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Doodle Jump - Papy Jump ( UPDATE 2.4 )


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Ranked as 3291 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename doodlejump.zip (Download)
Title Doodle Jump - Papy Jump ( UPDATE 2.4 )
Description It's like the "Doodle jump" or "Papy jump" Game in Axe. There are currently 3 platforms.There is now menu with a shop, and three high score. To launch the game : go to Catalog and use "Asm(" and select Jump in program.
Author Baptystes (baptystes@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 7,354 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Oct 15 17:37:26 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Nickisai Lang
Reviewed on 2012-07-18
One thing to start off with that's notable is that the game is in French. The Readme does have English, however, It doesn't seem to teach you controls other than how to start the game.

This clone of PapiJump/DoodleJump games is certainly different from other clones in many ways.

It is better than other clones because it has 3 different types of platforms, the normal rigid ones, cracked ones, and springy ones.

However, some gameplay features are missing. You do not wrap around the edges of the screen and in fact only limited to using half of the screen. There is no pause function. You cannot even see your score until you die.

One good thing they added that's different from other clones is that the screen will slowly scroll down on you, and the scrolling gets faster as you get higher. This makes the game much more exciting.

There is a store, but, for non-French readers, can be hard to find. It's actually the "Y=" key. However the items there are in French, and the readme doesn't tell you anything about items, or even the shop, for that matter.

The graphics are pretty boring, no grayscale, essentially no decoration done anywhere.

Even though I make it sound pretty bad, this is my favorite PapiJump clone so far. Even though other clones have better graphics (especially one of them), this one is definitely more exciting than the others.

Fun: 8/10

Graphics/Visuals: 2/10

Features: 2/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Screenshot Jump.gif   1534
Lisez-Moi ReadMe.txt   2102
JUMP.8xp   7136
Menu.gif   1873

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