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Greyscale Tetris v3.0


Ranked as 1096 on our all-time top downloads list with 15978 downloads.
Ranked as 1218 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 12 downloads.
Ranked as 409 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.85.

Filename greyscaletetris.zip (Download)
Title Greyscale Tetris v3.0
Description An awesome game of Tetris!
Author Christopher Jernigan (jernchr@berkeley.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 10,136 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 1 22:25:29 2011
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Samuel Zook
Reviewed on 2008-04-22
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

Graphics: 10/10 - Nearly flawless greyscale that hardly flickers at all. Excellent menu and the peices are drawn nicely as well.

Gameplay: 9/10 - Great gameplay, but every now and then you have to press a control multiple times or hold it down to get a response. I love the choice between 14 and 10 row grid size and like the automatic level-up feature.

Controls: 8/10 - In my opinion some of the controls are odd, like using "graph" to exit?? why not use clear or mode?

Size: 7/10 - It is pretty big for a Tetris game: about 10k (10,000 bytes). Seems kind of big to me. There are ups and downs to this. A bonus is that (since it's a MirageOS program) it can be run directly from the archive memory. Downside is that archive memory runs short on TI-83's and 83+'s really quick.

Overall: 9/10 - All in all it's a great game. The highscore table works (whereas in the previous version it didn't), though there are only three slots to fill and there is no way to clear the highscore table. It'd be nice to see a "teacher key" that not only quits a game in progress but saves the state of that game so you can run it next time you play. I also noticed that on the 83+ when you quit a game back to the home menu it auto starts another game without any key presses. The only way to fix it that I've found was to pull out a battery (which unfortunately clears the RAM; but doesn't affect the program if it's archived). I didn't notice that bug on my 84+SE. But it's still a great game and I would recommend a download.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
greyscaletetris/readmev3.txt   1895
greyscaletetris/TETRISV.83P   10785
greyscaletetris/tetrisv.8xp   11001

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