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Cookie Clicker TI


Ranked as 30134 on our all-time top downloads list with 1852 downloads.
Ranked as 3322 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename ccti.zip (Download)
Title Cookie Clicker TI
Description This is a simple port of the Cookie Clicker online web game, where you bake cookies and use them to buy stuff that makes new cookies!
Author Luxen De'Mark (Luxen@gmx.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Misc.)
File Size 2,273 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Oct 3 23:53:40 2013
Documentation Included? Yes


Review by  Gianni Hsieh
Reviewed on 2013-11-02
This wonderful port of the game Cookie Clicker got me and my friends hooked. An excellent programmer, Luxen De'Mark has once again showed off a superlative prowess at programming. Although not complete, the program has many great features such as a customized menu. Although not completely true to the original game, it is as addictive as caffeine. The only suggestion I can make is to incorporate many of the original features, such as upgrades and more buildings. This game deserves a 9/10. Cheers!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   1518
CCTI.8xg   2500
Original Cookie Clicker Game.url   129

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