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AutoCalc 4.0


Ranked as 5526 on our all-time top downloads list with 6713 downloads.
Ranked as 2865 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename autocalc.zip (Download)
Title AutoCalc 4.0
Description An engine which tries to find out a matching exact form for each one of your calculations. Uses some asm subprograms. Does include a quadratic equation solver based on that engine.
Authors Matthew Young (the_wiseguy007@hotmail.com)
Xavier ANDREANI (andreanx@hotmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Math Programs
File Size 236,847 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Mar 8 23:18:07 2013
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Anjalee Narenthiren
Reviewed on 2019-04-23
It did not work on my Ti-84 Plus CE Calculator. Whenever I tried to use the program, it returned the error "Attempted to use a variable or function where it is not valid." Any ideas?


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/AUTOCALC.83p   582
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Y1AUTOCA.83p   257
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Y1POLYST.83p   2346
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Y1PRINTO.83p   2294
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1EXP.83p   204
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1FRAC.83p   242
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1FRCASM.83p   179
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1NUMSTR.83p   454
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1RACASM.83p   243
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1RACFRA.83p   571
AutoCalc4.0/76.fr/Z1RAX.83p   769
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/AUTOCALC.83p   604
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Y1AUTOCA.83p   345
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Y1POLYST.83p   3145
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Y1PRINTO.83p   2661
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Y1SYSTEM.83p   1079
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1EXP.83p   204
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1FRAC.83p   242
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1FRCASM.83p   179
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1NUMSTR.83p   464
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1RACASM.83p   243
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1RACFRA.83p   571
AutoCalc4.0/82Stats - 83/Z1RAX.83p   766
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/AUTOCALC.8xp   299
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1AUTO.8xp   527
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1AUTOCA.8xp   344
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1POLYST.8xp   3104
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1PRINTO.8xp   2597
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Y1SYSTEM.8xp   1075
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1EXP.8xp   205
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1FRAC.8xp   241
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1FRCASM.8xp   126
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1NUMSTR.8xp   466
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1RACASM.8xp   249
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1RACBAS.8xp   131
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1RACFRA.8xp   494
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/Z1RAX.8xp   770
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/ZRESOURC.8xp   563
AutoCalc4.0/83+ - 84/ZRESRCES.8xp   195
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/AUTOCALC.8xp   685
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Y1AUTOCA.8xp   353
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Y1POLYST.8xp   3744
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Y1PRINTO.8xp   2663
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1EXP.8xp   206
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1FRAC.8xp   244
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1FRCASM.8xp   180
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1NUMSTR.8xp   466
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1RACBAS.8xp   135
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1RACFRA.8xp   501
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/Z1RAX.8xp   772
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/ZOOMINT.8xp   261
AutoCalc4.0/84+C/ZOOMINTX.8xp   90
AutoCalc4.0/autocalc.txt   35629
AutoCalc4.0/autocalc3.gif   106517
AutoCalc4.0/data/autocalc30.gif   76323
AutoCalc4.0/data/calc.html   4595
AutoCalc4.0/data/poly.gif   63864
AutoCalc4.0/data/poly.html   1981
AutoCalc4.0/data/syst.gif   17072
AutoCalc4.0/data/syst.html   1369
AutoCalc4.0/index.html   2840
AutoCalc4.0/license.txt   487

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