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| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-73 Assembly Games |  | | 199k | 06-12-24 |  | Pong 1.2 What started out as my first assembly game that used text output characters, and had sluggish speed (for ASM) has developed into a toplisted game that made top 10 in "TI 83 plus programs", the most competitive category. Now that I have realized its greatness I've ported it to all z80 calculators 84 and below. It has come a long way. This is one of the greatest pong games for the z80 ever. It lacks only one feature that is soon to be implemented: link play. However, being decked out with an incredible AI, speed control, a teacher key (del), 3 different AI difficulties, SHOOTING, pixel inversion, contrast control(even returns to original contrast at end of game), and portability to many calculators, all for around 3000 bytes, it will soon be the ZTetris of Pong. |  | | 5k | 05-03-16 |  | Tetris Attack v1.2 Just like Tetris Attack on the gameboy. This has nothing to do with Tetris! |  | | 3k | 05-03-16 |  | BlockDude v1.2 A puzzle/action game in which you move blocks to navigate to the end of the level. |  | | 19k | 05-03-21 |  | Chess Master 73 This is the latest port of the celebrated z80 chess series, Chess Master. Made for the TI-73 it only took ~12 minutes to create. |  | | 13k | 05-03-19 |  | Joltima 1.9 A classic RPG that resembles Dragon Warrior and Ultima Exodus. |  | | 10k | 05-03-29 |  | Pac-Man '99 v0.5 (2005 release) Over 5 years after it's last Ion release Pacman is finally coming to another lower-end z80 platform: the TI-73. This is an exact port, meaning only the header was changed. |  | | 3k | 05-03-19 |  | Super Saiya-jin Rage Pick from Goku, SSJ Goku 3, Vegeta, SSJ Goku (GT), SSJ Adult Gohan, or Trunks and do battle. No bugs known. |  | | 25k | 05-03-20 |  | Sub Hunt v.14 SubHunt is based on a popular Palm Pilot "shooter" of the same name. You control a military battleship, and your goal is to destroy the submarines in the water below by dropping depth charges on them. The battleship can fire 5 depth charges at a time from the front or rear. The amount of available depth charges is displayed to the left and right of your current score. Upon the destruction of an enemy sub, the amount of points you receive varies depending on sub depth and speed. The deeper and faster the sub, the more it is worth. The point value of a particular sub is written upon it in white writing (see graphics display below). There are 15 levels. After level 8, the frequency of subs increases and they have a new weapon at their disposal. Beware of the enemy attacks that look like missles. It only takes three hits to sink your boat! You can tell how many hits that you have sustained by looking at the ships depth. With each hit, it will sink a little lower. Highscores are kept. When you record a highscore, you will be given the chance the enter your initials. Look above the calculator keys to determine which letters correspond to which keys. |  | | 1k | 05-03-16 |  | Wacky Pong v1.0 Pong with a twist: The ball randomly reverses direction sometimes. This makes Wacky Pong a challenging hand-eye coordination game. |  | | 18k | 05-03-20 |  | ZTetris 1.1 [Mallard] This is the AWESOME Ztetris for the TI-73. Ah, yes...the current final frontier in TI asm porting. :-) The code was optimize a slight bit due to call / ret combos. HURRAY - 1st 73 assembly program with a screenshot!!! |