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Integral Approximation v2.6


Ranked as 715 on our all-time top downloads list with 21171 downloads.
Ranked as 4034 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename iapprox.zip (Download)
Title Integral Approximation v2.6
Description ChaoticSoft presents Integral Approximation v2.6 loaded with new features. Integral Approximation is now even better than ever. It can perform several types of integral approximations including: left endpoint, right endpoint, midpoint, trapezoidal, and simpson's rule. In addition to all of these great features, the program can calculate the error bounds for each of these tests on a given number of subintervals. Looking for a desired accuracy for your approxmation? No problem, the program can calculate the required number of subinvervals for a desired accuracy. This is the *BEST* integral approximation program available. Version 2.6 incorporates new features that make the program easier to use.
Author Jesse Lai (jlai@umr.edu)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 11,040 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 23 00:20:49 2000
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Joshua Bluhm
Reviewed on 2005-10-07
"Integral Approximation" is an excellent, easy to use, and user friendly program.

Two problems though: One is that it's somewhat irritating that it clears the main screen when it runs. The other is that it would be nice if there was a faster way to enter the function, bounds, and subintervals.

Other than these, great program!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
IAPPROX.89G   8337
IAPPLEFT.89P   572
IAPPRGHT.89P   590
IAPPRMID.89P   611
IAPPROX.89P   5243
IAPPTRAP.89P   616
IAPPGRAP.89P   1019

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