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Mortgage Calculator


Ranked as 25791 on our all-time top downloads list with 2311 downloads.
Ranked as 13835 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename mortgagecalculator.zip (Download)
Title Mortgage Calculator
Description "Mortgage" is a wonderfully handy program that runs calculations related to mortgages. Input the cost of the property, the percent down, the term, the annual interest rate (APR), and other monthly dues. "Mortgage" will ask for the time elapsed since the loan was made, and then it will calculate A) your monthly payments B) how much [and what percentage] of that goes to Interest and C) how much [and what percentage] of that goes to Principle. It will also calculate how much interest you have paid in the time elapsed and the total principle remaining.
Author Robert Nordlund (bnordlund+ticalc@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Finance)
File Size 2,689 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Apr 10 15:33:54 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Summary.txt   554
mortgage.89p   2370
mortgage.v2p   2371

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