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Divided functions - Funciones partidas


Ranked as 33591 on our all-time top downloads list with 1426 downloads.
Ranked as 6816 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename dividedfunctionfuncionpar.zip (Download)
Title Divided functions - Funciones partidas
Description English: The main function of the program is make graphics of divided functions in differents intervals. After making the graph the user will be able to analyze the border points of the different functions and of this form to verify if he exists he limits in that point and if in addition he is continuous.(english version included) Spanish:La funcion principal del programa es la de graficar funciones partidas en diferentes intervalos y luego graficarlas. Por ultimo el usuario podra analizar los puntos fronteras de las diferentes funciones y de esta forma comprobar si existe el limite en ese punto y si ademas es continuo.(version en espaƱol incluida) Work fine with ti-89/t,v200,ti-92/p.
Author Cosme Fulanito (cosmefulanito04@yahoo.com.ar)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Graphing)
File Size 19,213 bytes
File Date and Time Wed May 16 00:28:07 2007
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
English/89/cut.89f   686
English/89/graphic.89p   4138
English/92/cut.92f   686
English/92/graphic.92p   4138
English/92p/cut.9xf   686
English/92p/graphic.9xp   4138
English/readme.txt   2061
English/v200/cut.v2f   686
English/v200/graphic.v2p   4138
Spanish/89/cortar.89f   686
Spanish/89/graficar.89p   3960
Spanish/92/cortar.92f   686
Spanish/92/graficar.92p   3960
Spanish/92p/cortar.9xf   686
Spanish/92p/graficar.9xp   3960
Spanish/leeme.txt   2273
Spanish/v200/cortar.v2f   686
Spanish/v200/graficar.v2p   3960

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