25 Advanced Solvers
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25 Advanced Solvers
This is by far the ultimate math program. This program NOW has 25 mathematical solvers contained in one easy to use scrolling menu similar to the Ti-OS's. The following functions are incorperated into this program: Factor finder, Angles of Line Intersects solver, Circle solver, Basic Triangle solver, Paralellogram solver, Regular Polygon solver, Cone solver, Cylinder solver, Sphere solver, Pyramid solver, Prism solver, Arithmetic Sequence solver, Geometric Sequence solver, Sequence finder, Linear solver, Quadratic solver, Cubic solver, Quartic solver, Polynomial Multiplication, Logarithm finder, Cramers Rule, Advanced Triangle solver, Synthetic Division, and NOW has the Unit Circle solver, and a Sine Function Solver. It's Quite the package. To use all the solvers except the Sequence finder, Linear, Cubic, Quartic, Polynomial Multiplication, Logarithm, Cramers Rule, and Synthetic Division solver: Input any information you know, and Input an "X" for any information you don't know. the solver will continue on to solve any information it can and display it to you in an orderly fashion. The rest of them require you to input all of the information it prompts for. Keep an eye out for further updates with even more solvers.
Ian Urbas (jakas@comcast.net)
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size
4,758 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Apr 27 05:46:56 2004
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