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Algebra 2 Pak V1.0


Ranked as 2396 on our all-time top downloads list with 10136 downloads.
Ranked as 2548 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 10 downloads.

Filename alg2pak.zip (Download)
Title Algebra 2 Pak V1.0
Description Probably sometime during the class, the student has wished for programs on his calculator in order to check his work and in order to make his life much easier. He has searched the internet and has found nothing, but finally, Algebra II programs have finally made their way to the internet community, Alg2Pack! This has many good programs to make the student’s life easier and to check his math on homework and tests. There are programs for Matrices, Quadratic Equations, Polynomial Equations, Exponential Equations, Rational Equations, Conic Equations, and many more! The user will not find programs for such complex things as factoring equations and other complex things, but there are very useful programs in the pack, such as synthetic division, the quadratic equation, and a program that finds all useful data of a parabola (with conjunction of the previous)!
Author Tamkis (kamtis72@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 200,009 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Feb 21 02:05:44 2011
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Alg2Pak/Alg2Pack.doc   491520
Alg2Pak/CLN.8xp   179
Alg2Pak/CONIC.8xg   784
Alg2Pak/EXPOEQS.8xg   2180
Alg2Pak/GEN.8xg   946
Alg2Pak/MATRIX.8xg   904
Alg2Pak/POLYNOMS.8xg   893
Alg2Pak/PROB.8xg   594
Alg2Pak/QUADRTC.8xg   757
Alg2Pak/RATRAD.8xg   591
Alg2Pak/STATS.8xg   1052

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