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Picraft v1.2.1 alpha


Ranked as 37226 on our all-time top downloads list with 858 downloads.
Ranked as 21575 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename picraft.zip (Download)
Title Picraft v1.2.1 alpha
Description Picraft is my first ever program EVER!!! Picraft is a Terria like game where you are in a 2D block world and build things. Current features are: *flying *digging(sry no building yet) *three world types to choose from *runs smoothly *takes up very little space As I said this is my first ever program so don't expect much. Features I plan to implement are: *mobs *graphics *larger worlds *the ability to place blocks *Survival *physics *health *randomly generated worlds Thanks for downloading, hope you enjoy and/or get some ideas off of this, as it took a long time to make! If you would like to help with the game email me at andreymarquart@yahoo.com . If you decide to use this program for yourself please give me partial credit!!! Made by:Piguy-3.14 Oh and the main program is called A0000000 ENJOY!
Author Andrey Marquart (andreymarquart@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Misc.)
File Size 2,238 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 19 11:04:00 2013
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
A.8xp   179
A0.8xp   678
A00.8xp   241
A000.8xp   246
A00000.8xp   673
A000000.8xp   485
A0000000.8xp   518

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