1.4
SiCoDe's compact string editor.
vrsearch83.zip1k01-05-31File is not ratedVariable Search Utility 83
This is a utility most useful to either programmers or cheaters. It searches all of the letter variables for the number that you enter. 83 Plus version is MirageOs compatable.
wp83.zip1k03-03-31File is not ratedWinPic
WinPic is a picture viewer for the TI-83 Plus and S.E. It can archive, unarchive, delete and view picture files. It is the best image viewer you can get! The only bug can't be fixed is that the calc terminates it if it tries to access a pic in the Archive. This verison is for the 83.
zclnswp.zip1k00-01-16File is not ratedClean Sweep
A subroutine called by some of Kiros Lionheart's programs necessary to run them.

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