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Ranked as 18962 on our all-time top downloads list with 3047 downloads.
Ranked as 17337 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename mechwar.zip (Download)
Title Mech
Description A role playing game where you pilot a mech and try to complete your mission The sequel to this game will not be done for a while.
Author billy rock (techditto@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 8,629 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 20 03:59:05 2004
Documentation Included? No


Review by  Vernon Marshall
Reviewed on 2007-12-18
This game wasn't based on the Battletech universe as much as I'd hoped. It seems to be loosely based on Battletech, sharing some Mech names, and the idea of multiweapon combat, but little else.

The game starts off warning you that you can't play withown owning 'Lmech'...but doesn't explain that any further.

'Mech' lets you play as one of three pre-generated characters, each with his own strengths and weaknesses, which are described in the 'Skills' program.

Missions in the game consist of choosing the 'Continue Walking' option until the 'Look Around' option reveals a Mech, which may turn out to be an enemy.

Weapons used include 'Fold-up' Gauss rifles, Missile Launchers, Beam Sabers, Ejecting fists, and the ability to stop time. Combat occurs at Long, Medium, and Close range, requiring the selection of weapons to match, and to optimize the skills of your character. Battles result in the loss or gain of money, which is used to repair and reload your Mech, or upgrade weapons.

I wasn't able to upgrade my mech in this game, as the program would alternate between telling me my Mech was completely repaired, to telling me I needed to repair it before upgrading was possible.

With a bit if tweaking, though, this could be a decent text-only RPG, maybe more so for non-Battletech fans, as the glaring errors wouldn't stand out as much.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MECH.8XG   20788
SKILLS.8XP   1968

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