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Last updated Monday, 1 February 1999
Total downloads 559,940
Most popular file  [Ash 3.0+] Orzunoid v6.0 with 8,417 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-82 Assembly Source
all_phps.asm4k98-07-06File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Test All RC5 Codes with the IR Link v1.2
ark11.zip12k98-02-22File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Ark! v1.1
ascii-82.asm1k97-07-11File is not rated[Ash 2.0] TI-82 ASCII Set
avalanche.asm20k97-11-27File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Avalanche v1.1
baseball.asm30k99-01-04File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Baseball '99 v1.1
battmax.asm1k97-09-07File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Battery Max v1.0
battsave2.asm1k97-12-10File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Battery Saver II
bd82.asm12k98-03-01File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] BreakDance!
bd.zip12k98-09-07File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] BoulderDash v1.0
binlnk82.asm5k98-07-06File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] BinLink v1.0
Send and Receive data through the link port in binary.
bjack.asm20k98-12-14File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] BlackJack v1.0
blkbustr.asm11k98-12-23File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Blockbuster v3.11
bounce.asm3k97-08-26File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Bounce v1.1
boxworld.asm6k97-12-15File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] BoxWorld v1.0
brick.asm26k97-12-30File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Brick Maze v1.0
brix82.asm16k98-12-14File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Brix 82 v0.1 Beta
bs2com.asm3k98-07-31File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] BASIC Stamp2 Communicator v1.0
A program that allows you to send single command bytes from the TI 82 to the BASIC Stamp2.
calcoff.asm1k97-08-23File is not rated[Ash 2.0] Calcoff v0.1
chartest.asm3k97-08-26File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Chartest v1.1
chase82.asm14k98-03-01File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] The Chase v0.9
chicken.zip7k98-02-22File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Chicken Shoot v1.1 (unstable beta)
diamonds.asm29k98-01-05File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Diamonds v1.3 Beta
djm.asm10k97-09-02File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Dumb Jumping Man v1.1
donkey.asm46k98-06-05File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Donkey Kong v1.0 Beta
dstar.asm17k97-10-19File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] DStar v1.0
duckhunt.asm32k98-03-06File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] DuckHunt 82z v1.2a
dump82.asm1k97-07-01File is not rated[Ash 2.0] Dump82 v1.0
ezcmp.zip4k98-03-13File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] EZCMP Compression
frogguts.asm28k98-01-30File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] FrAWgGutS v1.21
fx.asm1k97-08-26File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] FX Screen Reverser v1.1
galaxia2.asm59k98-05-22File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Galaxian v3.0 with Autofire Patch
galaxian.asm65k98-04-14File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Galaxian v3.0
graph.asm1k97-07-15File is not rated[Ash 2.0] Graph Buffer Test 1
greylib.zip2k97-08-26File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] GreyLib v1.1
greytest.zip4k98-02-23File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] GreyTest v1.1
hello.asm1k97-07-11File is not rated[Ash 2.0] Hello World
hexedita.zip2k98-03-03File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] HexEditor v1.2
hexview2.asm4k97-08-23File is not rated[Ash 2.0] HexView v0.1
hexwork.asm6k98-02-22File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Hex Workshop 82 v1.0
hide.asm2k97-12-08File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Program Hider v1.0
int82.asm3k97-08-26File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] IntTest82 v1.0
irchat82.asm12k98-06-25File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] InfraRed Chat v0.12
ir_ttt82.asm7k98-06-25File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Tic-Tac-Toe using the IR Link
keycodes.asm1k97-07-11File is not rated[Ash 2.0] Getkey Codes
keyfind.asm1k97-09-07File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Keyfinder v1.0
keytest.asm1k97-08-23File is not rated[Ash 2.0] Keytest v1.0
knight.asm11k98-08-01File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Knight Moves v1.2
lander.asm21k97-12-30File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Lunar Lander II
life.asm5k98-03-26File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Life v1.1
linkport.zip1k98-06-02File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] LinkTest (link port status)
lo.zip22k98-02-22File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Lites Out v1.0
marin.asm12k98-03-11File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Marin-The-Movie v1.1
master82.asm25k97-10-25File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Master-Mind
medit82.asm3k97-09-07File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] MemEdit 82 v1.0
mines82.asm37k98-08-14File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Minesweeper v2.2
noprogs.asm17k98-01-19File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Where Are My Progs? v1.1
orzunoid.asm48k98-11-10File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Orzunoid v6.0
pacman99.asm39k98-12-23File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Pac-Man 99 v0.5
pente10a.zip8k98-05-31File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Pente v1.0 Alpha
per_tabl.asm7k98-01-09File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Matt Maurano's Periodic Table v1.2
pj82.asm26k98-09-26File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Plain Jump v1.0
Source code to Plain Jump v1.0. Ported from the TI-85 by Sam Heald. A game where you must steer your ball over a 3D plane with lots of holes. Features a teacher key, a high score function, a custom level, an on-calc level editor, and a lite version.
playwav.zip9k98-02-23File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] PlayWav v0.1
poker82.asm64k98-02-08File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] The Ultimate Poker v3
pong.asm17k97-07-17File is not rated[Ash 2.0] Pong v1.3
prime.asm2k98-01-01File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Prime v1.2
protec82.asm3k98-05-31File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] TI-82 Protector
ptmccord.asm7k98-07-09File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] John McCord's Periodic Table v1.6
rec80_82.asm6k98-07-06File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] REC80 Remote Control for the IR Link
Control all device that uses the REC80 in their remote.
rec80e82.asm6k98-07-06File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] REC80 Extended Remote Control for the IR Link
Control all device that uses the REC80 in their remote.
remote82.asm9k98-06-25File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] IR Remote
Inteligent Remote Control for the IR Link
rom82.asm2k98-03-17File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] ROM Dumper v2.1
romvirus.asm1k97-07-11File is not rated[Ash 2.0] ROM Virus v1.0
rterm82.zip3k98-02-23File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] RTerm v0.4
safecalc.asm2k98-03-07File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Safe-T-Calc v1.1
samegame.zip11k98-02-22File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] SameGame v1.3
showpic.asm1k97-08-26File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] ShowPic v1.1
sierpin.asm1k97-12-21File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Sierpinski Triangle v1.0
slippy.asm22k98-07-23File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Slippy v1.11
solytare.zip10k98-05-28File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Solytare v2.11
Source code to Solytare v2.11. Clone of the classic card game Solitaire. Features one or three card draw and a fast moving arrow which acts as your mouse.
sqrxz82.z8084k98-05-17File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Sqrxz 82 Beta 2
squarexl.asm12k99-01-11File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Squarez XL
squarez.asm12k99-02-01File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Squarez v1.3
tron.asm12k97-08-06File is not rated[Ash 2.0] Deutsch TRON v1.0
turbo.asm1k97-09-07File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Turbo v1.0
vert82.asm119k98-09-12File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Vertigo v0.94
Source code to Vertigo v0.94. A game of skill for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-85, and TI-86 calculators. Guide your ball to the gem stone on each of the 50 levels. The levels are displayed from an isometric 3D view, and are shown in grayscale on the TI-85 and TI-86. Also features an on-calc level editor.
wakagmba.asm12k98-10-31File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Wak-A-Goomba v2.2
weave.asm21k97-08-26File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Weave v1.4
zcp.zip2k98-03-01File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] ZShell Compressed Pictures (ZCP) v2.0
zetris.asm20k97-11-30File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Zetris v1.12
zkart3d.asm13k98-10-07File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Z-Kart 3D v1.2
zkart.asm9k98-10-07File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] Z-Kart v1.2
zoomsprt.asm1k97-11-27File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] ZoomSprite v1.0
zpong82.asm15k97-11-12File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] ZPong v1.12 Beta
ztetris.zip9k98-11-21File is not rated[Ash 3.0+] ZTetris v1.3

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