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An Exercise in Futility


Ranked as 29619 on our all-time top downloads list with 1908 downloads.
Ranked as 7453 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename futility.zip (Download)
Title An Exercise in Futility
Description An Exercise In Futility, or just Futility, is a calculator game I wrote in Axe for Cemetech's contest number 8. Futility is an Arcade/Platformer Survival game, and as that denotes the goal is to survive as long as you can, throughout a host of other game elements, including various Arcade games going on in the background you need to avoid. My apologies if the App version doesn't work - just transfer the program FUTILITY.8XP to your calc's archive. Source is included, although I'm not sure if you have much to gain by reading through it.
Author Lincoln Bergeson (liwib525@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 16,966 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Feb 27 05:32:43 2012
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  A Walden
Reviewed on 2012-04-11
Such a beautiful game. The grayscale, beautiful. The animation, beautiful. The physics, beautiful. The idea, beautiful. Every part of this game is amazing. AMAZING. :O


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Futility/FUTILITY.8xp   14885
Futility/readme.txt   4702
Futility/Source/DFIRESRC.8xp   1884
Futility/Source/Files.txt   638
Futility/Source/FSTUFF.8xp   1023
Futility/Source/FUTINIT.8xp   734
Futility/Source/FUTMISC.8xp   247
Futility/Source/FUTSRC.8xp   1680
Futility/Source/FUTSUB.8xp   3150
Futility/Source/FUTSUB2.8xp   1006
Futility/Source/FUTSUB3.8xp   1100
Futility/Source/FUTSUB4.8xp   621
Futility/Source/VMAPB.8xv   652

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