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Formula Suite 2005


Ranked as 7136 on our all-time top downloads list with 5874 downloads.
Ranked as 11439 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename formulasuite2k5.zip (Download)
Title Formula Suite 2005
Description Version 3.00 This is my most complete formulas program I have ever written. It includes about 80 formulas plus Morgan Davies's Physics Solver v1.2 and Mike Johnston's calculus programs. Expect more formulas in the future.
Author Carl Weybrecht (ticalc@doomlord289.xyz)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 69,224 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 10 04:17:04 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Mike Johnston
Reviewed on 2005-11-24
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

This is the most comprehensive set of formulas I have ever seen. I have been searching for a program to help me in my physics class and this was it. It runs incredibly smooth for a program of its kind. This was a great achievement for Mr. Weybrecht and I congratulate him on it and encourage all to download it.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ReadMe.txt   3934
Formulas Screenshot.gif   31272
phsolver.accelera.89p   5191
phsolver.atom.89p   6543
phsolver.circuits.89p   5171
phsolver.currents.89p   3898
phsolver.diffract.89p   4750
phsolver.electric.89p   4550
phsolver.emfields.89p   5144
phsolver.energy.89p   5350
phsolver.forces.89p   3001
phsolver.gravity.89p   9083
phsolver.inductio.89p   6216
phsolver.magnetic.89p   2340
phsolver.matter.89p   5881
phsolver.mirrors.89p   3460
phsolver.miscelan.89p   4027
phsolver.momentum.89p   6302
phsolver.motion2d.89p   5738
phsolver.quantum.89p   8235
phsolver.thermal.89p   5567
phsolver.reflecti.89p   3448
phsolver.vectors.89p   7071
phsolver.work.89p   6074
phsolver.waves.89p   5919
phsolver.velocity.89p   2391
Formula Suite v.3.00.89p   19339
abc.89p   1299
eulermet.89p   961
revofsol.89p   3517

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