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Draw XE v1.0


Ranked as 29275 on our all-time top downloads list with 1938 downloads.
Ranked as 17553 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename drawxe.zip (Download)
Title Draw XE v1.0
Description Draw XE is a very advanced drawing program. All drawing is done on the fly and is very easy to get the hang of. Each tool has many options such as black outline, white outline, fill inverted, fill black, and fill white. Tools include pen, line, box, circle, fill, invert, black, and text. Many options have never been seen before. See the readme for all options and features.
Author Brad Wentz (topdoggb@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (Drawing)
File Size 3,350 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jan 14 19:26:55 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Floyd Maseda
Reviewed on 2005-11-28
To sum it all up.. "Holy freakinÂ’ crap!!" This program is one of the finest works in BASIC that I have seen in quite some time. With amazing functionality, this program will surely help to create many a title screen for me. With many drawing functions, this program is at the top of my list, and it will stay on my calculator for sometime to come.

One problem I have with this program is that when drawing any type circle, it is confusing at first. To make the circle larger, you must press the up button. To me, it is natural to press either right or left. This could be fixed with a simple "or" instruction placed when sizing the circle [which I have done on my calc..]. I wouldn't say this is so much a bug, but had I not went into the source to see what was up, I would have surely reported this as a bug. I recommend, though it isn't necessary, to make circles be able to be created by pushing right and left or up and down. It is just more natural to me.

Also, the fill function, though it's a great idea, is a tad flawed.. it seems to never fill in all the way and takes a drastically long time to do it. Suggestion: Take it out.

Graphics: 10/10
Speed: 7/10
Usefullness: 9/10
Overall: 26/30 (87%.. Good Job)

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
DRAWXE.8XP   6245
Readme.txt   1030

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