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Last updated Sunday, 15 January 2006
Total downloads 65,256
Most popular file  Name Combiner v0.1 with 6,848 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs
conjug.zip1k00-12-01File is not ratedSpanish Verb Conjugator
Are you in Spanish 1,2 or 3??? Well then you will love this easy to use conjugator make by the basic king: Jake Rude. And if you are sick of trying to remember them damn verb endings like I am download this program and E-mail me and tell me what you think!!!
espanol.zip1k99-10-30File is not ratedEspañol v1.0
A tool for conjugating both present and preterite tense verbs in Spanish.
francais.zip1k99-11-05File is not ratedFrançais v1.0
This program helps to conjugate regular present tense French Verbs.
french.zip1k00-09-08File is not ratedFrench Tutor
A small program that you can use to translate the French into English or English into French. Has a few bugs but it is pretty fun.
futhark.zip2k03-08-08File is not ratedElder Futhark Translator v1.0
This program is the first known program for the 83(+) that translates our Phoenecian alphabet into another alphabet that isn't already programmed into the calculator. Check it out! This file contains programs for both the 83 and 83+.
germanconjugation83.zip4k02-07-07File is not ratedGerman Conjugation 83
Conjugates 75 German verbs. English translation is included in program to help double as dictionary.
italiano.zip1k99-11-02File is not ratedItaliano v1.1
This program conjugates regular present tense Italian verbs.
latincnj.zip1k02-10-12File is not ratedLatin Verb Conjugator
Conjugates Latin verbs, including irregular verbs such as "esse" and "ire."
latin.zip4k98-06-02File is not ratedLatin!
morse83.zip3k00-03-01File is not ratedMorse 83
Utility to translate morse into text and text into morse
name.zip1k99-02-02File is not ratedName Combiner v0.1
Combines two names into one.
piglatin2.zip1k00-07-14File is not ratedPig Latin Converter v1.10
This program converts any word you input into Pig Latin.
piglatin.zip2k00-05-15File is not ratedPig Latin v1.0
Type a word and it translates to Pig Latin
romedate.zip1k00-04-13File is not ratedEnglish to Roman Date Converter
This program is for Latin students that need to write a date in Roman style. It will convert, for example, "April 11th" to "ante diem III Idus Apriles".
spanish2.zip2k00-11-02File is not ratedSpanish 1 Verbs
a simple flash card program with 120 spanish 1 verbs
spanishirregularverbconju.zip7k06-01-15File is not ratedSpanish Irregular Present Tense Conjugator
A comprehensive program conataining 45 verb conjugations in the present tense, as having them in all of their tenses would be a massive program. This should help any Spanish student. Let me know if you find any bugs, although I've checked it already.
spnhelp3.zip1k99-12-24File is not ratedSpanish Helper 2000
This Is The Best And Only Spanish Helper Out There We Hope You Like It It Will Help With Anything About Spanish
spnhelp.zip1k99-12-24File is not ratedSpanish Helper 2000
This Is The Best And Only Spanish Helper Out There We Hope You Like It It Will Help With Anything About Spanish
vocab83.zip2k99-01-22File is not ratedVocabulary v1.0
vocab.zip2k01-03-25File is not ratedVocabulary v1.1
This program functions as a custom dictionary, which is especially useful for translations.

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