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Snake Forever 3.3


Ranked as 11084 on our all-time top downloads list with 4444 downloads.
Ranked as 17553 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename snakoxo3.zip (Download)
Title Snake Forever 3.3
Description The very latest update of my absolutely best game series. Snake Forever is a simple game where you shall move around as in nokia's Snake and eat food. But you don't grow longer for the food you eat, but all the time you move, making the game a pretty difficult and very strategic clone of Snake. But it's more advanced than that. In this latest version there are four modes of play, including a multiplayer and a story mode. There's four kinds of food: ordinary meatballs, super apples and brick breakers which allows you to go through some walls. In one of the modes there's also a speaker kind of food. The game also includes an exciting story (really!), tons of highscores, statistics and status. Everything put togheter in easy navigating menus, on nine different thrilling levels and with a really easy to learn but very challenging gaming engine! Read the readme for more information. Please donwload and enjoy!!
Authors Daniel Andersson (unilitycorporation@hotmail.com)
Gustav Bodare ()
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Snake)
File Size 26,014 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Mar 27 07:13:00 2004
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SCREEN1.gif   73782
SCREEN8.gif   73782
SCREEN2.gif   73782
SCREEN3.gif   73782
SCREEN4.gif   73782
SCREEN5.gif   73782
SCREEN6.gif   73782
SCREEN7.gif   73782
Readme SNF3.txt   8506
SNAKOXO3.8xp   18836

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