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Ranked as 157 on our all-time top downloads list with 51237 downloads.
Ranked as 1653 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 19 downloads.
Ranked as 759 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 2.58.

Filename mario.zip (Download)
Title Mario
Description This is an amazingly fun and completely original Mario game for the ti-83/84 Plus family! Game play is fast and fun. There are 8 maps that are all easily created and edited by the user. A few in-game features include Blocks, Springs, and Spikes. The point of the game is to maneuver Mario around the map, avoid obstacles, and reach the end. Certain variables will need to be created or un-archived in order to run this version of Mario. Take a look at the Super Mario ReadMe for more important information.
Author Rhett Langseth (rhettlangseth@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade)
File Size 5,471 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Feb 28 03:52:16 2010
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Al Szigeti
Reviewed on 2010-08-25
Gameplay: 3/10 not very good you are a box going down, controls are off too.

Graphics: 4/10 A 4 for the menu and a 1 for the rest. Like I said, just a box.

Speed: 0/10 Terrible, this is the slowest "Mario" game out there.

Overall: 3.5/10 Don't download this if you think it is going to be a fun Mario game. It is nothing like Mario at all, and I would have to say that it is not even playable. It is not even fun the first time because of the horrendous speed.

In conclusion: Not worth the download/time/space.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MARIO.8xp   2694
Pic1.8xi   832
Pic2.8xi   832
Pic3.8xi   832
Pic4.8xi   832
MARIO.8xl   220
Pic5.8xi   832
Pic6.8xi   832
Pic7.8xi   832
Pic8.8xi   832
Super Mario ReadMe.txt   1694

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