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Basic Whack A Mole v1.2


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Ranked as 23044 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename basicwhackamole.zip (Download)
Title Basic Whack A Mole v1.2
Description *Updated Keypad in Help section, it was reversed. :). and Fixed up the Getkey command. Much faster. This is a fun game that I came up with in about 6 hours. I was really bored today, so instead of studying my chemistry I played around with this idea. There is a problem right now though, and that is the speed of where you press the numbers and the points you get for hitting the mole. To fix this, just make it lag on purpose by playing it once, then pressing any key to end that round, then without actually quitting the game, (cuz once you finish one round it'll bring u back to the menu) press 1 again to play, then lose on purpose again, then press 1 one more time, and this'll be enough to lag the game, so you can actually hit the mole. Moels don't have eyes, so technically, my game's graphics are good. Lol. There is a timer and a score keeper. This game runs very very fast, and once I fix the getkey problem, it'll be even better. Good luck and go smash some moles! (Er circles in this case.)
Author Jon Wong (jonny23451@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Reflex, Button-pushing)
File Size 30,793 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Apr 13 02:47:26 2005
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Basic Whack A Mol.txt   1602
BWAKAMOL.8xp   2883

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