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first multiball pong


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Ranked as 14797 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename multiballpong.zip (Download)
Title first multiball pong
Description Multipong is the first multiball pong for the ti83+ that I know. The game can handle up to 9 balls. You can add balls to the game, which disappear after a period of time. There are several different difficulties available. Speed of the AI can be set from 0-2, game speed from 0-7 (0 is the fastest) and advantage can be set at 0 or 1, in which 1 gives you a noticable advantage. For other details, consult the readme file. [Mode] restarts the game so you don't have to set up preferences again. [2nd] adds a ball, you can see how many you have got left in the top left of the screen. [alpha] slows the game down. [clear] exits the game at any time. Please notice that the screenshot is from a previous version of the game.
Author B K (bartkofoed@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 135,189 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 6 17:21:02 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   2670
bal.8xp   1572
pong.JPG   4306
bal.asm   17089

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