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Inter-bases Numbers Convertions


Ranked as 25190 on our all-time top downloads list with 2380 downloads.
Ranked as 28669 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename basesnum.zip (Download)
Title Inter-bases Numbers Convertions
Description For TI-89 Titanium, english and spanish (en inglés y en español) This program is realy simple: it converts numbers to different bases (decimal, binary, hexadecimal...). Of course, the "Texas" allready has funtions that can perform these convertions, but i didn't use them in my program, but a trick with the modes in the calculator (if you want, you can open it in the program editor, but if you are going to edit it, please, let my name to be seen somewhere in the program). It is too usefull to those people that have to work constantly with boolean functions, even to those people who must make programs in the "DEBUG" of Windows.
Author Ricardo Perez (kndr6-suscripgenerales@yahoo.es)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Numeric Converters)
File Size 36,223 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Apr 7 00:54:26 2005
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
English/basesnum - english.tig   2291
English/README.txt   569
English/SCREEN01.gif   1589
English/SCREEN02.gif   1925
English/SCREEN03.gif   1919
English/SCREEN04.gif   1977
English/SCREEN05.gif   1926
English/SCREEN06.gif   1967
English/SCREEN07.gif   2011
English/SCREEN08.gif   2054
English/SCREEN09.gif   1736
Espaol/basesnum - espaol.tig   2280
Espaol/LAME.txt   653
Espaol/SCREEN01.gif   1581
Espaol/SCREEN02.gif   1961
Espaol/SCREEN03.gif   1969
Espaol/SCREEN04.gif   2011
Espaol/SCREEN05.gif   1956
Espaol/SCREEN06.gif   2000
Espaol/SCREEN07.gif   2051
Espaol/SCREEN08.gif   2065
Espaol/SCREEN09.gif   1737

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