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Animal Crossing Version 2


Ranked as 2790 on our all-time top downloads list with 9360 downloads.
Ranked as 4273 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename anmlcrsg20.zip (Download)
Title Animal Crossing Version 2
Description This is a remake of the Animal Crossing for Gamecube. It features items and most of the stuff in the Gamecube game. Its a work in progress.
Author Nathan Schmidt (l33tmasta_@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 20,756 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 17 05:56:20 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Joey McNamara
Reviewed on 2010-07-25
"Extensive, yet slow" would be the three words that come to mind when playing this. Yes, this game features many of the items, people, buildings and the such that the Gamecube version has, however a consistently reappearing Memory error keeps you restarting after a few minutes. Although speed isn't usually too much of an issue for BASIC games, as people are understanding of the conditions we programmers are faced with, this game seems to either intentionally slow itself down, or isn't well-programmed enough to run at a speed it could run at. Shops and houses require a separate program to be run after the main stops itself, and A to Z plus 1,2,3 only goes so far.

With good programming skills, this could be moderately to heavily be optimized for speed, and much better memory efficiency, along with xLib could give the graphics the last touch this game needs to excel. As a review, the three words that come to mind are "Shows much potential."


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MENU.8XP   929
BANK.8XP   2506
HOUSE.8XP   2828
ITEMCHK2.8XP   583
ITEMGET2.8XP   449
LAVAR.8XL   454
LITEMS.8XL   319
PAUSE.8XP   104
SHOP.8XP   5841
STR1.8XS   89
STR2.8XS   76
STR3.8XS   80
STR4.8XS   89
TOWNWALK.8XP   20281
Animal Crossing Readme.txt   1656

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