Anger Game
Ranked as 3578 on our all-time top downloads list with 8246 downloads. Ranked as 11138 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Alex Ruddick
Reviewed on
The title of this program is a little misleading: it did not make me angry, and actually, I laughed. All you do is move the X to the theta, but the movement of the X is random. Once you figure that out, all you have to do is hold down an arrow key and it will eventually reach the theta. The "ad" program that advertises Yzhuang Productions was more interesting. But it's not really worth the download just for that.
Gameplay: 1/10 (It does nothing, but it gets a point for having no errors) Graphics: 3/10 (An X and a theta, wow) Speed: 10/10 (At least it runs fast) Replay value: 0/10 (Upon playing once, I can bet that you will instantly delete it) Size: 3/10 (Not large, but it could be much smaller if the author knew how to optimize. At least get rid of ending quotes and parenthesis.) Overall: 3/10 |
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