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Actuarial Math for the TI-89


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Ranked as 13835 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename actuarialmathti89.zip (Download)
Title Actuarial Math for the TI-89
Description Using actual mortality tables this set of programs allows you to calculate the actuarial present value of life annuities, life insurance, pension costs and liabilities, as well as contributions and premiums. You may select the mortality tables to use, the interest rate, the age difference between the two persons, the terminal age and radix of the mortality table. Annuities may be calculated bases on annual payments or mthly payments, i.e. payments made monthly, quarterly, etc. An example: Assume X is 65 years old and receives a pension of $30,000 as long as he lives. His wife Y who is 2 years younger receivs 75% of X's pension if X dies. What is the actuarial present value of this pension?
Author Don Phillips (don.phillips@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Finance)
File Size 305,351 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 6 23:05:26 2006
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Actuarial Math on the TI-89.doc   189440
Actuarial Math on the TI-89.pdf   231739
actuary.tig   52603

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