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Reversi (aka. Othello) 2.0


Ranked as 3938 on our all-time top downloads list with 7930 downloads.
Ranked as 7453 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.
Ranked as 203 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.38.

Filename reversi.zip (Download)
Title Reversi (aka. Othello) 2.0
Description This is a huge update to my first Reversi program. New features include greatly improved graphics, the 2nd key can be used interchangeably with enter and/or y, ***and most importantly a one player mode vs. an AI player***. In addition, the source code is now included and the documentation is greatly improved.
Author Ian Goth (c1arinetboy@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 18,714 bytes
File Date and Time Fri May 21 05:08:23 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Eric Montijo
Reviewed on 2007-12-05
This is an easy-to-use, well-written version of the classic game Reversi. The graphics are good. The AI is very smart and fun to play against. The ability to save is also a nice feature, although it's rare for a game to take so long that you need to save and continue later.

If anything could be added to this game, it would be a calc-link system. It gets annoying having to constantly pass the calculator back and forth between people.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
REVERSI.z80   25509
screen01.GIF   2145
screen03.GIF   2503
screen02.GIF   2204
screen04.GIF   2759
REVERSI.8XP   3663
Reversi.txt   3815

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