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Nymless v1.77


Ranked as 29228 on our all-time top downloads list with 1948 downloads.
Ranked as 7453 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename nymless.zip (Download)
Title Nymless v1.77
Description Nymless is a 2D platformer inspired by N and n+. It features mines, shimmering rectangles you bounce off of, a lock and a door. Fast-paced gameplay awaits you, so go ahead and download Nymless! Note: Both Nymless.8xk and NYMLEVEL.8xp must be on your calculator! New in this version: Vastly improved level loading! More bugfixes! Check the changelog for more!
Author Giancarlo Saraceni (ghsaraceni@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 737,506 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 13 01:54:24 2013
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Nymless v1.77/Changelog.txt   1476
Nymless v1.77/Credits.txt   256
Nymless v1.77/Installation Instructions.txt   310
Nymless v1.77/Levels/ACOLUMN.8xv   933
Nymless v1.77/Levels/AISENMA.8xv   941
Nymless v1.77/Levels/ANTFARM.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/APPLE.8xv   929
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BARS.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BET.8xv   965
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BIAS.8xv   2128
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BLOCK.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BNCBLOCK.8xv   925
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BNCDEATH.8xv   969
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BNCROOM.8xv   949
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BNCYZBRA.8xv   1009
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BSTRD.8xv   953
Nymless v1.77/Levels/BUG.8xv   989
Nymless v1.77/Levels/CLOUDMYN.8xv   925
Nymless v1.77/Levels/CLOUDS.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/CONTROL.8xv   949
Nymless v1.77/Levels/CONTROL2.8xv   949
Nymless v1.77/Levels/CRITRKTS.8xv   925
Nymless v1.77/Levels/CROOKED.8xv   933
Nymless v1.77/Levels/CROQUET.8xv   1009
Nymless v1.77/Levels/DECEIVE.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/DOTS.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/JUMPMINE.8xv   921
Nymless v1.77/Levels/LUCK.8xv   941
Nymless v1.77/Levels/MINEWALL.8xv   945
Nymless v1.77/Levels/MSSYZBRA.8xv   945
Nymless v1.77/Levels/NetrePAS.8xv   1013
Nymless v1.77/Levels/NOTMINES.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/NYMLOGO.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/PEN.8xv   985
Nymless v1.77/Levels/PLATFORM.8xv   925
Nymless v1.77/Levels/POLES.8xv   973
Nymless v1.77/Levels/PRECISE.8xv   1125
Nymless v1.77/Levels/RAWKETS.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/SCREWY.8xv   965
Nymless v1.77/Levels/SEIZE.8xv   957
Nymless v1.77/Levels/SERIF.8xv   949
Nymless v1.77/Levels/SHADE.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/SHIMSHIM.8xv   1029
Nymless v1.77/Levels/SMALL.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/SPARS.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/SPIRAL.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/SPLIT.8xv   921
Nymless v1.77/Levels/STEPS.8xv   941
Nymless v1.77/Levels/TOOLONG.8xv   933
Nymless v1.77/Levels/TUNNELS.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/TUNNELS2.8xv   913
Nymless v1.77/Levels/UNBROKE.8xv   981
Nymless v1.77/Levels/UP.8xv   921
Nymless v1.77/Levels/WimP.8xv   933
Nymless v1.77/Levels/XYZAB.8xv   969
Nymless v1.77/Nymless .8Xk   39425
Nymless v1.77/Nymless README.txt   10258
Nymless v1.77/NYMLEVEL.8Xp   1638
Nymless v1.77/Screenies/Credits.gif   597894
Nymless v1.77/Screenies/New Loading.gif   106844
Nymless v1.77/Screenies/Play.gif   128940
Nymless v1.77/Sources/LVEDIT.8xp   914
Nymless v1.77/Sources/MINEDIT.8xp   1131
Nymless v1.77/Sources/NYMDEF.8xp   443
Nymless v1.77/Sources/NYMENU.8xp   3911
Nymless v1.77/Sources/NYMINPUT.8xp   1649
Nymless v1.77/Sources/NYMLVL.8Xp   1107
Nymless v1.77/Sources/NYMTEXT.8xp   535
Nymless v1.77/Sources/RECT.8xp   1117
Nymless v1.77/Sources/STRANGE.8xp   4853

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