| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83 BASIC Files |
| development | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools) |
| encryption | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Encryption) |
| gametools | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Game Tools) |
| info | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Informational, Texts) |
| language | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Language) |
| linking | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Linking, Chat) |
| money | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Money) |
| password | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Password) |
| pim | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Personal Information Management) |
| productivity | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Productivity) |
| shells | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells) |
| simulation | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Simulations, Emulators) |
| time | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Time) |
| utils | folder | | TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities) |
 | abnzip.zip | 1k | 00-04-29 |  | ABN This program will determine the validity of an abn. (Australian business number). |
 | barcodev10.zip | 1k | 97-10-21 |  | Barcode 1.0 Generates barcodes from sets of user inputed numbers |
 | baseballstat.zip | 1k | 04-05-16 |  | Baseball Stat Finder Have you ever needed to find a batting average and you couldn't remember how? This program has every essential baseball stat. |
 | basicpacks.zip | 34k | 05-12-31 |  | Basic Packs 1 - 3 A series of packs that includes some of my earliest programming attempts at TI-83 Basic. |
 | bc83.zip | 5k | 02-04-23 |  | Biorhythm Calculator v15.0 The first, best and the most accurate biorhythm calculator for the TI-83 and TI-83 Plus. (Doesn't use dbd() function). Learn your body state. Refer to readme for more information on biorhythms. It's extremely small in size when compared with its functions. |
 | bio.zip | 1k | 01-02-09 |  | Biorhythm Program A program that plots your biorhythm |
 | cameraint.zip | 1k | 12-11-16 |  | TI-83/84 Camera Intervalometer A simple program to use your calculator as an intervalometer for your camera with a 2.5mm remote plug. Tested on the Canon EOS 300D, T2i and T3i and with the TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84 and TI-84+ SE. |
 | chdfnd83.zip | 2k | 00-04-09 |  | Chord Finder 83 Displays guitar chord fingerings. |
 | chinzod.zip | 1k | 03-03-05 |  | Chinese Zodiac Simple Chinese Zodiac program for Newbies to learn how to code in BASIC, Type in your birthyear, and it returns Sign. |
 | clairvoy.zip | 2k | 00-04-15 |  | Clairvoyance Test 83 A cool program that gives you a clairvoyance test. |
 | cpucalc.zip | 1k | 03-07-12 |  | CPU Calc V1.10 The CPU Calc can calculate the effiency of your computer by entering in how many TeraFLOPs your computer can do in a certain amount of time. NOTE: CPU Calc V1.10 fixes a major equation bug that previously would net an inaccurate value. V1.10 also adds a CPU dedication percent which varies the clock speed you enter. |
 | decisn83.zip | 1k | 07-01-13 |  | Decision Maker The TI-OSCOC Decision Maker for the TI 83 (PLUS). It helps you with important decisions in your life. Enjoy! |
 | dotcom.zip | 1k | 00-10-29 |  | The Dotcominator Oops, the last one had a small bug that didn't let it work....Now it correctly makes up a random domain name |
 | falcon.zip | 2k | 00-06-25 |  | Falcon.net v5.00 This is my newest version of this series. Please refer to the documentation for more information. |
 | funprogrampack.zip | 1k | 07-05-16 |  | Fun Program Pack Have you ever been called a loser, but couldn't think up of a comeback? Just pull out the Shakespearean Insult Generator and rain insults upon your victim! Has a teacher ever called on you and you didn't know the answer? Just use the Wisdom Generator and sound so smart, you'll blow them away! This pack of programs contains a Shakespearean Insult Generator, a Wisdom Generator, and a useful prime number program. |
 | gtabber.zip | 1k | 99-12-30 |  | G-Tabber v0.1 G-Tabber is a simple, yet powerul and useful tool for any guitarist or musician. It allows the entry and saving of up to 10 screens of tablature on a standard 6 string guitar. The user interface is easy-to-understand, and saving and viewing tabs is quick and simple. G-Tabber v0.1 has complete support for every note and/or chord you can play (excluding special actions). |
 | guitar.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 |  | Guitar Chords 83 A quick program that will help you memorize some basic guitar chords. |
 | hex_rgb.zip | 2k | 98-08-01 |  | Hex & RGB Color Converter v3.0 Converts RGB and Hex color values back and forth |
 | imhot.zip | 1k | 99-12-22 |  | Hot Cross Buns A sing-along of Hot Cross Buns with your calculator playing the music. |
 | ipv4calc_83_83_84.zip | 91k | 09-11-06 |  | IPv4Calc IPv4 address calculator. With an IPv4 address and netmask or suffix the program calculates the network address, broadcast address, netmask, suffix (CIDR), network class, first host address, last host address, number hosts and number of networks. |
 | iq.zip | 1k | 98-11-23 |  | IQ Test v1.4 |
 | keyboard83.zip | 1k | 03-03-14 |  | Onscreen Keyboard v0.5 beta This is a program that I am working on that lets you type using an onscreen keyboard. Check it out! |
 | lcars7.2.b.zip | 7k | 05-03-09 |  | Lcars7.2.b Lcars 7.2.b is only a convert for the ti 83 LCARS for the 83 as you've never seen it! Randomized output. Insta-Kill features. Smaller Editor. Better Graphics. The Best LCARS from Ryan White Ever! |
 | lcars83.zip | 19k | 04-04-18 |  | LCARS - Ship Database 83 This program allows you to check the name, registry number, and class of star ship from Star Trek. Please check the screen shots in the readme and in the zip file. |
 | marksprograms.zip | 1k | 02-06-19 |  | My Programs These two are my first basic programs they a kind of good and reals easy to make. Watch out for some better ones. |
 | mp3-calc.zip | 1k | 99-12-28 |  | MP3 Calculator Calculates size of an MP3 based on inputted bitrate and length. |
 | musicvwr83.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | TI-Music Viewer v1.0 This extraordinary program lets you create, store, and view music on your calculator - in actual graphical mode and with sharps and flats, without using pictures! You can create a piece of music of unlimited length on your calculator, save it, and then retrieve it at any time. You can review and flip through the piece page by page, even playing the music directly from the screen. If you are a serious musician and calculator user, this program is for you! Look for revisions that allow for multiple file saving, and perhaps even MIDI-type playback of files! |
 | navigatedutchti83.zip | 103k | 05-01-28 |  | Navigate! '05.30 Dutch Navigate! the celestial and coastal navigation program for yachts. Includes a Dutch user guide. The program became even better then the 04.26 version due to the feedback by Ticalc users. You'll find a big program that uses nearly all your memory with a real user guide. On request of profesional users (from all over the world!) there are some additions / changes compared to 04.26. Also available in English on this site. |
 | navigateenglishti83.zip | 310k | 05-01-04 |  | Navigate! '05.30 English version Navigate! the celestial and coastal navigation program for yachts. Includes an English user guide (32 pages). The program became even better then the 04.26 version due to the feedback by Ticalc users. You'll find a big program that uses nearly all your memory with a real user guide. On request of profesional users (from all over the world!) there are some additions / changes compared to 04.26 |
 | navigatetimepatch83.zip | 5k | 04-05-10 |  | Navigate! time patch for Stars Patch file for Navigate! '04.26. The coastal and celestial navigation program for yachts. These files make celestial Star options usable in other years. This patch file is language independent, so it can be used in the English and Dutch version of Navigate! '04.26. |
 | nerdism83.zip | 1k | 03-04-07 |  | Nerdism Factor v1.0 Find your nerdism factor! Enter the number of programming languages that you know, the number of calculating devices you have (computers, PDAs, graphing calculators), and the number of years you have been programming; it will give you your nerdism factor. |
 | nettrafficcalc_83_83_84.zip | 35k | 10-05-02 |  | NetTrafficCalc Network Traffic Calculator. The programm can calculate how long a transmission will last, how much data can be transmitted in a certain time and what the bandwidth of a certain transmission is. |
 | phonspel.zip | 1k | 04-01-03 |  | Phone Spell v1.0 This program will input any phone number up to 16 digits in length and tells you the alphabetical values for each digit. That way, you could figure out what your phone number spells. |
 | povray.zip | 1k | 98-04-16 |  | Povray v1.12 |
 | programs.zip | 4k | 00-09-17 |  | Word processor, Clock, Ect. Advanced Word Processor, StopWatch, Password protection program and more! |
 | psychic.zip | 3k | 98-11-29 |  | Psychic Helper v1.0 Tells you your future using your birth info |
 | reflex.zip | 1k | 99-12-02 |  | Reflex Tester v1.0 Test your reflexes. |
 | scripturemastery83.zip | 47k | 02-11-25 |  | Scripture Mastery v. 1.0 Scripture Mastery for the Standard Works. Check readme for some more info. |
 | serveros.zip | 1k | 00-10-09 |  | Server OS A basic server program where three different users can do math problems, check users status and set up users. |
 | simload.zip | 1k | 02-11-25 |  | Simload This is a simple program that will tell you how long a download will take at a file size and download speed you specify. |
 | targhart.zip | 1k | 02-11-01 |  | Target Heart Rate Finder v1.0 This is my longest program so far (I just recently started programming). This program tells you your maximum heart rate and target heart rate range based on your pulse and your age which you input in a fairly simple format. Feel free to e-mail me with questions, coments, and/or criticisms at Minime72@aol.com. |
 | tiarchitecte.zip | 1k | 07-07-01 |  | TI-Architecte TI-Architecte vous permet de calculer des surfaces (totales, habitables) de maisons, pièce par pièce (différentes formes possibles) avec ajout de terrasse (si vous voulez). Un txt est inclus. TI-Architecte can calculate houses surfaces (total, livable), room after room (differents shapes possible), with an extra-option: terrace (if you want). Text included! |
 | tools.zip | 4k | 03-06-22 |  | Tools Tools is a basic program. You can choose between 5 tools:Easypic, Negative, Screensaver, Body Mass Index, *day |
 | transport83.zip | 1k | 01-06-16 |  | transport83 |
 | trialanderror83.zip | 2k | 03-01-12 |  | Trial and error A nine stamps problem for the Post Office. A trial and error problem. |
 | weighme.zip | 1k | 03-12-03 |  | Health Calculations 83+ Health equation solver for any NYS 11th grade Health course. See readme for details. |