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Reuben Quest Original RPG Series (2004-2005)


Ranked as 32224 on our all-time top downloads list with 1606 downloads.
Ranked as 13032 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename reubenquestcollection.zip (Download)
Title Reuben Quest Original RPG Series (2004-2005)
Description NOTE: This package only includes the original hybrid BASIC Reuben Quest games. For the Axe and ASM remakes by Sorunome, go to http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/461/46161.html . Reuben Quest is a game that is quite hard to classify due to it's variety. I like to say it's a puzzle game because you have to explore to find items to advance in your quest and sometimes you have to solve riddles. Sometimes, you may have to explore at the same place for a while to figure out that something actually do something :). However, I also like to say that it's a RPG too because as you wander around you have to fight powerful creatures to get strong enough to face more powerful foes and you can interact with NPCs (non-player characters) to get clues. So basicaly it's should be classified as a puzzle-RPG :). This might satisfy people regardless of if they like puzzle or role-playing game! Also, exploring Reuben world and fighting all the awesome looking creatures roaming around will satisfy your eyes a lot because the entire game is in grayscale!!!!!!!!! With the help of Omnicalc and other ASM libraries, this game will change TI-BASIC language forever. All you need is a TI-83+ Silver Edition, a TI-84+ or a TI-84+ Silver Edition calculator (for speed a regular 83+ isn't recommended) with all your RAM and 60 KB of archive memory then you just have to sit down to enter a world filled with mysteries, challenges and revolutionnary graphics. The sequel includes everything that the original game had to offer like the flickerless grayscale graphics and the many secrets plus new stuff like more complex puzzles, more monsters, many plot twists, viewing inside houses, cutting plants, pushing blocks, destroy blocks and more! All you need is a TI-83+ Silver Edition, a TI-84+ or a TI-84+ Silver Edition calculator (for speed a regular 83+ isn't recommended) with all your RAM and 120 KB of archive memory then you just have to sit down to enter another world filled with surprises, mysteries, challenges and revolutionnary graphics.
Author Dream of Omnimaga (omnimaga@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 239,116 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Feb 4 02:08:08 2015
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 1/omnicalc.8xk   36815
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GC.8XP   7725
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GCI.8XP   197
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GCM.8XP   1759
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GD2.8XP   1279
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GDLM.8XP   656
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GF.8XP   587
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GF2.8XP   3456
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GF3.8XP   614
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GF4.8XP   3057
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GF5.8XP   195
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GH.8XP   4636
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GI.8XP   1372
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GI2.8XP   1629
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GINTRO.8XP   1457
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GLM.8XP   795
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM.8XP   1580
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM05.8XP   1610
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM06.8XP   990
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM07.8XP   1047
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM08.8XP   1348
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM09.8XP   1312
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM10.8XP   2555
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM11.8XP   1909
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM12.8XP   1609
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM13.8XP   2923
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM14.8XP   3583
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM15.8XP   2188
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM16.8XP   2557
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM17.8XP   2496
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM18.8XP   3715
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM19.8XP   2477
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM20.8XP   1575
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM21.8XP   3077
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM22.8XP   1901
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GM23.8XP   1301
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/GS.8XP   1750
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/Pic1.8XI   832
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/Pic2.8XI   832
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/Pic5.8XI   832
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/archive/Part 2/Pic6.8XI   832
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/RAM/Part 1/RAMFILE.8XG   8174
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/files/RAM/Part 2/RAMFILES.8XG   12737
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/history.txt   8240
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/readme.doc   130560
Reuben Quest - The Lost Mirror/readme.txt   13794
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 1/omnicalc.8xk   36815
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GC.8XP   7203
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GCM.8XP   2367
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GDLM.8XP   313
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GF.8XP   624
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GI.8XP   3978
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GINTRO.8XP   2133
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GLM.8XP   578
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM.8XP   1486
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM20.8XP   1286
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM21.8XP   3402
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM22.8XP   2829
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM23.8XP   1615
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM29.8XP   982
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM30.8XP   1895
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM31.8XP   2254
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM32.8XP   1603
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM33.8XP   989
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM63.8XP   2305
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM64.8XP   1628
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM65.8XP   2281
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM66.8XP   2682
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/GM67.8XP   707
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/Pic1.8XI   832
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/archive/part 2/Pic2.8XI   832
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/files/RAM/RAM.8XG   13775
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/history.txt   9470
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/readme.doc   90112
Reuben Quest - Ev Awakening/readme.txt   8768

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